Uchiha's opinion

Chapter 524 Asymmetric Combat

According to Uchiha Tokumitsu's tactical plan, the main duty of the battleship ninja troops carried in this battle is to cover the battlefield to prevent the massive tailed beast lineup from being leaked in advance.

Therefore, even when the tailed beast army arrived in the sea east of Dong Island to adjust their habitat, Asura was still kept in the dark, let alone Kizaru who had just entered Shields Town.

Uzumaki Ichiraku also remained silent, busy arranging anchorage and supplies for the three battleships that had been ordered to arrive in advance as smoke bombs, and 'inadvertently' let the ragtag crowd of the Republican Alliance see the existence of the tall and mighty steel giant ship. .

After witnessing the majestic appearance of the battleship, the morale of the republican coalition forces was naturally slightly boosted; but at the same time, the news that the Thirteenth Republic had united with the deep sea rebels, and there might even be an ulterior collusion behind it, was also Then it became widely spread among the coalition forces.

Of course, there was no doubt that this news soon reached Kizaru, who was actively preparing for war in Shields Town.

Although he has a lazy personality, Kizaru is a competent naval officer anyway. Especially when his opponent this time is a mysterious figure who can cause riots, Kizaru has also very reasonably demonstrated the talents that a general should have. Not only is it uncharacteristically active in retraining its second-rate naval forces, but it also invests relatively heavily in intelligence work.

"But where did this boy named Asura come from? Do you still have no clue at all?"

In the naval camp in Shields Town, Kizaru slumped on the chair in his office, cocking his head and looking at the portrait of Asura sent by the CP0 agent through the image phone bug.

"Based on the memories left after the destruction of the affiliated kingdoms, it probably possesses superhuman-type water-water fruit abilities..."

The agent wiped his sweat and replied with some anxiety: "As for domineering, there is no intelligence data for analysis yet..."

"So, including the so-called Devil Fruit abilities, they are just based on your speculation?"

Kizaru curled his lips disapprovingly: "Is it true that today's CIPHER POL is just searching for enemies in the void without any basis for speculation?"

"And this little essay..."

After putting down the portrait, Kizaru picked up the intelligence analysis on his desk, flipped through it a few times, and then threw it back on the table: "The article is full of conjectures, what can be seen from this, what can be obtained, etc., and is full of taken-for-granted guesses. This Is it effective intelligence that can be used to guide naval operations?"

The detective wiped his sweat again and did not dare to speak.

CP0 is the highest level of CIPHER POL. As a special force directly affiliated with the Tianlong people, its members have "killing privileges" and have the right to kill anyone who hinders the mission, whether they are naval officers or royal nobles. In principle, they are No one takes it seriously.

It's just that Kizaru is special.

Because he had already executed another operator who tried to expand in Shields Town in front of this agent.

Moreover, after learning about this incident, Holy Land Marie Joa said nothing about it - after all, this is the most critical wartime situation, and the importance of Kizaru is irreplaceable. A CIPHER POL guard dog Being killed is nothing compared to the importance of maintaining the authority of the world government!
Of course, Kizaru also knew that there must be some spies in Shields Town at this time, but after all, a war was about to begin at this time, and he also intended to carry out some strategic deception, so he was absolutely not allowed to cause any more trouble. of.

"Since the intelligence is not good, then just do your old job..."

Kizaru, who was not interested, yawned and said slowly: "Assassination, kidnapping, surrender...you don't need me to teach you any more dirty work like this, right?"

"no, I'm fine……"

The agent nodded quickly and said, "No, no, I'm wrong. I mean, under the wise leadership of General Kizaru, we are very confident that we can successfully complete the mission!"

"Then go!"

Kizaru waved his hand and then closed his eyes.


Subsequently, within a few days, more than 20 assassinations and poisonings occurred in the Thirteen Republics in the rear. The small aristocratic affairs officials who stayed behind were exterminated one after another, and there were attacks on key departments such as water sources and grain warehouses. The drug incident has made the citizens of the Republic panic all day long, and even the National Assembly has entered a state of semi-paralysis.

Asura didn't have much of a solution to this problem.

After all, he was the only strong man on the surface who was the pillar of the Thirteen Republics. No matter how many shadow clones he could support, they could not save him. As for the ninjas on the three battleships who came to help, they rejected him very simply. Shura's deployment support needs.

