Uchiha's opinion

Chapter 514 Abnormalities in the World

Chapter 514 Abnormalities in the World

"When will the siege of Push City be lifted! When will the East China Sea Demon Slaying Order be fully implemented!"

At the Navy Headquarters, Marineford, the two generals Sengoku and Sakaski who stayed behind at the headquarters were enduring the violent comments from the five old stars on the other side of the TV.

"The authority of the world government is shaking!"

"The pirates in the new world are no longer stable. If they collectively start a riot, who can subdue them?"

Wu Laoxing's accusations kept coming, Sengoku's face was expressionless, and Sakaski's face became more and more angry.

"Build ships! Recruit troops! Fund funds!"

Sakaski, who couldn't bear the spray, suddenly got angry and smashed the table in front of him with one punch: "As long as you do these three things, it will only be a matter of time before the pirates are destroyed!"

As a representative of the naval hawks, Sakaski, who advocates 'thorough justice', has never been as 'shallow' as the shipbuilding and military recruiters - his character wants it all!

As for whether the world government can allocate so much money or provide so many resources, Sakaski doesn't care at all. He only cares about whether it works.

The Warring States general, who was affected by the splintered sawdust, still had no expression on his face. He just gently brushed away the debris on his cloak and still stared at the TV in front of him.

"...General Sakaski, please watch your mouth!"

There was silence for a while on the other side of the TV, and then the angry rebuke from one of the Five Old Stars came again.


Sakaski snorted and sat back in his chair.

"General Warring States...You haven't spoken so far in the meeting. Don't you have something to say?"

Wulaoxing's attention turned to the Warring States general who had been silent.

After all, although Sakaski is a very pure navy, he is still a little "rough" in the handling of certain things, and as a "sharp knife" in the hands of the World Government, it is not easy to punish, so the Five Old Stars simply ignored it. His rudeness just now.

"Compared to mere pirates, what we need to pay more attention to is the anomalies in the world..."

The Warring States general said slowly: "Slight waves are beginning to appear in the windless zone..."

"Neptune or other giant monsters..."

"It's not the king of the sea rising up, it's the waves caused by the calm zone!"

Before one of the Five Old Stars, Jaygo Lucia Satan, could finish his words, he was interrupted by Sakaski: "And there are slight waves in the windless zone in the first half of the Grand Route!"

"At the same time, the vortex speed of the triangular current is also constantly weakening..."

The Warring States General continued.

"Also! The charging time of the record pointer has begun to become longer. As for the reason-Marcus Maz Saint might as well check what the situation is like in Upside Down Mountain!"

Sakaski then dropped another bombshell.

The picture on the TV fell into a state of stillness.

This was not because Wulaoxing was petrified, but that they took the initiative to suspend the connection call and began to arrange for personnel to conduct verification.

After all, the 'bombshell' thrown by the two generals at this time was too shocking!

After a while, as the screen flickered, Wulaoxing resumed communication.

"Who discovered this? When was it discovered?"

Wulaoxing's tone seemed a little anxious.

"...Admiral Kuzan, who was stationed at the defense of Impel City, discovered the anomaly in the windless zone. The anomaly in the triangular current was discovered by the supply fleet - but they still failed to reach Impel City in the end!"

The Warring States General glanced at Sacaster and continued: "As for the change in the magnetic field that records the charging time of the pointer, it was reported by Lieutenant General Garp who was responsible for executing the East China Sea Demon Slaying Order."

"All reports are from today, exactly one hour before the meeting..."

Sakaski snorted coldly and said: "As for what these changes mean, I don't think you adults don't know it!"

The beginning of waves in the windless zone means that the route barrier is about to disappear. The abnormality of the triangular current means that the world government's 'triangular rapid support system' is very likely to have problems. The changes in the magnetic field are even more terrifying - it means the threshold of entering the ocean. Further decrease!Even many poor people in the countryside don't even need the cheapest recording pointer. They can embark on a voyage in a canoe with a cheap chart that can be copied at will!
As for the goals and plans of those 'untouchables' after they go to sea, Wulaoxing can understand it even if he thinks about it with his toes!
At that time, if countless untouchables from the participating countries really flood into the ocean, how many nails can the navy be able to drive even if it is covered in steel?
After all, as long as the unfairness of the world is not fundamentally changed, the pirate problem cannot be solved; the Five Old Stars are still aware of this.

As for proactive change, there has never been an example of the ruling class wielding the butcher knife against itself since ancient times, let alone the world's aristocratic Celestial Dragons who have long been accustomed to arrogance and extravagance.


