Uchiha's opinion

Chapter 518: Trying a New Route

"What the hell are you doing!"

The furious Heijie ignored the strength comparison between the two sides and angrily shouted: "We are obviously here to lurk and join the revolutionary army, why do you want to start such a big battle!"

"Don't you know? That brat Uchiha Shiina is still dealing with the fleet of the puppet government navy! How can we start a revolution with the power of you and me!"

"Also, have you forgotten that our mission is to sneak into the revolutionary army and become a mole?"

"Asura! I think you are going to betray His Majesty Tokumitsu!"

Asura looked at the furious Hei Jue strangely: "This is the first time I know you are so loyal..."


Black Zetsu was instantly angry.

"As the saying goes, loyalty is not absolute, but it is absolutely disloyal."

Asura said leisurely: "So... Heizi, are you a loyal monster?"


Looking at Asura's eyes full of sincere love, Hei Jue was suddenly speechless.

For some reason, the words of loyalty and lies that I was so familiar with all of a sudden couldn't be said.

"It's okay, actually I understand..."

Asura bent down, stroked Hei Jue's dog's head, and said softly: "How can someone who can call the mother goddess to the moon be an ordinary monster? Am I right..."

"I, I don't quite understand what you mean..."

Black Jue, who was trembling in his heart, stumbled and responded: "Master Asura, you..."

"Don't be so formal, I understand everything!"

Asura's tone became gentler and gentler, and the hand stroking the dog's head became gentler and gentler: "It's nothing..."

Black Zetsu is even more terrifying!

It suddenly felt that something was wrong with Asura at this time!

With this character, he is still an Asura!It's obviously a replica of 'Shura of the Ninja World'!
It’s impossible for two brothers to be reincarnated into the same person!

"What is your relationship with Indra?"

Asura asked again.

Hei Jue breathed a sigh of relief, but on the surface he still looked shocked: "How do you know!"

"Did His Majesty tell you my identity?!"

In fact, these words are also for testing.

Black Zetsu doesn't know whether Uchiha Tokumitsu has told Asura about it, but now that the mountains are high and the emperor is far away, even if Asura wanted to find out, he wouldn't be able to find out in time!

Besides, since Asura can ask such a stupid question, it means that either Tokumitsu Uchiha deceived him, or he was just guessing!

Therefore, Hei Jue decided to use his expertise in deception and abduction and continue to gamble!
"I am the incarnation of Lord Madara's will..."

Black Jue glanced at Asura and said with a timid expression.

"Madara...you are referring to Uchiha Madara, right?"

Asura's smile became even brighter: "He is the reincarnation of my brother Indra's chakra..."

"Yes, is it..."

Hei Jue was worried and a little proud at the same time, feeling that he had once again deceived the descendant of his cheating brother!
Moreover, in this world, its methods of conduct and ways of bewitching do not have to worry about being discovered by the Immortal of Six Paths who is not dead, and it can freely brainwash Asura!

"I know, no wonder I always feel that your character is a bit familiar..."

Asura looked pleased, patted Hei Jue's head gently, and asked gently: "So, what is your real name?"

"Black Absolute..."

"Then what's your relationship with Bai Jue?"

"I was debugged by Madara-sama based on White Zetsu, but I have no power. The only thing I rely on is Madara-sama's faith and will..."

Black Jue seemed to answer honestly this time.

"Really~ So technically you are my half-brother, right?"

Asura's right hand hung on Hei Zetsu's head and did not move.

"Don't dare, don't dare... I am just a humble container for the crystallization of Madara-sama's thoughtful thoughts..."

Hei Jue immediately showed a horrified look and said tremblingly: "Lord Asura, you are always right and great..."

"That's fine~"

Asura's expression looked very happy, and the right hand hanging above his head resumed the stroking motion.

Black Zetsu breathed a sigh of relief immediately.

Really, everyone in Hagoromo's family is more insane than the last!

Even the most normal looking Asura can be so scary when he attacks!
"Since you are the incarnation of the will of..., you technically belong to my junior."

Asura's smiling eyes narrowed into a crescent shape, and his tone was surprisingly gentle: "Then, you will obey my instructions, right?"

"Your orders are the direction I am heading!"

Black Zetsu immediately climbed up the pole.

"Even if it goes against His Majesty's orders?"

Asura asked again.

"Even if it goes against Tokumitsu's orders!"

Black Jue straightened his non-existent chest and swore with righteousness.

"very good!"

Asura was very satisfied, "I have a task to give you next! My most trusted Black Zetsu!"

"Please order!"

Black Zetsu responded immediately.

"I need this...well, it should be an island, the topographic map of this island. I plan to leave this to you. Do you have the confidence?"

Ashura said.

"The mission must be completed!"

Black Zetsu immediately answered loudly and energetically.

"That's good! Let's go!"

Asura patted Hei Zetsu's head three times. "As you command!"

Black Jue immediately escaped underground and started working.

After Hei Jue left, Asura closed his eyes and felt for a while. After he was sure that he was far away, his face immediately darkened.

Black Zetsu never noticed Asura's language trap.

In fact, unless he is like him now, the reincarnation will not know the existence of chakra, whether it is Indra or Asura.

The most paradoxical thing is that after Asura revealed the existence of Indra, Black Zetsu's first reaction was to connect it with Indra, but in fact, neither Senju Hashirama from the previous life nor Uchiha Madara didn't even know that his behavior was affected by the reincarnation of chakra from ancient times, and he knew nothing about Indra and Asura, the theoretical 'ancestors'!
Therefore, Asura can easily draw a conclusion - Black Zetsu is not, as it says, the incarnation of Uchiha Madara's will!
Combined with its action of calling the Mother Goddess to the moon, there is only one possibility - it is the goddess of Mao, a secret descendant left by Asura's grandmother!
Although this judgment is very bold, Asura feels that he has touched the truth behind history. Coupled with the revolutionary journey that is about to begin, his originally relatively calm mood suddenly becomes surging with excitement and passion!
As for whether there is a so-called revolutionary army in the Kingdom of Goa or even the entire island, Asura does not want to delve into it.

