Uchiha's opinion

Chapter 512 2 Holy Land Royal Front Saint

Among the "hidden forces" in the ninja world, apart from the former black market forces that took the initiative to form privateer fleets, the largest remnant is the so-called Holy Land.

Moreover, although Uchiha Tokko destroyed the Mt. Myoboku lineage, he was still somewhat wary of Shigulin, which had always maintained a detached attitude.

After all, among the so-called Three Holy Lands, the Slug Immortal of Shigulin Forest is the only one whose "great power belongs to himself" and who single-handedly supports the prestige of the Holy Land, and his true body is even the outline of a psychic contract with him. I can't tell how big the hand is - and according to the general consensus in the ninja world, generally speaking, the larger the psychic beast, the greater its chakra content.

Therefore, whether it is from the perspective of draining the alien potential of the ninja world or sending foreign invaders, Uchiha Tokumitsu must take action against it - at least, they cannot be absent from the war against the pirate world. .

"The true form of Immortal Slug... can only be said to be like the Ji Lei Mountain Range, so boundless that it cannot be seen with the naked eye."

Tsunade said so.

"In that case, I would like to ask Minister Tsunade to write a letter on my behalf..."

Uchiha Tokumitsu took out an envelope covered with red lacquer mud from the side of the throne and handed it over, "I hope Slug Immortal can come here separately."

Although Tsunade didn't know the meaning of delivering a letter to a giant slug, she took the envelope without asking any more questions, then excused herself and left.

In addition to the wet bone forest, Uchiha Tokumitsu also sent a message based on the token left by the Great White Snake Immortal in Ryūchi Cave, but he did not treat the Slug Immortal so politely, but directly ordered the White Snake Immortal to enter Konoha in the form of an edict. An audience at the royal palace.

After receiving the summons, White Snake Sage, instead of being angry, quickly responded, saying that he would arrive in Konoha at the appointed time to see him.

After all, its hope of transforming into a dragon lies in the pirate world, and the gate to the world is under the control of Uchiha Tokko.

As for appearance, White Snake Immortal has always felt that he has made it this far because he is a snake who can afford to take things and put them down. A little lowering of attitude in exchange for the opportunity to transform into a dragon is really a big profit!


"Slug Immortal..."

After preliminary communication through channeling the slug clone, Tsunade was summoned to the wet bone forest by the real body of the Slug Great Immortal using the reverse psychic beast technique.

"Long time no see, Tsunade-sama~ You have never been nice to me since the Ninja World was peaceful~"

As always, Tsunade had just recovered from the dizzy aftereffects of reverse necromancy when Slug Sage's greeting sounded like thunder in her ears.

Although the tone was very gentle and sweet, after all, she was facing the super giant true form of Slug Sage at this time. Only those who faced this scene directly could understand the loudness of the volume, so Tsunade was immediately shocked to the point where her brain was buzzing.

"Yeah~ I didn't pay attention!"

Slug Immortal was a little surprised. First he roared a sentence again, and then a 'small slug' nearly two meters high and ten meters long separated from his body and slid in front of Tsunade, "I'm sorry, Tsunade-sama~"

"I didn't pay attention just now, but you haven't summoned me for a long time..."

'Small Slug' said to Tsunade: "Has anything interesting happened in the ninja world recently?"

"What is this other world like? Are there existences like me?"

"By the way, has Tsunade-sama been to another world?"

Although the voice was much softer than the real body, Tsunade was still unable to answer a series of questions from the 'small slug'.


Tsunade shook her head slightly to get rid of the noise in her mind, and said a little apologetically: "Sorry, slug, I have never been to One Piece World either."

"The pirate world... Tsunade-sama should be referring to the world newly discovered by His Majesty Tokumitsu, right?"

Although there was some regret in his tone, the Slug clone still asked enthusiastically: "As the name suggests, does the so-called Pirate World belong to a place with a particularly large sea area and many pirates?"

"...It's true."

Tsunade couldn't explain clearly, so she could only respond vaguely and change the subject: "Tokumitsu has a special letter for you, and he also invites you to Konoha."

At the same time, she also handed over Uchiha Tokumitsu's secret letter.

To be honest, Tsunade was actually quite worried that Slug would be displeased by this.After all, although Uchiha Tokumitsu's tone and behavior were quite polite, he had inadvertently regarded the immortals of the Holy Land as his subjects.

"Really~ That's great~"

However, a bit unexpectedly, the slug clone still looked enthusiastic, and condensed a simulated arm of chakra materialization to take it.


