Uchiha's opinion

Chapter 513: Spreading hope in the world

January [-], the second year of Kaihuang.

On the seventh day after the Great Immortal of the Two Holy Lands entered the palace to pay his respects, the great miko Risa who was in charge of Tokko Grand Shrine suddenly received a special order.

"We hereby add a place for demons and immortals to the main festival of the shrine..."

The great miko Risa read out the first paragraph of the imperial edict in confusion.

Uchiha Shisui, who was ordered to convey the will, did not explain anything more, but just motioned to the great miko Risa to continue reading.

"The master of the Sealed Shigu Forest is given the title of Jishi Slug Great Demon Immortal, and the master of the Sealed Dragon Cave is given the title of Fuluan White Snake Great Demon Immortal. They are included in the main sacrifices of the shrine and placed on the left and right sides of the main hall. They will enjoy the incense in the world and maintain their honor forever... …”

When the great miko Risa read out these words, her heart couldn't help but tremble, and she took a deep breath: "This is..."

"They are the great immortals from the two holy places."

Uchiha Shisui nodded and said with great certainty.

Regarding the fact that the names of the three major heritage holy places were widely spread in the ninja world, it was actually a publicity campaign to show off martial arts after Uchiha Tokumitsu destroyed Mt. Myoki, so that even ordinary people at the bottom could know that the ninja world still existed. There are the so-called three holy places, and the dynasty ninja army that completely destroyed Mount Myoboku used this to demonstrate their might.

But now the two remaining great immortals of the Holy Land have been granted the title of 'Demon Immortal', and even entered the temple to offer sacrifices...

"I sincerely obey His Majesty's wishes!"

Risa the Great Miko bowed respectfully in the direction of the Konoha Palace, then received the imperial edict and began to instruct the priests and mikos under her command to prepare new sacrificial altars.


What Uchiha Tokumitsu planned to use to change the balance of strength between the two families was a 'sacred tree seed' that he cultivated after basically draining the power of the mini version of the Ten-Tails.

However, after the intervention of Uchiha Tokumitsu's magic chakra in the cultivation stage, the characteristics of this 'sacred tree seed' are completely different from the original Otsutsuki sacred tree.

Originally, the function of the sacred tree was to absorb the natural energy of the ninja world and convert it into chakra that the Otsutsuki clan could directly absorb - and the function of the natural energy was to act as fertilizer for birth.But Uchiha Tokumitsu did the opposite. Although he retained the transformation effect of the sacred tree seeds, he changed the final transformation product to something slightly different from the natural energy prevalent in the ninja world, and with traces of his personal will. 'The power of magic'!
As for how to make the 'Sacred Tree Seed' recognize the special energy that exists in the pirate world, Uchiha Tokumitsu has also thought about it.

That's the old trick -

"Blood sacrifice!"

In the world of pirates, Uchiha Fugaku solemnly said to the jonins in charge of the second legion: "This year's festival will be held on the deserted island in the windless zone north of the Demon Triangle, so all active ninjas will be cancelled. Take a vacation and put all personnel into patrol and suppression. Whether it is a privateer fleet or local indigenous people, all those who try to enter the sacrificial area will be killed!"

"As ordered!"

The jonin in charge of the second legion all agreed.

"In addition, notify the First Army and the Advance Army and ask them to send back all the prisoners."

Uchiha Fugaku once again looked at the list of items needed for the New Year Festival, especially the eight thousand 'sacrifice', which made him feel a little headache - and it cannot be filled with ordinary civilians, it must be a combatant such as a marine. OK!

"But it's not enough..."

The chief of staff of the legion quickly made an estimate based on the existing information, shook his head and said: "There is still a difference of about two thousand."

"Then notify those tailed beasts, it's time for them to go out and help!"

Uchiha Fugaku said again: "Although there are not that many prisoners, it should be feasible to use large sea monsters to fill the number. After all, they are also natives of this world!"

Although the so-called 'year sacrifice' adopted this time is in the form of a blood sacrifice, it does not actually require a large number of killings.

According to Uchiha Tokumitsu's request, this blood sacrifice only requires the blood essence of a large number of indigenous ability users to be extracted on the spot - although those marine captives and even Devil Fruit ability users will definitely come in and out after their blood essence is extracted by the medical ninjas. A very long period of weakness, but at least it wouldn't kill them on the spot.

After all, what Uchiha Tokko wants is to use the power of blood to allow the seeds of the sacred tree to more quickly come into contact with the energy characteristics of this world, and he also plans to use those with abilities who have eaten devil fruits to debug his own special version. Bai Jue.

