After all, Lieutenant General Garp failed to catch up with the Kirigakure fleet that actively fled the battlefield.

Loquat Juzo's tail-cutting tactic still worked.

After Lieutenant General Garp was shot down into the sea, those Kirigakure ninjas who took the initiative to jump into the sea tried like crazy to carry out underwater encirclement and suppression, but most of them were overcome by Lieutenant General Garp's ingenuity and forcibly attacked the people from the bottom of the sea. All kinds of ninjutsu were smashed into pieces, and even the Kirigakure ninjas who were invisible and attacking were punched to pieces one by one.

After losing dozens of people in a series of battles, the Kirigakure ninjas also chose to retreat and dived away under the drag of Ninja.

Vice Admiral Garp's fleet was in a moment of confusion due to its eagerness to 'rescue' the commander who fell into the sea, allowing the Kirigakure fleet to successfully escape from the encirclement.

Before leaving, Loquat Juuzang vented his anger and fired two more salvos, sinking a battleship and severely damaging a transport ship before leaving.


“Have you guys’ brains been stuffed with seastones, making your thinking soft and weak?”

The first thing that Vice Admiral Karp did after boarding the ship was to pull over the admirals who had changed the pursuit to rescue people on the spot without authorization, thus causing chaos in the fleet. What am I doing!"

"A good opportunity was let away by you like this!"

"How can you be a just navy if you are so weak!"

"You must know your shame!"

A group of naval officers were scolded so hard that they couldn't even lift their heads.

"...We won't dare to do it next time."

After finally waiting for Lieutenant General Garp to finish scolding, a rear admiral responded timidly.

"Where is the next time!"

Lieutenant General Garp's anger, which he had finally suppressed, rose up again: "Do you think the same strategy will work on those pirates? Do you think pirates are as brainless as you!"

"A bunch of losers! Each and every one of you is the worst navy I have ever led!"

"Also, pick up the remains of those pirates and giant frogs under the sea for me! Send them back to the headquarters and hand them over to the scientific team for research!"

After Lieutenant General Karp finished scolding, he jumped back into the cabin to change clothes, leaving only a group of red-faced admirals with their heads bowed and silent.


"Asshole! Asshole! Those damn marines!"

After Loquat Juuzang led four armored ships to escape from the encirclement, he returned to his resting cabin and smashed them wildly to vent his inner anger.


Just after he smashed all the furnishings in the room to pieces, Fukasaku Sennin, who also had a gloomy expression, pushed the door open and entered.

One person and one frog looked at each other speechlessly.

"We must not let it go! We must take revenge!"

After a long time, Loquat Juuzang roared in a low voice: "Otherwise, there will definitely be problems with the Kirigakure ninja!"

Fukasaku Immortal sighed slightly and stopped talking.

"The ninjas of the Blood Mist Sect are very realistic. They only tend to be strong, and they can only be strong who continue to lead them to victory..."

Loquat Juuzang took a deep breath and said in a gloomy tone: "Failure is not intolerable, but if they cannot take revenge in a short time, those guys will definitely become disloyal, and it is not impossible to even surrender to Uchiha one day!"

"But... we must not go head-to-head with the navy anymore. Our basic strength is too weak, and it will be easy to fall into the encirclement..."

Fukasaku Sennin said calmly.

"After the correction, let's find a kingdom to start with."

Loquat Juzo licked his lips and agreed with Fukasaku Sennin's point of view.

"...Those behind us who are attacking, killing and setting fires under our banner are now almost certainly Uchiha's minions."

Fukasaku Sennin was silent for a while and then said quietly.

"Is the intelligence confirmed?"

Loquat Juuzang couldn't help but be surprised.

"... Ninja saw with his own eyes that among the so-called pirates who invaded the capital of the Alliance Kingdom, one of them possesses the Sharingan!"

Fukasaku Sennin's tone was unusually heavy.

I finally escaped to this world, but I didn't expect to meet my old enemy again so soon!
"Then we..."

Loquat Juuzang couldn't help but hesitate.

There are Uchiha in front of the navy and behind them, and the Kirigakure Myokiyama Alliance is so weak that no one can afford to offend them!

"I have a plan, I wonder if Mizukage-sama..."

Fukasaku Sennin immediately said in a long tone.


Loquat Juuzang asked impatiently.

"Avoid the enemy's edge. Turn to the South China Sea!"

Immortal Fukasaku said.

"But we have no charts and no record pointers..."

Loquat Juzo was still a little hesitant.

Moreover, he suddenly turned around and ran to the South China Sea. He didn't know if the group of Blood Mist ninjas under his command would feel that he, the 'Shadow of the Blood Mist', was weak and incompetent in fighting and turned into Rufeng.