As the paint mud on the envelope fell off, the slug clone who had just opened the envelope couldn't help but screamed in surprise, and even the original motionless body became a little commotion.

Just when Tsunade was confused, the slug clone took out a piece of paper and...

"Is this bark?"

Tsunade raised her eyebrows, confused.

Judging from the reactions of the slug clones and the immortal body, their interest clearly lies in the palm-sized, ordinary-looking piece of 'bark'!
However, ordinary tree bark would never make the majestic Slug Immortal so uneasy, so there must be something fishy in it!
"This is the bark peeled off the trunk of the ancient sacred tree..."

The slug clone also saw Tsunade's doubts, so after forming a smaller slug again, it picked up the bark of the sacred tree and slowly crawled towards the mouth of the Great Immortal, and said this to Tsunade.

"God tree..."

With Tsunade's limited knowledge, she simply couldn't understand the meaning of the sacred tree.

"Well...that was before the Sage of Six Paths."

The slug clone explained a little, but did not elaborate in depth but changed the topic: "The date of your Majesty's summons is three days later, but I would like to trouble Tsunade-sama to channel me..."

"By the way, to show respect, let's go one day earlier. It just so happens that I can see what kind of changes there are in Konoha now~"

Tsunade looked up at the slug's body, which seemed to be savoring the bark, which was insignificant for the size of the Great Sage, and finally chose to nod.

"People's hearts are scattered..."

However, Tsunade still felt a little disappointed deep in her heart, as if her most precious treasure had been taken away easily by a little yellow hair.


When the clones of Slug Sage and White Snake Sage arrived at the Konoha Palace at the same time, Uchiha Tokumitsu personally walked out of the palace to greet them and invited the two immortals to come inside and sit down.

The image of the White Snake Sage is still the same old woman as always, but this time the Slug Sage has specially transformed into a human form. If Tsunade hadn't personally introduced him, he wouldn't have been able to tell that the plump lady in front of him was actually the incarnation of the great Slug Sage of the Shigebone Forest. !

The White Snake Sage was a little surprised. Originally, he thought that the arrogant Uchiha Tokumitsu would show a condescending attitude. He was planning to mingle with the Slug Master in private after the meeting to form a liaison, but nothing happened. Thinking of this person showing such a posture at this time...

"Able to stretch and bend, with the appearance of transforming into a dragon..."

Taking advantage of the opportunity to bow and salute, the White Snake Sage clone condensed the magic chakra into his eyes and glanced at Uchiha Tokko without leaving any trace.

Then - "Ten-Tails!"

Even the city as deep as the White Snake Immortal could not help but be shocked by what he saw with his Immortal Eyes.

"The Ten-Tails is not a complete body..."

Uchiha Tokumitsu didn't mind the White Snake Sage's peeping. After Shi Shiran sat down on the throne, he explained warmly: "It's just extracting the tailed beast's chakra and injecting it into the trunk of the sacred tree to rejuvenate it..."

"If the Ten-Tails is resurrected, the one in the sky probably won't be able to seal it."

Immortal Slug's tone was as gentle as ever, and in line with his specially transformed appearance, he seemed not to be aggressive at all: "At that time, both for the dynasty ruled by your Majesty and for immortals like us outside the world, everything will be the same. A disaster..."

"green tea!"

Although he knew that Immortal Slug had no gender, Great Immortal White Snake still cursed secretly in his heart.

"The goddess of Mao will eventually escape from the moon."

Uchiha Tokumitsu's words shocked the two immortal incarnations, but then he added: "But not now, and it will not cause harm to the ninja world..."

The two immortals looked at each other, and then turned their attention to Uchiha Tokko.

Since an edict was issued to convene the two immortals, it must not be to seek chakra support in rescuing the goddess of Mao, right?
"Presumably the two immortals already know the existence of the pirate world, right?"

Uchiha Tokumitsu continued.

The two immortals nodded at the same time.

"The pirate world is rich in resources. I think White Snake Sennin should know something about it, right?"

Uchiha Tokumitsu said to White Snake Sage: "I think Tian Xinji who went with the army will find a way to convey some news to you..."

"Tian Xin is far away in another world, and even the secret technique of Longdi Cave cannot transmit the message..."

White Snake Sage lied in front of everyone without changing his expression: "It's just that when I listened to the voices of the people of the Ninja World, I heard that the catch from another world is enough to feed the Ninja World."


