Uchiha's opinion

Chapter 526: Landslide and earth shattering determine the outcome

In the sea east of Don Island, under the cover of the Kirigakure Jutsu and the Sealing Technique, the ninja army led by Uchiha Tokumitsu is making final preparations.

In addition to the one-tailed Shukaku who was deployed on the main island of Toshima to assist in the defense, the tailed beast tama of the other six tailed beasts have begun to condense, and with the assistance of the staff ninja, the angle of the upward shooting is adjusted to facilitate the long-range bombing of the tailed beast tama. Able to accurately fall into the navy's fleet cluster.

And Tokumitsu Uchiha, who was holding a flame fan and wearing a battle armor, was sitting firmly on the bow of the flagship ship. Although his expression was solemn, there was also a hint of eagerness in his brows.

The White Snake Immortal may have gained a lot from the ninja snakes sent to Shields Town recently, so his expression at this time was very happy, and he was also full of expectations for the upcoming battle.

In its view, transforming into a dragon requires not only opportunity, but also fame. If it can gain a huge reputation in this world and gain a group of believers, White Snake Sage will also have the confidence to get rid of the restraint and threat of Uchiha Tokumitsu.

In particular, the series of republics established by Asura inspired the White Snake Immortal greatly.

It suddenly discovered that the method of direct rule always resulted in 'tyranny' due to various reasons, leading to the defection of dependent ethnic groups. As for directly asking for sacrifices from the psychic contractors, it was even more stupid!But if the so-called republic is used, then Yongjidong may also be able to achieve indirect rule over the human world by acting as a behind-the-scenes controller, thus having a far-reaching impact on a larger scale.

As for problems arising from people in power, that’s easy to handle!

After deduction, the White Snake Immortal discovered that as long as he could ensure that everyone who came to power was his own puppet, and coupled with methods such as "stirring up different opinions", then the so-called republican government would be a perfect 'harvester'. By then, the Longdi Cave lineage will no longer have to worry about the source of the sacrifices!
After all, during this period of time, apart from secretly hunting a small amount of blood food in Shields Town through the Ninja Snake after receiving approval, the White Snake Immortal had been suffering enough!

"Your Majesty! The coordinates of the Tailed Beast Jade bombing area have been corrected!"

A ninja from the Royal Guards suddenly came to Uchiha Demitsu and knelt down on one knee to report.

"Then let's get started!"

Uchiha Tokumitsu no longer hesitated and immediately ordered: "The fleet will immediately lift the radio silence, and all ships except this ship will disperse to the left and right wings with all their strength!"

Then, the whistle sounded in unison, and the Kirigakure Technique and the Sealing Technique were released. When Uchiha Tokumitsu's order reached the gathering place of the tailed beasts, six tailed beast jade were immediately launched. !


Kizaru, who had just prepared to launch the landing operation, suddenly felt a sudden feeling in his heart. Before he had time to judge what caused his intuition to give an early warning, a whistle suddenly sounded from behind the island in front of him!

This sound is not unfamiliar to Kizaru, because the ironclad ship he repelled not long ago sounded like this when it whistled and accelerated!

Kizaru immediately stepped on the mast and used the strength to jump into the air. Then he looked in the direction of the sound of the whistle, and saw groups of groups suddenly appeared outside the foggy sea level on the east side of Dong Island. A majestic armored ship.

But if it were just the appearance of battleships, it would not cause a strong man's intuition to be so alarmed, and the ships of these deep-sea rebels obviously did not come from the front.

Suddenly, Kizaru felt a wave of profound malice locking in his direction!

"This is……"

Then, six giant black and white energy balls appeared in the sky and were thrown towards the location of the naval fleet!

"The fleet is on alert immediately!"

Kizaru didn't care about the principle of 'do as much as you pay', and immediately shouted to the admirals below to pay attention to the abnormality in the sky at this time. Quickly, Kizaru can only quickly release his armed Haki to form a wireless barrier, trying to intercept the Tailed Beast Jade!

Kizaru, who was in mid-air with nothing to rely on, was viciously 'smashed' by the first tailed beast jade and landed on the deck of a battleship!It doesn't matter whether the armed domineering force he unleashed was destroyed!

Because then another five Tailed Beast Jade blasted into the naval fleet array with lightning speed!
In particular, the tailed beasts fired by the tailed beasts were dispersed to a certain extent by adjusting their respective angles after calculations based on the existing coordinates by the staff ninjas, so as to ensure that the power was sufficient while covering the largest possible sea area. area.