"The Ninja Frog has obtained a record pointer leading to the Capital of Seven Waters. It will rush over to join us soon..."

Fukasaku Sage lowered his voice and said: "It was taken from the garrison commander during the chaos after the Uchiha ninja army captured the capital of the alliance country, and all the witnesses have been cleared..."

"Lord Mizukage, you still need to make your own decision on this matter, but as an ally, Myobokuyama will definitely support all your decisions!"

Fukasaku Sennin added another word: "Moreover, if you are interested, Miaomu Mountain also has some spiritual mystics that do not require natural energy to learn..."

"...No need to think about it, just the South China Sea!"

Loquat Juzo took a deep breath and made a decision!

"And there should not be such a strong navy in the South China Sea now, which is just suitable for our shipbuilding development..."

Fukasaku Sennin was quite pleased.

"If possible, then we will find a king who is unwilling to be left alone and form an alliance with him, while we hide in the dark..."

After the pattern was opened, Loquat Juuzang's IQ came online again.

"We can even control the king of a small country..."

Fukasaku Sennin was good at tempting: "Sometimes, it is not necessarily necessary to conquer by force. After all, this world is still dominated by mortal nobles."

"The Immortal's strategy is indeed unparalleled!"

The more Loquat Juzo thought about it, the more feasible it became, "With the help of Immortal, it is only a matter of time before Kirigakure Ninja Village and Miaomu Mountain regain their momentum!"

"Of course, the premise is to convince the Jonin under Mizukage-sama..."

Fukasaku Sennin quietly changed the subject.

"That's right!"

Loquat Shizang deeply believes in it!


The Grand Line is the fast channel from Judiciary Island to Impel Down City.

The sniper fleet led by Uchiha Shiina and Orochimaru is still struggling with Admiral Kuzan's naval reinforcement fleet.

Although Admiral Kuzan intends to take action personally, the problem is that the sniper fleet has always been very cautious and always maintains long-range bombardment at a distance above the sea level. Although this makes the ballistic trajectory clearer and easier to intercept due to the distance problem, Admiral Kuzan also Can't find a chance to take action.

Because even his strongest move 'Ice Age' cannot cover such a long distance, but if he runs on the ice alone, he may be surrounded by this group of 'pirates'.

Therefore, the two sides who were throwing the same weapon were constantly entangled in this way; the sniper fleet, which had always been kept at a safe distance, never achieved greater results, and the naval reinforcement fleet had no chance to break through. "It's such a frustrating battle..."

Uchi Bolunbu casually sent a complaining telegram to the cruiser formation led by Orochimaru.

"Preserving strength is the top priority."

Orochimaru called back immediately.

"Don't you, Dean Orochimaru, plan to test the enemy's strength?"

Uchi Bolunbu sent again.

"His Majesty's tactics do not value temporary gains and losses."

Orochimaru's callback speed was faster.

Before Uchi Bolunbu had time to reply, Orochimaru sent another telegram: "As long as the ultimate goal of the Battle of Impel Down is accomplished, His Majesty will never care about the process of the battle."

"We are about to enter the windless zone. Be prepared for another salvo."

Uchipolumbu thought for a while and chose not to worry about it anymore.

"After 5 minutes, school starts now!"

Orochimaru's reply telegram arrived again.

Uchi Bolunbu began to change course, turning from the right front of the naval fleet to sailing in the opposite direction.

When General Kuzan, who was observing this, saw this situation, his eyelids twitched!
This is a fast channel with extremely fast sea water flow!There are actually ships that can travel like this...

"What type of ship power did they use? Can it be calculated?"

Admiral Kuzan casually found a naval officer from the 'shipbuilding faction' and asked.

"It should be similar to the latest turbine unit in the Seven Waters Capital, but I haven't seen their paddle wheel, so I can't tell whether it's true or not..."

Although the shipbuilding admiral wanted to influence Admiral Kuzan's judgment, he did not dare to tell the truth. After all, he was born in the capital of seven rivers and knew very well that so-called paddle steamers could never reach such speed.

"Is it the power source of the turbine unit..."

General Kuzan murmured to himself, and then fell into deep thought.

The Navy's standard warships are not actually an integration of the most advanced technologies. There are still many ships in the world that are faster and more powerful than Navy warships.

But those battleships are either special ships that cannot be copied, such as the snail ship of the Kingdom of Germa; or the black technology battleships of the pirates are often driven by the ability of Devil Fruit; although these battleships do have merits, It simply cannot meet the Navy's large-scale mass production requirements.

