Uchiha's opinion

Chapter 502 The ocean begins to burn

Chapter 502 The ocean begins to burn
"They didn't run away?!"

On the flagship of the First Legion, the captain said to Uchi Bolumbu with some surprise: "Should we just sink them all?"

"...Maybe they have special communication methods, so they are waiting for support to outflank us."

Uchiha Lunbu remembered the 'telephone bug' mentioned by Uchiha Tokimitsu at the imperial meeting, and according to the feedback from the intelligence personnel of the advance army, there is indeed a strange snail in this world that can make long-distance calls and even transmit images.

However, due to time constraints, the intelligence personnel had not yet had time to access the black market in this world to obtain this wonderful snail, which also disappointed the Aburonna ninjas behind them.

"Then let's go next..."

the captain asked cautiously.

Although the speed and firepower of the cruiser are enough to fight against several times the number of World Government naval warships, the cruiser will not be able to escape if they are surrounded from all directions and forced to rush in under gunfire.

After all, there are only about [-] ninjas on the three cruisers, and they each have their own duties. Once they leave their posts to engage in battle, it will definitely affect the cruiser's navigation. If they are forced to engage in deck engagement, it will most likely lead to the annihilation of the entire army. of.

"Attention, all artillery positions, switch to incendiary bombs next!"

Uchipolumbu thought for a moment, and then ordered: "After three volleys, the headquarters will speed up and leave!"

"But the old-style incendiary bombs can't sink the opponent's warships!"

The captain quickly said: "If we don't use new explosive bombs..."

"There is no need to continue to struggle with them here. Let's just leave and let them go around in circles to find us."

Uchi Bolunbu shook his head and said: "If they do have reinforcements, there is a high probability that they will conduct a search. Then it will be Hanzo's performance time!"


The captain nodded, and Uchipolumbu returned to the telegraph room to send a message to the main fleet that was silently lurking behind.


"Lord Hanzo, Commander Lunbu has sent a telegram!"

A ninja wearing an old-style rain ninja breathing mask happily ran into the command room of the First Legion fleet to report.

"How unbecoming is it to behave like this!"

Sanshouyu Hanzo first reprimanded his old subordinate, then took the telegram and read it.

"The vanguard fleet is already fighting the puppet government navy at the edge of the windless zone."

Suddenly, the atmosphere in the command room became lively.

"Is it the navy stationed at Impel City?"

One of the jounin asked excitedly.

"According to Mr. Lunbu's inference, the high probability is..."

Sanshouyu Hanzo nodded, "Moreover, he has begun to withdraw from the war zone and slowly move towards the headquarters."

"So, we're just not sure whether the enemy's main force will show up, right..."

Orochimaru bluntly pointed out: "If this is the case, taking risks may arouse the other party's vigilance!"

"During the battle, Lunbujun used solid bullets, chain bombs and old-style incendiary bombs to blast five of the opponent's warships into torches..."

Sansho Hanzo didn't pay attention to Orochimaru's tone, but said leisurely: "And the above-mentioned cannonballs are just stocks that were eliminated during the shogunate era."

Orochimaru didn't know much about shipboard weapons, so the jounin on the side whispered in his ear to explain.

The weapons currently equipped by the dynasty navy are all new chakra-powered cannons developed by the Royal Academy of Engineering led by the Uzumaki clan. Not only are they extremely powerful, but they can also be used for precise aiming and ballistic correction through special observation instruments. The hit rate is much higher than traditional eyepiece aiming shooting.

In order to achieve the goal of luring the enemy, Uchiha Rumbu specially cast a batch of old-style artillery shells this time. The purpose was to 'show weakness', but he did not expect that the warships of the puppet government navy would be so unrestrained to attack.

"In that case..."

Orochimaru couldn't help but raise his eyebrows.

"Amend the enemy luring part of the first phase of the battle plan. The fleet immediately removes the cover of the Kirigakure Jutsu and heads towards the return direction of the forward fleet in a pre-battle state!"

Sanshouyu Hanzo stood up and ordered.

"As ordered!"

The jounin immediately stood up and shouted and saluted.

"Yakura-kun...I'll take care of you next!"

Sanshouyu Hanzo said to Gotachibana Yagura.

"no problem!"

Goju Yagura nodded calmly in response.

"Dean Orochimaru, I have heard about your secret technique for a long time..."

Sansho Hanzo turned his attention to Orochimaru.

"It will not let you down."

Orochimaru bowed gracefully in return.

"Inform Mr. Lunbu that the first phase of the combat operation has officially begun. Please be careful to leave traceable traces on the way back. Don't let those useless puppet government navy lose track!"

Sanshouyu Hanzo ordered: "This battle is codenamed——"


"Operation Overlord!"

