Uchiha's opinion

Chapter 525 Lure the enemy to go deep

Chapter 525 Lure the enemy to go deep
Ruthless war always comes so suddenly.

Overnight, the silence in the waters of Yotsuba Island was completely broken. The Navy's East China Sea Front's First Combat Group, which had been unbearable under the attack of the assassination troops, came out in full force under the leadership of General Kizaru and headed towards Toshima Island. .

Coincidentally, Uchiha Tokumitsu, who had completed tactical preparations and tailed beast training, also happened to have the idea of ​​​​a decisive battle.

Therefore, this is a coincidence.

"By the way, Shukaku..."

Before going into battle, Uchiha Tokumitsu warned the seven tailed beasts one by one about what they should pay attention to, but the most troublesome one was the one-tailed beast Shukaku.

Because its abilities cannot be used at sea!
The journey from the Devil's Triangle to the east of Don Island has already exhausted the one-tailed Shukaku, who is known as the "Shame of the Tailed Beast". If he continues to drive it into battle, it probably won't be of much use.

"How about you stay on Dong Island and accept the arrangements of the Ninja Army Chief of Staff?"

Uchiha Tokumitsu pondered for a moment, and then asked with a somewhat tentative tone: "And, if you are willing, you can also enjoy the full treatment of participating in the war."

"no problem!"

Shukaku, who had already become dizzy while marching across the sea, immediately agreed.

As for the so-called 'sense of shame' caused by being commanded by insignificant humans, it is nothing compared to the sense of security of being able to keep one's feet on the ground!
Although the other six tailed beasts were a little envious and jealous, they didn't say much, and they didn't take the opportunity to bargain. They all reflected the pride and reserve of being a tailed beast.

After all, their status is different now. They are the feudal tailed beasts and the national sacred beasts of the Uchiha dynasty. Under the guidance of Erwei Mataru intentionally or unintentionally, they also began to pay attention to the quality and demeanor of individual beasts.

Facing the menacing puppet government navy, Uzumaki Ichiraku immediately ordered the battleship to attack after receiving the order. Asura volunteered and asked to personally be responsible for the task of feigning defeat and luring the enemy. To this, Uchiha Tokko also agreed to his plan. Require.

Not surprisingly, the three battleships led by Ashura and Kizaru's rash fleet collided in the waters of Yotsuba Island.

As soon as the battleship fired a salvo, Kizaru, who had the power of the Shining Fruit, stepped out of the sea alone to kill him with thunder that could not cover his ears. If it weren't for Asura's body-following skills, which were pretty good, plus the elusive Flying Thunder God If the battleship is restrained by Kizaru's technique, it is estimated that the battleship will be rushed in by Kizaru and cause tragic losses!

But while Asura and Kizaru were fighting, as the navy's battleships continued to close the distance, the three battleships that had already been instructed immediately changed course and fled towards Dong Island with all their power.


After using a Yata mirror to push back the Asura who came out from the bottom of the sea, Kizaru was half-suspended above the sea, looking down at the Asura who was half-surfacing not far away: "As expected of the man who started the riot in the East China Sea! Report to you Where does the name come from?”

After a preliminary battle, the two of them had a basic understanding of each other's strength, although neither of them came up with a killer skill.

Especially at this time, Asura seemed to be sneaking in the sea unaffected, which also made Kizaru somewhat surprised.

'It seems that there is indeed a problem with CP0's intelligence. This is simply not what a Devil Fruit user can do! '

Even those with devil fruit abilities, which are extremely rare among the fish-men clan, are unable to move so freely in the sea.

Therefore, the person in front of me may have another power system that is completely different from Haki and Devil Fruit!
This also made Kizaru feel even heavier.

Asura chuckled and ignored Kizaru's inquiry.

How could a ninja reveal such information as his personal name so easily?
Therefore, after the three battleships left at full speed, Asura clapped his hands and activated the ninjutsu——

"Water Escape, Great Waterfall Technique!"

A huge wave rose from Asura's back and covered Kizaru with overwhelming force!

"The Eight Tatar Mirrors!"

With a gloomy expression, Kizaru shot out eight-foot magatama in succession, forming a barrage towards Asura's huge waves, and at the same time, he quickly jumped towards the fleet behind him.

He took the initiative to fight in order to hold back the three battleships, but since the battleships had escaped at this time, there was no need to continue to entangle them.

