Chapter 501
As the most important armed force of the world government on the surface, the Navy has always upheld the concept of 'justice' to maintain world peace and order, and this is also the origin of the word 'justice' behind the uniforms of naval officers.

But justice is different in everyone's mind, and the scale of measuring justice is also different. Therefore, disputes arising from the concept of 'justice' also arise, but overall top-down differences are also certain. To a certain extent, it has affected the thinking and behavior of various branches and even the fleet.

"Anchor down and sail down! Stop the ship for inspection!"

The naval warships stationed in Impel Down City took advantage of the patrol opportunity to sneak out of the patrol route in the windless zone without authorization again, and conduct "inspection" of stopping ships on the great route.

"Did you find any traces of pirates along the way?"

After a naval lieutenant commander boarded the ship, he first commanded his sailors to rush into the wheelhouse of the merchant ship and rummage around, while he asked the ship owner serious questions.

"There is no such thing as...with a righteous navy patrolling and escorting all the way, how could a mere pirate dare to act recklessly on the Grand Route?"

The captain was smiling, nodding and bowing.

"...I think you're onto something?"

The navy lieutenant commander's face remained as cold as ice.

"I'm not! I'm not!"

When the captain heard this, his face turned pale with fright, and he waved his hands and explained: "I really admire the men of the navy, and..."

"No one will ever tell of their crime!"

The navy lieutenant commander interrupted the ship owner's defense and said coldly: "But how can we know that you are really innocent without investigation?"

"I can prove myself!"

The captain understood immediately.

Say it earlier!
Isn’t it just an investigation?What a big deal!

"Thank you, all the navy masters for coming out to investigate in broad daylight..."

The captain nodded and bowed while taking out a small bag from his arms without leaving any trace and stuffed it into the hands of the lieutenant commander.

The Marine Lieutenant Commander's originally cold expression immediately softened a little.

Then he put the small bag into his sleeve and weighed it silently. Then the ice melted immediately, and his face was filled with spring.
As a general who rose from the navy, he could tell whether the person being investigated was at fault just by weighing it.

For example at this time——

"Close the team!"

The lieutenant commander shouted very simply to the sailors who were undergoing strict 'inspection', then patted the captain on the shoulder and jumped back to the battleship.

"Today's harvest is not bad..."

Back on the battleship, a group of low-level lieutenants immediately gathered around with smiles on their faces.

"The old rule is, split it into [-]-[-], and send the colonel's part together in the evening."

The naval lieutenant commander made an explanation and then returned to the cabin.

According to the rules, the next ship will be the turn of the captains of other ships to lead the team for 'boarding inspection'.


After kicking open the door of the wheelhouse, the lieutenant commander walked into the cabin expressionlessly and lay on the bed with his eyes closed to relax.

"Find a pirate!"

Just when he closed his eyes, a rapid siren suddenly sounded in his ears!

"It's the Kirigakure Pirates!"

Suddenly, the naval fleet was in chaos!

"Should we sink them?"

The First Legion's vanguard fleet, which was crossing the Grand Line and about to arrive at the outskirts of Impel City, also discovered the temporarily anchored naval fleet, as well as the merchant ship that hurriedly set sail and fled.

"I actually encountered five battleships in this damn place..."

Uchi Bolumbu, who was responsible for commanding the three cruisers of the Forerunner Fleet, was also a little surprised.

He thought he would have to go deep into the windless zone to advance the city's defense zone to meet these opponents.

"Just leave one ship to report back, and sink the others!"

Uchi Bolunbu said: "By the way, only solid bullets can be used, and the firing speed must be controlled to prevent them from discovering our true firepower!"


The captain immediately saluted and then began to issue orders into the microphone.

"It's actually dare to rush over!"

Looking at the World Government naval fleet that was rapidly rowing towards its own side, Uchi Bolunbu felt a little ridiculous.

"Bang bang bang!"

The naval fleet fired first!However, the cannonball fell into the sea just between the two sides.

"What a backward thing!"

Seeing this situation, Uchipolunbu couldn't help but shake his head.

"Boiler boost! Full left rudder!"

Following the captain's order, the three cruisers drew a beautiful arc on the sea, transforming the marching formation into a straight battle line!

