Uchiha's opinion

Chapter 520 Attack on the Ocean

Chapter 520 Attack on the Ocean

Unlike Ashura, who was setting off a wave of republican revolution in the East China Sea, Minato Namikaze and his party, who were ordered to lead his troops to sneak into the new world in the second half of the Grand Line, looked much more embarrassed.

Especially since he has three little brats under his command who need to be protected, it adds a lot of trouble.

In particular, Nagato, who has a pair of Sharingan eyes that never close, attracted the prying eyes of a Celestial Dragon in the Shampoo Islands, causing a series of troubles.

Although Namikaze Minato led three jounin to mercilessly kill the Tenryu people and their followers on the street, the subsequent large-scale manhunt also brought great trouble to the subsequent diving and smuggling. Even Uchiha Nobutora led the Many safe houses were destroyed for latent agencies.


"Nagato... how long do you plan to play with this head?"

On the Great Line of the New World, after successfully smuggling away, on the speedboat that was using all its power to escape from the navy's pursuit, Konan finally couldn't help but said to Nagato: "Don't you feel disgusted carrying such an ugly head?"

"I want to take another look, and isn't this handled very well? It's been made with special potion, so it won't rot or stink..."

Nagato weighed the 'lightweight' head in his hand, as if he were playing with a bowling ball: "What is so special about this creature called the Celestial Dragon? I really can't figure it out."


Xiao Nan said with disgust on his face.

"Senior Zhihei, what do you think is so unique about the Celestial Dragons?"

Nagato shrugged disapprovingly, and then asked Aburame Shiguro, who was sitting in the corner.


Suddenly realizing that she had a sense of presence, Aburame Shiguro pushed up the small sunglasses on her face, cleared her throat and began to speak at length: "According to intelligence, the so-called Celestial Dragons are not some kind of creatures. They are at the top of the world government. They are the so-called world aristocrats, who have the power to enjoy heavenly gold and are not subject to legal restraint..."

"Senior Shihei, that's not what I want to know."

Nagato interrupted Aburame Shiguro's words: "What I want to know is why this kind of ugly and powerless group can be regarded as a world noble and be served by so many strong men..."

"Furthermore, judging from the reaction of the Chambord Islands, this Tianlong is weak even compared to ordinary naval officers, but he can get the loyalty of so many strong men, so... why should he?"

"do not know."

Aburame Shiguro shrugged and spread her hands, expressing that she didn't know anything about it.

His understanding of the pirate world was only the intelligence materials he had read before the mission. Even due to the limited channels of intelligence personnel, the authenticity of the intelligence was doubtful.

"Perhaps, you can regard the Celestial Dragons as the daimyo nobles of various countries in the ninja world before the establishment of the dynasty."

Namikaze Minato, who had just changed his shift with Akimichi Dontou, walked to Nagato and sat down, and said gently: "These vested interest groups will use various loud slogans to package their own justice, and use fame and fortune as bait to promote others. Attack opponents to maintain your own rule."

"But the daimyo nobles in the ninja world have been completely destroyed."

Nagato asked again: "But the strength of the strong men in this world is even higher than that of the ninja world. Why do they..."

"Maybe it's not yet time..."

Namikaze Minato said with some uncertainty: "The disintegration of the ruling class generally takes a certain amount of time, and although the old regime is decayed, they will not die naturally until their loyal supporters are exhausted."

"Also, although the era of one village and one country did not last long, in fact, as early as the Warring States Period, the daimyo nobles had already achieved substantial rule of the world by hiring ninjas for external combat and internal suppression."

"In addition, the ministers intermarry with each other and become in-laws, so even if there was a deep hatred between the five great ninja villages, it will not pose a threat to the rule of the daimyo of the five great nations."

Nagato thought about it.

"Minato-sensei, is there a possibility..."

Yahiko, who had been listening, raised his hand and asked: "The reason why pirates are so powerful in this world is that the so-called world government deliberately came out?"

"It makes sense to set up a target as a common enemy to maintain the justice of the rule."

Inuzuka Jaw affirmed Yahiko's statement: "As expected of a top student in the Information Section of the Police Department, his ability in intelligence analysis and correlation guessing is quite good."

"Forget it, don't bring up these topics..."

Namikaze Minato stopped his subordinates from making unreasonable assumptions, and at the same time unsealed a set of fishing gear from the seal scroll: "What kind of fish do you want to eat today? I will fish now."

