Uchiha's opinion

Chapter 503: Many rivets and steaming strength, the turret is supreme!

In fact, if it comes to discussing futile things like war history or inheritance, the dynasty navy is actually very immature in this regard.

After all, the shogunate fleet, the predecessor of the dynasty navy, was created by Uchiha Tokumitsu after he established the shogunate in the Kingdom of Uzumaki. The original intention was to provide escort services for the United Company's 'private trade', but with the Kirigakure Incident With the return of the three clans, coupled with the needs of several subsequent Kirigakure expeditions and Mt. Myoboku expeditions, the shogunate's fleet gradually grew stronger.

Therefore, when it comes to the inheritance and accumulation of navigation - such as sailing, controlling rowers, etc., compared with the pseudo-government navy in the pirate world, the dynasty navy undoubtedly has many shortcomings, especially in this completely unfamiliar sea area. .

The greatest disadvantage and greatest advantage of the dynasty's navy lies in the new - the new with no historical baggage at all!
In addition to regularly dispatching Uchiha or attaching ninjas to the ninja garrison, Uchiha Tokumitsu did not interfere much in the navy's front-line operations, and his support for the navy was also great. Not only did he personally guide the design and construction of the entire The new battleships and Wolf submarines with main guns are extremely generous even in terms of military expenditures. Funding applications from the Navy and the Academy of Engineering basically increase the price and amount.

Now, this brand new 'Chakra Industries' fleet is about to go head-to-head with the puppet government navy which has a long maritime tradition!

"The third patrol unit in the sea area on the left front reported that a puppet government naval vessel was discovered!"

On the flagship of the First Legion's fleet, Sanshouyu Hanzo finally waited for the telegram he wanted to hear most!

"The teams in nearby waters immediately formed their formations and conducted a large-scale search to determine the location of the enemy's main ship cluster!"

"Inform the entire army and prepare for battle!"

As Sansho Hanzo's orders were transmitted throughout the fleet through loudspeakers and long-wave radios, the ninjas of the Dynasty Navy also became excited!
"The future prosperity of the ninja world depends on our hard work today!"

"The Uchiha Dynasty—Eternal Eternal Prosperity!"


With the roar of the whistle, the battleship with full power moved forward at full speed, sailing along the edge of the windless zone towards the sea area where the enemy ship was found.

The Wolf submarine lurking under the sea also surfaced and entered a semi-submersible state, also heading towards the war zone at full speed!

Goju Yagura jumped into the sea, transformed into a three-tailed giant turtle in the form of a tailed beast, and escorted him on the side of the windless zone.

Thanks to the speed far exceeding that of the puppet government navy, the cruise detachment that was exploring the outer edge began to gather and conduct reconnaissance in the large sea area, quickly identifying the location of the main force of the navy. At the same time, it also began exploratory attacks with the navy's precursor ships. !
However, because they were worried that the fierce firepower would scare away these sailing warships, the cruiser squadron did not focus on a certain naval warship. Instead, they carried out artillery fire attacks one after another, and at the same time communicated through the radio to target the naval ship cluster. Carrying out a siege with a net - this time Sanshouyu Hanzo wants to be completely annihilated in a naval battle!
Moreover, the results of the test also doubled the confidence of the Dynasty Navy - the range of the puppet government navy's naval guns is only half that of the Dynasty Navy, and its front-mounted main gun cannot rotate in direction, which makes it even more weak. Show your firepower!

"Something doesn't seem right!"

The three rear admirals who commanded the naval fleet of Impel Down City to go out to sea to 'encircle and suppress pirates' also felt that something was wrong at this time!
There are only three armored ships of the Kirigakure Pirates that were promised!
Now there are no less than ten armored ships appearing on the sea from all directions!And seeing that there are more and more ships of the "Kirigakure Pirates"!

More importantly, our own ship-based weapons are obviously weaker than the opponent's in terms of range and firepower!
But he couldn't just back down. After all, the three rear admirals who were leading the battle had already had a fierce quarrel with Magellan, the director of Impel Down City, and decided to 'walk alone' despite Magellan's repeated requests and threats. If he turned the ship around and ran away in such a dejected manner, he would not have the face to continue to work in the navy in the future!
However, if you just bite the bullet and hold on, that's not the answer!

There are a total of 24 naval warships participating in this battle, but as time goes by, there are already [-] armored ships of the "Kirigakure Pirates" appearing in the surroundings!
According to the private calculations of combat effectiveness by naval officers, one ironclad ship is at least more than two naval warships - and this comparison was only made when everyone deliberately let go in order to save their own face!