"Solid bullet filling!"


The ninjas hurriedly replaced them with old-style solid bullets that had been specially brought out.

"Commander Lumbu..."

After receiving the reply from his subordinates, the captain turned his attention to Uchi Bolumbu, who was observing the World Government Navy.

"The flagship fired a calibration shot!"

Uchi Bolunbu was also a little itchy, so he took over the command.


As the main gun of the flagship under your seat roared, a solid round was fired towards the naval battleship!
"Near miss!"

The considerate captain reported the target immediately.

"very good!"

Uchi Bolunbu nodded with satisfaction: "All artillery positions obey the order - fire in one salvo!"

"Boom boom boom!!!"

Following Uchi Bolunbu's order, the three cruisers opened fire at the oncoming World Government Navy warship!

"Watch out for avoidance!"

"Give me more strength, paddle hand!"

On the busy naval battleship, the generals were nervously urging the sailors to speed up.

But the speed of the sail warship is just that. Even if the oarsmen on the lower level use all their strength, they can't go any faster. What's more, it is difficult to borrow force from the sails on the edge of the windless zone, and the natural speed cannot evade the well-aimed one. Cannonballs!
"Boom boom boom!!!"

The cruiser's shells hit the naval battleship, causing deep craters and cracks in the hull.

"Eh!" This is when the generals discovered that it seemed that the firepower of this 'Kiroshigakure Pirates' was not as fierce as the battle report described!

A lieutenant boldly walked up to the red shell on the deck and poked it with his finger.

Then, regardless of the heat of the cannonball, he picked it up and looked at it for a while.

"It's an ordinary solid bullet!"

The lieutenant was so excited that he shouted at the top of his lungs!

Suddenly, the morale of the naval fleet suddenly rose!

As long as it's not a special cannon that can sink a battleship with just a few shells in the battle report, then there's nothing to be afraid of!
Moreover, according to the existing intelligence analysis, as long as you rush up and join the gang to fight, you have a good chance of killing this group of pirates!
If three battleships could be captured at once...

The captain of the fleet observed the cruisers advancing in the battle line through the telescope, his eyes full of longing.

This is a feat that represents power and benefit!

"Do you want to call for backup?"

An ignorant captain came over and asked.

"Are you still afraid of mere pirates?"

The naval captain immediately yelled: "You are a just navy! A heroic navy! How can you operate a ship if you are so weak!"

"You need to know your shame!"

Then, the navy captain kicked the captain away and personally ordered: "Go forward at full speed! Charge me!"


"How brave!"

On the flagship of the first legion's vanguard fleet, Uchipolumbu couldn't help but admire: "It would be great if all navies were so brave!"

"It is indeed an opponent that can be met but cannot be sought!"

The captain also observed the navy's movements through the sight glass.

"Second reloading completed!"

The fireman's report came again from the phone.

"Shoot again!"

Uchibolunbu ordered: "Next, replace the chain bombs!"

"Boom boom boom!"

The cruiser's main gun roared again, and this time the aiming was obviously improved a lot, and most of them hit the charging naval warships.

"...Well, maybe it's because we haven't used this direct-aiming method for a long time, so there's something wrong with the accuracy."

The captain explained awkwardly.

"It's not a big problem. This makes it easier to disguise!"

Uchi Bolunbu didn't care much. After all, he banned the use of overly advanced ship-based equipment in order to lure the enemy.

Moreover, the solid bullet and direct sight design can have such a hit rate, which is not bad.

"Chain bullet launch!!"

Uchi Bolunbu ordered again: "Speed ​​up the boiler unit and continue to keep the distance!"

As the sirens sounded in unison, the three cruisers forming the battle line quickly sailed forward under the watch of the World Government Navy, staggering away from the naval battleships rushing towards them.


The astonishing speed also made the naval captain break into a cold sweat!
Although for some unknown reason, the 'Kigakure Pirate Ship' in front of him did not use the powerful cannonballs in the battle report, but the speed that had just exploded was not something that his warships could catch up with.

Moreover, although the naval warships stationed in the Propulsion City are generally equipped with paddle turbine units that can sail without wind and oars, they are basically used as auxiliary power and cannot achieve such a large thrust!

