Uchiha's opinion

Chapter 504 Big is better, more is beautiful!

Chapter 504 Big is better, more is beautiful!
Sanshouyu Hanzo's receptive ability is still very strong.

For example, after the successful victory in the first phase of the Battle of Impel Down, he had completely transformed into the shape of a heavy artillery ship, and was filled with gunboat diplomacy ideas.

Of course, this victory in the naval battle also verified that Sanshouyu Hanzo's theory of "beyond visual range combat" is completely feasible.

"Send victory news to His Majesty!"

Hanzo, full of ambition, said to Orochimaru: "The puppet government navy has been completely wiped out by the powerful heavy artillery of the headquarters! The guards and jailers of the mere impel city are already dying people in the isolated city. All it takes is the arrival of the invincible dynasty navy. Those people will be wiped out in ashes, and everyone in the city will be in their pocket!"

Orochimaru just nodded, and then returned to the telegraph room in person to deliver the good news.

"By the way, is Lunbu-kun back?"

Sanshouyu Hanzo continued to ask.

"Just got back!"

Uchibolunbu teleported to Sanshouyu Hanzo's side.

"I plan to leave the second phase of the sniper mission to you. Are you confident?"

Sansho Hanzo asked.

"Are you going to snipe from the fast lane from Judiciary Island to Impel Down City?"

Uchi Bolunbu nodded: "No problem!"

"Then, I will hand over all twelve ironclad ships to you, and five cruisers will also be assigned to assist in maritime reconnaissance."

Sanshouyu Hanzo thought for a while: "Also, let's assign a submarine to you!"

"The mission must be completed!"

Uchi Bolunbu immediately saluted and said.


Ninja World, Fubo City Palace.

Uchiha Tokumitsu also received good news from the pirate world at this time.

"...According to the intelligence obtained from prisoner torture, all the puppet government naval warships stationed in Jinchen City have been wiped out after this battle. The second phase of the battle is about to be organized with fire bombing and encirclement and reinforcement operations!"

Uchiha Tokumitsu is still very satisfied with the results achieved in the first stage.

This also shows that the warships that have been continuously invested in research and development have indeed achieved the expected results.

"As long as you win, everything is worth it."

Uchiha Tokumitsu handed the good news in his hand to Uzumaki Ashina, and sighed: "The Uzumaki clan owes a lot to the fact that the Navy is what it is today!"

"All this is due to His Majesty's heroic guidance!"

Uzumaki Ashina said humbly: "We are just humble vessels that hold the fruits of Your Majesty's thoughtful thoughts, and everything we do is insignificant."

"Clan Chief Ashina is too humble~"

Uchiha Tokumitsu laughed loudly, "By the way, are the underground sealing formations ready?"

"Everything is ready, and all the six tailed beasts that have been transferred are in place!"

Ashina Uzumaki replied immediately.

“It’s so perfect~”

Uchiha Tokumitsu stood up and prepared to go to the underground secret room, "When everything is ready, it will no longer be a small naval battle!"

When the good news from the pirate world arrived, it was also the time when Uchiha Tokumitsu had completed full control of the outside demons.

After being refined and nourished by the Senjutsu Five Release Chakra, the remaining power in the body of the Ten-Tailed Golem has been completely replaced by Uchiha Tokumitsu's chakra, although this has also caused the Heretic Golem to a certain extent to The tailed beast's deterrent power has decreased, but for Uchiha Tokko, who is accustomed to mastering everything, this loss is well worth it.

After all, even if Black Zetsu finally chose to surrender and secretly assisted Asura within the framework of the Ministry of Internal Affairs to hunt down the remaining White Zetsu led by Fei, so far, the pursuit has not made any effective progress, so Uchiha De Guang's dissatisfaction and fear of it are becoming more and more obvious.

Of course, Uchiha Tokumitsu's initiative to reduce the extraction ratio of tailed beast chakra to one-third was also one of the reasons that led to the final compromise of the six captured and sealed tailed beasts.