"According to Dean Orochimaru's research, the reason why the Neptune monsters attack the natives is to steal the Haki and Devil Fruit energy from their bodies through eating... But as people from other worlds, we are not very interested in them. .”

The chief of staff of the army raised his hand and asked: "So, can you apply for the transfer of some prisoners to be used as bait?"

"It's okay...but we have to control the input-output ratio."

Uchiha Fuue hesitated for a moment before agreeing.

In addition, without a full-scale war, he could not think of any other good way to save so many prisoners to draw blood.

"Well... Ichibi has gone into hibernation recently due to the weather. Do I need to wake it up?"

The Army Chief of Staff asked again,
"...Forget it, that fat civet cat isn't of much use anyway."

Uchiha Fugaku pondered for a moment, then shook his head: "But let them go out to the tailed beasts that have not entered dormancy, at least let them help capture those giant monsters like the Sea King."

"But tailed beasts are all useless things, so..."

The Legion Chief of Staff hesitated.

"After this is done, help them expand the entire underground palace by half!"

Uchiha Fugaku's mouth twitched slightly, but he still maintained an expressionless expression.

'Tokumitsu is too pampered with these disaster-tailed beasts! '

After the army chief of staff took the order and left, Uchiha Fugaku thought silently in his heart.

But no matter how many thoughts he had in his heart, Uchiha Fugaku had to bury his little thoughts deeply.

The Uchiha clan, now considered the royal family, does not want to see any arrogant clan member try to challenge Uchiha Tokimitsu, who brought the family to the top of the ninja world.


February [-], the second year of Kaihuang's reign.

In an unusually low-key manner, Uchiha Tokumitsu led two immortal clones through the World Gate to the sea area occupied by the Ninja World Government in the Pirate World.

The most trusted Uchiha Guards ninjas and the sealed ninja elites of the Uzumaki clan gathered on the desert island north of the Demon Triangle to protect the blood sacrifice ceremony and the rooting of the sacred tree seeds.

Although neither the gate to the world nor the strange scenery of the pirate world could attract the attention of the two immortals.

Because in the palm of Uchiha Tokko's hand, he was holding a slightly fluorescent 'orb'.

This is the sacred tree seed that has been transformed by Uchiha Tokumitsu's magic and took on the form of a orb. Even the people of the Otsutsuki clan cannot recognize it in person!
"Your Majesty! Everything needed for the blood sacrifice is ready!"

Uchiha Tokumitsu had just arrived at the desert island, and Uchiha Fugaku immediately stepped forward and saluted.

"very good!"

Uchiha Demitsu nodded in appreciation, and then turned his attention to Orochimaru, who was about to host the bloodletting session.

"All personnel have been trained in place and there will be no problems with the ceremony!"

Orochimaru bowed and saluted.

"That's good……"

Uchiha Tokumitsu nodded slightly, holding the senjutsu seeds in his palm and walked into the only building on the desert island-Amatatsumi Shrine!

Just like the first blood sacrifice, this time there is still a statue of the goddess Uno erected in the middle of the relatively simple main hall of the shrine.And Uchiha Tokumitsu not only needs to plant the seeds of the sacred tree here, but also needs to use this to attract Kaguya Otsutsuki's attention from the ninja world to this broader pirate world!
"This is an extremely huge world..."

As the rising and falling prayers of Risa Archmiko rang out, Orochimaru, who was presiding over the bloodletting, began to instruct his subordinates to escort the prisoners one by one to the blood pool under the altar for bloodletting, like catching chickens, while the expressionless medical ninja He was standing by, checking the quality of the blood while controlling the amount of bleeding to prevent the captive from dying due to excessive bleeding.

The smell of blood began to spread.

Immortal Slug seemed to be a little uncomfortable, while Immortal White Snake looked as if he had smelled the richest wine in the world. He took a deep breath and showed an intoxicated look on his face.

As Risa Archmiko's prayers became louder and louder, the blood pool began to bubble, and the statue of the goddess Uno above the main hall began to emit a faint light!
Uchiha Tokumitsu was relieved when he saw this. It seemed that the effect of the sacrifice had attracted the attention of the goddess Uno.

When the two immortals saw this, their expressions immediately changed, and they hurriedly saluted Uchiha Tokimitsu and left immediately.


When Uchiha Tokumitsu's eyes were focused on the eyes of the statue, an unusually ethereal voice suddenly sounded in his mind.