"We are an indispensable whole. Randomly deploying personnel will only affect the performance of the warship, which will lead to mistakes or even defeat in the subsequent naval battle. This result is something we cannot afford."

The Jonin in charge of the battleship said very confidently.

The main reason for rejecting this seemingly reasonable suggestion so simply is that the ninjas from the ninja world are not willing to see the existence of another force, especially the so-called republic with a strong local flavor, because this will inevitably It will affect the ninja world government and the joint company to obtain sufficient benefits from the pirate world.

Therefore, it is reasonable and reasonable to adopt the attitude of "the friendly forces will not move like mountains when they are in trouble".

However, under the mediation of Uzumaki Ichiraku, the ninjas finally mobilized a small number of capable personnel to form an assassination force and sneaked into Shields Town to conduct special operations and retaliate.

Although Asura felt a little helpless, he accepted this ending.

The intensity of the war then escalated rapidly.

But this time Kizaru couldn't sit still.

Before he had time to fight, Shieldstown began to catch fire before his eyes.

Although some powerful admirals were able to see through the lurking ninjas with their domineering power, they could not withstand the constant harassment of shadow clones, especially when they saw that after killing the opponent, not only was there no body left, but it turned into a line of smoke, and there was no It didn't take long for him to break in again. This strange situation made even the boldest admiral feel a little nervous.

"By the way, is there some unknown devil fruit that can lead to immortality?"

The admirals and admirals were talking privately, and people were panicking.

As for ordinary sailors, they continue to encounter various strange incidents, including but not limited to being bombed when going to the toilet, being bombed while eating, missing in the water during patrol, etc. And they have not even discovered what the enemy looks like, so they are in various mysterious situations. Under the unpredictable blow, the morale of the grassroots sailors began to decline rapidly.

The naval admirals in charge of armaments and supplies were even more distressed.

In just two days, the warehouse had caught fire or exploded dozens of times, turning a large amount of stored supplies into ashes.

Although the fire dragon burning warehouse can cover up the shortage of supplies to a certain extent, the amount of lost supplies this time is too huge!With their abilities, they simply cannot handle such a big pot!
As a result, another group of heads fell to the ground, and Kizaru, who felt that the situation was not good, had to order his navy to speed up preparations and prepare to set sail for war!

But just when almost all the navy's attention was attracted by the serial assassinations and destruction in Shields Town, nearly half of the sailors staying at the port berth were poisoned to death overnight!

If the rear admiral in charge hadn't felt something was wrong with his physical condition and immediately activated elementalization, the entire coastal defense force would have been wiped out.

"What exactly is going on!"

Kizaru could no longer maintain his usual lazy state, and his temples were so angry that veins popped out, and he kept shouting at the frightened rear admiral: "What on earth are you doing! Don't you have no defense at all!"

"And what's wrong with your Haki?"

Especially when he saw the burning battleship and the corpses of sailors being carried out from the cabin, Kizaru felt his blood surge and could hardly restrain the urge to kill.

This is also the first time he has lost his composure in front of everyone.

"I have something to tell you..."

After inspecting the body of the marine soldier, Vegapunk, the great scientist of the science force, pulled Kizaru aside with a gloomy expression and said: "Although there is no in-depth analysis, it is certain that the deep-sea rebels used a method we have never seen before. The special poison..."

"Don't you have any clue?"

Kizaru asked with a sullen face.

"It has the characteristics of biological toxins, but it should be mixed with some special mineral toxins, and it is completely different from existing substances..." Vegapunk whispered: "The most terrifying thing about this toxin is that Colorless and odorless.”

After saying that, Vegapunk raised his right hand, showing a black and blue palm.

"This is……"

Kizaru was immediately stunned.


Vegapunk replied in a deep voice, and at the same time began to pour various antidotes into his mouth crazily.

"How do you..."

Now Kizaru was even more anxious.

"I didn't wear gloves when I examined the body."

After taking several bottles of antidote, Vegapunk's expression softened slightly: "Although it is not fatal, the survival and evaporation of this toxin is too terrifying..."

"Isn't there a way to detoxify it?"

Huang Yuan frowned and asked.

"Haki's active defense should be fine, and Devil Fruit users shouldn't be poisoned..."

Vegapunk raised his chin and gestured to the rear admiral in charge of shore defense: "Judging from his reaction, although the toxin will cause some negative effects, at least it will not cause death."

"Then what to do..."

Kizaru took a deep breath and felt his headache getting worse.