This time Wulaoxing did not cut off the communication, but whispered in front of the two generals for a long time before asking: "Does the Navy have any specific judgment or statement?"


Sakaski suddenly became furious.

"There are no arrangements yet, and this information is of great importance. We cannot arrange for the ordinary navy to investigate, otherwise no matter what the truth is, the consequences will be disastrous."

Warring States responded and said: "So, I would like to ask the highest authority to arrange CIPHER POL to conduct a secret investigation!"

Although the relationship between Sengoku and Sakaski is relatively average, at least this time the red and white faces cooperated quite well, blocking out everything the five old stars had to say.

"...Today's meeting ends here. Please remember to arrange personnel to rescue and push forward the siege of the city!"

A hasty words came from the TV screen, and then went out.

"Hey Hey hey!"

Sakaski suddenly became anxious: "Don't leave in a hurry, we haven't said when we will allocate money to build ships and recruit troops!"

But the screen, which had been completely turned off, could not make any reply.

"A bunch of bastards!"

Sakaski cursed fiercely, stood up and prepared to leave.

"Don't you want to talk?"

Warring States suddenly spoke up.

"What are you talking about?"

Sakaski stopped, tilted his head and looked at Sengoku, who was sitting in the chair with the old god, and said, "What? Do you still want me to congratulate you on your upcoming promotion to Navy Marshal?"

"Besides, what will happen even if you become the marshal of the navy? Can you ask for funds? Can you lead the ship building? Can you start a large-scale military recruitment?"

"you can not!"

Sakaski's tone was full of dissatisfaction.

"But so what? Isn't it true that even a highly praised wise general cannot completely wipe out the pirates? Isn't it just that he sticks to the base and keeps shrinking while winning continuously?"

"Kuzan, whom you have always been optimistic about, is still hiding in Impel Down and being bombed, and you -"


After sneering twice, Sakaski said no more.Because Seng Guo's expression has changed.

"I don't want to hear what you said today again in the future..."

Warring States said slowly.

"Understood! Follow my orders! After all, you will soon be the respected Marshal of the Warring States Period!"

Sakaski rubbed his tongue and put on a sly smile, and then strode towards the door. Before leaving the door, he said: "It's just that your so-called justice that rules the world, it seems now." He’s just a paper poster!”


The first ones to discover the abnormality in the world were actually not the navy, but the small pirate groups who were being chased and jumped up and down.

Although Vice Admiral Kupp led the fleet to execute the Demon-Slaying Order, the target of sanctions was the Kirigakure Pirates, but for those small pirate groups, even the aftermath of the war was enough to completely crush them into powder, and the navy has never I don't mind 'borrowing my fellow countryman's head'.

Therefore, just when some small pirate groups began to run around in a panic under the threat of the Demon-Slaying Order, a small group of extremely small and inexperienced pirate groups inadvertently broke into the windless zone without a recording pointer. After wandering around the edge of the sea for a while, he was able to return to the safe sea with the help of a sudden wave.

——A sailboat actually returned from the windless zone intact!

As a result, the news spread quickly among the pirate circles in the East China Sea.

Later, some pirate groups who accidentally strayed from the Grand Line into the East China Sea began to claim that memory pointers generally experienced unexplained failures, causing deviations in magnetic field navigation. After verification by other pirate groups, they actually found that this was true. !
It was the naval fleet executing the demon-slaying order that subsequently discovered the anomaly, because they had already rescued no fewer than ten batches of merchant fleets that had lost their way due to the failure of their memory pointers.

If only one or two fleets are straying, it can be explained by the poor captain skills, but now there are so many straying merchant fleets appearing outside the combat area of ​​the naval fleet executing the demon-slaying order - and this is from the great The route goes directly to the East China Sea. No matter how slow Lieutenant General Garp is, he can tell that there must be something fishy in it.

It's just that Lieutenant General Garp didn't investigate and find out the reason. After all, the captains who lost their lives all said the same thing——

"I just walked along the route, and then I didn't know what happened and ended up in the East China Sea!"

With no choice but to report the matter, Lieutenant General Garp waited for the Navy Headquarters or World Government agencies to investigate.

As for the fleet under his command, they began to be busy killing the pirates who kept coming to their doorsteps. They did not bother to look for the raging "Kirigakure Pirates" and the revolutionary army that was gradually forming a prairie fire.


Uchiha Tokumitsu, who was sitting on the island where the sacred tree was planted, also sensed a slight change in the pirate world.

