Uchiha's opinion

Chapter 530 The Beast’s Invitation

Although the experimental instruments provided by Uchiha Tokumitsu were somewhat different from those used by Vegapunk, and their power supply methods were also quite novel, after Orochimaru's explanation, Vegapunk immediately mastered these instruments and equipment. methods of use, and quickly carried out experiments and achieved results.

The first 'performance' was given by Uchiha Tokumitsu on the summary of the advantages and disadvantages of Devil Fruit.

And as Orochimaru expected, Uchiha Tokumitsu readily approved Vegapunk's 'Artificial Devil Fruit' experiment after obtaining the information he wanted, and requested that special research on 'blood factors' be carried out simultaneously. , as for those scientific force researchers who were also captured, Uchiha Tokko also released them after arranging his ninjas to review and add curse seals. Even Zhan Momomaru, who had stronger power, returned to Vegapunk. around.

"You are betraying uncle!"

Zhan Momomaru waved his mechanical prosthesis and muttered with dissatisfaction while being inspected by the Uzumaki ninja who came from afar from the ninja world.

But that's all. Zhan Momomaru didn't make any unnecessary moves that could easily lead to suspicion of evil intentions.

After all, at this time, his forehead and heart were engraved with special talismans. As long as the Uzumaki ninja who mastered the power of the curse seal made a thought, Zhan Momomaru's heart and mind would explode and he would die on the spot.

All the researchers, including Vegapunk, ignored him.

Vegapunk does it to realize the experiments he has thought about in his mind, while those former scientific force researchers who were forced or volunteered do it more to survive - after all, the 'review' of the ninjas is not like that of Uchiha. Guang was so gentle and gentle when interrogating Bega Punk.

For Uzumaki Ninja, Vegapunk's technology of transforming disabled people into semi-mechanical life through mechanical prosthetic implant surgery is still remarkable.

After several rounds of testing and improvement, the Uzumaki ninjas were surprised to find that this semi-mechanical transformation technology could be applied to ninjas after changing the driving energy into chakra!
Moreover, it is not expensive in terms of cost. The main metal is basically the unique metal of the pirate world. There are already many blast furnaces smelting day and night in the sea area north of the Demon Triangle. There is no problem with the supply of raw materials. In addition, The reconnaissance teams from the Jonin world are searching for chakra metal veins all over the world. There is no problem in diverting some of the current chakra metal production for the structure of prosthetics.

After all, in the ninja world that has been fighting for many years, in addition to the current registered ninjas, there are also a large number of injured and retired ninjas. Among these ninjas, there are still many who are still unwilling to be lonely and have great ambitions. If it is to restore their limbs and restore their strength. If he was recruited at a price, maybe Uchiha Tokumitsu would be able to raise a usable ninja army.

"The number of ninja troops is insufficient after all..."

Uchiha Tokumitsu couldn't help but sigh after reading the 'Retired Ninja Recruitment Bill' submitted by Uzumaki Ashina.

Although the bill was decorated with all kinds of gorgeous rhetoric on the surface, Uchiha Tokumitsu still saw the cold iron-blooded atmosphere in it.

"Giving injured ninjas another choice can also reflect His Majesty's grace..."

Uzumaki Ashina responded respectfully.

He naturally knows what it means after the bill is passed, but in the final analysis, the butt decides the position. The Uzumaki clan, now known as the "after clan", is the second most powerful clan in the ninja world. All interests and successes and failures have long been related to Uchi. The Bo clan was firmly tied together, so naturally he also devoted himself to making suggestions for the dynasty established by Uchiha Tokimitsu.

Although the Ninja World Government has gained a lot from the development of the pirate world, Uchiha Tokumitsu is not satisfied with the progress, and Uzumaki Ashina, as a close minister, is naturally aware of this; and one of the constraints is the Ninja World. The number of troops is seriously insufficient, making it difficult to mobilize large armies for expeditions while maintaining the stability of the ninja world.

The unexpectedly obtained prosthetic mechanization technology is undoubtedly a timely help for the ninja government - after all, this method of collecting blood tax is the only way to quickly expand the active ninja army.

"Let's make some additions."

After much thought, Uchiha Tokumitsu still couldn't resist the temptation of adding another ninja legion, but he also proposed amendments based on Uzumaki Ashina's bill: "All injured and retired ninjas born in Konoha, regardless of their previous positions or Regardless of the faction, after being recruited and completing prosthetic modifications, they are all incorporated into the reserve force. As for the former four great ninjas of the Ninja Village, they are incorporated into the various departments of the Army Garrison Force for mixed formation."