What's more, the free two-tailed Mata Brigade also appeared to speak out, so that the sealed tailed beasts finally agreed to the plan of exchanging chakra for freedom.

"Do you still have any regrets now?"

After arriving in the secret room, Uchiha Tokumitsu asked the tailed beasts sealed in the vessel: "If something happens after the Phantom Dragon Nine Sealing Formation is activated, then don't blame me for being ruthless!"

"They have all compromised! After all, chakra is valuable, but freedom is more expensive!"

Erwei Mata, who was shaking his head and wagging his head at the side, quickly interjected.

Tail rape!

The six sealed tailed beasts all cursed secretly!

But this is also their true thoughts, so they can only vent in their hearts.

"Then get ready to begin!"

Uchiha Tokumitsu said to Uzumaki Ashina and the other five Uchiha ninjas, and then walked into the center of the Phantom Dragon Nine Sealing Formation and summoned the chakra-modified heretic demon!

"Ten tails..."

Uchiha Tokko licked his dry lips, calmed down his mood, and sat down cross-legged.

Although the 'Ten-Tails' resurrected and resurrected in this way is in an incomplete form, and the remaining consciousness of the heretic demon has been completely refined and destroyed by Uchiha Tokko, and some of the characteristics and functions of the Ten-Tails have been lost as a result, this is enough. .

Even, when necessary, Uchiha Tokumitsu can use the Ten-Tails as a 'clone' to 'plant' in the pirate world - just like the Otsutsuki clan planted sacred trees in the ninja world to absorb natural energy and cultivate the fruits of the sacred trees. Likewise, let's see if we can create an environment more suitable for ninjas.

"Illusory Dragon Nine Seals!"

With the urging of Uzumaki Ashina, the sealing magic circle was lit up.

At the same time, Uchiha Tokumitsu began to control the heretic demon, spitting out seven long chakra dragons from the giant mouth of the demon, respectively heading towards the two-tailed Mata Brigade and the six sealed tailed beasts!

After learning the bad news that the entire army was wiped out in the naval battle, Impel Down City also began to prepare for the war in chaos.

Administrator Magellan first cursed the admiral who insisted on leading the fleet out, but failed to encircle and suppress the fleet, which resulted in the destruction of the fleet, and then sent a message to the World Government asking for help.

For a moment, Holy Land Marie Joa was extremely shocked!
Because they suddenly discovered that even the highest-level intelligence agencies of the world government knew nothing about the so-called 'Kirigakure Pirates'!
Not even the composition of their members, their place of origin, or even the weapons and ships they use have any information that can be used for analysis!

And it is this complete mystery and unknown that is the most frightening.

Therefore, while the Five Old Stars mobilized the secret power of the World Government to try to track and strangle him, they also ordered the Navy Headquarters to do their best to protect Impel Down City!
After all, as the largest prison in the world, Impel Down represents the dignity of the world government!
"No matter how much the price is paid, Impel Down cannot fall!"

During the call with the Warring States General, one of the Five Old Stars, Jaygo Lucia Satan, pointed out: "Even if the navy in Paradise is exhausted, the existence of Impel Down City must be preserved!"

"We will do our best..."

The Warring States General was also very helpless, but he was unable to conduct effective analysis and deployment at this time, so he could only respond vaguely.

"It's not as simple as trying your best!"

Saint Jaygolucia Satan suddenly shouted angrily: "We must win! We can only win!"

"Only in this way can we redeem the crimes of you derelicts!"

"...Then I will personally lead the team to fight."

Although he was very unhappy in his heart, Warring States still managed to maintain a calm attitude and said. "no!"

Another member of the Five Old Stars, Peter Saint, categorically rejected the Warring States General's request: "You must sit at the Navy Headquarters and defend the outer defense line of the Holy Land!"

