Uchiha's opinion

Chapter 507 Mobile Torch at Sea

When Orochimaru led twenty cruisers upstream to reach Uchipolumbu's planned ambush area, the puppet government navy's reinforcement fleet had already arrived at Judiciary Island and started the second leg of its voyage after a brief replenishment.

The Wolf submarine attached to Uchi Bolunbu is silently tracking and constantly sending the location information of the puppet government naval fleet so that the ambush fleet can adjust its combat deployment in time.

"According to His Majesty's will and the deployment of Commander Hanzo, the upcoming sniper battle plan is mainly to cause damage. The focus of the operation will be on the damage of enemy warships. Try not to cause the loss of our warships just for the sake of killing!"

Orochimaru made appropriate 'corrections' to Hanzo's tactical arrangements without changing his expression, and Uchiha Rumbo, who didn't know much about it, was convinced.

"This is a good thing..."

Uchi Bolunbu also agreed with this: "According to the intelligence ninja report from the Shampoo Islands, the hundreds of warships under the reinforcements of the fleet this time are already the entire main force of the Navy headquarters, but most of the real elites of the Navy are stationed in the New World. Among them, we maintain a confrontation with those super-large pirate groups... If we engulf this fleet in one go, they will probably mobilize those elite navy to encircle and suppress them at all costs."

"It is more beneficial for us to fight a protracted war..."

Orochimaru nodded and agreed: "As time goes by, we will only become stronger day by day, so the day of the world's decisive battle will not come soon."

"When the reinforcement fleet thought it had finally reached the victory point after overcoming numerous sniping attacks, the Impel Down City took advantage of the situation and turned into a huge sea cage!"

Uchi Bolunbu viciously nailed the kunai in his hand to the ambush position on the simple sea chart!


It was rare for Admiral Kuzan to lead the fleet into battle in person, standing on the mast of the first battleship in the fleet, looking at the calm front.

Rather than sitting at the navy headquarters and shouldering trivial matters such as 'protecting the Celestial Dragons', he prefers to command a huge fleet across the sea.

However, this time the combat mission is not simple.

Although he has a relatively lazy temperament, as a general, he naturally has extraordinary logical judgment ability. Therefore, based on the recent battle reports - especially the pirate encirclement and suppression situation in the East China Sea, it can be seen that this team is The Kirigakure Pirates' mysterious power is not simple.

After all, even the super pirates in the new world are not capable of defeating a naval fleet with firepower. The sudden emergence of such a force in the paradise where the world government has the strongest control and the pirate world is the weakest is the most shocking thing. Incomprehensible!
What's more, the naval fleet's consecutive defeats are no longer a matter of individual combat strength, but represent an all-round system gap from tactics to equipment.

To put it more directly, the Navy has fallen behind!

Fall behind this mysterious force that is besieging Impel Down City!
Therefore, as a general, Kuzan was very depressed.

Although his position is not very inclined towards the "ship-building faction" of the Navy Headquarters who have some interests in the Seven Rivers, he also understands that the main battleships of the Navy at this time are unable to resist the mysterious armored fleet.

"So, the Navy needs to change..."

At this moment, as the naval fleet continued to advance, a row of warships appeared on the sea level in front of the left!
"This is……"

Kuzan's heart moved, and he immediately took out his telescope to observe the twelve ironclad ships ahead.

"The Kirigakure Pirates have appeared! The entire army is on alert!"

At the same time, orders were heard one after another in the naval fleet. The already tense sailors quickly returned to their respective combat positions under the urging of the general, and their eyes collectively turned to the top of the fleet. General Kuzan.

Admiral Kuzan remained silent and continued to observe the armored fleet in the distance, allowing his generals to perform on their own.

In his observation field of vision, the armored fleet that had just emerged changed its rudder direction in a uniform manner, transforming the marching formation into a straight line, and as it continued to sail, it was right in front of the naval fleet!

"Remote fire tactics..."

General Kuzan snorted coldly: "Go forward with all your strength! All generals and colonels step forward to intercept the artillery shells!"

At the same time, he also silently mobilized his strength and prepared to freeze the entire sea area!

