Uchiha's opinion

Chapter 527: Final decision of battle 1

Kizaru took a deep breath, then spread his hands forward, aiming at the three-headed and six-armed demon statue that was coming in an overwhelming manner.

The other seven 'giant beasts', except for the slug, which was motionless, all headed towards the remnants of the navy behind Kizaru.

Moreover, through the peripheral vision of his eyes, Kizaru also discovered that those armored battleships had appeared above the sea level on the left and right sides at this time. Judging from the course, it seemed that they were making a big circle to sink the navy's battleships into the sea.

Now all the wounded who didn't land in time are probably going to die...

Just when Kizaru was secretly feeling hurt, the mighty Susanoo's chakra giant sword struck at Kizaru's head. At the same time, the scimitars, big guns, snares, arrows and other weapons held by other arms also struck. Blocking his dodge direction.

No matter how powerful the strong men in the pirate world are physically, it is not easy to block and parry the physical attacks of a 50-meter-tall demon statue.

Therefore, although Kizaru also spread his hands in a posture of forcibly blocking with armament and haki, when Susana's giant sword came close, he immediately jumped up and activated the elemental transformation at the same time!


The Susano giant sword, whose attack failed, made a huge hole in the ground!

Kizaru showed his figure again in the air, and at the same time stepped on Susanoo's giant arm to use force, and jumped into the air at the same height as the devil's head.


Uchiha Tokumitsu in Susanoo was a little surprised, and then his heart moved, and through chakra contact, he ignited the chakra contaminated under his feet when Kizaru borrowed his power!

At the same time, the head of the demon statue in the center suddenly opened its mouth——

"Yan Dun, the arrogant fire is extinguished!"

A large sea of ​​fire suddenly spurted out from the demon god's head!

Kizaru, who was about to carry out the 'decapitation', first felt a pain in the sole of his foot. The prelude movements he was preparing to launch the attack couldn't help but be a little deformed, but before he had time to distinguish, he saw what seemed to be just a large and unreasonable demon god's head spraying out a sea of ​​fire towards him. Covered by itself!
Since the distance was too close at this time, it was really difficult to make additional reactions, so Kizaru had no choice but to elementalize his body again to avoid being burned by the sea of ​​fire!
"Too big..."

Kizaru couldn't help but groan secretly in his heart.

In fact, when fighting against this giant-type enemy, he could completely rely on the ability of the Shining Fruit to fly a kite, but because he was eager for success, he fell into a passive situation at this time.

And this is not over yet, the other two heads of the powerful Susanoo opened at the same time and used ninjutsu again——

"Flame Escape · Dust Concealment Technique!"

"Flame escape head hard!"

With the high temperature, smoke, dust and sea of ​​fire filling the air, Kizaru, who was caught in a firework purgatory, suddenly felt extremely troubled!Even though he had not been directly harmed after being transformed into an element, Kizaru still felt that his "light body" was extremely hot, and his power seemed to be constantly being lost in the high temperature environment.

Faced with such a situation, it is impossible to "defeat monsters without injury".

As a result, Kizaru immediately showed his body again, and while the flames and smoke covered his body, he concentrated his armed domineering energy outside his body for defense. At the same time, he endured the burning and stinging pain from the high temperature on his skin, and rushed forward fiercely. The ground waved out a series of light bombs——

"The Eight Tatar Mirrors!"

The traces of light seemed to be shooting towards the demon statue aimlessly.

Susanoo controlled by Uchiha Tokumitsu withstood the attack of light bullets and swung his giant sword towards Kizaru!


Just when the light bullet shattered Susanoo's outer armor, Kizaru was also knocked away by the giant sword like a bowling ball!
"Flame Escape·Longyan Singing Technique!"

Then, four huge flame dragons struck in the direction where Kizaru flew out!

Uchiha Tokumitsu took a deep breath and quickly extracted the chakra of the Second Tails Mata Brigade to repair the damage to the powerful Susanoo.