"Don't feel dissatisfied because of this, and don't feel like it's a humiliation to you!"

Saint Maz then said: "Although this is a critical moment, it is also a major test of your leadership ability!"

"I think you don't want to lose the opportunity to become a navy marshal!"


The Warring States general could only bow his head again.

Although the three admirals of the Navy Headquarters also knew nothing about the 'Kirigakure Pirates' who appeared on the edge of the Grand Route at an unknown time, under the pressure of the angry Five Old Stars, they could only hold their noses and organize the fleet. , planned to carry out roundabout support through the fast channel on the edge of the triangular vortex, and this time in order to deal with the 'super battleship' mentioned repeatedly in the battle report, the three generals finally decided after discussion that Kuzan would personally lead the fleet to carry out reinforcements!

At the same time, in addition to the fact that the navy of the New World could not easily mobilize to guard against those large pirate groups, the Navy Headquarters did its best to gather all the ships that could go to sea in the first half of the Grand Route in a very short period of time, and the headquarters All marines who have mastered the six moves are dispatched.

But even so, the Five Old Stars are still dissatisfied and feel that it is still not enough to completely destroy this team in their eyes.

As a result, the Navy Headquarters stepped up the game again and ordered Lieutenant General He, the chief staff officer, to lead a group of Lieutenant Generals from the headquarters and all members of the Giant Force to go to war.

As a result, except for the two admirals and admiral candidates who stayed behind, the Navy Headquarters was left with only a small number of sailors who had not graduated from the training camp and were not strong enough to fight at sea. They were basically empty.

After all, the record of the Kirigakure Pirates sinking a fleet within 5 minutes is really terrifying!Neither the generals nor the staff at all levels in the Navy Headquarters dare to slack off, let alone bet on whether there is anyone in the "Kirigakure Pirates" who can be equal to the three generals and even the four emperors.

And Uchiha Nobutora, Hinata Araki and others who are lurking in the Shampoo Islands have officially ushered in the spring of intelligence work!

Under his planning, two hundred intelligence ninjas lurking in the Chambord Islands took advantage of the empty garrison to not only quickly complete the installation of a large-scale radio station, but also established a hidden observation post on Shudao, a foreign-aided island, to continuously gather naval intelligence. Sent directly to the headquarters of the First Army Corps.

It can be said that what awaits this naval fleet that is about to go into battle will be another one-way and transparent battle!
Especially since the Chambord Islands are close to the Navy Headquarters, the locals know a lot about the naval officers and officers at all levels. In addition, it is human nature to watch the excitement, so some islanders who like to show off their omniscience prefer to do so. Showing off their observations in public, the intelligence ninjas could easily collect information on the combat capabilities of the combatants that was difficult to distinguish between true and false.

Although there were many exaggerations, such as those about the special abilities of Devil Fruit, which made the intelligence ninjas think it was completely ridiculous nonsense, but out of caution, they still sent all these things to the third party. The headquarters of the first legion asked the staff ninjas to make their own judgments and sorting out.

At the same time, Uchiha Nobutora also received a special secret message request.

"...Suppose a navigation radio station is located outside the Navy Headquarters?"

This order really made him feel numb.

After all, no matter how empty the defense of the Navy Headquarters is, and no matter how few personnel are left behind, it is unlikely that even a navigation radio that is as big as half a room cannot be discovered!
But this was, after all, a secret message sent by Sanshouyu Hanzo himself. He could only secretly summon the heads of intelligence ninjas to discuss countermeasures and see if there was any way to hide the truth.


After staying in the impel city for a day and a night as if facing a formidable enemy, five battleships and twenty cruisers successfully arrived at the outskirts of the impel city under the escort of the tailed beast-shaped Goju Yagura.

And began to adjust the formation in a swaggering manner to prepare for the artillery attack.

"Why! Where are those Neptune-level giant monsters!"

“Their boat didn’t even have a scratch on the paint! It was so relaxing, just like going to a garden!”

