Uchiha's opinion

Chapter 523: War Clouds in the East China Sea

Chapter 523: War Clouds in the East China Sea
"Your Majesty! Urgent report from the East China Sea!"

The general of the Second Army, Uchiha Fugaku, hurried to the Island of the Sacred Tree. After multiple inspections by the imperial guards, Uchiha Tokumitsu was able to take charge of the Sacred Tree.

Although he was very unhappy with the inspection actions of those fellow Uchiha ninjas, Uchiha Fugaku still maintained a respectful attitude on the surface.

"Is it a war situation?"

Uchiha Tokko asked with a frown as he recovered from his state of closed eyes and meditation.


Uchiha Fugaku responded respectfully: "Based on the comprehensive information from the lurking intelligence ninjas and the advance fleet in the Shampoo Islands, it is very likely that the puppet government navy has strengthened its military deployment recently, or is planning to take action in the East China Sea..."

"It's really troublesome..."

Uchiha Tokumitsu released chakra to manifest the intelligence information in Fugaku's hand, and started to read it.

There are not many specific situations shown in the intelligence data. Except for the information on the mobilization of navy warships, the others are all based on various 'clues' speculations. However, based on the comprehensive quality of the ninja industry, overall, various The reasoning is quite sound.

And all the public information and intelligence research and judgment ultimately point to one result-war!
And it will be a large-scale, full-dimensional war!
Uchiha Tokumitsu also saw the specific naming of the ninja forces belonging to the world government - the Deep Sea Rebels!
"It seems that a war is inevitable..."

Uchiha Tokko raised his head and looked at the towering sacred tree.

After several months of 'planting', the growth of the sacred tree was particularly gratifying, but as its height continued to grow, its traces became increasingly difficult to conceal.

Originally it was only necessary to deploy warships on the periphery, but now it is necessary to expand the warning circle beyond the sea level with the Sacred Tree Island as the center. If more time passes, the scope of this warning zone will only become larger and larger. Until all the ships in the fleet are deployed, the existence of the sacred tree cannot be concealed.

Therefore, the anomalies in the Island of the Sacred Tree, the Devil's Triangle, and even the desert island to the north will be discovered sooner or later. What will come then will not be as simple as a war in the East China Sea.

Uchiha Tokumitsu has never underestimated the power of the pirate world.

"Issue a recruitment order..."

After pondering for a moment, Uchiha Tokumitsu said: "Inform the clones of the six tailed beasts and the two great immortals, and ask them to follow me to fight!"

"As for the Second Army Corps...let's allocate one-third of our troops!"

"Your Majesty plans to conquer it yourself?!"

Uchiha Fugaku couldn't help but be stunned when he heard this.

Even if he has some thoughts that he shouldn't have, they are just selfish. From the standpoint of the Uchiha clan, no one can replace Uchiha Tokumitsu-especially since the dynasty has not been established for two years. The moment of the year!
If something goes wrong in the war...

"You don't need to say anything more. Who else can you do besides me?"

Uchiha Tokumitsu said helplessly: "It's a pity that time doesn't wait for me..."

Then he turned around and continued to meditate on the sacred tree.

Uchiha Fugaku hesitated for a moment, but said nothing more. He bowed to Uchiha Tokumitsu's back and then slowly backed away.

However, this time, the 'growth' of the sacred tree and the special fluctuations that were spilling out all the time made Uchiha Fugaku's heart surge.

What a despairing power this is...

Although not much is known about the so-called 'sacred tree', from information obtained through credible channels, the 'Hot Flame Fan', an artifact passed down from generation to generation by the Uchiha clan, is made from a branch of a sacred tree from ancient times in the ninja world. It works, and this shows how terrifying the power of the sacred tree is!
Coupled with the abnormalities that occurred in this world after the sacred tree was planted; including but not limited to the strange storm in the Demon Triangle began to subside, the windless zone began to rise and the waves began to rise, and the magnetic field of the navigation ship began to become disordered... all of which indicate that The sacred tree affects the world in some mysterious and mysterious way.

As for whether this situation was good or bad, Uchiha Fugaku couldn't tell.

But the only thing he knows for sure is that the 'seeds of senjutsu' that have been dormant since entering the world of pirates are now budding, and there is already a breath of natural energy in the ninja world in the air - although it is extremely weak, it is is real.

But in front of Uchiha Tokumitsu, who was in charge of such great power, the genius eldest son who originally supported Uchiha Fugaku's aloof heart suddenly seemed invisible to everyone.

"What an unreasonable world..."

After boarding the departing ship, Uchiha Fugaku still looked back at the sacred tree that reached straight into the clouds, dazed.


