Uchiha's opinion

Chapter 515 He who enters Mariejoia first is king

Chapter 515 He who enters Mariejoia first is king

Black Zetsu, who wanted to save his mother, didn't know that Uchiha Tokumitsu had done so many extravagances.

At this time, Dai Duozi is actively cooperating with Asura to search for the whereabouts of A Fei and a group of rebellious Bai Jue, but after several months, nothing has been gained at all.

Although Asura, who was in charge of leading the team, looked at ease and unconcerned, and even fulfilled his duties as the director of the Independent Commission Against Corruption during the pursuit and investigation, he investigated several government ninjas suspected of selling salted fish, but about There are no clues about A Fei's whereabouts.

Although Hei Zetsu was extremely anxious about this, he couldn't show it in front of others, let alone get too close to Asura, who had a special status. Naturally, he didn't know much about the recent trends in the ninja world - after all, Asura's With an indifferent personality, he is definitely not the kind of person who is keen on snooping around.

Therefore, Black Zetsu didn't even know that even the heretic golems and tailed beasts necessary to save the Mother Goddess on the moon had been tossed to another world by Uchiha Tokumitsu. Even if it could find another victim in the future, it still wouldn't work. Infinite Moon Destruction can no longer be activated.

But the problem is that although it also believes that Uchiha Tokimitsu must have other plans, and it is definitely not so easy to talk to help it rescue his mother, it can not only cooperate and pray for Uchiha Tokko's few consciences, but it can also use it Apart from the effect, there is no other way.

After all, the heretic demon, the Nine-Headed Tailed Beast and even the Samsara Eye have all fallen into the hands of Uchiha Tokumitsu. Even the remains of Uchiha Madara have been personally delivered to Uchiha Tokumitsu. All trump cards have been lost and once again Black Zetsu, who was left alone when he was just born, had no chance to bargain in front of Uchiha Tokko.

"Heizi~ That's it for today, it's time to get off work!"

Asura, who had just emerged from a hilly cave, patted the dust on his body and said to Hei Jue in a cheerful tone.

"So early?"

Hei Jue looked up at the sky. The sun hadn't completely set yet!
"Although we are in the Land of the Earth, our off-duty hours still have to be based on Konoha time."

Asura's expression did not change and he said matter-of-factly: "Eight hours of work every day, eight hours of study and entertainment, and then eight hours of rest. This is the blessing bestowed upon mortals in the ninja world by His Majesty Tokumitsu!"

"That's right, as staff of the Ninja World Government, we must not let down His Majesty's kindness!"

As for the other ninjas, they naturally absolutely supported Asura's statement.

"All right……"

Although he didn't understand why a ninja had to live such a lazy life, after all, his arms couldn't twist his thighs, and Hei Zetsu could only obey everyone's wishes.

Then, it turned into a black ball and jumped into the backpack that Asura was opening toward it.

Next, the pursuit team, led by captain Asura, will go to the nearest town izakaya for a good meal.

Hei Jue, who was full of melancholy, also ended his day's work.

However, in the dead of night, after Asura and the others fell asleep, Hei Jue escaped from the hotel again as usual, found an empty wilderness and lay flat on the ground, silently feeling the moonlight in the sky.

"Mother Goddess...please give me some inspiration!"

Looking at the bright moon hanging high in the sky, Black couldn't help but murmur to himself.

"Mother God?"

Suddenly, a questioning word came from behind Hei Jue.


Hei Jue, who was feeling the light of the Mother Goddess and seeking spiritual sustenance, suddenly rolled up his body and was about to run away!

"it's me!"

The sound that followed made Hei Jue freeze in place!

But at the same time, it also sensed that the soil beneath it had become as hard as steel at some point, and even if it wanted to escape into it, it would take a long time.

"...Director Ashura's sealing technique is really extraordinary!"

Hei Jue slowly turned around and looked at Asura, who had sealing runes poking into the ground under the sole of his left foot. His tone was unusually gloomy: "To actually arrange the steel barrier in such a short period of time, I'm afraid. Even the Uzumaki clan cannot find another person who can do this!"

"this is nothing……"

Asura said calmly: "It's just a calculation without intention."

Heijue fell silent for a moment.

yes!It should have thought long ago that with Asura's strength, it was impossible not to notice that he had escaped outside at night!

Thinking of this, Hei Jue couldn't help but feel heartbroken and felt that his recent behavior was too insane!
Looking up at Asura, who looked condescending and seemed to be looking at a magical species, Hei Zetsu felt a little frustrated.

'Am I too much of a failure...'