Perhaps it is the function of the sacred tree. As the roots of the sacred tree become deeper and deeper, the power of the storm in the Demonic Triangle Sea begins to decrease significantly. According to the static calculations of the Uzumaki Ninja, it will only take about one year for the Demonic Triangle to reach its peak. All kinds of abnormal sea conditions in the triangular sea area will completely subside!
In addition, the ninjas of the Second Legion also discovered another anomaly, that is, the various giant sea kings that originally lived in the windless zone began to migrate outward, and even the armored ships they had always ignored were included in the attack targets of the sea kings. .

"Contact Sanshouyu Hanzo's First Legion to find out if there are any abnormalities on their side..."

Uchiha Tokumitsu rubbed his brows with a headache: "Impulse City is in the windless zone. If there are abnormal situations there, it means that the pirate world has indeed changed."

After finishing speaking, Uchiha Tokko couldn't help but look back at the sacred tree behind him, which although tall, still took on the form of a 'sapling'.

"In addition, let the six tailed beasts work harder and help destroy those Sea King monsters, just like recruiting them to fight..."

"As ordered!"

Uchiha Fugaku, who came to report, bowed and saluted, but then asked: "Do the two holy places need to issue recruitment orders to them?"

"...It's not necessary yet, just take it easy a little bit."

Uchiha Tokko closed his eyes slightly and said quietly: "Even if you are harvesting leeks, you have to wait until the leeks grow taller before cutting."

"I respectfully submit to your Majesty's will!"

Uchiha Fugaku calmly saluted again, then excused himself and left.

After he left, the island of the sacred tree returned to silence again. Uchiha Tokko sat on the seat with knotted roots, deep in thought.

"What do you think?"

Suddenly, Uchiha Tokumitsu seemed to say something to the air.

"If you use your human language to evaluate..."

At this time, a small slug emerged from under the gravel on the left front of Uchiha Tokumitsu, "That means there is something wrong."

"Of course, I have no intention of instigating the relationship between the royal family and the clan. I hope your Majesty will learn from this..."

Finally, the clone of Immortal Slug added another sentence.

"I mean, Slug Immortal, how do you view the abnormal changes in this world..."

Uchiha Tokko sighed slightly and said with some helplessness: "As for Brother Fugaku's thoughts, it's not difficult to guess. It's just that he is somewhat resentful after completely missing the position of clan leader."

"Your Majesty's broad-mindedness is really unlike that of an Uchiha~"

Slug Immortal seemed a little surprised.

Uchiha Tokko was speechless.

"In my memory, after Otsutsuki's death, the sacred trees they planted did have a great impact on the environment of the ninja world..."

Slug Immortal's tentacles focused on the giant 'sapling' behind Uchiha Tokumitsu, and he seemed to be sensing and contemplating this sacred tree that looked a little strange after the transformation: "And after the goddess of Uo swallowed the fruit of the sacred tree, she was killed by the sacred tree. The destroyed barbaric land became a complete dead place, and even though thousands of years have passed, there has been no change at all..."

"After Gao Tianyuan relaxed the blockade on natural energy, the surrounding wild lands have begun to regain a little vitality."

Uchiha Tokumitsu said calmly.

"Gao Tianyuan..."

Immortal Slug was stunned for a moment, and then he remembered that the so-called Gao Tianyuan refers to the former Miaomu Mountain.

"Natural energy is the energy created by all things in the world. It is not surprising that it can restore life to wild places."

"It's just that the area of ​​​​the wilderness is so large that your Majesty must be very aware that it is impossible to completely restore it with the total amount of natural energy in the ninja world."

"So, what is lost in the ninja world, is gained in the pirate world."

Uchiha Tokko nodded, also agreeing with Slug Sage's statement.

"By the way, how is the construction of the new holy land going?"

"It's not bad..."

Immortal Slug shook his two tentacles slightly and said, "It's just that the main body cannot be summoned through spiritualism, so the progress cannot be improved."

"That's good……"

Uchiha Tokumitsu nodded slightly.

The construction process of the "separate helms" of the two holy places is actually quite important, especially the Slug Immortal with extraordinary recovery ability. In Uchiha Tokumitsu's view, he is simply a universal model of a perpetual power bank. If he can join the Ninja Army The combat sequence will undoubtedly be a great improvement.

Although Slug Sage's attitude seems relatively indifferent compared to the more actively involved Ryujidong lineage, Uchiha Tokumitsu still believes in that sentence——

“Everyone has a price!”

(End of this chapter)

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