Uchiha's opinion

Chapter 510 Unrestricted privateering license is released again

Chapter 510 Unrestricted privateering license is released again
Although Uchiha Tokumitsu is sometimes easy to talk to, he is actually a person who is accustomed to speaking his mind. Therefore, even after the establishment of the Uchiha Dynasty, he never implemented enfeoffment as suggested by some elders of the family - after all, most of the people Some Uchiha ninjas are definitely good at killing people and setting fire to them, but if they are allowed to take charge of government affairs, it will be an absolute disaster for both the dynasty and the people under their rule.

But after the development of the pirate world, especially after the setback in the Battle of Impel Down, Uchiha Tokumitsu changed his mind slightly.

Because he has discovered that unless he releases Kaguya Otsutsuki on the moon and drives him into the pirate world, it may be difficult to truly conquer the pirate world with the power of the ninja legion alone. After all, what he is facing now It's just a paradise in the first half of the great route of the pirate world. It has already encountered a powerful enemy that even Sanshouyu Hanzo can't resist. If there is an all-out attack, whether it is the full counterattack of the world government or the alliance of powerful pirates in the new world, , even the ninja army is difficult to resist.

After all, there are only so many ninjas. In previous naval battles, they relied more on more advanced ordnance and equipment and superb techniques and tactics than those in the pirate world. When facing the real strong men in the pirate world, no matter whether they are catching or fighting, It was still a war of attrition, and the ninjas couldn't afford it.

Therefore, after appeasing the six tailed beasts who had escaped from trouble, Uchiha Tokumitsu issued an order to convene another imperial meeting on the same day that the Second Legion completed its assembly.

This time, except for Sanshou Hanzo who was far away in Impel Down City, the chief administrative officers of each administrative region of the Ninja World Government, the governors of various states, the standing army generals and even the chiefs of various ministries all gathered in the newly completed administrative hall of the Grand Palace. , jointly discuss the policy of developing the pirate world.

The development of the pirate world is very necessary, but the method of conquest needs to be appropriately adjusted!
After reading the combat summary of the two stages of the Battle of Impel City in detail, this was the unanimous thought of all the ministers present at the meeting.

"The replenishment of resources in the pirate world is of great importance and indispensable to the ninja world."

Uchiha Tokumitsu began with a clear statement, first stating the most important position.

In any case, for the ninja world, the resource-rich world of pirates must never be given up. This has nothing to do with justice or the comparison of strength-even if the fishing output of ocean-going fishing boats alone can feed one-third The population of the ninja world!

"In addition, Mr. Hanzo's setback in this battle is not a crime of war."

Uchiha Tokko once again set a rule.

Victory or defeat is a common thing for military strategists, and it is inappropriate to judge a person's ability based on a momentary victory. What's more, although the impel city offensive has been frustrated, after tactical adjustments, the First Army fleet still destroyed many puppet government naval forces. Ships, so the battle commanded by Sanshouyu Hanzo was not a complete failure. It was just a matter of hesitation when it was necessary to use human lives to win the victory, which resulted in a missed opportunity.

"Your Majesty plans to change the commander?"

As a former minister of the shogunate, Minazuki Chino was the first to ask tentatively.

"The chief and deputy commanders of the First Legion will not make adjustments."

Uchiha Tokumitsu said: "Dear gentlemen, please note that the purpose of this meeting is to revise and adjust the development policy of the pirate world."

"After all, no one can always win without defeat!"

except me--

Uchiha Tokko thought silently in his heart.

But it is precisely because of this that he cannot easily control the army himself.

After all, God cannot bleed.

Therefore, he needs a new general to lead the Second Army to implement the next stage of strategy.

"The world of pirates is bigger than we expected, so the expedition must be prepared for a long-term and protracted war."

Hatake Sakumo added in due course.

Uchiha Demitsu nodded to him happily.

This sentence is very appetizing, and it also gives Uchiha Tokumitsu, who once held the "quick victory theory", a step down.

Seeing this situation, all the important ministers immediately found their positions.

"It's just that even if we adopt cannibalization tactics, we must maintain a certain degree of military pressure so that the puppet government navy and other armed forces will not harass our rear..."

Ghost Light Masahiko said: "The door to the world we currently control cannot be lost."

As one of the leaders of the Kirigakure Tribe held up by Uchiha Tokumitsu, Kito Masahiko's ability to maneuver according to the wind is much better than that of all the Konoha ninjas. Therefore, although this sentence is correct, it is actually of little value if you study it carefully. ——If the puppet government navy reaches the gate of the world, then Uchiha Tokumitsu will really have to consider releasing the ancestors on the moon to destroy the world together.

