Uchiha's opinion

Chapter 517 The ideal experimental field

Chapter 517 The ideal experimental field
Asura is a romantic person by nature.

In other words, because of his persistence in his ideals, he actually dislikes many things.

However, asuras often have limited abilities or do not have a deep understanding of the events that are happening, so they will make jokes such as "I will do something for you if you eat noodles for no money."

However, after Uchiha Tokumitsu's "reality beating", Asura suddenly woke up and began to learn to turn a blind eye to certain things. Although he was not complicit, he was no longer like when he was just resurrected. Interfere at will.

After choosing to move closer to Uchiha Tokimitsu's shogunate forces, Asura also witnessed the changes in the ninja world during the 'Annexation War'. Especially after Uchiha Tokimitsu unified the ninja world and established a dynasty, the prosperous ninja world became even more prosperous. It left Asura speechless.

But he doesn't think his path is entirely wrong.

In Asura's heart, he has always had an inexplicable and lingering obsession with building an ideal world where people understand each other, but he has never had the opportunity to develop and practice it.

His failure to achieve anything in ancient times can be regarded as the obstruction of his brother Indra; his constant reincarnation only brings endless wars, and he can be regarded as the secret and malicious guidance of Gamamaru; but in today's ninja world, Asura has been confirmed Its route cannot be realized in the ninja world.

So, what if we change the world?

And this is one of the reasons why Asura readily accepted the undercover mission of Uchiha Tokko Revolutionary Army.

"The new world is the ideal experimental field!"

Standing on the mast of the clipper heading to the Kingdom of Goa, Asura was in high spirits, pointing out the country while talking and laughing: "This is a world more decadent than the ninja world, full of bottomless violence and killing!"

"The puppet government is cruel, the kingdoms are incompetent, and pirates are causing trouble but cannot control them. In the end, only the lowest common people will suffer!"


Hei Jue, who was poured out of the amber bottle to breathe, just glanced at him, speechless.

From its point of view, it seems that there is something wrong with the whole family of its cheap brother, so it is not surprising that it is getting excited again now.

But Hei Jue actually had no idea about the future of this trip.


As a small country within the East China Sea, the Kingdom of Goa is not ranked high in the East China Sea in terms of land area, population under its rule, or military strength.

Although it is a small and insignificant country, it is not only a member of the World Government, but also one of the G[-] countries of the World Conference. Its special status is evident.

It's just that from Asura's point of view, this country feels extremely awkward no matter how you look at it.

"I have to say that this country is indeed quite clean..."

Hei Jue said casually from time to time.

"A paradise for the noble, a hell for the poor..."

After wandering around Gaozhen and Central Street in the capital of Goa Kingdom, Asura's mood became worse and worse.

He landed at the so-called Windmill Village, and then after passing Mount Colpo and the Uncertain Terminal, he directly crossed the high wall and entered the capital.

But what he saw along the way surprised him.

The garbage mountain, infested with flies, filled with stench, and almost breathless, is like a purgatory on earth, while the capital city, separated only by a wall, is a different scene of a fairyland on earth.

Behind the 'cleanest country' shown by intelligence data is actually based on the absolute oppression of areas outside the capital city.

"What a dirty country..."

Asura jumped to the top of a high tower on Central Street and began to quickly scan the movements of every block in the capital.

The kingdom is full of people, the high town is elegant and beautiful, the scenery is pleasant, businessmen and small nobles are enjoying the nightlife in the central street; while the side town has returned to a dead silence, but in the dark corners, the side town is still making things all kinds of crimes.

When night falls, it is when the 'Garbage Hunting Troops' begin to take action; they wander around the border town areas within the capital, mercilessly pursuing and even killing everyone they see with muskets, long knives, and iron hooks. Inferior beings that belong to 'garbage'.

In the garbage mountain outside the high wall, there is still a dim light of fire undulating, which is the untouchables looking for leftover food that can be used to satisfy their hunger among the piles of garbage.

During the day, these 'untouchables' in the garbage mountain are allowed to enter the side towns and central streets to conduct moderate trade in exchange for daily necessities, but in the evening they must return to the extremely smelly garbage mountain area, otherwise they will be killed.But even if there were no lights at this time, the untouchables still tried their best to provide themselves with a source of light and diligently searched for usable things in the garbage mountain.

