Uchiha's opinion

Chapter 506 The Sea of ​​Burning Steel

Chapter 506 The Sea of ​​Burning Steel
When Vice Admiral Garp led the naval fleet to the East China Sea and prepared to execute the demon-slaying order, it took less than half a day to clear out the thieves' den in Rogge Town and several small-scale bandits under the banner of the "Kirigakure Pirates". Clear them all.

But it was really difficult for him to decide how to act next.

Because the Sengoku Admiral of the Navy Headquarters conveyed a message to him through the phone bug, that is, the navy of the Navy Headquarters has now been dispatched to Impel Down City for support, and Garp is currently leading the Demon-Slaying Order fleet. The troops can be mobilized at any time, so he asked Lieutenant General Garp to act with caution and try to avoid fighting and save the ship if the situation allowed - because General Sengoku was very worried that problems would occur with the reinforcement fleet and lead to a 'pirate riot' Spreading from the East China Sea to the South China Sea, the "Paradise" in the rear area fell into a state of complete control!
After all, the shipbuilding center of the world government is in the South China Sea!

The Seven Waters Capital in the South China Sea is the key to the Navy's plan to upgrade warships in the future, and it must not be affected by turmoil!
However, after receiving this instruction, although he agreed during the phone call, Lieutenant General Karp still looked sad afterwards and did not know where to start.

Nowadays, all the navy branches in the East China Sea have adopted the so-called "conservative war resistance strategy" - that is, the cat stays in the navy branch base. As long as the Kirigakure Pirates don't attack the door, nothing will happen!
But such a response is undoubtedly a huge loss of justice and credibility of the Navy!
After all, if it doesn’t even have the ability to defend itself against pirates, what use can the navy have?

Therefore, not only the merchants and civilians, but also the kings of the participating countries criticized the navy of each branch. They even suppressed their fear and sent envoys to risk their lives in Rogge Town to ask Lieutenant General Garp for help. Suppress'!
In the past, the navy that carried out the demon-slaying order was regarded as a disaster by the nobles and even the kings who often colluded with lawless people!

"The situation in the East China Sea has collapsed beyond control..."

In the Rogge Town Naval Branch Base, Lieutenant General Garp sighed quietly.

"We must strike hard to destroy the most arrogant pirate gang. Only in this way can we deter those pirates!"

A general of the Young Master faction said: "The Warring States General is still too conservative. This kind of hesitant action will not only push the situation in the East China Sea to an even more uncontrollable point, but also a heavy blow to the prestige of our righteous navy! "

"That's right!"

"We must take the initiative to attack!"

As soon as he finished speaking, a group of young generals immediately echoed his words.

Although this sounds reasonable, the Warring States General's request is not unreasonable, and Lieutenant General Garp feels that the general who just spoke out is actually hesitant because of Yin Yang himself.

If he remembered correctly, the young general who behaved so radically should be the confidant of a certain young general who was unwilling to be left alone, and this general also had some "unreasonable aspirations" for the position of navy marshal.

"There are still two generals in charge of the headquarters. No matter whether it is the pirates from the New World or the Paradise, they cannot actually threaten the safety of the headquarters and the Holy Land!"

Afterwards, another more radical naval officer jumped out and shouted: "But! Sitting back and watching the pirates torture in order to preserve their strength is undoubtedly a betrayal of the justice of the navy!"

"Yes! This is betrayal!"

"Justice is not absolute, it is absolutely unjust!"

The momentum of the young generals became even greater.

"Lieutenant General Garp doesn't mean to sit idly by. After all, our dispatch this time is to carry out the demon-slaying order..."

Since some generals were ready to leave on the spot if they disagreed, the relatively neutral generals quickly spoke out to smooth things over: "But after all, the strength of the Kirigakure Pirates cannot be underestimated, and we must take a long-term approach..."

"No matter what, we must not stop in Rogge Town!"

The young generals who advocated demolishing the roof in order to open a window stopped being aggressive when they saw that they had achieved their goal, and also softened their tone, but their demands remained unchanged.


Lieutenant General Garp couldn't help but sigh.

In fact, whether it is the request of the Warring States generals or the demands of the young generals, they are actually correct from different perspectives.

After all, Rogge Town is the "town of the beginning and end", guarding the sea route from the East China Sea to the Great Route. When faced with the pirate uprising that has been raging like a prairie fire, whether it is to stick to it or to take the initiative, it is actually a matter of Makes sense.