Standing at the stern of the vanguard fleet and looking at the sea level, Uchi Polumbu was still a little worried before receiving the telegram from Sansho Hanzo, fearing that the puppet government navy would fail to lure the enemy because the warships were too lagging and could not find his whereabouts.But now that the legion command has decided to take the initiative after judging the combat effectiveness of both sides, there is nothing to worry about.

"Notice down, full left rudder, sail at full speed!"

But if that were the case, Uchiha Rumbu would not be willing to just be responsible for luring the enemy.

He also wants to take the opportunity to refresh some records!
"Release the boiler pressure limit and give me full speed!"

"Throw all those garbage solid bullets into the sea and replace them with explosive bombs!"

"Calibrate the observation instruments and prepare for long-range bombardment debugging at sea level!"

As Uchi Bolunbu's order was issued, the vanguard fleet immediately cheered.

"Commander Lumbu, did the headquarters give a direct order?"

Although the captain already knew the contents of the message through the telegraph room, he still came over and got close.

"The great sea battle is about to begin!"

Uchi Bolunbu, who was in a happy mood, did not expose the captain's thoughts, but handed the telegram to the captain: "Next, as long as we are a little more cautious, everyone's merits will be indispensable after the war!"

"This is our Age of Discovery!"

The captain is also high-spirited and full of ambition.


Just when the First Legion of the Expeditionary Force of the Grand Line was about to launch a large-scale battle with the defenders of Impel Down City, the East China Sea had already turned into a pot of porridge!
Not only because of the expeditionary advance force led by Uchiha Shiina and under the banner of the "Kirigakure Pirates", but also the Kirigakure Pirates with serious roots and roots, Juuzang Loquat and Fukasaku Sennin With the joint efforts of the two, they started to cause trouble in the East China Sea!
Although there is no natural energy in the pirate world, the remaining veins of Mt. Myoboku cannot hatch a new generation of intelligent ninja frogs, but there is no problem in hatching the frog eggs carried into small frogs used for intelligence reconnaissance, and Fukasaku The immortals and ninja frogs can also be adjusted according to the characteristics of frogs that are common in the pirate world!
In the pirate world, neither the Kingdom's garrison nor the navy branch has ever seen the abilities of the famous intelligence frogs in the ninja world. Naturally, they are not at all wary of the various frogs that can be seen everywhere and are harmless to humans and animals. And the kingdoms , the intelligence of each branch of the Navy was easily stolen by the Ninjas!
Even when Loquat Juuzang learned that the Navy Headquarters had launched the demon-slaying order, it was only one hour later than the generals at the Navy Branch!

"Devil Slaughter Order..."

After learning this information, Loquat Juzo almost bit a shark's teeth into pieces!
Led by the Vice Admiral of the Navy Headquarters in person, nearly a hundred warships, transport ships, supply ships and other warships of various types participated in the battle. The number of naval personnel participating in the battle was said to be as many as 3!For the Navy, a sortie of this scale used in the first half of the Grand Line is simply a chakra cannon to swat mosquitoes!
Loquat Juuzang felt extremely heavy in his heart, because the target of the Demon-Slaying Order was him!
"It has caused countless killings, robbed countless innocent merchant ships, massacred countless civilians, and the most audacious thing is to rob the heavenly gold dedicated to the world's nobles!"

Loquat Juzo read out the various charges against the Kirigakure Pirates in the intelligence.

Since the Kirigakure Pirates' whereabouts were relatively secretive in the past, and no one was left alive in the robberies they committed, this did not prevent the navy or even the affiliated kingdoms from accusing them of crimes!

The perpetrators of almost all headless crimes were found overnight - it was the legendary brutal, bloody, and sexually voracious Kirigakure Pirates!
In fact, because the navy and the kingdoms had so many framed crimes, the Intelligence Frog was unable to transmit all the crimes back to the fleet - the amount of information was too much!
"Only fighting is the only way to gain respect!"

Fukasaku Sennin, who was planning to make the matter bigger, fanned the flames: "As long as we can defeat the naval encirclement and suppression, then let alone the so-called Shichibukai, they will have to recognize their status as the King of the Sea!"

"Struggle for peace!"

Therefore, Loquat Juuzang, who still had a bit of luck in his heart, no longer hesitated and immediately assembled a fleet to launch unlimited attacks on various islands in the East China Sea and among the participating kingdoms!
Almost overnight, Kirigakure's battleships completely cut off the route to the East China Sea!Nearly a hundred merchant ships of all kinds were sunk by the red-eyed Kirigakure ninjas. The ports of many kingdoms were easily captured and plundered. Even the navy patrol ships that rushed in suffered considerable losses!
The armored ships and motor sailing ships equipped by the Kirigakure fleet are already faster than naval battleships. Now they are attacking everywhere with full power. It is simply a nightmare for the kingdoms and even the navy!
Although the navy also has some special ships whose speed can catch up with the relatively slower motor sailing boats driven by certain special forces, but so what?

