Uchiha's opinion

Chapter 522 The Arc of Rebellion

The new admiral of the Navy Headquarters, 'Kizaru' Porusalino, personally led a patchwork of naval forces to the East China Sea to support Vice Admiral Garp's Demon-Slaying Order fleet.

There is a reason why Porusalino's men are called a patchwork of fish bellies.

Since the war in the East China Sea has not stopped for a long time, it has restrained part of the main force of the navy and also dealt a heavy blow to the prestige of the navy, which has led to increasingly rampant pirate activities; and the windless zone of the paradise is close to disappearing, coupled with the The magnetic field chaos caused large-scale failure of the memory pointers, followed by chaos in the shipping routes and the burning of the South China Sea war.

As for the New World, according to CIPHER POL and private information among the pirates, the Four Emperors seem to be showing signs of joining forces. However, since they still have their own subordinates and have many conflicts, the Four Emperors' alliance is only lip service - —At least for a short time.

But even so, the world government does not dare to be careless at all.It not only dispatched the most mysterious CP0 operator, but also ordered another general of the Navy Headquarters, Akainu Sakaski, to personally move to the town to deter the pirates in the new world.

As a result, the naval force available to the new general is relatively limited.

But Kizaru didn't take it seriously. In his opinion, the ordinary navy, even the strong men at the general level, were just rotten fish and shrimps. Their role was to provide some work convenience for themselves.

Among the navy that went into battle this time, the one that Kizaru valued most was Vegapunk, a great scientist from the direct science force.

Of course, there are also various top-secret equipment and secret weapons that are carried with them, and these are also planned to restrain the "Kirigakure Pirates" who have overwhelming advantages in ship speed and firepower.

In addition to combat missions, Kizaru also shoulders another top-secret mission personally ordered by Navy Marshal Sengoku, which is to coordinate personnel to detect the origin of the weakening of the Windless Zone.

After countless explorations by CIPHER POL, the only thing that was finally determined was that the weakening of the windless zone began in the East China Sea, and there was no other evidence. However, because the war in the East China Sea has never subsided, even CIPHER POL's exploration Most of the members disappeared during the voyage, so he had to take advantage of the opportunity of Kizaru's battle to entrust him to do the work for him.

Although Kizaru, who has a lazy personality, is not very willing to interfere in such matters, since the Warring States Marshal has spoken, he can't refuse.

Therefore, among the naval reinforcements, there are also twelve CIPHER POL agents, ready to conduct reconnaissance and investigation of special situations at any time.

And Kizaru even suspected that the purpose of this group of CP agents was not to weaken the Windless Zone at all, but to the naval hero in front of him.

"What's wrong? Is there something on my face?"

On the flagship of the Demon-Slaying Order fleet, Lieutenant General Garp, who rushed back from the spot before Kizaru arrived, couldn't help but touch his face and wiped off the senbei fragments on his beard.


Kizaru withdrew his eyes as if nothing had happened, turned to Lieutenant General He and said, "Senior, could you please introduce the situation in the East China Sea."

"...Since the rise of the Kirigakure Pirates, although our admirals have fought hard and defeated the enemy, due to the generational gap in ship performance, even if they win, they cannot annihilate this group of pirates."

Lieutenant General He pointed at the map of the East China Sea on the wall and said, "After the windless zone weakened and the magnetic field became chaotic, the situation in the East China Sea quickly slipped out of control."

"Not only the local pirate groups, but also the lost pirates and merchant fleets from the Grand Line. Their entry has made it impossible for the East China Sea to calm down."

"The Kirigakure Pirates are now maintaining a continuous attack on the alliance countries. They have defeated more than 20 alliance countries so far, and basically none of the naval branch bases originally stationed in various parts of the East China Sea have survived..."

Having said this, Lieutenant General He paused and turned his gaze to Kizaru.

Although most of the various naval branches in the East China Sea voluntarily abandoned their branch bases in the name of responding to the demon-slaying order, when facing the generals of the headquarters, Lieutenant General He still covered them up without changing his expression.

After all - it's not that the navy is incompetent, it's that the pirates are too strong!

Kizaru nodded, but didn't interrupt.

"In addition to the Kirigakure Pirates, there are also the recently rising resistance forces——"

"The Republican Army and the Revolutionary Army!"