Magellan, the director of Alexander, pointed at the fleet that appeared on the sea level and cursed: "Aren't those Sea Kings the outer barriers of the impel city? Why haven't they appeared yet!"

"Shameless! Incompetent!"

"The extremely rotten navy!"

"Weak world government!"

Director Magellan's map cannon gradually went astray, but no one dared to try to stop him.

After all, what they faced was a terrifying existence that could easily sink a fleet!
"Where's the shore defense artillery!"

Magellan, who became increasingly angry, continued to rage: "Hurry up and bombard me!"

"Director, the range of our coastal defense guns is not enough..."

A naval officer who was stationed at the fort and did not go out to fight said cowardly: "Moreover, they are just outside the preset firing range of the fort..."

"Then adjust the muzzle!"

Magellan kicked the admiral off his back and said, "Are you still waiting for them to drive the ship within the preset shooting angle?"

"A bunch of trash!"

"The navy is rubbish!"

After venting his inner anger, Magellan was angrily looking at the fleet of the First Legion, which was resting at leisure. Deputy Director Hannibal ran over with a phone bug: "The Warring States General from the Navy Headquarters is calling!"

Considering the identity of the other party, no matter how dissatisfied he was with the navy, Magellan could only suppress his anger and call: "Missi Missi!"

"The fleet from the Navy Headquarters has sent out support through the fast channel. Please ask Administrator Magellan to lead the remaining troops to hold on until reinforcements arrive."

The Warring States general did not exchange greetings and said bluntly: "Before the reinforcements arrive, there is no room for loss in advancing the city!"

"You don't need to say that!"

Suddenly, Director Magellan didn't know why, but an evil fire suddenly emerged from his heart, almost burning his reason. So after responding unceremoniously, he hung up the call, and then turned to the person who was busy. The coastal defense navy, who was adjusting the gun position, shouted: "Hurry up and fire for me!"

As if the long-range attack of the coastal defense artillery could give people psychological comfort, Director Magellan's mood suddenly calmed down after the Impel Down fort began firing aimlessly.

But it didn't last long.

"Boom boom boom!"

With a roar that resounded across the sky, the First Legion's battle fleet opened fire in unison!
Even as powerful as Magellan, he couldn't help but be shocked by the roar of the heavy artillery salvo for a while!

"Quickly intercept it!"

Looking at the dense cannonballs that almost covered the sky, Magellan immediately roared.

He is good at all kinds of poisonous secret skills, and he is really powerless to intercept high-speed objects!

"This is the power of heavy artillery!"

Sanshouyu Hanzo, who was observing the bombardment in the flagship command room, had a red face and the gas mask on his mouth whirled.

"This is also the power of the ninja world!"

"So powerful and so beautiful!"

Although he saw many strong men coming forward in Impel Down City and intercepting chakra cannonballs with their own strength, Sansho Hanzo still didn't take it seriously.

He believes that manpower has its limit after all, and the number of artillery shells carried by the fleet is enough to bulldoze the entire Impel City, so it doesn't matter if it is consumed - anyway, the third phase of the battle plan requires landing and clearing.

"Get the pen and paper!"

After watching the bombardment scene for a long time, Sanshouyu Hanzo suddenly became poetic.

However, when the staff ninjas prepared pens, ink and paper stickers, Sanshouyu Hanzo found that his brain seemed to be stuck and he didn't know what to write!
But this was in public, and there were many high-level officials present, so he couldn't stop writing.

So, after hesitating for a moment, Sanshouyu Hanzo wrote eight big characters with a swipe of his pen, then threw the ink pen away and walked out of the command cabin with his hands behind his back.

Everyone immediately came up to take a look, but there was a sentence written in plain language——

"Big is better, more is beautiful!"

 I've been having some physical issues these past few days, so the update has been a little delayed. I hope you'll forgive me~
(End of this chapter)

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