Uchiha's opinion

Chapter 519 The New Life of the Republic

Just as Asura expected from the beginning, the so-called one-person-one-vote electoral system caused a lot of troubles after it started to be put into practice.

For example, since he is alone, relying on his shadow clone to maintain order is ultimately beyond his capabilities. In addition, the citizens of the new "Goa Republic" have burst out with extraordinary enthusiasm for the election, so just signing up The statistics made Asura very worried.

As a last resort, Asura had no choice but to recruit literate people among the citizens to help him handle the trivial matters during the election registration stage.

In the capital of the Republic of Goa, those with the highest level of education are naturally the small aristocracy.

As a result, the former petty nobles took over very smoothly and became the first group in power in the new republic.And these personnel were given the title of affairs officers by him. Although there was no specific grade set, before the results of the election, these affairs officers would be a class below Asura and above thousands of citizens.

But Ashura now needs to face another problem, which is the restoration of order - especially since he directly destroyed the original royal family with his powerful force.After completely deposing the military and political bureaucracy that was once decadent but at least functional, the capital, which had fallen into a state of complete freedom, entered a state of chaos.

In order to avoid the tragedy caused by absolute chaos, Ashura had no choice but to rebuild the 'state-owned armed institutions' again.

A country, especially a capital city, needs specific personnel to maintain order anyway, and this group can be the garrison or the police department, but no matter what name it is given, this powerful group If the proletarian group does not have strong restraint, sooner or later it will evolve into a freak who interferes with the country's trends by force. In that case, it will deviate from the original intention of Asura to establish a republic.

Therefore, Asura decided to make magical changes to the Uchiha dynasty's ninja military system and established two standing armed forces-the National Guard and the Guards.

The members of the so-called National Guard include all citizens of working age. They serve as soldiers in wartime and as farmers in leisure time. They serve as the only armed force to defend the Republic and fight foreign wars. The main responsibility of the National Guard is to maintain the security of the capital and various towns. Order, not only does it not have enough weapons, but its authority is also strictly limited.

Since the election has not yet officially begun, and a number of democratically elected agents, including the chief military officer, have not yet been implemented, the current National Guard is nothing more than an empty frame, while the garrison is occupied by the defeated officers of the original kingdom's garrison. Main positions.

Asura saw all this, but he had no intention of interfering.

After all, all he can do is create a new framework. As for how to fill in the content and how to develop in the future, it depends on the creation of the citizens of the Republic of Goa.

"In a world where great power belongs to itself, having so-called power does not mean anything."

Asura said this when the anxious 'free people' outside the city elected their representatives and euphemistically expressed their camp's uneasiness when they met with Asura.

Of course, from the perspective of the free people outside the city, today's changes are actually not that good at all. After all, those people they once dealt with have now returned to their original positions in a high-sounding manner. Although they are not showing off their power, they are still somewhat insignificant. Acting like 'we are different'.

After the destruction of the royal family and the great nobles, the free people lost their new source of 'production means' from the garbage mountain.

Although most of the freedmen made a lot of money during the looting of Gao Town, in their opinion, these were 'unsustainable' - because everything began to cost money. went shopping; coupled with the retaliatory lavish consumption after becoming rich, the wealth that was not very large shrank rapidly, and even individual freedmen returned to poverty in just a few days.

"Dear Sir, we sincerely hope that you can give us some guidance..."

The representatives of the freedmen paid their respects again.

"...Arrange with your people to give all their votes to candidates from the same community, at least to win the tribune seat."

Asura was silent for a while, but still gave some advice: "In this way, at least you will not return to complete poverty."

"But... the positions of consuls and military officers will be lost to those..."

The representatives of the freedmen remained somewhat dissatisfied.

Although the republican system built by Asura is very simple, the specific duties and responsibilities are very clear; and although the free people are of low origin and have extremely limited knowledge, at least they have the wisdom to survive, so they also understand that in the general election they will The advantages and disadvantages of a group of free people from outside the city-but the human heart is ultimately dissatisfied.

"What you have to do and what you can do is unite."

Asura frowned, his tone somewhat impatient.

"Follow your will..."

The representative of the free people did not dare to say anything. After thanking him again, he found an excuse to resign and left.

Asura, on the other hand, continued to work at his desk to write the Basic Law of Social Structure that he had always been thinking about.


On April [-], the second year of Emperor Kaihuang's reign, which was the seventh day after Ashura destroyed the royal family of the original Kingdom of Goa, the first election of the newly born republic officially began.

Although there were endless episodes and small chaos in the process, such as vote bribery, forged votes, manipulation of elections, private ministerial awards and other phenomena, under the control of Asura, he quickly killed the heads of those who disobeyed him. In the voting area, the first political officer system was also officially born in the chaotic election.

Just as Asura expected, the alliance of small nobles and merchants won most of the military and political positions, and the majority of the civilians in the city and the free people outside the city. In addition to the tribune positions, most of their elected representatives were filled with in the seemingly useless National Assembly.

It seems that except for the absence of a royal family, there is no difference between the new Republic of Goa and the kingdom period.

But Ashura was not surprised at all and did not interfere with the election results.

Because this is inevitable.

Even if the freedmen know that they must rely on votes to maintain their own interests, due to their lack of knowledge and the ability to perform military and political affairs, they often choose certain positions that have high authority and require certain professional abilities during the election process. The position seems daunting and gives up.

In this regard, Asura believed that only subsequent beatings would make these people learn to fight for their own rights, so he let it go.

After the political officer took up his duties, under the organization of Asura, the first meeting of the National Assembly was officially held.

But the first proposal passed was beyond Asura's expectation——

"Foreign Development Act?!"