Lieutenant General He paused again and looked at Garp and Kizaru.

Lieutenant General Garp just nodded his head, his face looking normal and even showing signs of dozing off; while Kizaru's mouth was slightly open, his right hand was supporting his cheek, and except for not closing his eyes, he looked completely asleep.

"Now the Republican Army has established thirteen republics based on the alliance countries where the Kirigakure Pirates destroyed the old royal family, and has shown a strong desire for external expansion..."

"Although the republics established by the revolutionary army are few, their strength is far greater than that of the republican army; we suspect that the so-called revolutionary army is the former terrorist organization Volunteer Army!"

General He explained all the situation clearly in one breath, and clearly marked the current situation of all the forces on the map. Then he returned to his seat and calmly took a sip of tea.

Lieutenant General Garp still looked like he was in a state of dissociation, while Kizaru nodded repeatedly as if he was dozing off.

But no one spoke, so the conference room suddenly became silent.

After nearly 10 minutes, Kizaru slowly put down the hand holding his chin, yawned slightly, blinked, and turned his gaze to Lieutenant General Garp.


At this time, Lieutenant General Garp seemed to have fallen asleep!
"...I have some questions that I need to ask my colleagues in the fleet."

Kizaru stood up slowly, walked to the map, pointed at the sea area where the Kirigakure Pirates mainly appeared, and said, "These pirates...does anyone know their origins?"

"...I don't know. We have been fighting fiercely with the Kirigakure Pirates so far, but we haven't captured even a single prisoner."

Seeing that none of the lieutenants had the intention to respond, a rear admiral had no choice but to bite the bullet and said: "Although their strength is relatively average, their fighting will and fighting skills cannot be underestimated..."

"According to existing intelligence, these so-called Kirigakure pirates may not be as powerful as the navy."

Kizaru said slowly: "Including the enemies who are besieging the Impel Down City and holding back General Kuzan, they should also be this group of people."

"But...how could such a force suddenly appear?"

Another rear admiral couldn't help but asked.

"do not know."

Kizaru's answer was also very straightforward.

"Marshal of the Warring States Period is planning to use force to break the situation?"

Lieutenant General He's heart moved, and he immediately asked.


Kizaru nodded, "The new world has begun to become unstable. If the navy fails to quell the chaos in the paradise in time, then once the rebel forces from the two directions form a pincer attack, we will all fall into a passive situation."

And this is also the purpose of Kizaru, as a general, personally going out to fight against the weak Donghai.

"Gentlemen, please take a look..."

Kizaru picked up a pen and connected the sea areas where the Kirigakure Pirates operate, the islands where the Alliance of Thirteen Republics is located, and the republics established by the revolutionary army.

"What do you think this is?"


Lieutenant General Garp, who was sleeping soundly, miraculously "awoke" at this time.

"That's right, it's a C-shaped encirclement..."

Kizaru nodded and used a pen to circle the area where the naval fleet was stationed.In this way, the situation becomes clearer.

Judging from the map, the fleet station located in the East China Sea near the original windless zone has been surrounded on three sides by a series of rebel forces.

And the strongest enemy is undoubtedly the 'Kirigakure Pirates'.

"By the way, there will be no more Kirigakure Pirates in the future."

A person in the corner wearing a white coat and a clown mask said loudly: "According to the official announcement of the World Government, they have been named the Deep Sea Rebels!"

The admirals and admirals looked at each other. Although they all disliked CP's rats, they didn't say much before the incident.

The significance of naming the "Kirigakure Pirates" as a rebel group is to regard them as a political organization and to regard them as the biggest opponents of the World Government and to go all out to carry out all-out attacks.

If you look at it from another angle, it can be seen that the World Government believes that this demon-slaying order has completely failed.

"There is currently no reliable information showing that the so-called Revolutionary Army, the Republic camp and the deep-sea rebels have a direct relationship."

Lieutenant General Garp covered his mouth and yawned. He stretched and said, "But since General Zhizhi has made plans for the Warring States Period, he must have already made a comprehensive plan, right?"

"In addition to the C-shaped encirclement in the East China Sea, there is another issue that requires our attention..."

Kizaru circled the waters where the East China Sea Fleet of the 'Deep Sea Rebels' moved and the waters around the Impel City, and drew a question mark on the waters behind them.