Uchiha Tokumitsu's grand recruitment order suddenly broke the silence that had been deliberately maintained in the Demon Triangle and the surrounding sea areas.

The six sealed tailed beasts and the two contracted tailed beasts all set out together with a force that could be described as overwhelming. Especially in this vast world, the tailed beasts did not have to deliberately shrink their bodies. The vast world was enough for them. Stretching out the body of the tailed beast, plus more than 1000 ninjas from the First Legion and ten battleships, Uchiha Tokumitsu has finally brought out all the strength that the ninja world has at the bottom of the pirate world.

"A war of such a large scale will probably have a considerable impact on this world..."

Looking at the seven-headed tailed beast swimming in the water, running on the sea surface, and flying in the sky, Slug Immortal couldn't help but sigh.

"This is war."

Uchiha Tokumitsu looked at the vast sea in trance, and subconsciously replied: "Only by fighting can the war be stopped."

"But according to my avatar's investigation... it seems that most of the land in this world is islands, but the area may be relatively larger..."

Slug Sage squirmed, turned his tentacles to Uchiha Tokimitsu and asked: "If the tailed beast jade sinks the island, wouldn't it be a loss to both the world and the ninja government?"

“No matter how much you lose, it’s not a loss for something that doesn’t belong to you.”

The clone of the White Snake Immortal standing at the back said sadly: "If you don't get what you ask for, it's better to destroy it."

Although this was not a pleasant thing to say, Uchiha Tokumitsu acquiesced.

"This is competition..."

Immortal Slug sighed.

As the only creature in the wet bone forest, the Slug Great Immortal does not have much pressure to survive. Naturally, his views on certain things are too peaceful compared to groups like ninjas or Ryūchidong who must compete for opportunities to survive or even rise. This is also understandable.

But Uchiha Tokumitsu doesn't hate the character of Slug Sage, because it's actually more reassuring to get along with this kind of 'True Holy Mother'.

As for Longdi Cave...

If Uchiha Tokumitsu remembered correctly, White Snake Sennin had secretly sent countless ninja snakes to sneak into various parts of the pirate world, trying to find opportunities to transform into dragons.

But it doesn't matter. As long as Ryūchi Cave is not completely relocated into the pirate world, the White Snake Immortal can take advantage of his weaknesses.

Of course, there are so-called Devil Fruits that can transform into dragons. Although they are extremely rare, you can always find some clues. I just don’t know if the dinosaur form obtained by eating the ancient animal-type Devil Fruit is consistent with White Snake Sennin’s transformation into a dragon. 'need.

Even Uchiha Tokumitsu was looking forward to seeing what would happen after the White Snake Sage ate the Dragon Dragon Fruit, but found that instead of greatly improving his strength and lifespan, he had the disadvantage of being afraid of Kailou Stone. a reaction. …

At this time, Asura was very dissatisfied.

He is not only dissatisfied with the training progress of the so-called Thirteen Republics and the Allied Forces, but also dissatisfied with the menacing navy. He even feels that Uchiha Tokimitsu, who is going to war and gathering people to help, is actually not confident about his own strength!

In his opinion, the Six Paths Sage is the best in the world, and Uchiha Tokimitsu barely manages to be second in the ninja world, while he is the top three strongest in the ninja world, especially after losing to Uchiha Tokko. I also practiced self-cultivation for a period of time, and mastered many secret techniques by digging into the memories of my previous reincarnation. I have made great progress in both my strength foundation and my ability to deal with enemies - but Uchiha Tokko still felt that he could not Defeat the incoming enemy!
But fortunately, Asura's character has improved to some extent, especially after he started to establish the Republic, and after going through various tedious and specific tasks, he also understood that the gap between people is greater than the gap between people and dogs. 'Such a truth, so even if the dissatisfaction in the heart is overflowing on the face, a certain degree of restraint is still maintained when communicating verbally.

But in Uzumaki Ichiraku's opinion, Asura's reaction was nothing more than arrogant.

Whether it was trying to train and drive the so-called Allied Forces of the Thirteen Republics that perfectly fit the characteristics of a rabble, or whether it was tampering with the 'revolutionary mission' without authorization, in Uzumaki Ichiraku's view, Asura's actions were like that of a arrogant child. He was trying to prove something. As for 'what he can and cannot do', it was not Asura's first starting point when considering things.

Therefore, after receiving the notification of the imperial conquest, Uzumaki Ichiraku directly called Uchiha Shiina, and transferred five cruisers from the advance fleet as a supplement for the upcoming war, and used this to supplement the ten battleships from the Second Legion. Complementary advantages have been formed.

"As a result, the purpose of training the Republic's coalition forces will not be achieved."

Asura complained somewhat.