"Even if I eat military food pills to survive, or go on a hunger strike to death, or even jump off the boat to feed the fish, I will never eat fish again!"

Nagato, who was tired of eating fish since going to sea, was full of disgust.

at night--

“New World fish tastes great when sashimied!”

Nagato swung his chopsticks faster than a kunai.


As the wave of the 'Republic Revolution' in the East China Sea becomes more and more turbulent, the vanguard fleet led by Uchiha Shiina has more and more room for tactical maneuver.

Especially after the forces of the Republic Alliance began to take shape and were joined by some pirate group forces, the supply of the advance army fleet became more and more convenient.

But Vice Admiral He, who was temporarily in charge of the navy's demon-slaying fleet, felt extremely uncomfortable.

Because the windless zone of Paradise has been weakened to the point of almost disappearing.

As a direct result of this, the Sea Kings began to gradually move out of their original habitat in the windless zone and began to make waves in various parts of the East China Sea. Of course, another reason was that the Ninja World United Company's fishing fleet continued to increase the number of demons. The fishing grounds in the Triangle Sea have indirectly led to a decline in the population of some migratory fish groups, resulting in some relatively weak sea kings being unable to obtain enough food and having no choice but to migrate after losing competition.

The sea area of ​​the original great sea route was pretty good. After all, the navy had enough sub-bases to eliminate these relatively weak sea king monsters. However, the East China Sea was different. Before Loquat Juuzang ran away, he had already defeated those navy with average strength. The sub-base was almost in trouble, and the Demon-Slaying Order fleet suffered heavy losses in successive battles with the advance fleet, making it impossible to maintain a high-intensity cruise and suppression campaign.

In addition, the Demon-Slaying Order fleet also faces a problem, that is, it cannot divide its forces to attack.

Because the speed of the battleships of the advance army fleet is completely crushing compared with that of naval warships, once the squadron is discovered by the advance army, the best outcome for them is to desperately intercept the artillery shells and wait for support.

As for the counterattack, there was no chance at all. The cautious advance army ninjas would rather lose a certain amount of accuracy of the artillery shells than shorten the distance between the battleships.

So, General He found that there was nothing she could do.

Especially at this time, Vice Admiral Garp had left the fleet and went to the East China Sea Islands to 'investigate' the situation of the independent republics for eight days.

"Eight days! Chief Staff Officer! Eight days have passed!"

In the conference room of the Demon-Slaying Order fleet, a rear admiral shouted irritably: "Haven't you ever contacted Senior Garp through the phone bug?"

"By the way, the headquarters has already started interrogating today..."

Another rear admiral said with some anxiety: "The battle reports in the past few days have not been signed by Senior Garp, so the red deer at the headquarters should be aware of it."

"Although it is not stated explicitly, this also illustrates the attitude of the department."

On the other hand, the colonel who was also responsible for liaison with the Navy Headquarters on the war situation echoed.

"If this department sends a commissioner to investigate again, we will all be in some trouble..."

The implication is that Lieutenant General He should hurry up and urge Garp to come back and stop wasting time on those vulnerable republics in the East China Sea.

But Lieutenant General He also had a huge headache.

She knew the inside story, especially the relationship between the actual helmsman of the most powerful revolutionary army in the new Republic and Lieutenant General Garp. As an old friend, she knew it very well.

Although this is not a secret to the top brass of the Navy, it cannot be made public.After all, there are some things and attitudes that only those who have reached a certain level can have the right to know. "I will urge the Lieutenant General to come back as soon as possible. In addition, you need to continue to stabilize the headquarters during this period..."

Lieutenant General He paused, and then said softly: "If necessary, Lieutenant General Garp's seal is here with me..."

All the naval admirals looked at each other, but they couldn't say much.

No matter in public or private life, Lieutenant General Garp is their mentor and friend. They cannot do such things as stabbing in the back. If the pressure from the headquarters was not too great, they would not be willing to do it in this way. urge.

"Then please..."

The admirals stood up and bowed deeply, then lined up and left one by one.


After everyone left, General He, who was sitting alone in the conference room, couldn't help but sigh, feeling helpless.

As one of the recognized female wise generals in the Navy, Lieutenant General Crane has always believed in 'pure justice'; and Lieutenant General Garp's behavior is undoubtedly contrary to her view of justice.

However, the friendship over the years cannot be ignored, so Lieutenant General He, who is sandwiched between Lieutenant Generals, can only choose to hide it for the time being.

Then, she took out her phone and started dialing again, but not surprisingly, she still didn't get a response this time.