If Asura hadn't sent a shadow clone to supervise the whole process, otherwise he wouldn't have believed that this was something that a new country that had just been established and had not yet had time to rebuild its army could propose.

"Dear Sir, this is the common wish of all the adults in the National Assembly..."

The new consul Miles Bucci, who was born in a minor aristocratic family, said respectfully: "After all, the Goa Republic today is facing the chaos in the East China Sea. It must actively go out to have room for development..."

Although it is only a small country, even in the Kingdom Age, there is no shortage of ambitious heroes in Goa. However, due to limitations of external factors such as strength, status or identity, they do not have the opportunity to display their skills.

"Of course, based on the balance of strength and carrying forward the great spirit of the Republic, we plan to colonize and develop the western region. The specific affairs will be carried out by the National Guard composed of free people..."

Consul Millus explained: "After all, we need enough food land, and the freemen also need to have their own fields..."

"In that case, you can make your own decision."

Ashura was too lazy to continue reading the bill, "However, you must also understand that all the consequences will be borne by everyone in the Republic of Goa."

"Thank you, Your Excellency, for giving us the freedom. We will never disappoint your expectations!"

Consul Miles immediately said: "After the unanimous decision of the National Assembly, we support you to become the eternal head of the Republic of Goa. We hope that you can..."

"I won't be in this country long."

Asura shook his head, "The flames of revolution and republic have not yet begun to spread. I have other things to do."

"We hope that you can accept the position of head of state, even if..."

Archon Miles tried to persuade. "I accept the role of virtual head of state, but the future of the Republic is still in your hands."

Asura thought for a moment and decided to give these people a reassurance.

"Dear Head of State, we will be your loyal supporters forever!"

Archon Miles was overjoyed when he successfully hugged his thigh.


After the founding of the Republic of Goa, Ashura continued to travel around the East China Sea without stopping, destroying the royal family and subverting the alliance countries wherever he went, and established twelve republican regimes one after another.

Although these new small countries are extremely fragile, their military strength is difficult to resist even the attacks of ordinary pirate groups, let alone compete with the powerful navy.

However, the attraction of the new republican regime still makes many people fall in love with it, especially some leaders of small pirate groups who have high ambitions and think they have a hundred thousand strategies but have no talent. They are flocking to it and vying to rely on it.

After receiving the participation of the pirate group, individual offshore republics followed the model of the Republic of Goa and released ambitious development plans, pushing the war in the East China Sea to a new peak!

"The Alliance of Thirteen Republics?"

The chaos in the East China Sea, especially the successive destruction of kingdoms, also alarmed the anxious Lieutenant General Garp.

"The puppet regimes of these small countries are not a disaster, but the people who control this matter cannot relax their vigilance against them!"

After reading the intelligence information, Lieutenant General He expressed his opinion: "This man named Asura is more dangerous than a hundred so-called republics!"

"Then we launch a reward?"

a rear admiral asked.

"Just offering a reward is not enough..."

Lieutenant General Garp shook his head: "This matter requires the participation of the world government. After all, those so-called republics were once one of the affiliated kingdoms..."

Today's naval fleet not only needs to hunt down the Kirigakure Pirates, but also needs to wipe out the endless pirate gangs that have sprung up in the surrounding kingdoms. It really can't spare any free manpower.

Moreover, Vice Admiral Karp is unwilling to target these so-called republics, because he understands what it will mean to the citizens of these republics once the navy launches an attack - especially now that the navy has begun to have killers. A sign of taking advantage of others.

"But we can't do nothing."

Lieutenant General He once again put forward his opinion.

"I would like to ask you to take charge of the following military affairs for a period of time..."

Lieutenant General Garp pondered for a moment and said to Lieutenant General He: "As for the so-called Thirteen Republics, I plan to go and see it myself..."

"...You guys step back first!"

Lieutenant General He's expression changed, and then he waved away the naval officers present.

"Tell me, what do you want to do?"

"...I'll just take a look."

Lieutenant General Karp replied.

Lieutenant General He looked at Lieutenant General Garp with a gloomy face and hesitated to speak.

"I know what you're worried about, but it's not to that point..."

Lieutenant General Garp sighed and said faintly: "However, this world cannot be done without changing."

"You've never been a person willing to listen to other people's opinions, so I guess it's useless no matter how much I say..."

Lieutenant General He shook his head, "But, I hope you don't go to that step!"

Lieutenant General Garp was about to say something, but at this moment there was a rapid knock on the door.

"Two lieutenant generals, urgent report from the front - Republic No. 14 has been established!"

The admiral who rushed in said with a heavy breath.

"What's so strange about this..."

Lieutenant General He said with some dissatisfaction.

The reason why she wanted to kick those admirals out was so that she could have a good talk with her old friend Garp and tell him not to think too much; but this ignorant admiral broke in and interrupted her train of thought.

"This time, it was not established by that Asura man..."

The admiral handed over the information in his hand.

Lieutenant General Garp took it and took a look, then his expression changed: "A second force actually appeared!"

"who is it?!"

Lieutenant General He was also a little surprised: "Did the Kirigakure Pirates establish an independent country?"

"Not Kirigakure."

Lieutenant General Garp shook his head, with an unexplainable meaning in his tone: "It's the Volunteer Army..."


Hearing this, Lieutenant General He really didn't know how to respond.

"Now Long also changed his name to the Revolutionary Army, claiming to completely subvert the East China Sea..."

Lieutenant General Garp suppressed his inner impulse and handed the information to Lieutenant General He. At the same time, he stood up and said, "So, I can't sit back and watch anymore."

"I will report to the headquarters in seven days..."

Lieutenant General He was silent for a while and then said quietly.

Lieutenant General Garp nodded slowly, and then strode out of his cabin. (End of chapter)

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