"If most navies see what a small number of navies are doing to other countries, then they will definitely attack those navies and make more navies wake up from the navy's deception."

Under the night, facing the menacing old father, Monkey D. Long, the leader of the revolutionary army, said calmly.

"……speak English!"

Lieutenant General Garp, who finally found his son, hammered his head with some annoyance, and used his other hand to squash the phone bug that rang again: "Don't play tricks on me, because I don't understand at all!"

"What I mean is...the world government is corrupt and the Celestial Dragons are doing evil. It's time for radical changes."

The dragon frowned, but then relaxed: "So, the Holy Land Mariejoia must be destroyed!"

"Do you understand what all this means!"

Lieutenant General Garp narrowed his eyes slightly and quietly clenched his right hand in the sleeve of his coat.

"It's useless……"

Long didn't answer directly, but said something without starting or ending.

"What do you mean?"

Lieutenant General Garp frowned, and the details on his face when his expression changed were almost exactly the same as those of the dragon.

"I mean... you can't take me away."

Long loosened the collar of his dark green coat slightly and said quietly: "This is my territory..."

"Why should I take you away? Take you to the Navy Headquarters to receive your reward or send you to Judiciary Island for torture?"

Lieutenant General Garp couldn't help but get angry after hearing this: "Am I this kind of person in your mind?!"

Long didn't speak, just looked at his father silently.

Father and son, one is a famous naval hero, and the other will be a "notorious" wanted criminal in the world. Sometimes their fate is so strange.

But no matter what, they always uphold the justice they believe in and firmly carry it out.

"answer my question!"

Lieutenant General Garp's face darkened, and he shouted angrily again: "Do you know what will happen to the world once the world government collapses?"

“After great chaos comes great peace!”

Long's answer showed no hesitation: "Only by completely breaking the vicious cycle of the old government with the courage to cure the poison can the world take on a new look!"

"A lot of people will die!"

Lieutenant General Garp's roar became louder and louder: "Are you going to drive them to die for your ambition!"

"You mean... if they don't resist and don't stand up to support the revolution, can they live well?"

Long laughed and said the cruelest truth without hesitation: "But the reality is that as long as they can survive, they will not be willing to use up their life's courage and come to support the revolution with a hatchet..."

"By the way, you should have returned to Goya before you found me, right?"

"That is a very sick political system!"

Lieutenant General Garp finally found the starting point: "Mediocre and incompetent, indulged in empty talk, and inefficient! Except that the people in power have changed from the royal family to the so-called affairs officers and parliament, it is no different from the Kingdom period!"

"But they have captured the entire Don Island!"

Long responded without hesitation: "Moreover, it's not just the royal family, they no longer have the existence of Tianlong people on their heads!"

"After losing the protection of the World Government, the weak government has no resistance when facing the enemy! Even if the navy does not conduct an encirclement and suppression, a group of pirates can completely overthrow the Goa Republic and even the Alliance of Thirteen Republics! "

Lieutenant General Karp's voice became louder and louder: "This is placing one's own survival hopes on the kindness of others, which is unsustainable!"

"I told you, there are no Tianlong people on their heads!"

The dragon replied in the same high-pitched voice: "Without them, more than anything else!"

"Even if it means overthrow or even total destruction?"

Lieutenant General Garp's right fist stretched out from his sleeve, and his armed domineering energy wrapped around his fist, as if he was ready to attack.

"Even if it means total destruction like O'Hara!"

Long said a forbidden place name without hesitation.

When Lieutenant General Garp heard this, his expression suddenly changed.

Although O'Hara, the famous archaeological holy land in the West Sea, is just an inconspicuous island, it has the largest collection of books in the world, the "Omniscient Tree", and gathers the world's best archaeologists and A first-class archaeological team, and everything in O'Hara was completely destroyed by the Navy's demon-slaying order a few years ago, and the entire island was completely wiped off the map!
"However, even the most ferocious pirate in the world would not attack O'Hara!"

Long smiled coldly: "However, as the highest institution that rules the world, the Five Old Stars ordered the navy to destroy this island full of world treasures..."

Lieutenant General Garp, who knew the inside story, was speechless.

"Everything you get, you have to give; everything you give, you have a reward!"

Long said firmly: "My revolutionary army will not stop at the East China Sea, let alone a mere republic today! The revolutionary flames of the era have become a prairie fire, and if they continue, they will surely burn throughout the entire world!"

"Even turning myself into ashes a little bit..."

Lieutenant General Garp sighed quietly.

"Even if I spend eternity in the fire, that is the path I have chosen. Please come back!"

Long made a gesture of invitation.



"You won't regret it?"

"No regrets!"

Long's tone was very firm.

"Then find a woman and have a child. The family cannot be extinct~"

Suddenly, a bright smile appeared on Lieutenant General Garp's face. The original gloomy look disappeared without a trace, and the domineering energy wrapped around his right fist also dissipated. "Ah this..."

It was obvious that Long was not used to his father's 180° turn.

“Do what you want to do, as long as you are willing to face the consequences and always take responsibility for it…”

The smile on Lieutenant General Garp's face grew brighter.


In this regard, Long was somewhat at a loss.

"Remember, don't forget to leave a child."