But the problem is that according to intelligence, the Kirigakure Pirates that have appeared in the Grand Line so far only have five armored ships!Moreover, the appearance of the ship is completely different from the giant ship that appeared in front of you!
So this also means two other possibilities - either the Kirigakure Pirates deliberately concealed their strength before, or the Kirigakure Pirates are simply the pawns of other forces!

But looking around the world, which force under the World Government can build such a powerful fleet silently?
However, the dilemma mentality of the rear admirals did not last long before they began to fall into the abyss of despair.

"...This, this is?"

Looking at the true appearance of the giant ship that looked like a hill gradually emerging on the sea level, the naval officers fell into despair!
"There is such a tall battleship in this world!"

If you leave aside the non-standard special battleships in the pirate world, the battleship that appears in front of you can already be regarded as the king of battleships in naval battles!
The towering towers, the huge gun barrels, the black-painted armor that reflects the metallic light, all indicate the violent aesthetics from the ninja world, and the knowledgeable admirals can't help but be stunned!
And, it's not over yet!
As five battleships with all main guns appeared on the sea level and went hand in hand, fourteen more cruisers appeared on the sea level in a line formation!
But this is not all the battleships of the First Legion. There are still twelve armored ships still making rounds in the rear waters, and neither the wolf submarine nor the tailed beast-shaped Goju Yagura have shown their faces yet!
"...Please, my two colleagues, please report to Impel Down City and the Navy Headquarters respectively."

The eldest of the three rear admirals also reacted at this time and said to the other two rear admirals: "This is definitely not as simple as pirates..."

"But their flag..."

The youngest rear admiral said something in a low voice before he felt something was wrong, so he remained silent.

Facing such a terrifying fleet, it would be too funny to judge based on the superficial flag!
If every pirate has such a powerful force, then the navy should be disbanded as soon as possible - after all, this huge fleet in front of us can actually be called a 'navy' from the perspective of equipment.

"According to the battle report of the treasure ship robbery incident, once surrounded by these mastless warships, there is no chance of escape..."

The elderly rear admiral said to himself: "So, hurry up and report our encounter clearly, so that both the Impel City and the headquarters can be prepared..."

"Then we will begin our desperate charge!"

The elderly rear admiral took a deep breath, walked back to the command room and began to issue orders. The other two rear admirals looked at each other, took out the phone with uneasiness, and began to report.


"Battleship formation—full left rudder!"

"Cruiser formation - full right rudder!"

Following the flagship's order, the fleet sailing frontally began to expand to the left and right wings of the puppet government navy, and formed battle lines respectively.

"Battleship formation - full rudder left!"

"Cruiser formation - full rudder right!"

As the ships turned and drew wavy lines on the sea, the two formations were like the two blades of scissors, attacking the puppet government naval fleet. However, at the same time, the staggered frontal formations also avoided the firing range of the navy's main guns. At the same time, the navy Even moving forward cannot bring the two sides closer.

Sanshouyu Hanzo wants to maximize the equipment advantages of the Dynasty Navy. It is best to bury all the enemies under the sea and feed them to the fish through ultra-long-range combat!

"Inform all patrol units to proceed to the windless zone to blockade the area!"

The high-spirited Sanshouyu Hanzo ordered: "With this fleet, there is no need to use so many battleships to deal with them!"

"All enemy ships have entered the shooting range!"

At this time, the staff ninja also reported in real time: "All gun positions have been aimed, please give instructions!"

"Battleship formation, one salvo!"

Sanshouyu Hanzo immediately ordered.

"Boom boom boom!!!"

With the roar of the main guns, the huge shells hit the puppet government naval warship that was rowing with all its strength!

"All generals and commanders, please stop me!"

The rear admiral in charge shouted quickly.

At this point he no longer expected to escape the battlefield.

After the battleship in front of him appeared, the other sixteen battleships that had been circling around began to sail towards his rear. It was clear that they were going to intercept the route back to Impel City!

In addition, the speed of ships is far inferior to that of humans, and the level of formation changes of battleships is very different. Therefore, the only chance for the navy is to follow the tactics mentioned in the battle report and get close to the opponent's artillery fire before treading water. Gang jump attack!

But the implementation of this tactic is also very difficult. "As a navy, the most precious thing for us is justice and courage!"

In order to boost morale, the elderly rear admiral began to shout: "Don't be afraid! The navy is not afraid of powerful enemies!"

"Don't run away from—"

"The moment of victory will finally come!"

The admirals shouted loudly as they intercepted the shells.

The originally anxious mood of the sailors seemed to have eased slightly, and the sailors and drummers worked harder.


"The courage is indeed commendable! It is indeed a regular army of a regime!"