And this is also a little mercy that Uchiha Tokko, as the emperor, has for the Konoha ninjas.

"As ordered!"

Ashina Uzumaki responded immediately.

“In addition, this bill will also be submitted to the House and Senate of the Joint Parliament for consideration.”

Uchiha Tokumitsu still warned uneasily: "There must be no problems with the process, and we must abide by the rules we set!"

"Please rest assured, Your Majesty! The Uzumaki clan is the safest in handling affairs!"

Uzumaki Ashina bowed confidently and said.


After receiving the New World chart from the temporary base camp on Don Island through a fax machine, and using a series of methods such as radio ranging and positioning, Namikaze Minato and his party finally determined their current location.

"According to the current sea chart, we are actually not too far away from Wano Country..."

After gesturing for a long time with the latest chart, Namikaze Minato said matter-of-factly: "It's only a two- or three-day voyage..."

"The problem is that we have already crossed the Wano Country and now we need to go back against the current."

Nagato said expressionlessly, his dissatisfaction unabashedly shown by a pair of Sharingan that kept wandering around.

Although he and all the ninjas traveling with the team had no symptoms of seasickness, after being at sea for so long, coupled with the frequent storms and the harassment of countless pirates and navy, Nagato was extremely depressed. .

Before getting the latest sea chart, the voyage of Namikaze Minato and his party was naturally not smooth. Not only did they encounter numerous pirate attacks along the way, but the navy also assembled fleets from time to time to pursue them like a mad dog - especially after the Battle of Toshima. Having a motor-driven sailboat that is exactly the same as an armored ship but smaller in size has become a 'treasure' that the navy wants to obtain and crack. Therefore, in the constant battles and escapes, coupled with the strange events that also occurred in the second half of the great route, Changes, so their routes naturally become more and more deviated.

"The main reason is that the captured memory pointer has completely failed. It is normal for it to yaw."

Inuzuka Jaw quickly spoke out to smooth things over.

In the past encounters, Nagato's fighting prowess also impressed everyone. In line with the simple values ​​​​of "you are strong, you are justified" that Nagato has always had, so it is not a big deal for Nagato to be a little petty at this time. Something difficult to accept.

"However, Wano Country is an island country that implements a lock-down policy after all. We still have to be cautious when the time comes."

Namikaze Minato didn't care about Nagato's words, but rubbed his long red hair lovingly, and then said to his subordinates: "According to Fengmonoshi, the costumes of Wano Country are roughly the same as those of the Ninja World. When the time comes, everyone should change back to the previous clothes. If not, then maintain the mimicry of the transformation technique when going out for action."

"It's not a big problem..."

Akimichi Tangtou shrugged and said it didn't matter.

"But... Mr. Minato, is there any kind of connection between the ninja world and this pirate world? Especially this Wano country."

The studious Yahiko raised his hand and asked.

"Maybe, but I don't know..."

Namikaze Minato couldn't answer such a question, "But aren't all the unknowns currently the source of motivation for our exploration~"

"This is indeed a strange but absurd world..."

Aburame Shiguro, who was sitting silently and listening, couldn't help but sigh.

They went all the way and defeated countless small pirate gangs, including those with green faces and fangs or people with human faces and beast bodies. If it weren't for the mission, Aburame Shiguro would have wanted to capture a few prisoners to cultivate special poisonous insects.

'Beep beep beep! ! ! '

While everyone was chatting, the ship's sensing radar suddenly started chirping like crazy!
"This is……"

Everyone's expression changed immediately.

"The enemies are surrounding us!"

Xiaonan, who was in charge of the technical ninja tool, quickly stepped forward to operate it, and then exclaimed: "There are a large number of ships appearing in the sea on all sides!"


Namikaze Minato couldn't help but feel a headache.

"Can you tell which force's ship it is?" "Judging from the reflected waves, it's not from the navy..."

Xiaonan flipped through the technical manual against the sensing radar, and then gave his own judgment: "Moreover, the ships have different shapes and different speeds. The preliminary judgment is that they belong to a large pirate group!"

"What went wrong..."

Qiu Daotangdong was puzzled.

"Obviously they are coming for us..."

Namikaze Minato couldn't figure it out either, but the key point before was not to dwell on this issue or to investigate the responsibility: "Is there any gap in the surrounding circle that I can walk through?"

"...There is no space unless you are under enemy fire."

Xiaonan briefly estimated the dense red dots of ships on the radar, and then shook his head.

"Then execute the war avoidance plan!"

Namikaze Minato also made a decision very simply.