Of course, Kizaru thought that if he went all out, he would be sure to defeat the person in front of him, but this was inconsistent with his personality, and he really couldn't do such a thankless thing.


Kizaru jumped back onto the battleship, and a group of naval officers immediately surrounded him.

"The opponent's strength cannot be underestimated, or it is above the lieutenant general level!"

After a brief explanation, Kizaru was ready to find the great scientist Vegapunk.

He is very unsure. What kind of power system does the ability that is not domineering or devil fruit and can control sea water come from?
It can't be a huge kingdom from the '100 Years Blank'!
However, according to the Navy's top-secret intelligence data, everything in the huge kingdom has been completely wiped out by the Twenty-Nation Alliance, the predecessor of the World Government. Even the archaeological holy site O'Hara, which may be involved in past history, was completely wiped out under the Demon-Slaying Order. Destroyed.

But is all this really seamless?
Kizaru felt that since he could get some inside information from the side, there was no reason why the world was so big that it couldn't hide the remnants of several huge kingdoms.

Thinking about it carefully, Kizaru felt more and more that his guess was very reasonable!
If the so-called 'deep sea rebels' are the remnants of a huge kingdom, then everything becomes a matter of course!
Those super battleships may be the black technology of the huge kingdom. As for the power that can ignore the negative effects of sea water, it may have evolved based on the special environment of their hiding place.

If this is true, then the entire pirate world will probably fall into a new round of chaos - although it is almost in chaos now.

Thinking of this, after Kizaru entered Vegapunk's cabin, he did not communicate with him immediately, but looked at the map on the wall carefully.

Although the situation in all the sea areas of the paradise was clearly understood, Kizaru's mind was completely opened after making a preliminary 'inference'.

Whether it is the Kirigakure Pirates or the Deep Sea Rebels today, their main areas of activity are the East China Sea and the Grand Line. As for the South China Sea, there are still no traces of the activities of these mysterious enemies.

and so……

Kizaru's fingers traced the map, excluding all sea areas of the paradise one by one.

"The Devil's Triangle!"

Finally, Kizaru calculated a sea area with great possibility based on the existing situation!

The only place where the Great Line must pass, hundreds of ships disappear in this sea area every year, and the ships that are rediscovered after being missing for a period of time are all empty ships without crews!It seems that there must be something hidden in the Devil's Triangle, and it's definitely not as simple as special weather effects!
"You are..."

Vegapunk, who had been watching for a long time, asked cautiously.

Kizaru's condition doesn't look right!This excited, passionate state, as if taking stimulants, is so different from his usual lazy appearance!
"I discovered a blind spot that we have been ignoring!"

Kizaru responded casually, then took out his phone and started calling Marshal Sengoku of the Navy Headquarters.


Vegapunk was even more confused.


Just as the Navy's first combat group in the East China Sea approached Don Island, the advance fleet led by Uchiha Shiina had already achieved quite fruitful results.

Although the combat power of ninjas still lags far behind that of admirals, under the command of Uchiha Shiina, with the complete crushing of ship performance, the advance fleet maximized its mobility advantage. The navy under Lieutenant General Garp, who went out to sea to fight, was in a state of disarray.

But even so, the advance fleet still lost two old-style ironclads due to carelessness. In addition, Vice Admiral Garp also changed the inherent naval combat thinking in time and based on the original tactics of outflanking the Kirigakure Pirates. Make appropriate adjustments and gather all the naval officers who use hegemony as the main means of combat as a commando team, and they will personally lead the team to launch a surprise attack on the advance fleet.

As for those admirals who had eaten Devil Fruit, due to the negative effects of sea water, they stayed on the ship as a force to intercept the shells, and dispersed all the ships to control the sea area.

Although Lieutenant General Karp and the commando admirals were exhausted from the desperate encirclement, they managed to slightly reverse the unfavorable situation.

So it didn't take long for Uchiha Shiina to find that the maneuvering space of the advance fleet was getting smaller and smaller under the squeeze of a huge number of naval ships and the superior commando force of the admiral, unless it turned into an already rough and turbulent situation again. Wind belt, otherwise the advance fleet will be blocked sooner or later.

"The enemy leader will sneak into the sea to ambush, and suddenly burst out during the battle. Due to his inability to dodge, two battleships were destroyed..."

