The news of the navy's defeat and the disappearance of the general spread throughout the East China Sea as the deep-sea rebels captured Shields Town with great force and swept the islands in one fell swoop!

Lieutenant General Garp, who had originally carefully planned an outflanking and killing plan, was struck by thunder after hearing the bad news. The whole world began to turn black and white as far as he could see!
Although the navy under Kizaru's command is not very elite, and is not as good as Vice Admiral Garp's current subordinates, it is still a formal sailor, and its combat power is higher than that of the naval branches in various places. In addition, it is the only mobile force that the Navy Headquarters can mobilize in the current crisis-ridden environment!

After losing this force, unless the Navy resolutely implements strategic contraction and voluntarily abandons certain branches to recover its military strength, it will fall into an even more unsustainable dilemma of being stretched to the left and right!

Therefore, Lieutenant General Karp gave up squeezing the advance fleet in the windless zone and chose to retreat and return to the base.

Uchiha Shiina, who witnessed the retreat of Lieutenant General Garp and his troops, did not try to pursue them. Instead, he recalled the cruiser fleet that was performing a roundabout attack via telegram, and gathered the fleet to stabilize the rear. This was also because he was not greedy for credit. And inadvertently avoided an ambush.

This is not because Uchiha Shiina is unwilling to actively expand territory, but because the deployment of troops has reached its limit.

Now, as the Battle of Don Island comes to an end, most of the East China Sea has become a terra incognita, waiting for the Ninja Army to take over. Even the Republic Alliance established by Asura has completed another round of expansion in the process. Take the Organ Islands and increase the number of republics to seventeen.

As for the other revolutionary army force, it completely occupied the Moonlight Islands when Kizaru entered the waters of Yotsuba Island. At this time, it was across the sea from the republic camp established by Ashura.

But after understanding the general situation of the Battle of Dongdao, the commander of the Revolutionary Army, Monkey D. Long, could not help but feel extremely afraid of Asura, the "spiritual leader of the East China Sea Revolution".

As for the main reason why he was able to understand the Battle of Don Island, which had been tightly blocked by the world government, the main reason came from the one-armed man in front of him who was feasting——

"Are you sure? The deep sea rebels are really the remnants of a huge ancient kingdom?"

Monkey D. Long's tone was full of disbelief, and he asked the pale Kizaru again.

Kizaru just nodded, and then continued to devour the food.

Escape from Don Island was not an easy task for him, and it was an experience he would remember for the rest of his life.

After transforming his body into an element, he frantically squeezed out the power of the Devil Fruit, bursting out and flying along the sea surface at extremely fast speeds. This was Kizaru's way of applying the Devil Fruit out of desperation.

And this also confirms the conclusion that "there are no useless devil fruits, only those with abilities who can't use them".

After experiencing this 'great terror between life and death', Kizaru's knowledge and understanding of the Shining Fruit have been able to reach a higher level, but...

After chewing up the stick bone in his hand, Kizaru, who was still not satisfied, put the bone into his mouth and bit it into pieces, devouring it like a scallop.

He habitually planned to pick up another leg of lamb with his left hand, but then he realized - he had permanently lost his left arm!

"Is it impossible to recover?"

Monkey D. Long asked casually.

But then he felt that these words were very inappropriate.


Kizaru paused for a moment, rubbed his right hand, shook off the bone residue in his palm, and then picked up a roasted lamb leg again and started to chew on it.

Monkey D. Long said nothing more, just silently watching Kizaru who was eating crazily.

Kizaru was accidentally picked up by him.

After overthrowing the remaining coalition power in the Organ Islands, the smug Monkey D. Long was preparing to march to the waters of Yotsuba Island and planning to open a sea route to the Moonlight Islands. He accidentally discovered an unfamiliar man on the beach. The "acquaintance" of Kizaru at that time was indeed roasted on his left shoulder.

When Kizaru was picked up, he was already on the verge of death.

Although Monkey D. Dragon's relationship with his father Garp was always a bit mysterious due to his own ambitions, he also learned the basic situation and appearance characteristics of some colleagues in the Navy who had a relatively good relationship with Garp, and Huang The ape is an acquaintance whom he has never met but whom he has admired for a long time.

Therefore, after Monkey D. Long hesitated for a while, he finally gave up the idea of ​​marching. He first strictly ordered his subordinates to keep silent, and then arranged for the ship's doctor to rescue Kizaru.