As the cruiser continued to bombard, the navy captain gradually became less utilitarian and began to command his five warships to try to outflank the cruiser.

However, although solid bullets cannot sink the navy's warships, chain rounds can break the masts, making the navy's warships basically lose their ability to pursue. If many generals hadn't used their personal strength to forcibly block the incoming shells. , it is estimated that the battleship will be hit hard and sunk!
And for the Navy, there is nothing more frustrating than this situation!
"We are the navy!"

The navy captain's stomach was full of resentment, veins popped out in his hands, and he crushed the telescope to pieces!
He has experienced this kind of anger!

Except for the "Kirigakure Pirates" who appeared out of nowhere, how many of the garbage pirates in the park dare to show their teeth in front of the navy!Not to mention such a complete crushing game!
This is a battleship built with a lot of money by the World Government!

How come you're in a position where you can't help but take a beating?Where else in the entire world has such advanced shipbuilding technology?
There is no reason why someone would build such a warship and the Navy would know nothing about it!

As the cruiser's solid shells continued to shell, except for one battleship which was still intact, the other four battleships were severely scarred. Even the rowing oars protruding from the sides were interrupted. They basically lost power and fell into The beating stage.

The Navy has completely entered an extremely embarrassing situation this time!
If you want to break away from the engagement, when the opponent's speed is so much faster than your own, there is no chance of a 'tactical transition' by just relying on a relatively intact warship to carry everyone!
So, there is only one way -

"Give me the phone bug!"

The naval captain shouted angrily: "I will stay here and wait for the garrison fleet to come over and deal with them together!"

When the admirals heard this, they breathed a sigh of relief.

——What they fear most is that the boss continues to be stubborn and unwilling to ask for help.

"Missy Missy!"

After getting in touch with the Impel Down City Naval Command Post through a phone bug, the Navy Captain's tone suddenly changed: "When our headquarters was chasing pirates on the Grand Line, we were accidentally ambushed by the Kirigakure Pirates. We are currently working hard." In the midst of a fierce battle, we are now requesting tactical guidance from the command post..."

The so-called hard struggle means that it is about to be sunk; and the tactical guidance means that if you can't hold it anymore, you need to support quickly.

The other end of the phone was silent for a long time before a hoarse voice came out: "Are you sure it's the Kirigakure Pirates?"

"Very sure!"

The navy captain wiped his sweat and said tremblingly: "There are three black iron-hulled ships, and their speed is very close to the description shown in the intelligence!"

"If it was the iron-hulled ship of the Kirigakure Pirates, how could you withstand it?"

Questions came again from the other end of the phone.

The naval captain looked at the phone bug in his hand - a piece of junk that had no function of transmitting images, and he could only describe it in words: "They use solid cannonballs, so..."

"Is it!"

The excited voice immediately came from the phone bug!

If the enemy encountered is as powerful as the intelligence reports, the people on the phone bug side will not waste their efforts - anyway, there is a high probability that the warships that run over and are attacked will be sunk and fed to the fish.

But if the strength of the 'Kirigakure Pirates' is not that strong, it also means that there is a lot to do!

Moreover, according to the report from the Navy Headquarters, it is very rare that the three generals jointly issued a demon-slaying order to clean up the East China Sea!And the primary target is the 'Kirigakure Pirates'!If I can pick up a wave of military exploits on the Grand Route, I might not only be promoted, but I also have a great chance of getting rid of the drudgery of garrisoning the Impel City and returning to my headquarters to enjoy peace and happiness!
"Hold on! All members of our headquarters will attack immediately!"

On the other end of the phone came the words that the naval colonel wanted to hear most at this time!


After hanging up the phone's communication, the naval colonel first took a breath, and then nodded to the generals around him.

The admirals also breathed a sigh of relief!

This kind of frustration of not being able to fight back after being knocked out of motivation is so uncomfortable!

However, fortunately, the iron-hulled ship of the "Kirigakure Pirates" may not have that kind of high-explosive bombs, otherwise everyone would have to go to the sea to feed the fish!
"Don't go crazy here! Get out of here and intercept the shells!"

The navy captain's expression changed drastically again. He thought the changes in the expressions of his subordinates were a mockery of him, so he cursed and kicked them all at the same time!
(End of this chapter)

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