"Boom boom boom!!!"

As the fleet in front fired in unison, a barrage neatly hit the naval fleet!

However, the admirals who were waiting in full preparedness immediately jumped up and used various means to intercept all the first round of chakra shells. Kuzan did not have a chance to take action.

Afterwards, the fleet in front continued to sail, constantly firing artillery shells in all directions of the large naval fleet.

"Pay attention to the interception! The speed is too slow!"

Although after three rounds of salvo fire, the front row of the naval fleet was only damaged by a few shell fragments, Admiral Kuzan was still very dissatisfied!

The speed of the battleships on the opposite side was obviously much faster than the battleships under his own command. After three salvos, the armored fleet in front had already passed directly in front, and seemed to be heading towards its right wing!
And if the naval fleet composed of sail warships wants to change the rudder direction as a whole, it will not be that simple!

"What kind of tactic is this..."

Kuzan was very puzzled.

But then on the left wing of the naval fleet, a larger fleet appeared again!

"25 ironclads!"

General Kuzan immediately set up a telescope and looked, and then couldn't help but take a breath!
Although the battleships in the field of view are much smaller than those appearing from the front, the number is more than twice as many!

And even if it sails against the current of the fast channel, its speed is obviously much faster than the battleship in front!

"A fast warship with low firepower but a tendency towards speed..."

Based on the two warships of different shapes currently appearing, Admiral Kuzan quickly judged the role of the ship.

"The firepower ships on the front carry out delayed interception, and the fast ships on the flanks harass and strangle..."

Based on the characteristics of the two fleets, Admiral Kuzan quickly made new tactical arrangements.

However, the attack method adopted by the cruiser fleet led by Orochimaru was not a salvo, but a random scattering of guns from each ship and each gun position.

But just when the admirals relaxed a little——

"Boom boom boom!!"

The armored fleet on the right front and the cruise fleet on the left rear seemed to have made an appointment, and they all launched a volley!
"Ice Barrier!"

This time Kuzan had to take action.

As a general, he naturally has extraordinary strength, not to mention that he was well prepared at this time. As soon as he took action, he formed a huge ice barrier in front of the left side of the fleet, blocking nearly one-third of the heavy artillery!
The cruiser formation's firepower offensive was mixed with horizontal shots and projectiles. Although the frightened naval admirals tried their best to intercept again, the launched chakra shells still passed the interception of the peripheral warships and blasted into the naval battleship group!

The ones protected in the middle are mainly transport ships and supply ships with relatively weak protection!
"Ice Breath!"

Admiral Kuzan immediately turned back, took a deep breath, and then blew a blast of freezing air towards the ship that started to catch fire. While freezing the sailors' eyes to the point of frost, he extinguished the flames on the ship!

"What the hell is this!"

Orochimaru, who was observing the shelling, was also startled!
Even the Minazuki ninja, who has the highest level of ice escape in the ninja world, may not be able to blow out the chakra flame in one breath so easily and freely!

"Immediately inform Commander Lumbu via telegram that the enemy leader's strength is far greater than expected. It is recommended that the medium-range bombardment plan be cancelled!"

Orochimaru immediately said to the staff ninja.

After a while, he received a reply from Uchiha Rumbu: Keep a distance and continue to harass, and prioritize the ships that must be saved in the middle of the enemy fleet cluster!


Orochimaru also breathed a sigh of relief.

Fortunately, Uchiha Rumbu is a relatively easy-to-talk person, and it is easier for him to listen to other people's opinions...

However, even though he adopted extremely conservative tactics, Orochimaru was still somewhat agitated in his heart.

"If I use the Yamata no Jutsu, I don't know if I can compete with the so-called navy admiral..."

Orochimaru licked his lips, but finally suppressed the bellicose impulse in his heart.

After all, he has not yet figured out the secret to using magic in a world without natural energy, and there are still 25 cruisers that he needs to take care of at this time...


East China Sea.