So, amid the violent explosion, a dazzling light instantly covered up all the colors between heaven and earth.

Immediately afterwards, a huge mushroom cloud broke through the shackles of the air, and the shock wave generated by the explosion spread quickly, destroying everything in front of it. Its spread was so fast that even within the land fortifications of Dong Island' The small number of Republican coalition forces that were waiting in full formation could not escape its clutches, and were all reduced to embers by the aftermath of the explosion without any reaction!

“Very beautiful fireworks…”

Uchiha Tokumitsu stood up, rubbed his eyes to relieve the discomfort caused by the bright light, and then looked at the huge mushroom cloud ahead.

Although the results of the Tailed Beast Jade bombing had not been reported back from Don Island, Uchiha Tokimitsu could estimate the results of the bombing just by judging from the height of the mushroom cloud.

Generally speaking, except for a few powerful admirals, all other ordinary sailors and even ships were basically destroyed in the first round of Tailed Beast Jade bombing.

But it's not over yet.

Uchiha Tokumitsu waved his hand to summon the two tailed beasts over, while the other five tailed beasts gathered the tailed beast jade again under the guidance of the staff ninjas.

Although the tailed beasts in this world are limited by natural energy and other factors, they cannot output chakra infinitely like they did in the ninja world, but as long as the chakra output in a short period of time does not exceed a certain threshold, their combat endurance Still more than a ninja.

Especially this kind of pure energy bombing without any bells and whistles is what the tailed beasts are best at.

Kizaru, who had been blasted under the deck by the fierce force of the tailed beast jade, had just broken free and stood up. Before he could observe the situation of the fleet, he saw five huge 'energy balls' covering him again.


Kizaru ripped off his damaged sunglasses, once again used the strength of the damaged ship to jump into the air, and fired a barrage towards the oncoming 'energy ball'——

"Bachi Qionggou Yu!"

Densely packed light bombs bombarded the Tailed Beast Jade, but they only limitedly offset it and could not completely disintegrate its attack.

Then Kizaru used the light and shadow left after the explosion of the light bomb to teleport, focusing all his attacks on the energy ball in the center!
"Boom boom boom!"

However, although Kizaru smashed one Tailed Beast Jade in the air, the other five Tailed Beast Jade still fell into the dilapidated naval fleet formation, blasting the last remnants of the ship into pieces!
And if Kizaru, who was in mid-air, had not been elementalized in time, he would have been blown away by the violent explosion shock wave!

After the aftermath of the explosion subsided, Kizaru returned to his physical form again, but everything he could see was wailing.

Moreover, even the wailing sound seemed weak and weak, which also shows the heavy casualties.

Although Kizaru was not injured at this time, his heart was already half cold!
"All surviving personnel land immediately! Hurry!!!"

Kizaru didn't have time to take a closer look at the casualties. He shouted loudly in mid-air, and then he was the first to rush to Dong Island!

He also knew that there must be many lightly and seriously injured people in the sea, but at this time he could no longer care about so many.

The admirals who survived or were only slightly injured immediately left behind their wounded comrades and followed Kizaru's footsteps and launched a charge!

This is not because they are ruthless, but because the only way to survive is to charge and defeat the enemy!
If the entanglement at sea continues, and if the deep-sea rebels launch another round of energy ball attacks, it is estimated that the whole navy will be annihilated.

"Water Release: Great Explosive Water Wave!" As soon as he stepped onto the beach, Asura's ninjutsu test set off a huge water curtain to cover Kizaru, trying to wrap him up in the water prison.

"This is……"

Kizaru's heart suddenly moved, and he rushed towards the water curtain without fear, using his strong body to defeat Asura's ninjutsu!
"It's all right!"

Asura couldn't help but be a little stunned when he saw this!
Kizaru, on the other hand, was convinced, and the successful breakthrough of Asura's ninjutsu attack also confirmed his suspicion!

When the two of them fought at sea before, perhaps the wave attack set off by the other party enveloped the sea water, so it contained the element of sea tower stone. As for the attack launched on the ground at this time, it was just the energy mimicking 'water'!

From this, he was absolutely sure that the power possessed by the person in front of him definitely did not come from Haki and Devil Fruit!
"The Eight Tatar Mirrors!"

Kizaru didn't talk nonsense and ignored the subordinates behind him, and immediately shot a light trail towards Asura.