Everyone on the ship immediately put all the ninja equipment, especially the chakra turbine units, into the sealing scroll, then took out the oxygen bottles and carried them on their backs, and then left a shadow clone on the ship, and installed them one by one on the shadow clones. eavesdropping ninja, and then methodically jumped into the sea one by one through the watertight compartment at the bottom of the ship.

And this is also a special advantage that ninjas have over the strong men in the pirate world - at least they are not afraid of sea water!
"Water Escape·Water Prison Technique·Reverse!"

Namikaze Minato quickly formed a seal, condensed a hollow water ball, and led everyone into it, and avoided it calmly.

"How did we leak our whereabouts?"

Nagato still couldn't help but asked.

"Flying species in the sky..."

From the headphones they carried, the words of the Namikaze Minato Kage's clone on the ship came: "There are creatures in the sky similar to Ninja Eagles!"

"It's not a hawk...the flying species looks like a pterosaur from this world!"

The shadow clone's announcement came again from the earphones.

"It's okay. We entered the seabed through a watertight cabin. They may not know our hiding place..."

Namikaze Minato comforted.

At the same time, for the sake of confidentiality, he also controlled the hollow water balloon to continue diving to 10 meters under the sea.

Based on the number of oxygen bottles they carry, they can roughly lurk at the bottom of the sea for about a day. As long as this force of unknown origin does not linger around, in principle there will be no problem.

However, there is also a problem in the potential seabed, that is, it is impossible to communicate with the headquarters through the radio...


After nearly half an hour of waiting for the fast motorboats on the sea, densely packed ships appeared above the sea level. After observing the flags on the opposite side through telescopes, the shadow clones quickly made a judgment based on the existing intelligence: "The coming one is a new world. The Beast Pirates!"

"Isn't this a pirate force that occupies the waters of Wano Country?"

Namikaze Minato couldn't help but be shocked when he heard this.

Everyone couldn't help but look at each other, unable to think of when they had gotten involved with this force of unknown origin.

"The remnants from the depths of Paradise, we are here to meet you on the order of Supreme Governor Kaido!!"

A pirate speedboat rushed out of the pirate ship formation and quickly arrived not far from the motor boat. At the head, a man in red wearing a horn helmet and holding a long knife shouted: "We don't mean any harm." , please do not attack!"

Everyone under the sea was even more confused.

Let’s not say when they got involved with Kaido, one of the so-called Four Emperors, the Beasts, but the politeness shown by the rumored Beasts Pirates, who are always known for their brutality, is strange.

"Promise them..."

Namikaze Minato had a thought in his mind and immediately issued an order to the shadow clones on the sea.

"Please come aboard, friends from the beasts!"

Minato's shadow clone jumped up to the top of the mast and said to the 'messenger' who was shouting.

"That's presumptuous!"

The man in red clothes and horned helmet jumped up and reached the crossbar of the mast.

"This is the moon step..."

Minato's shadow clone couldn't help but frown, very confused about the identity of the person from before.

Although he claims to be a member of the pirate group, the identity he just jumped up to the crossbar is clearly one of the six moves popular in the navy, Tsukune...

"I am Foz Fu from the Hundred Beasts. I am here on the order of Governor Kaido..."

The unruly and yet polite Fozzie Fowder bowed slightly and saluted, and then changed the subject: "His Excellency the Governor wishes to host a banquet for you all on Ghost Island, and has specially ordered us to come and greet you!"


Foz Fu raised his head with a ferocious smile on his face, looked directly at Minato's shadow clone at the top of the mast and said, "Please don't be ungrateful!"

"Promise him!"

Namikaze Minato who was under the sea immediately issued an order.

This is really hard to find, but suddenly looking back and delivering it to your door!Since the Beast Pirates in Wano's waters are interested, Namikaze Minato doesn't mind giving them a ride.

"Is it……"

Minato's shadow clone seemed to feel suddenly and raised his eyebrows, "I am Minato, a subordinate of the King of the Deep Sea. Since Lord Kaido is interested, please lead the way!"


Fozzie Fu spread his left hand and pointed at his Clippers.

As for this special ship that is rumored to be able to outrun naval warships, he plans to present it to Kaido as a trophy!
Not long after the ambitious Foz Fu took the pirate group he formed after defecting and merged into the command of Kaido, one of the four emperors, he now wants to make progress!

"What a nice ship..."

After Minato's shadow clone led everyone aboard his speedboat, Fozzie Fu, who took over the ship, stroked the cold iron armor and his heart surged.

He seemed to have seen the grand occasion when he was promoted to one of the big billboards! (End of chapter)

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