The battle between Loquat Juuzang's Kirigakure armored fleet and Vice Admiral Garp's naval fleet has gradually entered a fierce stage!
Although the main gun range of the navy's battleships is only about half that of the Kirigakure fleet, they still fire continuously in an attempt to create a posture of incompetence and fury. At the same time, under the cover of gunpowder smoke and spray, they continue to approach Kirigakure, which slows down its speed and continues bombardment. fleet.

It's just that although the admirals went all out to intercept the chakra shells of the six ironclad ships, there would always be times of negligence. Therefore, among the battleship clusters, cheap ships such as franchised ships and branch clippers were constantly being beaten. floating torch on the sea.

And seeing this scene in the eyes of the Kirigakure ninjas made them become even more fanatical!

"Don't be stingy with the shells! Use all the firepower to shoot out!" Juzo Juzo in the command tower looked crazy and kept issuing orders through the microphone, urging the Kirigakure ninjas, whose eyes were already red, to go faster and faster!
Although the situation seemed to be great, for some reason, Fukasaku Sennin, who also came to the command tower to observe the battle situation, always felt a little uneasy!
Although it does not understand the tactics and logic of military operations, it seems that the current progress is too smooth!
"Success is always a good thing..."

However, after much thought, he couldn't think of anything nutritious, so Fukasaku Sennin put aside the worries in his mind, suppressed his inner uneasiness and continued to watch the battle.

"The enemy's right wing, ships No. [-] to No. [-] are firing!"

Loquat Juuzang issued the order again.

Following his command, another naval warship was sunk by artillery fire under intensive fire coverage. The surviving sailors on the ship had difficulty changing ships under the rescue of other ships.

"Quick, quick, quick! Replace the secondary battery with shotgun shells! Get closer and hit me!"

Seeing the embarrassment of the navy, Loquat Juuzang felt even more refreshed!
This is the proper attitude of a Blood Mist Sect!

Since the so-called world government is unwilling to take the initiative to extend an olive branch to itself, then beat them to admit their status!
Loquat Juuzang licked his lips and found a target again.

But just when he was about to give another order, there was a sudden uproar throughout the fleet!
"What are you doing!"

Loquat Juuzang was immediately furious!
But when he looked back, his heart suddenly jumped!

Directly in front of his battle line, that is, to the right of the naval fleet, a piece of sail suddenly appeared!
Then, to his left, directly in front of the naval fleet, more than ten sail warships also appeared!

"Are you going to encircle and annihilate us?"

Loquat Juzo’s shark teeth almost broke into pieces!
"The boiler is supercharged at full speed! Left rudder 45 degrees!"

Although extremely furious, Loquat Juuzang also made a decision immediately!
Protecting the ship is the first priority!

These six armored ships are not only Kirigakure's strongest battleships, but the ninjas accompanying them are also among the few elites of Kirigakure and Myobokuzan. If they are damaged here, then the alliance between Kirigakure and Myobokuzan will be completely destroyed!

Moreover, who would be willing to recruit people if they have no capital?


"Blow the wind! Blow the wind!"

When the naval fleet carrying out the grand roundabout appeared on the sea level, Vice Admiral Karp immediately issued the most fanatical cry: "Abandon all auxiliary ships and move forward at full speed!"

"All naval officers who can promote the speed of the ship should immediately withdraw from their interception positions and increase the speed to me!"

With the cheers of the navy, the navy fleet broke out at an unprecedented speed!

Even if the wind is so strong that the sail almost breaks, it doesn’t matter!

There is only one thought in the minds of all navy!

"Boom boom boom!!!"

After the Kirigakure fleet completed its turn, the fleet's forward direction became the sea area between the front fleet and the right wing fleet.

This is also the fastest route to get out of the siege situation. It can also dump firepower on the naval warships on the left and right sides at the same time after turning.

However, the fleet led by Lieutenant General Garp endured the loss of more than ten battleships being sunk halfway, and bit the two ironclad ships behind the Kirigakure fleet.

"Fist bone meteor group!"

Just as the fleets of both sides were approaching, Lieutenant General Garp took action!

I saw him continuously picking up cannonballs and throwing them at the Kirigakure armored ship that was moving at full speed like a lead ball!

With loud noises, the outer armor of the armored ship was shattered, and the deck was hit with deep holes!