However, under the light of the Mother Goddess, Hei Jue looked up at the bright moon in the sky and once again found the meaning of survival and struggle.

'I must save the Mother Goddess! '

But belief cannot change the reality. Apart from the power given by the Mother Goddess, which has always been regarded as the last trump card, Hei Jue has no other means to deal with the eager Asura in front of him.

"You are not the ordinary monster you introduced yourself to, are you?"

Asura spoke again: "I have eliminated and sealed many monsters before, but I have never seen such a strange species as you..."

"I don't have much power, but I have magical escape skills..."

"And he is also very good at disguise. Bai Jue seems to have special perception ability..."

"...How should I put it? It's as if you are a variant of White Zetsu."

As Asura expressed his judgment, Hei Jue became more and more frightened as he listened - of course, since he was in the form of a puddle of mud, there seemed to be no change on the surface.

"What did Tokuguang say to you?"

After a long time, Hei Jue responded.

"It's nothing, I just received an urgent call and will be returning to Konoha tomorrow."

Asura shrugged and said nonchalantly: "Besides, the telegram clearly asked you to go back together, so I just came out to look for you."

"Isn't that..."

Hei Jue couldn't help but be stunned when he heard this.

"That's right, everything I just said was a lie to you."

Asura admitted openly, "Although I also knew that you often sneaked out at night, I actually didn't want to pay attention to it. I just thought that the group of ninjas under my command would get up quietly in the middle of the night to go to the izakaya. …”

"But...it seems like now that Heizi, who is calling the Mother Goddess to the moon...you really seem to be hiding some unknown secrets!"

At this point, Asura's eyes gradually narrowed into a thin line.

Although there was still a faint smile on his face, the cold light in his eyebrows looked full of murderous intent!
"...Your Majesty knows it."

Hei Jue said calmly.

Having said that, if we use the seniority in the ninja world to calculate, Asura should still belong to its nephew generation.

Black Jue is also gambling.

I bet its eldest nephew won't attack it rashly!

After all, Asura just said that Uchiha Tokumitsu would also recall it with his urgent lightning!

"You're so smart...your words and deeds really don't look like a wild monster..."

Asura raised his eyebrows and heard the hidden meaning of Hei Jueyan: "And for some reason, I always have a feeling... It seems that I have some connection with you~"


Black Jue stopped talking and just looked at Asura silently.

"Forget it, since His Majesty knows your background, I won't go into details..."

Asura suddenly smiled, "However, you still need to cooperate, otherwise I won't worry~"

"...How to cooperate?"

Black Zetsu asked cautiously.

"Come in here..." Asura took out a jade bottle from his arms and pointed the mouth of the bottle at Hei Jue, "Do you dare to answer my call?"

Amber pure bottle...

Hei Jue's heart tightened immediately when he saw this object, and he immediately had the idea of ​​​​escape.

But in the end, it suppressed its inner thoughts and replied: "How..."

Before Hei Jue even uttered the word 'Le', Hei Jue felt a strong suction coming towards his face, but he still resisted the urge to resist and was obediently sucked into the bottle by the power of the amber bottle.

"Don't worry, you won't die..."

Asura sealed the cork of the bottle again, shook it slightly, said something to the bottle, and then put the six-path artifact close to his body.

This six-path artifact that was taken from Kumogakure was originally given to him by Uchiha Tokumitsu to capture Ah Fei, but he didn't expect that the first one to take advantage of it was his 'teammate' Kuroko.

Moreover, when using this artifact, Asura, who saw things and felt deeply, also thought of his father again...


Asura sighed slightly and returned to the town.


"Sir Minato, there is a special task that needs to be entrusted to you."

In the Konoha Palace, Uchiha Tokumitsu, who temporarily returned to the ninja world, summoned Namikaze Minato.

"I need you to fully take over the intelligence work of the pirate world and lead the core personnel to explore the second half of the Grand Line..."

Uchiha Tokumitsu handed over a pile of information and said in a deep voice: "Especially collect information about Devil Fruits and Sea Tower Stones!"

"I honor your orders!"

Namikaze Minato stamped his feet and saluted with a serious face, then respectfully took the information handed over by Uchiha Tokumitsu and started reading it on the spot.

"As your direct subordinates, I have arranged for Aburame Shiguro, Inuzuka Jaw, and Akimichi Toto. They are all jonins from the ninja clan. They are remarkable in terms of combat prowess and intelligence gathering ability... …”

Uchiha Tokumitsu said to himself: "In addition, there are three juniors who need you to take them with you to experience them."

"Yahiko, Konan, and..."

Namikaze Minato also happened to turn to this page, "Uzumaki Nagato?"