"Implement the steady clearing strategy, but you can't break up the fleet and send it out. You can only clear an area and then carry out the next step of the operation..."

Lieutenant General Garp hesitated again and again, and decided to strike a balance between the demands of the Warring States General and his subordinates to settle the matter!
After all, he is also a strong man who is famous for his steadfastness and justice. His passion has not completely cooled down yet, and sitting back and watching the pirates wreak havoc is not in line with his view of justice!
The young generals looked at each other for a few times, but in the end no one spoke up to continue the provocation.


Although the scale of the fleet and ninja army that went into battle was not as large as that of the First Legion, the advance fleet led by Uchiha Shiina also achieved good results.

Especially after the serious Kirigakure Pirates, under the orders of Loquat Juzo, began to burn, kill and loot crazily and even broke through several small naval bases in succession, the advance fleet took advantage of the chaotic situation to begin the "country-destroying offensive". ', captured the capitals of several participating countries in succession, and after plundering all the treasures in the warehouse, distributed all the grain and berries in the granary to the civilians for free.

Although the civilians were initially afraid of the legendary cruel and murderous "Kirigakure Pirates", under the temptation of profit, many low-level civilians who had nothing left ran to receive supplies. After they were able to return with a full load, the civilians completely Caught in the fanatical pursuit of the righteous thief!

"Our goal is to rescue all oppressed civilians!"

Although the battleship still carries the banner of the Kirigakure Pirates, the navy ninjas no longer cover up their clothes, but wear Uchiwa fans and forehead protectors openly, neatly wear ninja vests, and very patiently distribute food to civilians. and small amounts of berries - the reason why these banknotes are distributed is because there are too many berries captured, and the seal scrolls carried by the battleships are used to store chakra cannonballs, and there is really no space to store these worthless small coins. stuff.

But to civilians, this is simply a saint-like existence!

Especially the civilians living in a country ruled by a tyrant were in tears. Each one of them tightly clutched the supplies that were very substantial but not worth a few dollars, as if they were holding the hope of survival in their hands.

Of course, for the civilians at the bottom, the supplies distributed by the Navy Ninja can indeed allow them to live a good life in a short period of time.

"We oppose the tyranny of all feudal nobles, and we oppose the cruelty and tyranny of the Tianlong people!"

Under the instruction of Uchiha Shiina, the navy ninjas publicized the 'concept' of this operation everywhere: "We are here to allow more people to live well!"

"Those who will only make it difficult for more people to live while they are alive, their fate is destined to be hung on a light pole and fluttering in the wind!" "After we leave, they will build your house and allocate fields to you. Your wages will be raised; but it’s not because of their conscience, or because they become good people, but because we’ve been here!”

"We are like a prairie fire, and we will burn all injustice wherever we go!"

Amid the cheers of the crowd, the navy ninja beheaded or hanged rows of noble officials, bandits and pirates!

And this scene keeps repeating itself wherever the advance fleet goes!
And this makes the participating countries even more unable to resist the constant harassment from various real and fake Kirigakure pirate groups!
Even the plundering by the Shin Kirigakure Pirates actually did not pose much of a threat to the king and nobles. After all, the country they were in was the safest place in the kingdom, and most of the plundered were only port towns near the sea.

But as the advance fleet attacked in all directions, a sudden prairie fire began to spread in the East China Sea.

Nowadays, the kingdoms are not only facing the harassment of pirates, but even their inland towns are beginning to show signs of instability, and there are many signs of imitating the "occupied areas" and rising up to massacre the nobles - after all, the messaging function of the phone bug is too convenient Well, after learning what happened to the kingdom captured by the rebels, the civilians were no longer willing to starve to death!

And Lieutenant General Garp, who was originally only focused on executing the demon-slaying order and gradually wiping out the pirates, couldn't sit still after learning about these major riots against the nobles!
He knew that he would no longer be able to implement the more conservative but reliable step-by-step elimination tactics!
Sure enough, an hour after Lieutenant General Garp obtained the intelligence analysis of the situation in the East China Sea, an order came from the Holy Land Marie Joa, which forced Lieutenant General Garp to change his tactics and begin to assemble a naval fleet to prepare to sail to the area where pirates were the craziest. Clean up!