In addition, the Navy's requirement for custom-made warships is always to maximize the cost-effectiveness within the smallest possible budget. At the same time, in order to facilitate maintenance, special emphasis is placed on replicability and uniformity. Therefore, although Navy warships are strong, they are actually not that powerful. limited.

But the enemy ship that appeared in front of him was different.

Admiral Kuzan can still tell the difference between standard warships and special ships.

Whether it is the heavy-gun ironclad moving around to the right wing or the fast gunboat on the right wing, judging from the consistency in appearance, there is no doubt that they are warships manufactured on a large scale by the shipyard.

But where in the world is such a force hidden?

The paradise in the first half of the Grand Line has been fully explored!

Thinking of this, General Kuzan couldn't help but feel a headache.

And this is also a problem that troubles the Navy Headquarters and even the Holy Land Marie Joa.

Could it be that beyond the rule of the world government, there is a huge unknown force hidden deep in the ocean!

Moreover, the force that can build such a powerful battleship is definitely not as simple as a mere pirate group!
"We haven't captured any prisoners yet, right?"

General Kuzan asked again.


The naval commander of the shipbuilding faction was stunned for a moment, and quickly used his brain to recall: "According to the battle reports of various ministries, the navy has not won any naval battles so far, so it is logical that no prisoners have been captured."

"I see……"

Admiral Kuzan, with a dark face, waved away this admiral who could not speak his mind.

"Boom boom boom!"

But at this moment, the fleet that had been harassing them with artillery attacks suddenly launched attacks at the same time!

The cannonballs that covered the sky once again hit the naval reinforcement fleet!


The naval admirals were startled at first, then reacted and immediately prepared to intercept!

However, the shells this time seem to be a little special.

Many shells exploded in the air before they reached the outer edge of the naval fleet, and then burst out a thick smoke!

"This is……"

The naval admirals who were preparing for the attack couldn't help but be stunned.

Although the air-burst shell fragments splashed everywhere, these metal debris would only cause damage to sailors below lieutenants, and the generals could completely ignore them.


General Kuzan's expression changed drastically, and he shouted angrily: "Quickly disperse the smoke for me!"

But before the natural-type Devil Fruit users could use their respective moves, with another round of roaring, dense chakra shells once again hit the navy's reinforcement fleet!

This time, because the smoke obscured their sight, the naval officers who could not judge the landing point of the shells through ballistics had a very low interception success rate, and for the first time, the fleet was turned into a sea of ​​flames!
"A very stupid fellow!"

General Kuzan cursed, then bulged his mouth, and once again sprayed out a blast of frosty air to put out the fire!

However, the damage to the ship caused by the bombardment was irreparable.

General Kuzan took a cursory look and saw that more than a dozen warships had been damaged by a salvo. In addition, six transport ships with weak armor had been penetrated through the sides of the ships and began to sink slowly. The people on the ships were The sailors are working hard to rescue materials.

"Boom boom boom!!"

The roar of the third salvo sounded again!

This time General Kuzan really couldn't bear it any longer!
So he jumped up.

Then the body stretched into the shape of a 'big' character in mid-air——

"Ice Age!"

With the explosion of freezing air in the body, a glacier formed on both sides of the navy's reinforcement fleet was quickly frozen, and it quickly spread towards the fleets that were shelling on both wings!
Under the control of Lieutenant General Kuzan, the glacier did not affect the naval fleet on the fast channel, but due to the influence of the freezing air, the weak sailors began to tremble one by one.

"What are you still doing!"

Lieutenant General Kuzan landed on the mast and gasped for breath, but when he saw the admirals still looking blankly at the glaciers on both sides of the channel, he immediately lost his breath.

"As ordered!"

This is the first time for many generals to witness the power of a general!

"We must vigorously build ships!"

General Kuzan gasped while secretly making up his mind.


"If nothing can be done, please send a message to Commander Hanzo!"

Uchipolumbu, who was startled by the sudden eruption of the glacier, looked extremely ugly. After gritting his teeth and hesitating for a while, he finally chose to give up and continue fighting.

"It's really frustrating!"

After returning to the command room, Uchipolunbu, who became more and more angry as he thought about it, grabbed the ornaments on the table and smashed them to pieces!
Orochimaru, who was sending a secret report to Uchiha Tokko in the cruise fleet, also had a gloomy expression.

"It is not advisable to talk about ships alone. We must not relax our requirements for the personal strength of ninjas because of technological advancement!"

As the telegram ticked, Orochimaru gradually calmed down: "We must maintain a balance between advanced technology and personal combat power, so that we can truly conquer the world!" (End of Chapter)

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