Originally, he thought that as long as the army pressed on the border, the mob would be turned into powder under the naval attack, but he never expected that the deep-sea rebels, who seemed to have an advantage only in the performance of battleships, suddenly came to help, and also showed such sharp and strange methods. !

"We can only fight quickly, if we delay it any longer..."

Vegapunk whispered: "There are also those rats from CIPHER POL. Maybe we can ask them to help."

"I understand……"

Huang Yuan nodded slowly.


"The combat effectiveness of the assassination unit is actually so good?"

Uchiha Tokumitsu, who was silently lurking in the waters east of Don Island, was also very surprised when he received the war situation report from Uzumaki Ichiraku.

In his impression, during his campaign in the ninja world, this type of large-scale attack and assassination method behind enemy lines was basically ineffective against a large-scale ninja army, but he did not expect that he would actually achieve extraordinary results in the world of pirates.

But when I think about it carefully, it seems reasonable.

After all, although the pirate world has a huge navy, it still advocates individual heroism. The outcome of a war is often determined by the battle between one or two strong men. In addition, they also have the assassination skills of ninjas. I have never seen it before, so I naturally lack the corresponding precautions.

"If Your Majesty needs it, I can send Ninja Snakes to assist in the attack..."

The White Snake Immortal who was already a little impatient said proactively: "After the previous exploration, Longdi Cave has obtained the characteristics of the indigenous snakes in this world. After special debugging, some of the ninja snakes have become enough in appearance and breath. Sneaking in everywhere without attracting attention, it may have miraculous effects if used to attack and assassinate!"

The main reason for being so proactive is that the ninja snakes sent by White Snake Sennin have already smelled the special smell of Devil Fruit users!

"Didn't the White Snake Immortal already send out the Ninja Snakes?"

Uchiha Tokumitsu chuckled and was noncommittal.

"Those are just reconnaissance ninjas just in case. They don't bring much publicity, but I feel sorry for making His Majesty worry about them."

White Snake Sage said with an unchanging expression, seemingly not hearing Uchiha Tokumitsu's insinuation: "But a large-scale combat ninja attack still requires His Majesty's imperial decree."

"...If that's the case, then we'll have to worry about Longdi Cave."

Uchiha Tokumitsu didn't care much about Ryujidong's small actions in private. After all, the weakness of the White Snake Sage was still in his hands.

"But remember, don't disturb us too much, let alone reveal the existence of the ninja world!"

"In particular, the ninja snakes sent out cannot be captured!"

"I understand!"

The White Snake Immortal showed a sinister smile: "All the ninja snakes who fight do not understand the dialect of this world, and I will feed them poison. Even if there is a small mistake, it will not affect the overall situation!"

After saying that, Immortal White Snake couldn't help but lick his lips, and his breathing became more rapid.

It can't wait to taste what it's like to be a strong man in the pirate world.

Uchiha Tokko nodded, and then he went to have detailed communication with Slug Immortal on the immediate medical matters on the battlefield.

Although the Slug Sage also participated in the battle, Uchiha Tokumitsu didn't need its combat power very much. What he looked at most was the Slug's large-scale healing magic, especially after further dividing the clones and attaching them to the ninjas. First aid effect.

"...Theoretically, as long as the heart or brain is not penetrated on the spot, the injured ninja can be rescued."

The Slug Immortal shook his tentacles and said: "It's just that the clone attached to the ninja will wither, so the ninja can't be allowed to fight indefinitely."

"That's enough."

Uchiha Tokumitsu is not a dissatisfied person. He is very satisfied if his ninjas can theoretically have one more life.

"Also, what kind of compensation does Slug Immortal need?"

"Not yet, I'll let you know if I think of it..."

The Slug Immortal with a soft and waxy voice appears to be particularly aloof and innocent, forming a sharp contrast with the profit-driven White Snake Immortal.

Uchiha Tokumitsu nodded without saying anything else. Then he briefly explained a few precautions, then walked out of the cabin and ordered: "Inform Uzumaki Ichiraku to let the three battleships take the initiative to attack!"

"As ordered!"

The Imperial Guard ninjas immediately accepted the order and quickly went to the telegraph room to send a secret message.

Uchiha Tokumitsu raised his head, looked at the sky covered with lead clouds, and looked like a storm was coming, and said to himself:
"It's such a good weather to kill people and dump their bodies!" (End of this chapter)

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