Uchiha's opinion

Chapter 505: Advancing the siege of the city

Chapter 505: Advancing the siege of the city

It's just that this time the offensive didn't seem to go very smoothly. After the bombardment of the fleet started, it didn't take long for Sansho Hanzo to realize that something was wrong!

The defenders on the impel city seemed to have a built-in perpetual motion machine. As if they had no concept of fatigue at all, they intercepted most of the cannonballs fired by the fleet!
And because the impel city is a rock structure, the flame splashing effect of the explosive bombs can only cause fires in a small number of ground buildings, but the fire on the island was quickly extinguished before it formed!
"what's going on……"

Sanshouyu Hanzo, who returned to the command room again, frowned and his mood suddenly became very heavy!

This is a situation that the Dynasty Navy has never encountered since its expedition!

Have the chakra shells expired?impossible!
Looking at the artillery fireworks that were continuously intercepted and detonated in advance, Sanshouyu Hanzo began to feel a little irritable!

"After all, it is a fortress island, which is different from ships floating on the sea..."

Orochimaru, who was also observing the bombardment offensive, said: "During naval battles, these puppet government navies are concentrated on ships. Not only are their spatial perspectives limited, but the ships under them are also easily ignited or hit by explosive bombs. Wear it, causing the ship to sink..."

"But this fortress is made of rocks after all, and the explosive shells are insufficient in terms of rate of fire and penetration."

"Furthermore, this kind of fortress is estimated to be able to maximize the combat effectiveness of so-called Devil Fruit users - they won't lose their powers just because they fall into the water!"

"...According to you, this is the true strength of the pirate world?"

Sanshouyu Hanzo's tone was a little sinister, pointing to Impel Down City where people were still jumping into the air to intercept cannonballs and said: "In other words, in fact, in the previous battles, these navies were not able to exert their real combat effectiveness?"

"Now it seems that it is indeed the case! After all, our warships have too much advantage, so those navies can only suffer and die."

Orochimaru calmly replied: "But this is based on absolute intelligence superiority after all, and as the number of battles increases, it is impossible for the enemy to know nothing about our intelligence forever, so as time goes by , it is inevitable that the war will become more and more difficult."

"It is indeed as His Majesty said... After all, this is a new world that cannot be underestimated!"

Sanshouyu Hanzo thought for a moment before sighing quietly.

Orochimaru nodded, but did not speak.

He was waiting for Sanshouyu Hanzo's next question.

"Then...does Dean Orochimaru have any good suggestions?"

Sure enough, after a while, Sanshouyu Hanzo humbly asked for advice.

"I have three options: upper, middle and lower."

Orochimaru responded immediately.

"Appreciate further details!"

"The best policy is the last resort!"

Orochimaru pointed at Impel Down City and said: "According to the close observation of the Ninja I sent, based on its architectural characteristics, I judge that this should be a semi-artificial island. The whole is a huge tower-like structure submerged in the sea. Its foundation is on the seabed, and There are voids for construction under the sea.”

"So, the best way is to let the submarine directly attack the city wall under the sea, hollow out its foundation, and capsize the entire island. In this way, the defenders of the Pushing City will be destroyed without attacking!"

Orochimaru's 'best plan' made Sansho Hanzo stunned, but after thinking for a moment, he shook his head: "It's inappropriate... After all, this is where His Majesty's personal expedition will be stationed. If the entire island fortress is sunk, …”

"It's okay, I still have a strategy."

Orochimaru said calmly: "That is to keep shelling the impel city and only surround it without attacking. Anyway, the defenders of the fortress cannot rush out to launch a counterattack against us, but we can dispatch all the main battleships to Lunbu-kun and annihilate them with all our strength. navy!"

"According to intelligence, the person leading the support fleet this time is an admiral, one of the three giants of the navy! I believe his combat power will not be bad."

"You must know that these puppet government navies are most likely to be more powerful the higher their military rank. Although there will definitely be some people who are just trying to make up the numbers, we cannot be careless after all."

"Furthermore, from the first battle between Lord Lunbu and the puppet government navy, the highest we have been able to contact is a major general..."

Orochimaru said sincerely: "Commander Hanzo, please think twice!"

"...Is there any other solution?"

Sanshouyu Hanzo hesitated for a long time, but still couldn't make up his mind.

"The next best option is to concentrate firepower and replace the full-coverage volley to clear the ground with an ultra-high-density concentrated fire aimed at a certain location, using firepower to tear through their interception defense line!"