This is true day after day, year after year, and from generation to generation.

It’s ridiculous to say that it is precisely because the royal family and nobles continue to be extravagant, extravagant and wasteful that the untouchables who are isolated from the capital and regarded as garbage disposal workers are able to have a relatively stable source of raw materials for food and handicrafts. source.And the untouchables have relied on this extremely deformed ecology to reproduce from generation to generation.

This is an example of a 'segregated society'.

People of different classes have their own positions and tasks, and basically do not interact with each other. Compared with the multiple alliance countries subverted by the advance fleet, there is no doubt that the class barriers in the Kingdom of Goa are tighter.

It seems to be a very stable and clear social structure.

But this 'clearness' made Ashura even more disgusted with the pseudo-world government, and he had a deeper 'understanding' of the 'reasons and understanding' of being sent by Uchiha Tokumitsu to join the revolutionary army or lead the revolution.

"This is a desperate world..."

Asura said to Black Zetsu: "A world more cruel than the ninja world..."

Hei Jue just simulated a smile but said nothing.

In its opinion, this is just an intermittent illness of Asura.

But Asura didn't take it seriously, but continued to look at this peaceful country with endless malice hidden in it.

There is no doubt that if an external force joins and leads the 'untouchables' in the garbage mountain to launch a riot, it will definitely get twice the result with half the effort.

But he didn't want to wait.

So Asura began to form seals slowly.

"...what are you going to do?"

Hei Jue, who was curled up at his feet, couldn't help but be startled.

Along with Asura's seal, a surging chakra wave began to surge, and gradually formed a storm that fluctuated like a tide.

Even though people in the pirate world do not have chakra and are not familiar with the characteristics of ninjutsu, this obviously malicious force is still perceived by the strong men stationed in the kingdom.

Then, figures one after another jumped up from everywhere in the palace and Gao Town, and headed towards Asura on the top of the tower.

But it's too late—

"Tu Dun·Huangquan Marsh!"

Asura roared angrily, and then the entire kingdom began to gradually fall into a huge quagmire!

The strong men who came out from the palace and Gao Town immediately fell into chaos. Some of them rushed back to the palace to try to rescue them, while others began to fight desperately towards Asura.

"Take care of yourself!"

Asura first kicked Black Jue under the tower, and then quickly launched his secret technique——

"The Art of Flying Thunder God!"

Before Hei Jue's curse could be uttered, the attack from the kingdom's powerful men was like a storm, smashing the tower into pieces!

Before the people who were wandering at night on Central Street had time to see clearly what happened in the direction of the palace where the abnormal movement was reported, the rapidly collapsing masonry of the high tower smashed their heads and fled in embarrassment, while some unlucky ones were destroyed by the collapse. The tower body is buried in it and has no breath anymore.Almost in an instant, the tranquility of this 'fairyland on earth' was completely shattered.

Under the influence of the Flying Thunder God's Jutsu, Asura quietly came within the range of Gao Town and launched his second Ninjutsu without mercy -

"Tudun, open the soil and excavate!"

As Asura shouted angrily, an earthquake suddenly erupted in the kingdom area that was about to sink completely into the mire, and then the underground soil began to rise rapidly to form a hill.


Accompanied by a roar that resounded across the sky, red and purple magma spewed out. While completely reducing the palace to ashes, the hot magma began to spread towards Gao Town!
"It's a devil fruit capable user!"

"This power... must be rock berries!"

"Is this... the admiral of the navy?!"

Seeing this situation, the strong men of the kingdom, who were chasing after him like headless flies after losing their target, suddenly became panicked.

In their impression, there is nothing other than rockberry fruit that can produce such a devastating effect, and among the known rockberry fruit users, the most famous is the Navy Headquarters Admiral - "Akainu" Sasha Caskey!
"Impossible! Absolutely impossible!"

The strong men of the kingdom, whose hearts collapsed, returned to the Gao Town area like crazy, trying to stop the spread of magma!
But a strange-looking dagger flew past them.

Then, a figure appeared out of thin air behind them, silently waving a short knife to cut off one and collect it, and then disappeared without a trace again!

"There are enemies!"

A sharp-eyed strong man immediately shouted!