But there are still dots of light spots on the demon statue.


Kizaru, who had just landed after being knocked away, seemed to have no time to react and was hit by the fire dragon again!

But before Uchiha Tokumitsu had time to detect and sense the bombing area, a light spot on the right side of Susanoo's head suddenly lit up and turned into a dazzling light!

"Tiancong Cloud Sword!"

It was as if Kizaru was flying out of the sky along with the light. Despite the burning sensation in his feet, he first stood on Susanoo's shoulder with his lightsaber and slashed continuously, smashing the right side of his head to pieces!

But with the injection of chakra again, the recovery speed of the demon's head even exceeded Kizaru's destruction speed; at the same time, under the control of Uchiha Tokko, Susana's giant arm also grabbed Kizaru on his shoulder.

"The Eight Tatar Mirrors!"

Kizaru once again shot a light track towards the sky before becoming an element, and then moved along the light track at a speed similar to teleportation, and suddenly came to the sky above Uchiha Tokumitsu's head.

"Bachi Qionggou Yu!"

Countless dazzling light bullets were shot from top to bottom at a very close distance, hitting the demon statue!

This is also one of Kizaru's strongest moves!

"Boom boom boom!!!"

Violent explosions continued to sound, and the demon statue began to break and collapse inch by inch!
"It worked!"

Kizaru felt happy and increased his output again!
"The Art of Flying Thunder God—"

Suddenly, a strange-looking 'broken blade' flew past Kizaru's side.

Judging from its flight trajectory, it was impossible to hit Kizaru in mid-air; so even if he was aware of it, he had no reaction, and he didn't even bother to throw a light bomb at it, just treating it as a miss. Just a flowing blade.

But then a figure appeared out of thin air and sprayed out streams of flames towards Kizaru.


Kizaru forcibly resisted the urge to dodge, and once again increased his output towards the demon statue below!
"Boom boom boom!"

"Immortal method, earth escape, and the technique of aggravating rocks!"

Uchiha Tokumitsu, who was dizzy after being bombarded by light bombs, did not continue to be stingy with the use of senjutsu chakra. He immediately activated his ninjutsu and placed a weight equivalent to Susanoo's on Kizaru's body!

Kizaru felt his body sink. He could no longer rely on the recoil of the light bomb to keep his body in the air, and fell from the sky involuntarily!
Naturally, the continuously accumulating light bombs cannot be maintained.

Under the control of Uchiha Tokumitsu, Susanoo's giant palm was aimed at the direction where Kizaru fell, intending to strangle him to death!

But Susana Giant Palm also failed again.

Kizaru's body shattered like an illusion and then disappeared without a trace.

"Use sealing techniques as much as possible!"

Asura landed on the shoulders of the powerful Susanoo and said to Uchiha Tokumitsu inside: "Otherwise, we won't be able to catch this guy!"

"Can you use King Kong Blockade?"

Uchiha Tokumitsu quickly activated the perception ninjutsu to scan to determine Kizaru's location, while distractedly speaking to Asura.


Asura was speechless.

Although he is the ancestor of the two powerful families of Senju and Uzumaki, both the Wood Release and the Vajra Blockade are self-developed and evolved by the younger generations. As an ancestor, he is unable to use this special secret technique.

"Then you are just talking, aren't you?"

Uchiha Tokumitsu snorted coldly.

His sealing skills are also average.

"Or, if you can trap his body, I can try other sealing techniques..."

Asura said quickly.

"No, I suddenly thought of a good way to deal with this guy!"

After Uchiha Tokumitsu scanned the sensory ninjutsu, he immediately locked the location of Kizaru, and then clapped his hands inside Susanoo's body and activated the senjutsu——

"Immortal Technique: The Art of Inorganic Reincarnation!"

Before Kizaru, who was hiding behind a rock wall, could use his armed domineering energy to extinguish the remaining flames on his body, the rock wall behind him suddenly seemed to be alive, turning into a big mouth and biting his body!
Although the body was not directly harmed by the protection of the armored haki, it still delayed Kizaru for a while.