As for where Kizaru's injury came from, Monkey D. Long did not ask directly, and Kizaru did not directly say it. However, after the two had a conversation that seemed like a riddle, Monchi D. Long already had some idea of ​​the situation. Have a basic understanding.

To be honest, he never expected that the Republic camp would get involved with the 'Deep Sea Rebels'.

He did not expect that the Kirigakure Pirates, who once ravaged the East China Sea, turned out to be the outpost of the deep-sea rebels.

As for the result that the navy was defeated and the general was seriously injured, he never expected it.

That's the navy!

Although since the formation of the Revolutionary Army, Monkey D. Long knew that sooner or later he would confront the navy, but he never wanted it to be now.

Because whether it is the revolutionary army or the pirate group of Paradise, the navy is a nightmare-like giant.

But...the navy just lost!
There was no reason why Monkey D. Long didn't believe it. After all, Kizaru, one of the three generals of the Navy Headquarters, was right in front of him.

Moreover, as Kizaru bit him, the bandage on his left shoulder began to overflow with bright red blood under the tug of the violent movement.

This is the wound on Kizaru's left shoulder opening again...

During the emergency treatment by the ship's doctor, he told Monkey D. Long about the insidious power left in Kizaru's wound. It was not only constantly burning Kizaru's strength and even vitality, but also As time goes by, it penetrates deep into the bone marrow until a strong man is completely burned into a useless person.

Of course, this does not mean that this weird power has no nemesis. Although the ship doctor's methods are relatively weak, judging from his experience, it can be completely eliminated by his own strength - if an external force interferes with it, it may actually cause The wound worsens.

It's just that Kizaru, who had just woken up, really didn't have the strength to eliminate the damage caused by the remaining power before eating.

Thinking of this, Monkey D. Long couldn't help but have some faith in the 'remnant theory of the huge kingdom' proposed by Kizaru.

After all, except for the previous dynasty that had long been lost in history, the entire world had never heard of such a weird power system.

Especially the super giant energy ball that Kizaru briefly mentioned before that can destroy an entire fleet reminded Monkey D. Dragon of the so-called 'secret weapon' in the hands of the World Government.

Although it doesn't sound as mysterious as the rumored World Government's 'secret weapon', this is normal. After all, the huge kingdom was destroyed by the Twenty-Nation Alliance, the predecessor of the World Government, so it is reasonable to have generational differences in such weapons...

"The wound on your left shoulder..."

As the blood stains on the bandages on Kizaru's body became more and more obvious, and the smell of blood became stronger and stronger, Monkey D. Long finally couldn't help but said: "Now that part of the strength has been restored, let's deal with it quickly! "

"This is..."

Kizaru looked at the wound on his left shoulder nonchalantly, and then said leisurely: "It just so happens that the energy of the wound can be studied by the scientific team, so it can be easily cracked..."

As if something was stuck in his throat, Kizaru did not continue talking, but ate again.He suddenly remembered that Vegapunk, the great scientist of the science force, a group of special researchers and bodyguard Zhan Momomaru, were all missing during the Battle of Don Island...

If he is killed by an energy ball attack, that's fine, but if he is captured, the navy and even the world government will be in some trouble.

Thinking of this, Kizaru suddenly felt that the food in his hand no longer smelled good.

"I remember that Senior Zefa once replaced his incomplete right arm with an iron-arm crusher..."

Monkey D. Long comforted again: "I think the world government should have some special technology that can allow you..."

"Help me arrange a fast boat."

Leaving aside the half-eaten leg of lamb, Kizaru wiped the oil in his hands on his clothes and said calmly.

"...really want to go back?"

Although it was a bit sudden and he already knew Kizaru's choice, Monkey D. Long still asked a routine question.

"Do you think your little miscellaneous subordinates can hide me?"

Kizaru murmured, with a rare smile on his face: "I'm half disabled, it's time to go to work for the last day and then retire ignominiously..."

"...The defeat of Dongdao, I'm afraid the Five Old Stars will not let it go."

Monkey D. Long kindly reminded: "Aren't you worried that you will have to go to Judiciary Island then?"

"The navy can't be in chaos, so I can't die either."

Kizaru stood up calmly, looked down at Monkey D. Long and said: "As long as the remnants of those huge kingdoms are still making trouble, the world government needs the navy to continue to serve, and it also needs a loyal benchmark to stand in the headquarters to attract more people. Die willingly..."

"Besides, what about more than just a huge remnant of the kingdom who has transformed from a deep-sea rebel into a serious nuisance?"

