Uchiha's opinion

Chapter 511 The 6-tailed beast splits the soil and seals the territory

Chapter 511 The six-tailed beast splits the earth and seals the territory

Just when all the dormant forces in the ninja world began to surface and recruit troops to form privateer fleets, Uchiha Tokumitsu once again recruited the six tailed beasts that had been wandering in the wild for a few days.

"Your fiefdom has been determined."

Uchiha Tokumitsu said straight to the point.

"...Does our fiefdom belong to us from now on?"

After the six-tailed beasts looked at each other and communicated privately, Shigeaki Nanao, who had a gentler temperament, came forward and asked.

"Yes, and a fixed salary will be paid to you every month."

Uchiha Tokumitsu said.


The six-tailed beasts whispered again, and then the relatively cunning four-tailed Sun Wukong asked: "Is our territory a no-man's land?"

"...To be precise, that's right."

Uchiha Tokumitsu said thoughtfully: "Except for the mineral islands on the edge of the fiefdom, there are no other humanoid creatures in your respective fiefdoms."

"If, I mean if..."

The four-tailed Sun Wukong continued to ask: "Can we expand our territory by changing the terrain?"

"That's right!"

Ichibi Shukaku couldn't wait to interject: "Otherwise, if I can only stay on a cramped island without clean and dry sand, I won't be able to survive!"

"Yes! I need a swamp with the right temperature and acidity!"

The six-tailed rhinoceros nodded repeatedly.

"Where I sleep has to be a volcano with a waterfall!"

The fourth-tailed Sun Wukong said with a grin.

The other four tailed beasts also expressed their needs.

"That being the case, it's not impossible..."

Uchiha Tokko said in a long voice.

"Just state the conditions clearly!"

The eight-tailed ogre with the hottest temper said dissatisfiedly.

"The fiefdom islands planned for you now are suitable for your living environment. Every time you accept the call to fight, you can expand half of the island area based on the existing fiefdom."

Uchiha Tokumitsu explained patiently: "Whether you directly use the Tailed Beast Jade to forcefully detonate the submarine volcano or slowly dig up the soil to accumulate it, this is your freedom."

"Can't we divide a piece of land..."

King Wumu, who had been silent for the whole time, muttered.

"If the other world is completely occupied in the future, we can completely move you to the Red Earth Continent."

Uchiha Tokko's face was filled with a bright smile.

"By the way, the first big battle will begin in about half a year. By then, you will be able to legitimately get the opportunity to expand your fiefdom..."

The six tailed beasts looked at each other and nodded.

After all, after being 'exiled' from the ninja world to another world, it is inevitable to deal with the natives, so after half a year of buffering, I used the ninja army's formation to see how powerful the native strongmen of the other world can be. In fact, it is not It will be beneficial to the future actions of the tailed beasts in their respective fiefdoms.

Moreover, although the tailed beasts have been sealed for many years, their long-term experience with ninjas has also taught them a lot of 'strategic techniques', so it is easy to conclude that what Uchiha Tokumitsu will face this time must be A formidable enemy, otherwise he would not have brought all these 'disasters' with him.

"By the way, where's the tour?"

Ichibi Shukaku suddenly asked.

"It will be a mythical beast that rests with the country."

Uchiha Demitsu said calmly.

The six tailed beasts looked at each other again, feeling a little envious in their hearts.

As for the other two partners who were still sealed in the Jinchuriki's body, they were too ignorant to delve into it.


"His Majesty……"

After Uchiha Tokumitsu negotiated the tailed beast enfeoffment, he returned to Fubo City Palace to prepare for the expedition. At this time, Black Zetsu, who was entrusted with Asura to hunt down A Fei and the remaining White Zetsu, suddenly returned to see him.


Although he roughly guessed the purpose of Black Zetsu's visit this time, Uchiha Tokumitsu still asked questions knowingly.

"The goddess of Mao above the moon..."

When facing Uchiha Tokko again, Black Zetsu suddenly felt a little overwhelmed.

"Now is not the most suitable time."

Uchiha Tokko nodded slightly at first, and then shook his head.

"Then...when can..."

Black Zetsu asked cautiously.

"After I go out to defeat the master next time, I will hold a grand ceremony again. I should be able to communicate directly with the goddess by then..."

"I think... you shouldn't be able to wait even this little time, right?"

Although there was a smile on his face, in Black Zetsu's eyes, Uchiha Tokumitsu's smile contained an innumerable and unknown feeling of terror.

"Don't dare..."