Uchiha Tokumitsu didn't bother to care whether the White Snake Sage was lying, and just followed its words and said: "The emergence of the pirate world is an even more important opportunity for the ninja world than the arrival of the goddess Uno."

"But behind the opportunities, there is also a certain crisis. The war between the ninja world and the pirate world is particularly unsatisfactory. The most important thing is that the strength of ninjas is quite different from that of strong men from other worlds."

Uchiha Tokumitsu did not shy away from speaking out about the problems he is facing today: "Especially the powerful men at the level of general in the world of pirates, even Sansho Hanzo can't resist..."

"What's so strong about that generation?"

The most aggressive White Snake Immortal asked first.

"A body that is stronger than a ninja, a reaction speed that is no less than that of a ninja, and a physical strength that far exceeds that of an ordinary ninja..."

Uchiha Tokumitsu also passed the intelligence information on Haki and naval combat power analysis to the two immortals respectively.

However, Immortal Slug flipped through it perfunctorily and put it down, obviously not interested; while Immortal White Snake looked at it particularly carefully, and must have memorized all the contents in his mind.

Uchiha Tokko also silently made corresponding judgments.

"So, His Majesty summoned us to achieve complete conquest of the pirate world?"

As the saying goes, you know the elegant meaning after hearing the string song. After White Snake Sage put down the information in his hand, Slug Sage immediately asked: "As natives of the ninja world, we should do something for the ninja world, but my nature is not good. Fighting, if you directly participate in the pioneering war, it may not be appropriate..."

"But...if a frontline ninja soldier is seriously injured or disabled, I can still help him recover."

After a slight pause, Great Immortal Slug added another sentence.

"Thank you Slug Sen for your contribution to the ninja world..."

Uchiha Tokumitsu didn't take it seriously at all. He first nodded to Slug Immortal and then looked at White Snake Immortal.

"Your Majesty really intends to conquer other worlds?"

The White Snake Immortal asked.

"The world of pirates is the only chance for the ninja world to regain its vitality, otherwise the future will inevitably be a cycle of endless wars."

Uchiha Tokko nodded and said: "The theory of the end of history advocated by Gamamaru has been completely bankrupt, but the ninja world still needs to explore a path to a bright future..."

"But all conquests will be accompanied by endless bloodshed and killing..."

Slug Immortal sighed, but he had no objection to the expedition to the pirate world.

Natural energy is an energy aggregate born from all things in the world. Although the concentration of natural energy in the ninja world has improved a lot compared to the period after Kaguya Otsutsuki was sealed, in the eyes of the Great Immortal of the Holy Land, This short-term increase in natural energy due to population growth is not a good thing. On the contrary, after the rapid growth of population, especially when the number of resource-consuming ninjas reaches its peak, there will be signs that natural energy cannot make ends meet, and it is even very likely that Natural energy is completely exhausted.

Especially after Uchiha Tokumitsu gave the senjutsu seeds to the Uchiha clan, many senjutsu ninjas were added, which further accelerated the consumption of natural energy.

For the huge Holy Land psychic beast, the depletion or even disappearance of natural energy will be a disaster!

Therefore, it is time for a change - what is lacking in the ninja world can be taken from the pirate world!

"I will try to sow the seeds of the sacred tree in the pirate world to transform the environment of the other world..."

Uchiha Tokumitsu solemnly said: "At the same time, I am also willing to carve out land in another world and open up a new holy land by the two great immortals!"

Anyway, there are so many uninhabited islands in the pirate world. Even the six tailed beasts have one beast and one island. It wouldn't be a problem to add two more holy lands; and compared to the land that is not very valuable, the two holy lands of the Great Immortal It is even more important to be tied to the chariot of the Uchiha dynasty.

The two immortals couldn't help but look at each other, both feeling a little moved.

As the saying goes, if the tree moves to death, the immortal moves to life, adding a 'sub-rudder' can at least enhance the risk resistance of the holy land.

However, the new Holy Land will definitely be under the control of the Uchiha Dynasty, which makes the two immortals somewhat worried.

"If the two holy places are willing to fight for the ninja world..."

Uchiha Tokumitsu threw out the last condition: "I will confer the title of two immortals as Pillar Kingdom Demon Immortals, enjoying the same status as the goddess of Uchiha; as long as the Uchiha dynasty still exists, the incense worship of the Great Immortal will not be cut off. !”

"His Majesty!"

The White Snake Immortal immediately bowed and saluted to express Longdi Cave's attitude.

Immortal Slug paused for a moment, but then bowed and saluted. (End of chapter)

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