"Is there another larger encirclement in our unknown waters?"

Kizaru's voice at this time was no longer as lazy as usual, and became rare and solemn: "If it is confirmed, then an arc of rebellion has been formed without our knowledge!"

Including Lieutenant General Karp, all the naval officers present were stunned.

Although this hypothesis is quite shocking, it seems to make some sense if you think about it carefully.

Moreover, if there was not a special regime that was providing continuous support to the 'Deep Sea Rebels', how could the previous Kirigakure Pirates have been running rampant in the East China Sea for so many years!
"However, whether it is the East China Sea, the South China Sea or the first half of the Great Route, there is no way that there is still a large island hidden that we have not discovered!"

A rear admiral murmured to himself, with a look of disbelief on his face.

In fact, for the Navy and the World Government, there are no secrets in the entire world. Whether they are alliance countries or independent kingdoms, they are basically marked on the Navy's charts. According to their understanding of the military strength of each kingdom , there is simply no regime that can support such a powerful armed force.

But if we don't judge this way, we can't explain the origin of the deep sea rebels at all.

"If we start tracing from the time the Kirigakure Pirates appear, we will find that there is actually a force that has already been spying on our reality."

Kizaru said again: "It's just that now they have begun a full-scale attack!"

The atmosphere in the conference room became more serious.

"So, how does the Warring States Marshal plan to break the situation?"

Lieutenant General Garp also became serious.

This was a major matter related to the survival of the entire navy and even the world government, so he couldn't help but treat it with caution!

"First break the C-shaped encirclement, and then attack the paradise in three directions!"

Kizaru followed the 'C-shaped circle' in the East China Sea with his fingers, and finally stopped in the area where the deep-sea rebels were located.

Lieutenant General Garp secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

When Kizaru first pointed his finger at the archipelago where the Revolutionary Army was located, he almost frightened Lieutenant General Garp into cardiac arrest.

"But fortunately, this C-shaped encirclement has not yet been fully formed, and there are still loopholes..."

Lieutenant General Kizaru retracted his finger and said: "That is Shields Town of the 153rd Branch!"

"If this place is occupied, then the connection between the Republican Army on Don Island and the Revolutionary Army on the Organ Islands will be completely opened..."

"In fact, Shields Town, where the 153rd Branch is located, has been abandoned..."

Lieutenant General He said helplessly.

It's not that she doesn't understand the importance of Shields Town, but when facing the huge pressure from the deep-sea rebels and the nearly endless pirates, all she can do is shrink her strength and try her best to maintain the calm of the sea area.

"Then use Shieldstown as the beginning of the counterattack!"

Lieutenant General Garp stood up and said: "First detach a unit to recover Shields Town, then go east to sweep the Thirteen Republics, and finally form a horn to attack the raging deep-sea rebel fleet!"

"That's right!"

Kizaru nodded repeatedly, "The Warring States Marshal said so too!"

As for the revolutionary army of the Organ Islands, they were temporarily 'forgotten' intentionally or unintentionally.

Lieutenant General Garp also nodded slightly.

"After all, I am a junior, so how about leaving Shields Town to me?"

Kizaru asked proactively.

Lieutenant General Garp didn't say much and just nodded silently.

"Then, the battle plan this time has been determined. General Hezhong will be asked to refine the specific details with the staff."

Kizaru nodded, and gave serious instructions as the admiral of the Navy Headquarters: "According to the order of the Warring States Marshal, the original Demon Slaying Order fleet and reinforcements will be reorganized into the Navy's East China Sea Front from now on!"


The naval admirals all stood up to respond.

"I will serve as the general general of the East China Sea Front Army and directly lead the first combat group to carry out clearing and suppression missions!"

"The Second Combat Group is still commanded by Lieutenant General Garp and directs his colleagues from the original Demon-Slaying Order fleet to contain and attack the deep-sea rebel fleet!"

"no problem……"

Lieutenant General Garp nodded.

"We will try to meet again within a month!"

Kizaru's face no longer had the usual casualness and laziness, and he said seriously: "The world is looking forward to our victory!"

"The Navy will win!"

Including Lieutenant General Karp, all the naval officers raised their arms and shouted. (End of chapter)

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