Orochimaru pointed to the gate of Impel Down City and said: "Then under the cover of artillery fire, send out the Marine Brigade to carry out landing strangulation!"

"...But if this happens, the casualties of the Ninja Army will soar."

Sanshouyu Hanzo sighed.

According to the torture information of the navy prisoners, there are approximately 2000 remaining defenders in Impel Down City, but from the prison guards to the director, each one is a strong man whose strength cannot be underestimated; not to mention, Impel Down City still imprisons a large number of people The extremely vicious pirate prisoners, if these pirate prisoners break out of their poverty and start making trouble, even if they capture the first level of the impel city, the ninja army will not end well.

More importantly, if a landing operation is forcibly carried out, the three wings of the Fourth Army of the Dynasty Army and even the Marine Brigade attached to the First Army will most likely suffer heavy losses in the bloody close combat!

He is not an indecisive person, and before the war, Uchiha Tokumitsu almost made it clear that he said harsh words like "As long as we advance the city and don't care about the number of casualties." Even Uchiha Tokumitsu's determination was not enough. Sansho Hanzo’s complete trust and letting go.

But precisely because of this, Sanshouyu Hanzo felt that he could never disappoint His Majesty - whether it was combat efficiency or a controllable battle loss ratio, he wanted it all!
Orochimaru shrugged and did not answer.

He actually preferred to stay in the laboratory and dissect the prisoners of different shapes and races. After all, most of the captured marines had eaten the so-called devil fruits, and the strength they had shown, except for the basic six marine forms, In addition, it is basically the special abilities developed based on the Devil Fruit that one eats.

It was through the preliminary dissection of the remains of some marines who died in battle in private that Orochimaru gained a deeper understanding of the "indigenous strong men" of this world. If it were not for the simple tools he carried with limited functions, Orochimaru would have been The vivisection experiment was carried out directly on the spot.


Although Orochimaru, who was bored, was still observing the bombardment of naval guns, his inner thoughts were already wandering in all directions.

If he wasn't really bored, he wouldn't stay in the command room and watch the fireworks to pass the time.

"...Inform all ships to concentrate their firepower on bombing the main entrance of the city!"

After Hanzo hesitated for a long time, he decided to adopt half of Orochimaru's plan - bombing without landing, creating a dense barrage through hitting firepower, exceeding the interception limit of the Impel Castle defenders!

Moreover, he really didn't believe it. If he really bombed here for three days and three nights, would the strong men in the defenders be so tired that they would lose their strength and die!

But that's not enough!
After all, behind the First Legion fleet, there is also the arrival of massive puppet government naval reinforcements!
After some self-examination, Sanshouyu Hanzo also discovered his cognitive blind spots.

In the first phase of the naval battle under his command, the First Legion fleet was at an absolute crushing advantage in terms of numbers and equipment, so it was not surprising to achieve a record of almost zero casualties.

However, when the fleet faced a truly powerful enemy, Sanshouyu Hanzo discovered that the "ship and gun theory" actually still had big shortcomings.

"Sure enough, ninjas cannot be complacent..."

Sanshouyu Hanzo sighed and reflected on his short-term complacency.

"I think Commander Hanzo might be able to ask His Majesty for tactical guidance..."

Orochimaru also saw Sanshouyu Hanzo's hesitation, so he reminded him kindly.Perhaps it was because practicing senjutsu did have a positive effect on improving one's personal temperament. At this time, Orochimaru seemed particularly sincere in both his tone and demeanor, which made Hanzo the Sanshouyu somewhat convinced.


After much thought, Sansho Hanzo felt that personal reputation was still not as important as military exploits, so he agreed to Orochimaru's suggestion.


After waiting for as long as three hours, Sansho Hanzo finally received a reply from Uchiha Tokumitsu, but the content was very brief.

"The Second Expeditionary Legion has been formed, please be patient, Hanzo-san."

"All strategies must be prepared to adapt to changes."

"Be prepared for a long siege of Impel Down City."

"The pattern is open."

"Tailed beast jade."

Although the content is not much, Sanshouyu Hanzo immediately became enlightened!


What am I in a hurry for?
As long as the Ninja's battleship advantage can be maintained, Impel Down City will undoubtedly become a bloodletting point for the World Government!
And he still had to risk his life to save him!