The jonin in charge of the destroyed ship reported the news anxiously.

"Aren't they afraid of the sea water? Why are they still diving!"

This reason made Uchiha Shiina so angry that he almost vomited blood: "Also! Where's the biological detection radar on the ship! Haven't you all turned it on?"

"In the power system of the pirate world, only those who have eaten Devil Fruit will be afraid of the negative effects of sea water, which is the composition of sea floor stone..."

A staff ninja whispered.

The two jonin in charge of the destroyed ship lowered their heads and did not dare to speak.

Uchiha Shiina also got the answer he least expected from his reaction.

"Just to save the chakra that turns on the radar?"

Uchiha Shiina became even more angry: "Is it because we don't have enough food pills or because we don't have enough ninjas under our command?"

To be honest, such a trap should not be introduced, but this is also a mindset brought about by maintaining long-range operations for a long time.

Since the puppet government navy had to be beaten and unable to fight back most of the time in front of the advance fleet with absolute range advantage, the ninjas who had always maintained a psychological advantage did not respond to some of the equipment on the ship that had never been effective. Not much attention was paid, and no one expected that Vice Admiral Garp, as the top powerhouse in the navy, had never eaten a devil fruit!

"Please inform me that if this kind of incident occurs again in the future, the Jonin in charge of the captain will be dismissed from his post and investigated!"

Uchiha Shiina ordered with a cold face: "As for you two, just report to the first team! As long as you charge into the battle three times without dying, you can resume your original position!"

"Commander Shiina, may I ask about the direction of the next battle..."

The staff ninja immediately changed the subject.

At this time, Vice Admiral Karp's fleet and commandos have completed the encirclement of the western and northern seas. At the same time, naval warships have begun to appear in the eastern seas. Unless the advance fleet takes the initiative to break through, it will only go to the windless zone and the great sea. The route turns into a road and you can walk.

——As for fighting a decisive battle at sea, it is not within the scope of Uchiha Shiina's strategic decision-making at all.

After all, in terms of high-level combat power, the gap between the two sides is almost impossible to make up for with numbers, not to mention that the number of combatants in the advance fleet is still far lower than that of the puppet government navy.

"Go round to the southern sea, first lure the enemy south, then rely on the windless zone to engage in a sniper battle, and then..."

Uchiha Shiina drew a battle diagram on the sea chart.

"The headquarters fleet will divide its forces in the windless zone. After completing the sniper battle, all cruisers will immediately continue southward and then make a detour to penetrate the enemy's rear base!"

"The battleships of our headquarters and all the armored ships will turn eastward from the windless zone, detour outside the eastern encirclement, and then tear apart their maritime control from the outside again and again!"

Uchiha Shiina said fiercely: "I don't believe that their endurance can be compared with our ships, and they can run on water infinitely!"

"As ordered!"

The staff ninja had no objection to this, and after saluting, he quickly went to the telegraph room to issue the order.

To be fair, Uchiha Shiina's tactics are not that brilliant, but they are still the best solution under priority conditions.

In the face of the navy that has the advantage of high-level combat power, the advance fleet has no capital to fight a frontal battle. It can only be consumed through various extreme pulls. However, in the process of war, there will always be countless unexpected accidents. , completely disrupting the original plan.

After gaining a certain advantage, Lieutenant General Karp quickly ordered his subordinates to speed up the speed of the ship's net retrieval, in an attempt to block the direction of the "deep sea rebels" that he was responsible for at sea, and strive to force it to turn eastward and use its rear base. Encirclement and annihilation for bait.


In the other direction, the Navy's First Combat Group, which was advancing despite being harassed by elusive artillery fire, finally arrived in the waters of Don Island.

Kizaru stood on the mast of the battleship and observed the defense line on the shore through the telescope.

The naval officers under his command were also nervously making pre-war adjustments. Groups of sailors gathered on the deck to prepare for landing operations.

After completing the distance measurement in concealment, Uzumaki Ichiraku on the shore immediately sent the coordinates of the navy's location to Tokimitsu Uchiha through the radio. He then put away all equipment and cleared traces of activity, and immediately evacuated with his ninjas.

The next battle is beyond his scope.

After all, ordinary ninjas would not be able to survive the bombing range of the tailed beast tama.

(End of this chapter)

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