He was no stranger to the first two people. After all, they were both members of the New Area Police Station and his old subordinates. As for Uzumaki Nagato, what Namikaze Minato found most strange was that the introduction to personal abilities in the information clearly stated With the words "Sharingan"!


Uchiha Tokumitsu rubbed his eyebrows and said with a headache: "Nobuhu's intelligence work has been difficult to carry out, so you need to lead the team and take charge. Although this will delay your own work, there is nothing we can do about it..."

In addition to his position as the director of the Police Department, Minato Namikaze is also responsible for the affairs of the Reserve Management Bureau, so he can be considered a busy man.

But there is nothing that can be done. Now there are only two people in the entire ninja world who can freely use the Flying Thunder God Technique. Uchiha Tokumitsu has no better choice.

"Wan Country..."

Namikaze Minato took out the map from the information and looked at it several times, feeling a little nervous but also a little eager to give it a try.

"According to the torture results of the captives, the Sea Tower Stone that can restrain Devil Fruit users in the Pirate World is most likely produced in Wano Country, so I need you to lead a team to conduct reconnaissance."

Uchiha Tokumitsu said: "Moreover, this is an important task that can only be successful and cannot fail!"

Namikaze Minato nodded seriously.

"The sea floor stones we have captured so far are still too few. Even if they are used for composition and structure analysis, they are not enough, let alone used to develop restrained weapons..."

Uchiha Tokko sighed: "So, I can only arrange for you to perform the mission this time."

"We must fulfill our mission!"

Namikaze Minato once again stamped his feet and saluted.

"That's fine. You will report to the Second Army Corps tomorrow first. Then Mr. Fugaku has arranged for a language teacher. After you and his subordinates complete basic training, they will send you to the Shampoo Islands to sneak into the new world in the second half of the Grand Line. "

"Xinhu has also opened up a smuggling route, and he will arrange the specific matters when the time comes."

"It's just that there will be a lot of obstacles along the way to Wano Country, and apart from the name of the country, we know nothing about the location of Wano Country and the distribution of domestic forces, so you need to be careful along the way. Timely changes…”

Uchiha Tokumitsu kept reminding: "In addition, if possible, you can try to communicate with various pirate groups in the new world. It would be better if an alliance can be achieved."

"If we form an alliance, what conditions can we offer?"

Namikaze Minato didn't care much about other things, but when Uchiha Tokumitsu mentioned 'alliance', he got excited!

This is an opportunity to make great achievements together!

If this can be achieved, he is very likely to go one step further and become a senior member of the Ninja World Government and become the Chief of Staff at the age of early twenties!

For 'official fan' Minato, there is nothing more inspiring than this!
"Whoever enters Mariejoia first will be the king of the world!"

Uchiha Tokumitsu said: "At the same time, all territories can be governed according to the boundaries of the occupied areas, and all those who try to change the status quo will fight together!"

Anyway, the promise was free of charge. Before all-out war started, Uchiha Tokumitsu didn't mind trying to spread the pie. As for whether the pirate groups in the New World would eat this pie, Uchiha Tokumitsu didn't care much. Anyway, it didn't matter. Racking grass and hunting rabbits is nothing to do.

"As ordered!"

Namikaze Minato, whose face was full of excitement, saluted again, then excused himself and left.

Not long after, the Imperial Guard ninjas introduced Asura into the temple.

"What about Heijue?"

When he saw Asura entering the temple alone, Uchiha Tokumitsu couldn't help but be a little surprised.

"it's here……"

Asura took out the amber bottle from his arms, opened the cork seal, and poured out the black juice inside.

"...I have a special task for you and Heizi."

Uchiha Tokumitsu looked at Black Zetsu who seemed a little confused, and then said.

"Tell me~"

Ashura nodded.

"According to Mr. Shiina's report, there seems to be an anti-government force called the Revolutionary Army in the pirate world. I need you and Kuroko to lurk in..."

Uchiha Tokumitsu took out the information again and handed it over, "If possible, seek a high position in it and influence the strategic trend of the revolutionary army."

"To what extent does it need to be done?"

Asura took the information and flipped through it casually.

"Influence the decision-making of the Revolutionary Army, or directly form an alliance with it as a special commissioner, you can handle this flexibly..."

Uchiha Tokumitsu said: "Shiina-san's advance army will cooperate."

"If we form an alliance, what conditions can we offer?"

Asura raised his eyebrows and suddenly became interested.

Although it feels good to carry out justice in the ninja world, it is obviously more fun to launch an armed struggle in another world!
"He who enters Mariejoia first is king."

Uchiha Tokko gave the same condition.

(End of this chapter)

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