It is so powerful that it even exceeds the main gun of a naval battleship!
But even if the ironclad ship was beaten into a state of disarray, its speed still did not decrease!
"I will be the first to charge!"

"Navy Sixth Form·Moon Step!"

Lieutenant General Garp roared angrily, and jumped into the air above the penultimate ironclad ship with his right foot——

"Fist bone impact!"

The superb strength allowed Lieutenant General Garp's Moon Step to reach an extraordinary distance. After arriving above the armored ship, under the protection of his armed domineering force, Lieutenant General Garp volleyed and punched him!

The armored ship, which the Kirigakure ninja considered to be extremely sturdy, was penetrated through the deck and water compartment, and even cracks began to appear on the bottom of the ship!

Loquat Juuzang's teeth had been broken into pieces by his own bite, and a stream of blood flowed from the corner of his mouth!

"Execute the Rainbow Plan!"

In an instant, Loquat Juuzang made a decision immediately!

Can only cut off the tail to survive!
"Water Escape, Great Waterfall Technique!"

Just as the Kirigakure ninjas on the fourth ironclad ship were using their ninjutsu to raise huge waves, the Kirigakure ninjas on the decks of the two ironclad ships that had been blocked from retreating jumped into the sea without hesitation; at the same time, they controlled machinery and boilers in the cabin. The ninja immediately set the detonating charm countdown, and at the same time opened the water-proof compartment at the bottom of the boat, and dived to the bottom of the sea against the pressure of the rapidly incoming seawater!

At the same time, the ninja frogs on the four armored ships that had just escaped from the encirclement jumped into the water one after another, assisting the Kirigakure ninjas who took the initiative to go to sea to escape!
"It's so decisive..."

Faced with the Kirigakure fleet's attempt to survive by cutting off its tail, even experienced officers such as Lieutenant General Garp could not help but be stunned.

However, just two ships were not enough to satisfy his appetite - even though he was not young, he wanted them all!

"Don't think about running away!"

Lieutenant General Garp shouted again, and at the same time smashed the huge wave of ninjutsu that was coming towards him with one punch, and prepared to use the moon step to pursue - he had never eaten a devil fruit, and the sea water had no effect on him!

But just when he was about to leap forward, the battleship under his feet turned into a ball of torch with a muffled sound!
"Lieutenant General!"

The navy were suddenly shocked!

Loquat Juuzang applauded!

"Damn it, damn it!"

Although his clothes were ragged and he looked quite scarred by the explosion, Lieutenant General Garp, who was blown into the air, still relied on his extraordinary strength to stabilize his figure in the air, and used his moon step to rush towards the Kirigakure fleet. !

"Magic Toad Sings!"

The Great Toad Immortal bulged his mouth and made a noise that almost shattered the space toward Lieutenant General Garp——


Lieutenant General Garp was hit by an invisible and colorless sound wave, and his eardrums began to rupture. As a result, he lost the ability to maintain a moonwalk in mid-air.

"Water Escape·Water Dragon Bounce!"

Then, the water dragon formed by Loquat Juzo's water escape ninjutsu bit Lieutenant General Garp and blasted him into the sea!

"Do you want to chase and kill?"

Immortal Shenzuo asked.

"Get out now!"

Loquat Juzo, who barely regained his place, was still livid and rejected Fukasaku Sennin's proposal.

"Lieutenant General!"

Seeing the officers being bombarded into the sea, the marines all screamed in surprise and rowed furiously to get close to Kirigakure's remaining four ironclad ships.

But fortunately, Lieutenant General Garp relied on his skill to be brave and snipe the enemy alone, which resulted in a relative disconnect among the naval fleet. Otherwise...


Loquat Juzo viciously spat out a mouth full of broken teeth.

In the sea area that was quickly thrown away by the Kirigakure fleet, mangled floating corpses began to float out one after another. They were the corpses of Lieutenant General Garp who was killed by Kirigakure after he jumped into the sea and tried to surround him under the sea. .

"Keep firing!"

After Loquat Juuzang escaped from the encirclement, he roared again: "I will turn them into torches on the sea one by one!" (End of this chapter)

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