Now that they have completely formed an alliance with the remnants of Mt. Myoboku, the underwater stealth combat capabilities of the Kirigakure ninjas have been greatly enhanced. Even the navy or the murloc troops of various kingdoms can ignore them, even if they are overtaken by the most. He just abandoned the ship and jumped into the water to escape - for Loquat Juuzang, as long as he kept the most precious Kirigakure ninjas and armored ships, these motor sailing ships that had fully mastered the counterfeiting technology were just consumables of little value as long as they were not cracked.

Similarly, the World Government Navy is also very interested in the power source of the Kirigakure Pirates' ships - after all, although there are paddle wheel propulsion units in the pirate world, they have never been able to outrun the Kirigakure Pirates, which are generally far superior to naval battleships. speed.

But after seizing a motorboat, the generals who boarded the ship excitedly to see something new were sent into the sky amidst a violent explosion - the Kirigakure ninja detonated the detonating talisman installed in the water-proof compartment, giving the navy The generals put on a wonderful fireworks show!

Although due to physical strength problems, only about half of the naval officers who tried to board the ship for a visit were lost, but most of the losses were lieutenants who were grassroots forces, and this also caused a lot of problems in the terminal command of a certain branch of the navy. !

Even the power boiler unit that the navy worked hard to salvage afterwards was inspected and found to be missing the most important power response component - and this was due to the unique sealing scroll technology of the ninja world. At that time, the Kirigakure ninja immediately used the sealing technique to take away the core power propulsion components, and then escaped directly from the paddle wheel turbine into the sea.

After losing several sailing ships, Loquat Shizang, trapped by fear and resentment, began to create chaos and killing even more crazily!
Just when Uchiha Shiina and his troops arrived to join the battle, there were already no less than ten indigenous pirates under the banner of the "Kirigakure Pirates" in the entire East China Sea, burning, killing and looting.In addition, Uchiha Shiina paid special attention to the cover along the route, so all the forces in the East China Sea, which had become a mess, did not notice that a 'Rapid Dragon Crossing the River' had quietly lurked beside him. .

"It's so lively!"

After randomly intercepting a merchant ship and interrogating the required information, Uchiha Shiina couldn't help but sigh: "Sure enough! It's better to be a fellow countryman!"

What Loquat Juzo did was simply the best assist in the world for the advance army!
Without going to all the trouble to carry out a disguised attack, the puppet government navy assembled a fleet and headed towards the East China Sea to kill mightily!And he also claims to completely wipe out all the hostile forces in the East China Sea!

"Your Majesty, bless me!"

Uzumaki Ichiraku also sighed repeatedly!
Sure enough, as the saying goes, God’s calculation is not as good as that of man!

At the beginning, he even put a lot of effort into planning a route map for the attack!

But now it seems that all this is unnecessary!
The entire East China Sea is the 'Kirigakure Pirates', and no one will notice if there is one more!

Moreover, since the Kirigakure fleet equipped with old-style shogunate ironclads can turn the East China Sea into a pot of porridge, there is no reason why the advance army equipped with new-style warships will have inferior results!

Uchiha Shiina was smug and high-spirited: "The cruise fleet will go out in group formations to perform privateering missions! Once the main force of the puppet government's navy is discovered, immediately notify the main fleet of the headquarters!"

"I want the entire East China Sea to burn!"


"The flames on the sea are the most beautiful fireworks in the world!"

The Kirigakure Pirates, who were looting and killing everywhere, fell into the ultimate excitement brought about by blood!


"The East China Sea is burning under the ravages of pirates! Our anger must burn the angry Kirigakure Pirates!"

On top of the naval battleship, Vice Admiral Garp’s voice echoed above the fleet!

The admirals and even the sailors, who were also full of fighting spirit, made enthusiastic calls!
 Update today (1/2)

  Controversial response to the content of the previous chapter:
  Starting from Chapter 1, this book actually follows a magic reform route, and the purpose of the content is not only political battles but also old-fashioned bloodshed.

  Therefore, I don’t care much about the so-called details or even character characteristics. The fundamental purpose is to serve the plot of the battle between the two worlds.

  In addition, if you are an old book friend, it is not difficult to see that the victory of this book is not only the protagonist's personal power, but also the victory of the system's crushing advantages, and the world of One Piece is no exception.

  In addition, I have actually seen most of everyone’s posts, including the arguments. I personally am not willing to delete posts, but if your comments are too active and someone is being criticized, please don’t blame me.

(End of this chapter)

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