Black Zetsu immediately collapsed to the ground to express his surrender.

"Then please assist Minato-kun in searching out those White Zetsus!"

Uchiha Tokumitsu immediately changed his face, snorted and said: "Don't let me worry about these trivial matters anymore!"

Now that the control over the mini version of the Ten-Tails has not reached the level of being able to use it freely, Tokumitsu Uchiha would be foolish to release Otsutsuki Kaguya on the moon!


The Second Legion, which had completed its assembly and adaptive training, officially crossed the gate of the world on a battleship under the personal leadership of Uchiha Tokumitsu.

However, this time Uchiha Tokumitsu did not simply gather the ninja troops to attack Impel Down, but personally sent the six tailed beasts to their respective fiefdoms.

Starting from the sea area where the World Gate is located, the Ninja World Government has established a series of production and military bases on a large uninhabited sea area and desert islands north of the Demon Triangle.

This area occupied by the Ninja World Government will also be the general supply base for the advance fleet that is attacking in the East China Sea and the upcoming privateer fleet. Its importance is self-evident.

However, due to the limited number of ninja troops, it was impossible to completely seal off the entire sea area, so Uchiha Tokumitsu decided to enclose the tailed beasts after careful consideration - after all, for the natives of the pirate world, It is very reasonable for some giant monsters to appear on some islands in the sea. In addition, this sea area is rarely visited by people, so the appearance of the tailed beasts will not appear too sudden, but can be isolated. Some unnecessary peeking.The mission of the Second Army is to serve as a support force for the general rear, conduct daily patrols in the occupied areas and provide operational support in the East China Sea.As for the first legion led by Sansho Hanzo, Uchiha Tokumitsu just ordered them to continue to maintain a siege posture.

However, Uchiha Fugaku, who was appointed as the general general of the Second Army, was somewhat intriguing about treating the tailed beasts as vassals and splitting the soil to seal the territory.

"Tailed beasts are calamities that cannot be trusted after all. Wouldn't it be a bit strange to place them outside the occupied area..."

On the flagship sailing in the windless zone north of the Demon Triangle, Uchiha Fugaku thought again and again, then came to the command room and said to Uchiha Tokumitsu.

"If not, so what?"

Uchiha Tokumitsu put down the documents in his hand very displeased, frowned and asked: "I don't need to say more about the importance of the occupied area, right? But with the Second Army alone, are you sure you can isolate it from all outside prying eyes? "


Uchiha Fugaku stopped talking.

"These tailed beasts are not completely untrustworthy, but sometimes there are always some deep-rooted prejudices in people's hearts that hinder their understanding."

Uchiha Tokumitsu said coldly: "Besides, the psychic contracts of the tailed beasts are still in my hands. As long as I am still alive, they will not be able to cause any trouble!"

"Your Majesty!"

Uchiha Fugaku immediately stood up, bowed and apologized, then resigned and left.


Uchiha Tokumitsu snorted coldly, becoming more and more unhappy.

It's not like he didn't know Fugaku's thoughts. To put it bluntly, he just hoped to receive similar treatment from his vassal.

It's just that Uchiha Tokumitsu has always emphasized the unity of the clan, and vetoed the proposal of 'confessing a vassal and establishing a state' proposed by some elders within the royal family - and the people behind these proposals were the Zongzheng clan, that is, Uchiha Shifang and Uchiha Fugaku father and son.

"A bunch of guys who have no idea about their abilities!"

Uchiha Tokumitsu sighed slightly, and then continued to look at the so-called Haki practice method sent back by Uchiha Nobutora in his hand.

Although the information obtained so far is only the general haki training method for ordinary generals in the navy, Uchiha Tokumitsu still benefited a lot from it.

In Uchiha Tokumitsu's view, the so-called haki is basically the same as the chakra of the ninja world. It is a 'power seed' that everyone has, but it depends on whether it can be cultivated correctly to the level of actual combat. Personal qualifications and level of effort.

It can be seen that although the 'natives' of the two worlds are all in human form, it seems that the species in the pirate world are more diverse and the bloodlines are more complex. Their physical fitness and ability to fight for a long time are much better than those of the ninja world, but Perhaps it is because of the practice of Haki that the muscles fill the head. The powerful Haki in this world do not seem to be very good at strategy - and this is one of the advantages of ninjas!

The gap between the two worlds is also evident.

Just like humans in the pirate world cannot obtain chakra through chakra refining techniques to use ninjutsu, even geniuses such as Uchiha Tokumitsu cannot directly obtain the power of haki through relatively superficial training methods, but the training method The training concepts revealed in are quite new to the ninja world.