"Tu Dun·Heart Beheading Technique!"

A pair of big hands suddenly broke out of the earth and pulled a panicked strong man into the earth. Before the other people who were startled could help him, the man in the earth vomited blood and died!


A group of strong men immediately jumped up to avoid the ground where demons seemed to be hiding!
But because of this, they have no chance to block the raging magma!

"This guy...is he possessed by evil spirits?"

Hei Jue, who had slipped to a safe area and hid to continue peeping, could not help but be stunned. Looking at the palace that had been swallowed up by the swamp and volcano, and the Gao Town that was ignited by the high temperature of the magma, he was really confused!

The cruelty of Asura's methods is beyond its imagination!

"Isn't that guy a good old man? Why did he become so..."

After thinking about it, Hei Jue still had a hundred thousand reasons in his mind.

It really couldn't think of any words to use to describe Asura at this time.

At this time, in Hei Jue's field of vision, Asura, who looked like a crazy demon, was constantly causing massacres. One after another, so-called strong men fell under his elusive attacks. At the same time, Asura did not forget to use fire escape ninjutsu wantonly. , adding a little more heat to the burning Gao Town!
The border towns next to the high walls of the capital and the garbage mountains outside also noticed abnormalities in the city.

Groups of defenders, led by their respective commanders, rushed towards Gao Town, and fierce knocking sounds began to be heard from the empty gate of the capital!

"It also……"

Asura swallowed the saliva that didn't exist, "So this is the revolution..."

"Shadow Clone Technique!"

After killing off the group of low-quality 'strong men', Asura quickly separated more than ten shadow clones and began to kill towards the gathering defenders, while his body used the teleportation technique to rush forward. city ​​gate.

"Steel Fist!"

With one punch, the door bolt of the city gate was shattered!

The 'untouchables' who were holding the huge trees outside and ramming them stumbled and fell to the ground when they knocked open the city gate due to excessive force.

"Ah this..."

Looking at Asura, who was standing calmly and calmly in the doorway but with bloodstains on his body, the 'untouchables' who were just planning to take advantage of the chaos were at a loss.

It would be fine if they were ordinary defenders. They were confident that they could overwhelm them with their numbers.

But this blond man standing in the doorway, showing a posture that one man was in a position to block and ten thousand others could not open, made them feel at a loss.

In terms of aura, the blond man seems to be more graceful than the noble men of the kingdom.

The blood stains on the white palms and clothes, as well as the broken door bolt on the ground, all showed how difficult the blond man was to be messed with.


Asura looked around at the helpless and ragged untouchables and said slowly: "This will be a revolution!"

The untouchables, who had originally planned to take advantage of the fire, looked at each other in confusion.

"Either you wait obediently to be killed, or you die gloriously following the revolution..."

Asura continued: "Do you want to die vigorously, or do you want to be trampled to death like a humble insect repellent?"

"We just want to live..."

There was a murmur from the crowd.

"If they live, you can't live..."

Asura pointed in the direction of the burning Gao Town and said: "Or, you can only live a humble life like a fly, but you have to endure endless oppression for generations; what is the meaning of such a life?"

The untouchables still looked confused and at a loss.

Asura didn't take it seriously either. He had already thought of this result.

Without the deliberate guidance of illusions, even the most articulate Asura could not make this group of illiterate untouchables wake up with just a few empty words, and from then on they would follow him wholeheartedly to start a cause.

But it doesn't matter.

Asura formed a seal casually and once again separated into five shadow clones.

"You can enter Gao Town, but you cannot have any impact on other areas..."

Asura ignored the commotion and surprise of the untouchables and said calmly: "Anyone who disobeys my will will be like this city gate..."

Then, Asura swung out a concentrated chakra punch and smashed the city gate into pieces!
The untouchables immediately knelt down and trembled like the humblest gophers.

"You can come in now..."

Asura calmly turned aside, pointed in the direction of Gao Zhen and said, "Go and get everything you want!"

The untouchables stood up slowly with some hesitation. First, the first person cautiously crossed the doorway, and then more and more people rushed towards Gaozhen under the leadership of the shadow clone.

Immediately, the sound of killing shook the sky!
Asura was still standing in the doorway, his face looking gloomy and uncertain under the flickering light of the fire.

(End of this chapter)

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