Sanshouyu Hanzo on the flagship didn't care about his appreciation for the navy.

Although the first round of battleship main gun salvos only knocked out two naval battleships, still facing the oncoming navy without mercy at this time is completely a commendable act of courage!
"It's just a pity...In front of the giant steel cannon, if one's personal bravery fails to reach the pinnacle, it won't mean much!"

Sanshouyu Hanzo, who was already in the state of a winner, seemed to comment pitifully on the naval forces who were charging to death, and then began to order: "Cruiser formation, three salvos!"

As the radio wave conveyed the order to the cruiser formation on the right wing, the fourteen cruisers roared together!
And this time, the number of artillery shells is no longer something that the admirals can completely intercept with their own manpower!
But it's not over yet—

"Battleship—main battery salvo!"

The five battleships fired cannonballs together again!
"Boom boom boom!!!"

Suddenly, the naval fleet was completely covered by intensive firepower!
"Sink nine enemy ships!"

The Hyuga observer immediately reported: "Eleven more ships of varying severity were damaged!"

"very good!"

Sansho Fish Hanzo is even more satisfied!

This battle is the first time he has led such a large fleet to fight at sea!

And the results achieved were completely beyond his expectation!
"Speaking of which, His Majesty is still too cautious..."

Sanshouyu Hanzo was very ambitious, "If we go all out, we can actually completely cut off the sea routes of the entire pirate world and defeat them one by one! We really don't need to be so cautious!"

"Your Majesty may have other considerations. We will just act as ordered..."

Orochimaru reminded him tactfully.

"As long as I have enough battleships, I can conquer all the oceans! There is no doubt about it!"

Sanshouyu Hanzo didn't care about Orochimaru's euphemistic accusations, and pointed out in high spirits: "This is an era where turrets are supreme!"

Orochimaru just shook his head slightly and didn't say anything disappointing.

After all, the results of the dynasty's navy were laid bare in front of them.

"Boom boom boom!!!"

As the cruiser formation completed its third salvo, the naval warships that had been turned into torches once again disintegrated in the explosion. A total of 24 puppet government naval warships, 22 of which had been sunk, and the remaining two were also damaged. The mast was broken, and after losing power, it was floating like a fool on the sea that continued to burn. The survivors of the fallen navy were climbing up to the last 'fortress' in embarrassment - although for the dynasty navy, these two ships The naval battleship that has completely lost its power is just a target, but for the navy, it is the last foothold on the vast sea.

As for the Dynasty Navy, apart from consuming a lot of chakra shells, it didn't suffer any losses!
Therefore, not only Sansho Hanzo, but also all the naval ninjas who participated in the battle were extremely proud of this brilliant achievement!
"What to do with these remaining navies?"

A staff ninja asked: "Annihilate or persuade to surrender?"

"So many people are very troublesome, and we don't have enough manpower..."

Sanshouyu Hanzo pondered for a moment and said: "Shout on the loudspeaker three times to persuade them to surrender. If the white flag is not raised, send them to feed the fish!"

"As ordered!"

However, it seems that the words of the Dynasty Navy did not have any effect.

"... Within 5 minutes of the battle, our fleet was on the verge of being wiped out. Although the enemy persuaded us to surrender at this time, our headquarters intends to uphold the fearless spirit of the navy and launch a final charge against the powerful enemy to show the courage of the navy! "

The senior rear admiral said his final farewell to the senior navy officials who were still in deathly silence through the phone: "The other headquarters suggested that the navy's battleships have seriously fallen behind the enemy..."

"Making steel and building ships is the only way out!"

After finishing speaking, the elderly rear admiral took the initiative to hang up the phone call, took a deep breath, and turned his gaze to the embarrassed generals.

They all heard the major general's call and naturally understood what they were going to face next.

But the admirals didn't say much.

After all, after achieving such a shameful record, it would be considered a great blessing to be able to change the name of sacrifice after death.


"The enemy not only refused to surrender, but instead attacked us..."

From the perspective of the Dynasty Navy, after the shouting, not only did the surviving navy not raise the white flag as required, but people kept jumping into the sea, treading water, or swimming towards the battleship. .

"Didn't you say that these guys can't touch the water?"

Sanshouyu Hanzo raised his eyebrows.

"It seems that not everyone is afraid of water..."

Orochimaru shrugged and said: "And even if you can't directly contact the sea water, there are still many ways to avoid water..."

"In that case, let's let the secondary guns and launch tubes carry out strafing..."

Sanshouyu Hanzo nodded and no longer struggled: "Let them help!"

"Next, prepare to march to Impel Down City!"

After this battle, Sanshouyu Hanzo seems to be full of confidence! (End of chapter)

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