It's even better if there is no so-called revolutionary army, because then he can seize the naming rights of the revolutionary army and even the right to control its future direction!


"It's better to write a book and talk about it..."

Asura took out the Deguang Quotations that he had kept close to him and flipped through it. Then he thought deeply, so he also took out a blank book and wrote four words neatly on the cover -

""Path of Glory"!"

But he thought about it again and felt that it was boring not to have his own name, so he marked 'Asura's name' on the corner.

And the first paragraph Asura wrote was——

"Anyone who wants to exchange virtual ideals for real allegiance is immoral!"

And this will also be Asura's next course of action.

As the saying goes, "If you want to take something, give something first." It is very unrealistic to expect a group of untouchables to fight against a stranger with their heads in the world.

Regardless of their knowledge level or ideological consciousness, Asura did not expect the garbage mountain untouchables he put into the Gaozhen area to plunder to become his backbone supporters.

But again, the best way to launch a major riot without a mass base is to create common enemies and points of interest.

And the royal family that Asura despises the most is the best target in the revolutionary process he envisions!

Even among these groups, there will be many so-called wise kings who are wise, mighty, compassionate, or courteous, but so what?
——Destroying you has nothing to do with you.

This is the choice Asura made.

As for whether it can be successful, it still needs to be verified through practice.


Driven by the shadow clones, the untouchables who had returned from the plunder in the Gao Town area and the residents of the capital were gathered in a square, anxiously waiting for Asura's final approval.

"The doomsday approval has arrived!"

Asura's first words caused some commotion among the residents.

The untouchables were mainly excited because they had 'rewarded for their hard work'; while the residents of Central Street and even the border towns felt that these words sounded so much like the tone of a cult!

But looking at the identity of the shadows with the same appearance but different expressions in all directions, as well as the still burning Gao Zhen and the towering volcano, everyone still bowed their heads to listen to the teachings from the bottom of their hearts.

"The rotten royal family must be overthrown!"

Asura continued to shout: "And what will replace them are people from all classes united!"

"Whether you are businessmen, craftsmen, farmers or even scavengers in the garbage mountain, from today on, you are free! And equal!"


Under the deliberate guidance of Asura, the untouchables from outside the city began to cheer.

Those people whose identities or professions were not mentioned - especially the minor nobles and the garrison officers who fled home in defeat, all felt a terrifying chill rising from the soles of their feet to the sky when they saw this!

After all, what some untouchables are waving in their hands is the head of a big shot who would be considered an honor even to meet in person!

The small traders in the city and some residents with decent jobs sneered at Asura's remarks - because they really had two cows at home.

"Your freedom and equality are the rights I have given you, but defending your rights requires your own efforts!"

Asura pressed his hands to silence, and then said seriously: "Although the East China Sea has fallen into chaos now, if you don't strengthen yourself, sooner or later you will fall back to the situation of being oppressed by the royal family again!"

And those quick-thinking little nobles immediately became energetic!

They all noticed the 'you' in Asura's words!
And this word that distinguishes the two sides also means that this mysterious strong man will not or will not overly interfere in the construction of future political power...

The minor nobles immediately exchanged glances and quickly reached a front with the same position.

Anyway, now the entire royal family has fallen into the quagmire and was later treated as rubbish by the uplifted volcano, and the big nobles living in Gao Town have basically been wiped out. In today's Goa Kingdom, except for this powerful man in front of you, , it can be said that there is no leader!

——Is there such a thing as pie in the sky in this world? !
Immediately, another group of awakened small businessmen began to gather together and openly whisper to each other.

Asura, who was standing high up, naturally noticed the strangeness of these groups, but he didn't care at all.

Anyway, the 'revolution' launched in the Kingdom of Goa is just an attempt at a new route, and it doesn't matter if it succeeds or fails!
What's more, there are still quite a few affiliated countries whose royal families were destroyed by Uchiha Shiina. Asura feels that he still has many opportunities to try out all his ideas.

"You are all created equal!"

Asura said again: "And all old laws and old identities will be abolished from today on, and the identities of all people will be equal."

Following his words, the volcano where the former royal palace was located behind him erupted again!

The residents gathered in the square immediately fell silent.

Asura was very satisfied with the effect.

"You will select a suitable agent on a one-person-one-vote basis, and he will help everyone manage specific government affairs and maintain order!"

It is unknown whether it can be implemented, or whether a strong man will appear during the operation to change the situation.

But what he is doing is a 'revolution' after all, something that requires licking blood with a knife in his head, so some things still need to be done.

"From now on, there is no so-called kingdom, and there is no so-called nobility. This country where all living beings are equal has also been renamed -"

"Republic of Goa!"

"Anyone who is willing to serve the citizens of the Republic can nominate himself to participate in the election!"

"As long as he gets enough support, he will be in power!"

"In addition to governing, a chief tribune and a chief military officer need to be elected, and a national assembly composed of all the free citizens of the country will supervise them!"

"Once the National Assembly votes more than two-thirds of no confidence in an official, the impeached person must resign no matter what position he holds!"

"Long live!"

The young nobles with the most flexible ideas were the first to react, and they quickly raised their arms and shouted.

"Long Live the Republic!"

The small businessmen and other respectable people then shouted loudly, while the illiterate 'untouchables' continued to scream strangely!

"Long live the great Goa Republic!" (End of chapter)

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