Then, the soil and gravel on the ground flowed rapidly, turning into long snakes and shooting towards Kizaru!The soil under his feet immediately turned into shackles, locking his legs!

"What the hell is this!"

Kizaru's eyelids twitched, quite surprised.

"Earth Escape · Earthquake Core!"

As Uchiha Tokumitsu's second ninjutsu followed, Kizaru had just broken free from the constraints of the rock wall behind him, and the soil on the ground under his feet suddenly disappeared, turning into a dark hollow, like a giant mouth of the abyss. Kizaru fell involuntarily and was swallowed up!
"Xianfa·Ming Shenmen!"

Asura immediately teleported to Uchiha Tokko's attack area and quickly launched his magical technique.

A red torii appeared out of thin air, located above the deep pit!
And Kizaru, who fell into the cage, suddenly felt bad!

Although Armed Color Haki can still be used freely at this time, the ability of the Devil Fruit seems to be interfered with by some special energy, and it is beginning to lag a little!

"Bang bang bang bang!"

But before Kizaru had time to react, four more red torii gates appeared again and were 'nailed' around him!

Now, the Devil Fruit's abilities are completely unusable!

Kizaru's heart suddenly went cold.

He is different from Lieutenant General Garp. Half of his strength relies on Devil Fruit, and his current situation is undoubtedly very unfavorable to him!

Uchiha Tokumitsu did not rush to attack, because the Myojin Gate not only imprisoned part of Kizaru's power, but also isolated him from attacking.

If you forcefully attack with ninjutsu, it will disrupt the confinement range of Myojin Gate, which will allow Kizaru to find an opportunity to escape!

Therefore, Uchiha Tokko chose to focus on siege.

"Tu Dun · Earth Corridor!"

"Earth Dungeon Ant Hell!"

With the joint activation of the Inorganic Reincarnation Jutsu and the Earth Release Ninjutsu, the soil around the Myojin Gate quickly began to move, turning into a hill in a very short period of time, enveloping the torii and Kizaru locked in it. Locked in a maze of soil.

However, Kizaru, who was imprisoned in it, had no intention of accepting his fate. Instead, he wrapped himself in armed domineering and wildly waved his fists to destroy the earth and rock walls that were constantly pressing in, trying to leave the forbidden area.

"It's really difficult..."

Asura's forehead was also sweating a little.

Once the seal of Mingshen Gate is laid, it cannot move. If Asura breaks through the underground soil and rock wall, he can really escape from it!

"Forget it, let's give him a good time!"

Uchiha Tokumitsu also felt that the rock wall of the earth escape was being continuously destroyed, and it was gradually difficult to restrain Kizaru's movements, so he also changed his attack method and injected a large amount of chakra into the Susana giant sword.

"What do you want?"

Asura's eyelids suddenly jumped.

"There is no need to maintain the seal..."

Uchiha Tokumitsu frantically extracted chakra and injected it into Susanoo's weapon. At the same time, he continued to shrink the body of the demon statue, and came to stand in front of the hill where Kizaru was sealed.

"I understand……"

Ashura breathed a sigh of relief.

In this way, regardless of whether he can successfully subdue this difficult enemy, the responsibility can be passed on to Uchiha Tokimitsu.

After relaxing a little, Asura began to look at the situation on the battlefield.

The beach was already a bloody massacre. Although there were still a few admirals still resisting, the tailed beasts were more playful than fighting.

The giant snake body of the White Snake Immortal devoured the dying enemies one by one.


After Asura no longer deliberately maintained the barrier of the Myojin Gate, Kizaru slammed his fist and broke the last rock wall. A ray of light first appeared in front of his eyes, and then darkened again!
At the same time, the living soil turned into shackles again, locking his feet.

Before Kizaru could dodge through elementalization again, Uchiha Tokumitsu's Susano giant sword had already struck him hard on the left shoulder!