Uchiha Tokumitsu controlled his thoughts and let his mind go. He just silently pointed his eyes at the statue of the goddess that was emitting light.

"Is this your blood sacrifice?"

The voice of the goddess Mao sounded in his mind again: "Burn all the blood as a sacrifice, and I will give you the power of blood!"

"You should be able to see this world, right?"

Uchiha Tokumitsu finally responded in his mind: "A world that is vaster and richer than the ninja world!"

"I remember you!"

"You are the one who made a blood sacrifice to me for the first time in thousands of years!"

The voice of the goddess of Uchiha echoed in Uchiha Tokko's mind again.

This time, Uchiha Tokko heard a hint of impatience in the voice.

"This is the seed of the sacred tree..."

However, Uchiha Tokumitsu did not respond directly, but raised the sacred tree seeds in his palm: "It is also the source of your power..."


The goddess of Mao did not continue to respond.

"The ninja world is no longer your world, but I can promise that if you are willing to let go of your obsession with bloodbath after you break away from the seal, then there will be a place for you in this world!"

Uchiha Tokko thought silently in his heart.

But the goddess of Mao still did not respond, but the light on the statue began to fluctuate.

"All the power of the Ten-Tails is used to condense this sacred tree seed. Even if you break the seal on your own, you will be just an ordinary Otsutsuki without a source of power!"

Uchiha Tokko recited silently again.

"...What do you want? My beloved descendant!"

The goddess of Mao finally responded again.

"The ninja world is my ninja world, and the only true god can only be me!"

Uchiha Tokko muttered silently: "But there is a place for you in this world, it's that simple!"

"The fruit of the sacred tree must be mine!"


Uchiha Tokko refused unequivocally.

"It seems that you do have some sincerity in helping me out of trouble..."

This time, the goddess Mao's voice sounded somewhat relieved.

If Uchiha Tokumitsu is really willing to take over everything and agree to everything, the goddess Uno will wonder if he has other bad intentions in his heart.

"The Mother Goddess doesn't need to make a decision now..."

Uchiha Tokumitsu raised his eyebrows, feeling that the goddess Uno was not as silly and sweet as he thought: "After the fruit of the sacred tree matures, it will be the day when the mother goddess escapes from trouble!"

——It’s also the time when the ninja world launches a full-scale attack!
"You know so much...you are such an incredible junior!"

There were bursts of laughter with unknown meaning in Uchiha Tokko's mind, and then the light on the statue began to dim.

With such distant attention, the goddess Mao, who has been sealed away for countless years, cannot hold on for long.

The great miko Risa, who was dancing and praying, rolled her eyes and collapsed to the ground.

Uchiha Tokumitsu no longer hesitated, threw the sacred tree seeds in his palm into the blood pool, and at the same time began to quickly form seals——

"Immortal, Inorganic Reincarnation Technique!"

After the seeds of the sacred tree fell into the blood pool, they quickly drank up all the blood. Then, under the influence of magic, they began to branch out and penetrate into the soil of the desert island!
"Boom boom boom!!!"

As the ground shook and the mountains shook, a ten-meter-tall 'seedling' sprouted from the ground!

A strange and mysterious wave began to reverberate continuously, just like breathing, although it was slow but very rhythmic.

Uchiha Tokko is still controlling the roots of the seeds of the sacred tree through the art of inorganic reincarnation to continuously penetrate the soil and go straight into the abyss of the sea.

The desert island began to fall apart under the ravage of the roots. Except for the soil in the shrine area, which was slightly intact, the rock layers and soil in other places mysteriously disappeared as if they had been swallowed up.

As the sacred tree seedlings 'breathed', Orochimaru, who returned to the ship, suddenly felt something in his heart. He looked at Uchiha Tokimitsu, who was maintaining the roots of the sacred tree, with a shocked expression.

"This is……"

"It's the breath of natural energy..."

The White Snake Immortal clone who came behind him silently said quietly.

It also didn't expect that Uchiha Tokumitsu would plant the seeds of the sacred tree so smoothly!

"The taste of natural energy is somewhat special..."

The Slug Immortal clone sniffed the meager natural energy in the air and was quite surprised.

"Shadow Clone Technique!"

While maintaining the roots of the sacred tree, Uchiha Tokko created a clone by forming a seal with one hand, and controlled it to jump to the top of the sacred tree and sit down cross-legged.

"It will take about five days to completely complete the rooting of the sacred tree..." (End of this chapter)

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