As for the mob, when they learned that the navy had massively increased its troops to attack, they immediately became disorganized. Asura finally suppressed the internal commotion. At this time, the arrival of the ninja army directly took over the upcoming large-scale war. control, which also means that Asura has lost control of the future.

As for complaining in front of Uzumaki Ichiraku, it is mainly because he will inevitably have some psychological advantages in front of the Uzumaki ninja who is a descendant of his own blood - although Uzumaki Ichiraku does not know that this tsundere is his own ancestors.

"But the National Guard is incapable of fighting..."

Uzumaki Ichiraku had a headache. He felt like he was coaxing a child. Not only did he have to consider the actual situation, but he also had to take care of the mood of a tsundere. This really made him a little embarrassed: "Besides, those mortals have suffered too much loss, maybe It will lead to instability in the Republic in the rear, so it is also a good thing to get out of the war."

"It is said that there is a general among the visitors?"

Asura immediately changed the subject.

Of course he knew that it would be difficult for the rotten fish and shrimps under his command to fight even with a favorable wind, let alone a head-on confrontation with the menacing navy.

Therefore, it was just an excuse to vent the dissatisfaction after the failure of revolutionary expansion.

"It should be, but the intelligence personnel are still not sure which general it is..."

Uzumaki Ichiraku said with some helplessness: "However, this battle is different from the Battle of Impel Down. Since His Majesty has decided to fight in person, it must be a big battle to establish the pattern in the next few years."

"Yes, after all, the growth of the sacred tree takes time..."

Ashura said.

Uzumaki was speechless.

Can such a secret be revealed casually?


The battle in the East China Sea started first with the advance fleet led by Uchiha Shiina.

After receiving the order from the rear, he immediately began to assemble warships, no longer attacking in the form of a squadron, but started a new round of 'point operations'.

In a very short period of time, the Second East China Sea Combat Group under the direct command of Lieutenant General Garp lost contact with three peripheral stations under the rapid offensive. The warships under Uchiha Shiina even launched a direct attack on the naval anchorage. Several auxiliary ships were sunk or burned.

For a time, the bloated navy became blind.

The originally familiar sea area has become a dangerous situation full of "fog of war".

Therefore, Lieutenant General Garp faced a problem, that is, how to force the 'deep sea rebels' to fight head-on with their own side.

He has a lot of cards in his hand, especially Lieutenant General He, who has a giant force that has never shown its face, which is unparalleled in combat power. But the problem is how to engage with the elusive 'deep sea rebels'. This is the key.

"...The only way now is to use yourself as bait to lure the enemy into a decisive battle!"

Lieutenant General He expressed his opinion.

Since the ship's performance cannot match that of the deep-sea rebels, try to pull the opponent into the area you are most familiar with and defeat them with your rich experience.

"How to lure the enemy?"

A major general asked with some anxiety.

"Vice Admiral Garp led all the ships to take the initiative to attack. I led the giant troops to stay at the anchorage, waiting for the deep sea rebels to attack!"

Lieutenant General Crane said.

"Isn't this risk too great..."

Lieutenant General Garp couldn't help being stunned when he heard this.

For an army, unless it is a high-level stronghold in the form of a complete fortress like the Impel City, its garrison locations are never concentrated together, and those small scattered garrisoned strongholds play a role in sea area control, and secondly, avoid The enemy troops marched straight in without the base camp knowing anything about it.

However, the advantage of the warships of the advance fleet was too obvious, so after the stronghold was attacked, the stronghold was declared to fall under the fierce attack before the core naval base had time to respond. By the time the reinforcements arrived, not only had the stronghold been completely Destroyed, the enemy troops have long since disappeared.

After going back and forth, the morale of the navy was somewhat frustrated.

"It takes less than an hour for the deep-sea rebels to conquer a stronghold, and all we can do is complete the return of reinforcements and achieve encirclement and annihilation within an hour!"

Lieutenant General He briefly reviewed the battle conditions at several peripheral strongholds and gave his own opinions.

"But... even if the enemy can be induced, the naval ships deployed may not be able to complete the return of reinforcements so quickly."

Lieutenant General Garp did not deny Lieutenant General He's proposal, but raised another question: "Moreover, they must have some special communication capabilities and monitoring methods. However, if they return for reinforcements, they will inevitably alert the enemy."

"When the deep-sea rebels attacked the headquarters, Lieutenant General Karp was asked to lead the navy to abandon the warship and rush back directly on a speedboat!"

Lieutenant General He said firmly: "As for holding back the enemy, that's my problem!"

"In that case..."

Lieutenant General Garp thought for a moment and then made a decision: "I'll leave it to you for the anchorage!"

(End of this chapter)

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