Although the Warring States general was quite dissatisfied with the overstepping of command in the Holy Land, he had nothing to do - because this was the unanimous request of all the surviving alliance countries in the East China Sea!
And as a navy that defends justice, it is true that he cannot choose to sit idly by in the face of such violent turmoil, so he can only tell Lieutenant General Garp to act with caution, and then let Lieutenant General Garp do what he wants.


As for Loquat Juzo, who was trapped in a violent killing spree and couldn't extricate himself, it became increasingly difficult to control his emotions.

After capturing three naval stations in a row, Loquat Juzo and the Kirigakure ninjas under his command, who were once again swollen in the killings, completely let themselves go, completely forgetting the original purpose of creating chaos and forcing the World Government to recognize their status. , and prepare for a head-on confrontation with the menacing Demon-Slaying Order fleet!
Of course, as a ninja, Loquat Juuzang would not be stupid enough to engage in a close combat with the government navy, no matter how much he expanded. Therefore, he only brought six more maneuverable iron-clad ships to fight, while those motor-driven sailing ships withdrew to more concealed areas. in the ocean.

"We are Kirigakure!"

"The great Kirigakure is born to be the king of the sea!"

Standing on the command tower of the flagship, Loquat Juzo shouted a battle declaration with all his strength: "Kirigakure will not flinch even if he faces a strong enemy!"

"Blood mist! Bloody battle!"

The Kirigakure ninja, who had long been blinded by the killings, howled in terror at the instigation of Loquat Juzo!

Although Fukasaku Sennin who accompanied the ship was a little uneasy, he also knew that facing such a situation, there was no way to retreat!
After all, among the "rebellious troops" behind the banner of the "Kirigakure Pirates", the Uchiha Dynasty fleet has suddenly appeared!
Therefore, if Kirigakure and the remaining veins of Mt. Myoboku do not want to flee to other sea areas, they have no choice but to fight against the menacing Demon Slayer Order fleet.

"Left full rudder!"

When the naval fleet began to appear above the sea level, under the personal command of Loquat Juzo, the Kirigakure fleet immediately completed the turn, formed a battle line, and aimed its heavy artillery in the direction of the enemy ships.

Loquat Juuzang plans to use the tactics of peeling off the cocoons and sinking the huge naval fleet one by one by relying on the firepower and speed advantages of his own warships!

"This ocean is destined to burn!"


"This is not like a battleship that a mere pirate can own!"

On the first battleship of the naval fleet, Vice Admiral Garp looked solemn and was also observing the Kirigakure fleet lying in front.

Although there were only six battleships, he still did not dare to be careless.

After summing up the experience and lessons learned from many failed naval battles, Vice Admiral Karp also summed up a set of special tactics, which he planned to prove on the fleet in front of him.

"I hope the deep-depth strategy can work..."

A kingdom officer standing behind him muttered, with a look of uneasiness on his face.

In addition to the massive naval fleet facing the front, Vice Admiral Garp also mobilized some of the elite navy who carried out the demon-slaying order, and carried out a large detour towards the preset sea area in a state of 'absolute secrecy' in order to reduce maneuverability. The extremely strong Kirigakure Pirates activity area to gain the opportunity to join the gang in melee combat!

Of course, although this move was privately evaluated by some naval admirals as the 'death pig charge', no one objected to this tactic. After all, they could not think of any better strategy.

In order to make the fleet facing the enemy look more massive and prevent the Kirigakure Pirates from thinking that the naval fleet has been divided, Vice Admiral Garp even mobilized all naval branch warships and franchised kingdom ships in the control area. , pieced together an 'Invincible Fleet'.

"Their tactics should be to sink or ignite our wooden warships through long-range bombardment, and at the same time rely on their ultra-high maneuverability to make detours and continuously dump firepower..."

A rear admiral patted the wooden guardrail in front of him and said: "Also, although we can intercept the artillery shells, I'm afraid we can't..."

"It's just some iron coffins floating on the sea!"

Lieutenant General Garp snorted coldly and interrupted the Major General: "As long as they enter close combat, they are vulnerable!"

Even Lieutenant General Garp rarely encounters the Kirigakure Pirates' fighting methods.

After all, both the navy and pirates are actually more inclined to use bombardment as a means of harassment, and the way to decide the situation of the battle has always been a duel between the strong men of both sides since ancient times!

"This ocean is destined to become a sea of ​​burning steel!"

 Update today (2/2)

(End of this chapter)

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