At least, based on the theory of Armed Color Haki, Uchiha Tokumitsu was able to deduce the Thunder Release Chakra Mode and the Thunder Release Body Refining Technique that have always been difficult to figure out, and deduce another relatively low-difficulty secret technique, and this secret technique If it is popularized on a large scale, it can at least make the bodies of ninjas less fragile.

As for the information about Haki Haki, although the information is unclear, Uchiha Tokumitsu also deduced a secret technique for predicting the trajectory of others based on the theory of sensory ninjutsu. However, after hesitating for a while, Uchiha Tokumitsu It was decided to seal up this secret technique of prediction that can have the predictive effect of a weakened version of the Sharingan.

"Your Majesty, Red Sand Island has arrived..."

Uchiha Tokumitsu had just finished processing the intelligence data when the voice of the Imperial Guard ninja came from outside the door.

"Inform Shukaku, it's time to disembark."

Uchiha Tokko responded, then threw the two secret scrolls into the drawer and walked out.

Red Sand Island is a deserted island located between the Windless Zone and the Grand Line. Its landform is just as its name suggests. There is only red gravel as far as the eye can see, and there is no trace of fresh water and plants. Therefore, the pioneering ninjas simply After marking the location of the island and setting up a telegraph tower, they left without even bothering to set up a supply station in a place that required additional fresh water supply.

But for Ichibi Shukaku, although the island is small, it is still a relatively livable place.

"The sea breeze is still a bit salty..."

However, the arrogant black and white raccoon cat still complained, but its crescent-shaped mouth revealed its mood at this time.

"This is the edge of the windless zone, so it is basically impossible to have big winds and waves. As for rainfall, there is no record yet..."

Uchiha Tokumitsu stood on the flagship, pointed to the Red Sand Island in front of him and introduced: "But the area is still enough for you to live here."

"What are these villains doing here!"

Ichibi Shukaku pointed at the ninja who got off the boat and jumped into the depths of the island and said: "Am I still going to be neighbors with them?!"

"They are helping you build the underground palace."

Uchiha Tokumitsu didn't take it seriously: "You don't want to sit on the beach all day and bask in the sun, right? What if it suddenly rains one day?"

"Good good!"

Ichibi Shukaku immediately turned into a smile: "This is the best!"

"All kinds of drainage facilities and fresh water collection and treatment devices will also be arranged. As for what you eat, you can take care of it yourself. Anyway, there are a lot of fish in the sea..."

"I still have to catch fish myself..."

The one-tailed Shukaku who had to look forward to Shu was a little worried about gains and losses.

"There will be patrol boats passing by every month. If necessary, you can make requests to them, but this also requires money..."

Uchiha Tokumitsu explained patiently: "If you want to make extra money, in addition to the fixed salary, there are additional bounties for accepting wartime recruitment or destroying foreign enemies."

"The affairs officer will communicate with you about specific matters..."

After finishing speaking, Uchiha Tokumitsu signaled the one-tailed beast to disembark, and then continued sailing with the other five tailed beasts who were anxious and uncontrollably excited.

After sending the six tailed beasts to their respective fiefdoms, there was a relatively strong line of defense around the ninja government.

In this way, not only can the spies of the puppet government navy be isolated, but also the privateering fleets can be effectively controlled - especially those outlaw gangsters who bypass the tax revenue on designated routes and try to evade taxes. Their role is to provide The tailed beasts have extra meals.


"Fugaku-kun, the responsibility of overseas defense will be left to you!"

After sending the tailed beasts to their respective fiefdoms, Uchiha Tokumitsu said.

"I will live up to my trust!"

Although the plan never succeeded, Uchiha Fugaku, who still understood the importance, answered solemnly.

After all, the occupied area in the pirate world is not only as simple as opening up territory and expanding the territory, but also the foundation of the eternal rule of the Uchiha Dynasty.

"I wonder if Itachi will listen at home..."

Seeing Uchiha Tokumitsu's flagship slowly returning to the ninja world, Uchiha Fugaku suddenly felt a little lost.

Although the military power now holds great authority, compared with the graceful and elegant person who is the administrative officer of the administrative region, something seems to be missing.

But it is the only way out of the border area of ​​the town.

Uchiha Fugaku is not willing to let his department stop within the scope of Zongzheng and the Senate President. After all...

"With Itachi's talent, he totally deserves better!"

(End of this chapter)

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