This time, since he had just escaped from the trap, Kizaru's domineering aura didn't have any warning effect!

With one blow, Kizaru was crushed into the ground by the extremely ferocious power!

"Damn guy!"

Kizaru, who was severely injured, managed to raise his right hand and pointed backward——

"The Eight Tatar Mirrors!"

A light track shot toward the back.

Then, before Uchiha Tokumitsu's second attack arrived, Kizaru immediately transformed into an element again and moved instantaneously along the track of light, escaping from Uchiha Tokumitsu's attack range.

"As expected of a monkey, he is so flexible!"

Uchiha Tokko couldn't help but click his tongue in surprise.

To be honest, both he and Kizaru were a little careless in this battle because they didn't understand each other's abilities.

Kizaru was probably eager for success, so he failed to take advantage of his speed. Instead, he was trapped by Uchiha Tokumitsu's design in the close combat and was forced to fight hard. Coupled with Asura's auxiliary sneak attack, Kizaru had a slight advantage. You accidentally get into trouble.

It's just that relatively speaking, Uchiha Tokumitsu, who uses the powerful Susanoo, has a much higher fault tolerance rate than Kizaru due to his absolute advantages in strength, size and protection.


When urging Susanoo to attack again, Uchiha Tokumitsu thought silently in his heart and completely detonated the remaining chakra stained under Kizaru's feet!

In fact, this injury or pain is nothing to Kizaru, but it also slows down Kizaru's elementalization again!

"Water Escape, Great Waterfall Technique!"

Different from the ninjutsu used by Asura, this time Uchiha Tokumitsu did not spray out huge waves from his mouth, but directly rolled up the tide from the sea, blocking Kizaru's rear with the waves containing the composition of Kailu Stone. !
At the same time, Susana's giant sword struck Kizaru's left shoulder again!

This time, Kizaru didn't react until his left arm was completely broken off.

Then, he immediately wrapped his body with armed domineering energy, kicked off his right foot and jumped directly into the huge tidal wave behind him!
"...Isn't the seawater made of sea floor stone? How come this guy isn't afraid!"

Uchiha Tokumitsu frowned.

Even if the thin sea floor stone doesn't have such an obvious negative impact on the general, then it shouldn't be like this!

But then Uchiha Tokumitsu realized that he had seen it wrong——

I saw the 'Kizaru' that had just rushed into the sea turned into a phantom and shattered.Then his figure appeared on the remaining deck floating on the sea along a light spot, jumping and jumping, and gradually disappeared.

"Immortal Law·Water Escape·Big Explosion Water Shockwave!"

Uchiha Tokumitsu didn't stop doing anything, and simply put away the Susanoo avatar in one breath, and teleported to the coast. He frantically extracted the senjutsu chakra from his body and set off a huge wave like a tsunami!

And Kizaru, who was escaping, was swept up by the huge tsunami wave and disappeared without a trace!
"Search in the sea!"

After Uchiha Tokko finished his sentence, he was the first to jump into the water.

Asura didn't dare to neglect and just dived into the water to try to find traces of Kizaru.

As for the outflanking fleet ninjas, after 'dealing' with the remaining naval soldiers in the shipwreck area, they also learned that Uchiha Tokumitsu had beaten the enemy's strongest men into the sea, and then they also sneaked into the sea to participate in the encirclement and suppression.

But until nightfall, the ninjas who went to sea to encircle and suppress them still found no trace of any living creatures, let alone whether Kizaru, who had lost an arm, had drowned or escaped successfully.

"Let's close the team..."

After working for a long time, Uchiha Tokumitsu had no choice but to give up.

Although the result is not satisfactory, there is no doubt that this is the most heart-warming victory for the Uchiha Dynasty since they entered the world of pirates!
However, in Uchiha Tokumitsu's view, as more and more of his own trump cards are exposed, it may be difficult to replicate such tactics after the strong men in the pirate world are on guard.

But no matter what, Donghai's offensive and defensive positions have changed since then! (End of chapter)

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