Lieutenant General Garp warned again: "If you are worried, leave the child in Goya, and I will arrange for someone to take good care of him..."

"By the way, you're not still a virgin..."


Long, who was ashamed and annoyed, quickly interrupted his father's disrespectful words.

"That's good!"

The smile on Lieutenant General Garp's face was as bright as the sun, and even the stone-hearted dragon couldn't help but be dazzled.

"I haven't hugged you for a long time..."

Just when Long was about to step forward, the phone bug in Lieutenant General Garp's arms rang again.

"Hey hey hey! Missy Missy!"

Lieutenant General Karp did not refuse to answer the call this time. Instead, he took out the phone that had been squeezed weakly and hung it to his ear and responded: "Louder! The wind is too strong! I didn't hear clearly!"

While speaking, he also turned around, facing away from his son behind him.

Long stopped his steps to step forward and silently looked at the majestic body of the naval hero.

"Headquarters sends someone? Just come! What's the big deal!"

"Kizaru! It doesn't matter, I know him very well!"

"I know, I know, I'll buy some senbei and go back!"

After yelling at the top of his lungs, Lieutenant General Garp hung up the phone and looked at his son who was hesitant to speak.

"I want to go back."

Lieutenant General Garp raised the phone bug in his hand and his tone was quite relaxed.

Long just nodded silently.

"Take care of yourself and remember not to be emotional..."

Vice Admiral Garp took the phone bug back into his arms and said at the same time: "By the way, the admiral of the Navy Headquarters will personally lead the team to fight the day after tomorrow. If the Kirigakure Pirates are wiped out, then you must be prepared. .”

Long nodded silently but did not speak.

"I'm leaving……"

Lieutenant General Garp said something again, and then turned around and left decisively.


At this time, Ashura, who had established [-] republics in succession, had become the spiritual leader of the East China Sea Revolution. Even though he raised the banner of the revolutionary army and overthrew Monkey D. Long, who joined the royal family, he was still in front of the pioneer. Ashamed.

Asura's next goal is to mobilize the troops of the Thirteen Republics to form a coalition to take the initiative to sweep away the countries in the waters of Yotsuba Island and spread the flame of revolution throughout the East China Sea.

The 153rd Naval Branch was originally stationed in the waters of Yotsuba Island to the west of the Republic of Goa. However, after Uchiha Shiina led the fleet into the East China Sea and began to attack everywhere, the 153rd Branch suffered repeated defeats, resulting in the loss of ships. When Lieutenant General Garp led the navy headquarters to the East China Sea and prepared to execute the demon-slaying order, the branch colonel simply gave up his plan to continue to be the local bully in Shields Town and led a group of relatively reliable subordinates to Kapu. He went to "serve" in front of Lieutenant General Pu.

Therefore, in a short period of time, in addition to numerous small pirate gangs, the only armed forces in this sea area were the garrison troops of the participating countries.

In Asura's view, the kingdom's garrison and the coalition he had formed now were half the same thing.

"To be honest, calling them a rabble is an exaggeration..."

However, Uzumaki Ichiraku, the chief of staff of the advance army who was assigned to take overall command, complained very dissatisfied: "Instead of using these wastes that can't even fight downwind, it would be better for Commander Shiina to appoint two ironclad ships."

This is also the first coalition battle of the Alliance of Thirteen Republics. The main force participating in the war is not only the former pirate groups who actively choose to attach themselves to each republic, but also the National Guards of each republic who are like a piece of scattered sand; and among these miscellaneous fish, let alone demons For a high-end product like a fruit power user, you can't even get five of them even with the most rubbish armed color Haki.

Therefore, in the eyes of Uzumaki Ichiraku, this so-called coalition of republics is just a soy sauce party seeking death.

"This is their founding battle..."

Asura declined Uzumaki Ichiraku's suggestion and explained: "Only iron blood and death can bind them together, and victory and glory will be the foundation for them to stand on their own in the future."

"...I think if you hadn't taken action, they wouldn't have been able to sail the ship to the outskirts of Yotsuba Island waters intact, right?"

Uzumaki Ichiraku pointed at the shabby fleet in front of him and said: "Besides, even the fishing fleet of the United Company is more decent than these guys!"

"But after all, they are the forerunners of the regular armed forces of the Republic Alliance. No matter how weak their strength is now, these people still need to see blood."

Ashura's attitude is still firm, "Moreover, the Thirteenth Republic is nominally a political power established by the indigenous people. It may not be a good thing to be too involved with the advance army."

"...I respect your wishes, but I still suggest deploying two ironclad ships as backup. What do you think?"

Although Uzumaki Ichiraku was tactful, he did not relax his conditions: "In this way, even if the war goes unfavorably, we can make timely remedies."

"You can also...but you must stay above sea level, and you are not allowed to join the battle without orders."

Asura's attitude softened slightly.

"That's not impossible..."

Although Uzumaki Ichiraku felt a little embarrassed, he still made a concession: "But these guys still need to undergo training, otherwise they will not even get seasick..."

"Then they'll leave it to you."

The spiritual leader of the East China Sea Revolution, the co-head of the Thirteen Republics, and the selfless Lord Ashura said this. (End of chapter)

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