"After the windless belt disappears completely, will the Grand Line still have any meaning?"

"Which strong person who is bound by the environment doesn't want to go further?"

"Which of the four emperors in the new world is not ambitious, and which of the eager challengers is not confident in his own strength and intends to compete head-on with the world government?"

After a round of in-depth and simple analysis, Monkey D. Long, an audience member, suddenly discovered that under the peaceful singing and dancing of the world government, there were still so many internal and external troubles hidden behind it!

In this way, the revolution has great potential!
But then I thought about it, next door was the 'remnant of the huge kingdom' who would definitely be regarded as a formidable enemy by the World Government and wanted to be eliminated quickly!

Behind the Republican Revolution, do these survivors have any ulterior motives?
Thinking of this, Monkey D. Long's mood became extremely bad.

"By the way, keep in touch in the future..."

Kizaru did not continue to ask Monkey D. Long if he was willing to arrange a fast boat, and walked out the door: "There is some news that Garp may not be able to tell, but I don't care."


Monkey D. Long nodded.

Isn’t it just a boat?What a big deal!

Compared with having a relatively reliable contact in the Navy from now on, a clipper ship is worthless!
After Kizaru walked out of the door, Monkey D. Long savored Kizaru's words carefully and looked at the world map.


There was one thing that Kizaru didn't mention, and that was Impel Down.

As one of the three generals of the navy, Kuzan naturally had full knowledge of the inside story of the Don Island battle in the East China Sea.

Especially the news that his colleague Kizaru was defeated and seriously injured and disabled was like a bolt from the blue to him.

As for Kizaru, after learning about Kizaru's inference that the 'deep sea rebels' were the 'remnants of the huge kingdom', Kuzo felt numb all over.

You know, everything related to 'The Blank 100 Years' is a taboo among taboos!

But at this time, Kuzan couldn't think about things that far away. What he was worried about at this time was the 'huge kingdom rebels' who were still besieging the impel city!
Facing this fleet with extremely cunning tactics, Kuzan really didn't have any good ideas.

However, the various 'tactical guidance' conveyed from the Navy Headquarters made Kuzan feel numb.

"How do you say that the fleet must be annihilated in a short period of time!"

Kuzan complained to Magellan, the director of Impel Down: "If this enemy army is so easy to annihilate, who would want to stay here and eat sashimi all day long!"

In response, Magellan could only smile awkwardly but politely.

The supplies in Impel Down City have begun to be tight.

With the continuous attacks by the former deep-sea rebels and the current huge kingdom's remnant fleet at sea, coupled with the problem of the fast channel's ability to pass after the triangular vortex is weakened, the supplies that the impel city can obtain are getting less and less, especially the weakened sea current thrust of the channel. After that, those supply ships with weak escort forces simply delivered food to the enemy troops!

Over time, the Navy Headquarters was no longer willing to continue to waste precious manpower, and could only instruct the impel city and the garrisoned navy to 'raise their own supplies on the spot'!
But this is not easy!
This is Impel Down City!

A fortress standing alone in the ocean and surrounded by enemies on all sides!
A hellish place where you can’t even find a suitable target for plunder!
It is a prison institution with absolutely no independent material production capabilities!And among them, whether they are marine soldiers or even those imprisoned in prison, all of them are big eaters!
Therefore, after discussion between Kuzan and Magellan, they could only use their 'local advantages' to rely on the sea, that is, start fishing.

The fishing progress was pretty good at the beginning, perhaps because all the Neptune species were basically slaughtered, and there were large schools of fish even on the outskirts of Impel Down City, so the progress was pretty smooth at the beginning.

But then the besieging fleet discovered the movement of the impel city, and the fierce bombardment interrupted the defenders' "self-reliance".

Since open source is not possible, we can only maintain it for a longer period of time through throttling.As a result, not only have the prisons below begun to drastically reduce food, but even ordinary sailors and soldiers have gradually implemented rationing, and they can no longer continue to eat and drink.

In addition, since military forces need to be urgently mobilized to the East China Sea to save face, the reinforcements Kuzan had always hoped for have become empty talk. On the contrary, various combat requests from the World Government are becoming more and more frequent and increasing. The more ridiculous it gets, the more it gets to the point where it annoys Kuzan.

"You have to deal with it..."

Magellan had no other solution, so he could only make peace with the enemy.

Kuzan held his forehead and sighed, becoming more and more melancholy. (End of chapter)

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