Because Impel Down is not only a place where pirate prisoners are detained, but also represents the World Government's 'rule' over the world - meaning that it can effectively punish 'illegal' behavior in this world!
But if the authoritative institutions of the World Government are continuously surrounded and the reinforcements suffer heavy losses, then they will definitely have doubts about the majesty of the World Government and even have the urge to challenge!
At this time, Sanshouyu Hanzo finally understood the beauty of Orochimaru's strategy!

Conquering the new world will be a long and arduous process, and it will not be smooth sailing. I really shouldn't be so upset because of the temporary setback!
After self-reflection, Sanshouyu Hanzo felt that the reason why he had become so unstable must be because he had briefly indulged in alcohol, sex, and money in the past, and repeatedly jumped between the two ends of the precepts and breaking the precepts, so - quit drinking again!
Therefore, Sanshouyu Hanzo immediately unsealed the sealed scroll containing a large amount of wine, threw all the wine bottles inside into the sea, and decided to wash his hair and face again, and become a good and determined demigod again!
"What did you smash?"

The wolfberry Yagura from under the sea surfaced and said very dissatisfiedly.

"It's the bad habits of being a ninja that are abandoned."

Sanshouyu Hanzo said without changing his expression: "By the way, have all the giant sea monsters under the sea been wiped out?"

"How could it be so fast!"

Goji Yagura said angrily: "I just killed a giant king squid, but the other giant sea monsters have already figured it out and escaped."


Sanshouyu Hanzo looked at the giant squid dragged out of the sea by the tailed beast-turned-giant turtle-shaped Gochujang Yagura, with a thoughtful look: "I remember that the inner shell of this creature can be made into something called a sea octopus. Expensive medicinal materials, and also aphrodisiac..."

The giant turtle transformed by Goju Yagura couldn't help but roll his eyes, and then he didn't bother to pay attention to Sanshouyu Hanzo who suddenly became a little crazy for some reason. After calling on the other naval ninjas to put down the hooks and pull the sea monster's remains onto the boat for dinner, , and dived into the sea again.

Sansho Hanzo, who was in a happy mood, returned to the command room and stood beside Orochimaru again to continue observing the effects of the bombardment.

After adjusting the firepower delivery, the results achieved by the heavy artillery of the First Army were greatly improved.

The rain of artillery shells far exceeded the interception capabilities of the defenders. Even if one of the densely delivered artillery shells was intercepted, the number and density of the artillery shells that followed were beyond the range. The limit that manpower can stop, and those naval officers or supervisors who are not strong enough but like to challenge the limit are bombarded by dense artillery shells into a bloody mist!
With the continuous bombardment of Chakra shells, the defenders who gathered to intercept finally chose to give up and allowed the gate to be blown into pieces by the shells!
"Are you preparing for landing operations?"

Orochimaru asked beside him.

"……Do not!"

Sanshouyu Hanzo shook his head slowly and appraisingly, then picked up the microphone in the command room and ordered: "Maintain the concentrated fire state and continue shelling! Until I demolish all the buildings on the ground!"

Orochimaru raised his eyebrows but said nothing.

"Your Majesty has called back."

Sanshouyu Hanzo handed Uchiha Tokumitsu's imperial translation to Orochimaru, "You are right..."

"Surround the area to provide support and continue to bleed..."

Orochimaru glanced at it and read the brief telegram, and at the same time understood what Uchiha Tokumitsu meant.

"It seems that His Majesty's strategic demands are greater than imagined..."

"I'll let Yagura-kun try the effect of the tailed beast jade bombing later. If possible, let him be responsible for the firepower output from now on!"

Sanshouyu Hanzo said calmly.

"What should I do with Mr. Lunbu?"

Orochimaru chose to change the topic. After all, he didn't want to be treated as a messenger: "If we don't carry out landing operations, it will be useless to have so many battleships staying here..."

"I plan to dispatch twenty cruisers to reinforce..."

Sanshouyu Hanzo said: "As for the one who leads the team on my behalf, I'll trouble you..."


Orochimaru agreed wholeheartedly.

"However, I have a suggestion. I wonder if Commander Hanzo is willing to listen to it?"

"Go ahead."

Sansho Hanzo nodded.

"The operational goal of the second phase can be adjusted to cause maximum damage and allow the puppet government navy that comes to support to enter the impel city!"

Orochimaru said quite seriously.

"what do you mean……"

Sanshouyu Hanzo frowned at first, then relaxed.

"It's not a bad thing to send more wounded people into Impel Down City..."

"Then I'll bother you."

Sanshouyu Hanzo nodded in agreement: "Just keep in touch through the telegram channel!"

 Update today (1/2)

(End of this chapter)

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