And this is what worries her the most.

In fact, it was not that Lieutenant General He failed to contact Garp after he went out alone, but that Garp took the initiative to cut off the communication between the two parties. Now Lieutenant General He does not even know where Garp is.

"Knock knock!"

After a long time, there was a knock on the door outside the conference room.

"Come in!"

General He calmed down and shouted towards the door.

"Lieutenant General, a call from headquarters..."

The person who came was a rear admiral, and behind him there were a group of naval officers surrounding him.

"whats the matter?"

Lieutenant General He suddenly felt an ominous premonition in his heart.

"Tomorrow the special commissioner of this department will arrive at the fleet to guide the work..."

The Marine Lieutenant Commander said uneasily, and at the same time he stepped forward and placed the document in his hand in front of Lieutenant General He.

“Who serves as commissioner?”

Lieutenant General He frowned and asked as he picked up the document.

"The new general, Porusalino..."

replied the Lieutenant Commander.

"Kizaru? It's actually him!"

General He Zhong frowned, then relaxed.

Although it is a bit troublesome, Kizaru is easier to fool than Akainu...

"A world noble died in the Shampoo Islands, and according to intelligence, the murderer came from the East China Sea, so..."

The rear admiral said uneasily.

"……Is it?"

Lieutenant General He immediately felt that things were getting a little tricky.


When Uchiha Tokumitsu entered the world of pirates again and came to the Island of the Sacred Tree, the Devil's Triangle, where the storms and waves were originally endless, had turned into a rich fishing ground that allowed fishing boats to sail safely.

Those sea kings and fish schools that have thrived in the stormy sea for countless years have also suffered dimensionality reduction attacks from the Ninja World, and were sent back to the Ninja World ship by ship, becoming the most common dishes on the tables of civilians.

And the growth of the sacred tree planted by Uchiha Tokumitsu is also quite gratifying.

It's just that I haven't seen it for a while, and the sacred tree at this time is no longer the sapling shape it was before, but has begun to take on a ferocious form similar to the Ten-Tails.

"The growth of the sacred tree is really unexpected, and the fertility of this world is also extraordinary..."

The clone of Slug Sage, which maintained the form of a slug, slowly wriggled to Uchiha Tokimitsu's side and said warmly: "In my perception, this sea area has transformed into something similar to the ninja world."

"But the concentration of natural energy is still not enough to perform magic..."

Uchiha Tokko shook his head, still feeling dissatisfied.

“The Holy Land was not built overnight.”

Slug Immortal didn't show much concern.

Anyway, Immortal Slug's lifespan is so long that he can't even explain it, and time is meaningless to it.

But Uchiha Tokumitsu was different, he was very anxious.

"Then try using Neptune's body as fertilizer. It might be able to induce birth."

The Slug Fairy gave advice.

Uchiha Tokko's eyes turned to Uzumaki Ashina.

"It has some effect, but to be honest...it's not cost-effective."

Uzumaki Ashina hesitated for a moment before replying: "The skin, bones and even blood of the Neptune Monster can play a certain role in the creation of new ninja tools, so..."

"let it go……"

Uchiha Tokko nodded, then stepped forward and placed his palm on the trunk of the sacred tree, injecting Senjutsu Five Release Chakra into it.

When the clones of Uzumaki Ashina and Slug Sennin saw this, they stopped staying and quietly retreated away.

In the interaction of chakra, Uchiha Tokko also benefited a lot.

After being absorbed by the sacred tree, the 'energy' of the pirate world has also been transformed to a certain extent, and Uchiha Tokumitsu's chakra has also been continuously contaminated with the power characteristics of this world during the injection process, becoming more consistent with it. The 'origin' of this world.

Although he cannot communicate with natural energy and use magic as freely as the Ninja World, as time goes by, the strength that Uchiha Tokko can exert will become stronger and stronger, and then the Ninja World army will truly launch an attack. time.

Whether it is the harassment of the advance fleet, the siege of Impel Down City by the First Army, or the "work behind enemy lines" of Asura and Namikaze Minato's team, the purpose is to weaken the enemy while buying the necessary time for one's own side.

After all, after the hurricane waves in the Devil's Triangle gradually subsided, and the extreme weakening of the windless zone caused the natural barrier to disappear, the Ninja Base, which was constructing large-scale construction in this sea area, could no longer conceal its existence.

"It's still too slow..."

Uchiha Demitsu was particularly dissatisfied.

(End of this chapter)

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