Although the light rail fired at a very fast speed, Asura just turned sideways slightly to avoid it. As for the light rail, it missed the target and hit the rock wall behind him, and then immediately rushed towards Kizaru!

The two of them had had a battle at sea before, but in order to allow the three battleships to retreat smoothly, and because he had no intention of doing anything to the death, Asura just clicked and stopped. But now he saw the tailed beast suddenly coming from behind the island. Jade attacked, and he knew that Uchiha Tokumitsu had come to the battlefield in person.

Therefore, it is also time to show your true skills to avoid being underestimated by Uchiha Tokumitsu again!
"Tu Dun·Huangquan Marsh!"

"Earth Dungeon Rock Iron Cannon Technique!"

As the ninjutsu started, Kizaru first turned the beach under his feet into a ball of swamp mud, and then a group of huge stone balls that swelled in the wind came towards his face!

But unexpectedly, Kizaru suddenly teleported along the light path that had not dispersed and appeared behind Asura, punching him in the back!
"This is……"

Ashura was immediately shocked!
But before he could react, Kizaru's armed and domineering fist viciously hit his spine!

Asura was punched into a ball of smoke!
"Damn it! Such a disgusting skill again!"

The frantic Kizaru immediately tried to find Asura's whereabouts through seeing and hearing Haki.

But then the sand under him turned into a swamp again, and at the same time it had a flexible suction force, trying to drag it into the ground!

Kizaru was too lazy to continue to struggle, so he tried to avoid the pull of the ground through elementalization.

"Re-seal the limbs!"

Asura emerged from the ground and was about to seal off Kizaru's limbs, but unexpectedly missed it.


After getting rid of the entanglement, Kizaru jumped up again, roared angrily, and began to burst out with intense light!

"Yasaka Qionggouyu!"

Just when Kizaru was about to use his ultimate move, a series of fierce magatama struck him viciously, making it impossible for him to continue to gather strength.

"who is it!"

Kizaru, who was beaten a little dizzy, had to dodge the explosive power of Yasaka Qiong Magatama through elementalization again.


Asura muttered with some dissatisfaction.

Judging from the characteristics of Yasaka Qiongmagatama, it was Uchiha Tokko who took action himself.

So he chose to give up on targeting Kizaru, and escaped and attacked the embarrassed admirals on the coast.

"What the hell is this..."

Kizaru, who stabilized his body and landed on the ground, felt that the sunlight in front of him was suddenly blocked, and an extremely tall demon statue appeared on the hill in the distance.

"Three heads, six arms and two wings, about 50 meters high..."

Kizaru immediately estimated the height of the demon statue, and judging from the energy characteristics it emitted, it was this object that interrupted him just now!
Then, four more equally tall giant beasts appeared behind the demon statue, and a giant dragonfly-like insect was flying in the sky!

"It's terrible!"

Even so, Kizaru's eyes were full of anger.

He once again discerned from the auras of these giant beasts that the 'energy balls' that had just killed his naval fleet came from these giant beasts!
But it wasn't over yet. As a huge white snake and a group of equally tall 'slugs' slowly entered the battlefield from both sides of the coast, Kizaru suddenly felt his scalp numb!
Although its combat characteristics cannot be judged by its power fluctuations, just by looking at the void distorted by the overflowing power, it can be seen that these giant beasts and even this tall demon statue are by no means easy people!
If one or two appear, Kizaru is still confident that he can defeat them with his rich combat experience.

However, this is a seven-headed beast...

"Practice empty bombs!"

Just as Kizaru was in a trance, highly compressed air cannons were fired at a messy naval position from further away.

Then, another giant tanuki with stripes walked into the battlefield, patting its belly like a drum - this was a Shukaku deployed on the shore!
After relying on the absolutely defensive sand wall to block the aftermath of the Tailed Beast Tama bombing for the Republic forces on land, Shukaku, unwilling to be left alone, took the initiative to join the battle!

"What kind of sin did I do..."

Kizaru couldn't help but hold his forehead and sigh.

Facing so many special enemies, no matter how confident he was, he knew that this battle would definitely end in failure.

"The East China Sea has changed since then..."

Perhaps, it’s not just the East China Sea.

"Surrender to avoid death!"

Uchiha Tokumitsu in the mighty Susanoo shouted loudly, and then urged the demon statue to kill him.

As for whether Kizaru would surrender, he had no hope at all. (End of chapter)

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