"What Governor Masahiko said is right. The Ninja Army's offensive can be relaxed slightly to maintain military pressure in the direction of Impel City and the East China Sea, and the strategic goal can be revised to small groups of troops to continuously harass and consume. In the long run, as the enemy disappears, If I rise, one day we will have a full-scale attack."

Luo Sha, administrative officer of the Southwest Administrative Region, said.

He said this somewhat selfishly.

Because the ninjas born in the original Sunagakure are not good at water fighting, and even the ninjas who can use the water escape ninjutsu cannot form a squadron, so they naturally have the lowest say in the expedition - even if they are still under military control The state of the original rock is inferior to that of Yunyin.

Before attending the imperial meeting, he also took the initiative to put aside his previous suspicions and discussed it with Ye Cang, who was in charge of the Third Army. Although they did not achieve much consensus, at least they both agreed that the Sunagakure lineage should not always be in the nest. Eat sand in the Southwest Region, and also actively participate in the expedition to carry forward the name of Sunagakure.

However, Ye Cang's reform and reorganization of the Ninja Army has always been in progress. Even now, under the guidance of Rasa, he once again contacted Uchiha Shisui, the Assistant Administrative Officer of the Central Administrative Region, and reached an agreement with the Second Army of the Army stationed in Konoha. Exchange and training agreements, but even so, it will still take a long time for ninjas from the Sunagakure lineage to adapt to maritime combat.

"If a small group of troops is used to harass, then the personnel and equipment must be adjusted appropriately..."

Uzumaki Ashina pondered for a moment and said: "Due to the limited number of personnel in the raiding force, it is inevitable that they will fall into a large siege by the enemy during wartime, resulting in being surrounded and strangled, but..."

"Judging from the early battle reports, our advantage has always been in equipment and tactics - especially ironclad ships. This is a top secret that must not be leaked!"

Ashina Uzumaki thought for a while and added: "Even if the risk of harassing the troops is increased by sacrificing appropriate equipment performance, it cannot lead to the leakage of equipment with cross-era advantages!"

"But if this happens, loss of personnel is inevitable..."

The general of the Second Army of the Army, Uchiha, hesitated to speak.

Everyone was speechless after hearing this.

Even after large-scale expansion, the number of combatable ninjas in the ninja world is always limited. The standing ninja army is less than 20. Even if all the reserve troops are recruited and filled up, there will most likely not be more than [-] ninjas. ——And this is after all the ninja clan and even the various farming alliances have been emptied.

It is precisely because of the preciousness of combatable ninjas that when the Battle of Impel Down City urgently needed to adjust tactics and strategies, even if Uchiha Tokumitsu gave the authorization of "at all costs", Sanshouyu Hanzo still could not make up his mind to reinforce the navy. Before the fleet arrives, use human lives to pile up the impel city.

"Your Majesty, I have a suggestion that I don't know whether I should make or not..."

After thinking about it in his mind for a long time, Minazuki Chino decided to show off again.

Moreover, based on his understanding of Uchiha Tokimitsu, although his strategy seems a bit vicious, it is actually just an imitation of old wisdom. In the final analysis, it is still a flexible use of the master's strategy.

"But it's okay to say..."

Uchiha Demitsu nodded in greeting.

"We can re-activate the unlimited privateering warrant..."

Minazuki Chino revealed a bloody but long-lasting poisonous plan.

All the important ministers looked at each other in confusion at first, and then began to nod slightly in agreement.

As early as when Uchiha Tokumitsu came out to suppress the opening of the eastern part of the Fire Country, this special license that was born to cooperate with the 'private trade' between the two sides had destroyed the powerful maritime merchants of the two countries in a very short period of time, and would endure. Kaitōkai was completely included in the rule of the shogunate, and at the same time, the benefits gained from privateering benefited Uchiha's pro-nin clan even more, and from then on they supported Uchiha Tokimitsu even more wholeheartedly. "It's just that the remaining privateers should not be the standing ninja army in service..."

Uchiha Fugaku said: "Now that two expeditionary corps have been formed, one-third of the elite ninjas under the armies stationed in various places have been redeployed. If a large number of personnel leave their posts..."


Senate President Uchiha nodded in agreement: "The stability of the ninja world is the foundation of the dynasty, and it must not be shaken."

This is true. After all, it is indeed inappropriate to use a standing ninja army for private raids. Moreover, if the ninjas of the ninja army are used to fighting such harassment, it will be difficult for them to adapt to the ninja army in the future - just like Uchiha In Deguang's previous life, those 'king masters' who were accustomed to fighting public security wars frequently showed their timidity after stepping onto the battlefield.

But if this is the case, where will the personnel be mobilized to form a raiding and privateering force?
Thinking of this, the ninja leaders, headed by Tsunade and the Hyuga clan leader, looked slightly moved, with a hint of urgency on their faces.

There are still many family ninjas in their hands!

Moreover, if the various families join forces and match them according to their own secret skills, they can really form a ninja force that is very suitable for 'fighting behind enemy lines'!

"Every family is willing to share your worries for Your Majesty!"

The most impatient Inuzuka clan leader immediately expressed everyone's wishes.

"That's right!"


After someone took the lead, the ninja leaders in high positions immediately agreed.

"The patriotism of all the ministers is truly touching..."

Uchiha Deguang responded calmly.

"However, the equipment and equipment of private raiding and harassing troops still need to be strictly controlled..."

Although he understood that these words would definitely cause dissatisfaction, Uzumaki Ashina emphasized again: "Especially battleships, they must not be equipped with ironclads, no matter what model they are, they are absolutely not allowed!"

"Senior Wei Ming's words make sense..."

Uchiha Tokko nodded in agreement.

Although private raids and raids on troops are self-financed, if this leads to the spread of weapons, equipment and technology in the ninja world, it will really outweigh the gains.

After all, the biggest advantage the ninja world has over the pirate world today is its crushing military technology.

"Private raiding troops will definitely suffer battle losses, and even being captured is no longer impossible..."

The old Kurama clan leader stood up and said: "However, everything in the ninja world must not be leaked and must be prohibited through sealing techniques!"

"Whether it is the secret of ninjutsu or the language of the ninja world, people from other worlds in the pirate world are absolutely not allowed to know about it."

The leader of the Shiranui clan, who is also the leader of the pro-nin clan, agreed.

Although the Hyuga clan leader and others were somewhat dissatisfied with this, it was hard to say much. After all, what the two pro-nin clan leaders said was absolutely politically correct.

"But ninjas are human beings after all, so you can never describe human nature too much without experiencing it yourself..."

Ghost Light Masahiko echoed.

All the important ministers were speechless.

With so much need and need, there is no room for maneuver...

"Clan Chief Ashina, do you have any good ideas?"

While the important ministers were making their own plans, Uchiha Tokumitsu turned to Uzumaki Ashina and asked.

"There is a secret technique that can protect you from worries..."

Ashina Uzumaki bowed, but did not finish his words.

The important ministers thought for a moment, and then their expressions changed slightly.

"Go ahead."

Uchiha Deguang nodded.

"The Seal of the Root of Tongue!"

As expected, the term that came out of Uzumaki Ashina's mouth was exactly this infamous secret technique!
"But the personal freedom of each ninja family should not be something that the ninja world government or even the dynasty should worry about..."

Uchiha Tokumitsu seemed a bit reluctant to welcome him.

"This is simple. You can transform the Tongue-Eradicating Seal to only restrict speech so that it does not leak information. The institute is confident that it can complete this adjustment of the sealing technique."

Uzumaki Ashina first saluted Uchiha Tokko, and then said to the important ministers: "In addition, the seal keys of the sealing techniques can also be kept by the leaders of each family..."

The expressions of the important ministers immediately improved.

In this case, it is not unacceptable...

Especially for the Hyuga clan, this can strengthen the control over the clan members, especially the branch families!

As a result, all the important ministers expressed their approval for the mature and prudent Uzumaki Ashina.

Subsequently, this privateering permit, which was destined to be full of blood, was passed smoothly with the tacit understanding of all the important ministers.

In the official decree, Uchiha Tokumitsu once again relaxed the personnel and requirements for forming a private raiding force. In addition to the ninjas of various ninja clans, the ninja world's wave ninjas, unemployed samurai, wealthy businessmen and even those eliminated government officials As long as the army passes the assessment of ship handling and navigation skills, they can obtain a privateering license and purchase the 'armed clipper' launched by the Uchiha Dynasty to join the expedition to the new world!

The only difference is that privateers who are not ninjas from the ninja clan must pay an additional fee to have themselves stamped with a tongue-eradicating seal!
Like a stone that stirred up a thousand waves, with the issuance of the private plundering permit order, the ninja world that had been completely silent under the rule of the dynasty suddenly boiled!

Coupled with the intentional or unintentional promotion of the Ninja World Government, the Great Voyage and the Great Expedition suddenly became the hottest topic in the Ninja World!

The wealthy businessmen who had originally made up their minds to stay at home and become rich men immediately invested heavily in recruiting Lang Ninja warriors, and they were full of ambition and prepared to do something big!
On the third day after the privateering license was officially announced, the Ninja World Government officially announced the establishment of the "Shikai Company", which will provide all privateering raiding forces with information including but not limited to the release of personnel recruitment information, arms sales, equipment repairs, chart intelligence, and even One-stop service including selling stolen goods!

Afterwards, the ninja world became even more excited!

(End of this chapter)

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