Uchiha's opinion

Chapter 531 Arms Export

"What happened to your ship!"

When Minato's shadow clones and his party were 'sent' to Onigashima, they were put under house arrest for nearly two days before they met Kaido, one of the legendary Four Emperors, 'Hundred Beasts'. However, as soon as they met, they were all bombarded with questions. , looking at that stance, it was clear that he wanted to eat Minato's shadow clones and his entourage!

"Hand over all your secrets, and maybe I will give you a less painful way to die!"

An equally bizarre creature with ivory tusks yelled.

"Why can't this ship..."

Fozzie Fu's face turned almost as red as his clothes.

In the past two days, the leaders of the Beast Pirates and the shipwrights almost turned over the boats of Namikaze Minato and his team, and even drew one-to-one drawings, but no matter what, they No one found anything special about this ship - except for structures such as watertight cabins and sea valves, as well as the empty room left after the engine group was retracted and the sealing scroll was taken back.

Especially after the test drive, the pirates suddenly discovered that except that the sail adjustment of this ship was relatively convenient, they did not find any difference from their own sailing warship.

However, not finding the problem is the biggest problem!

From the information obtained by the Beast Pirates, it is very certain that these mysterious forces from the first half of the Grand Route have the performance advantage of the warships - whether it is speed or firepower, they can crush the navy's warships, and they can also Traveling in a windless zone!

What's more, the 'deep-sea battleship' that the navy battleship was beaten to pieces in the intelligence did not have a so-called sail!

Therefore, there must be something fishy in this!

Therefore, Kaido, the 'Governor' of the Beast Pirates, did not care about his face, so he called together these fierce-looking subordinates under his command, and then ordered his subordinates to bring the 'guests' over, trying to intimidate them to see if they could You can't cheat out some secrets.

Of course, with Kaido's character, he doesn't mind torture, but if he can get relevant secrets through intimidation, he doesn't want to get into too much trouble with the "Deep Sea Rebels" who are in the spotlight.

"As one of the Four Emperors, Kaido-dono, it would be too bad to act like this."

Minato's shadow clone was not afraid at all. He looked directly at Kaido who was at the highest position and said, "You must have some idea of ​​the outcome of the battle on Don Island in the East China Sea..."

Although he had never seen a real portrait of Kaido, the shadow clone of Minato immediately recognized his identity based on the appearance of the superior man in front of him with black hair shawl, tall and burly figure, and a pair of long horns.

As for Nagato Yahiko and Konan, they looked left and right, looking at the strange pirates unscrupulously.

It looks like a leisurely visit to the zoo.

Of course, there is someone to rely on to be confident, and the most direct reason is because they are all shadow clones, so even if they lose, it is not a big deal.

In addition, during the two days of house arrest, the true form of Namikaze Minato and his party also followed the route of the Beast Pirates to the outskirts of Onigashima, and took advantage of the situation to determine the location of the Wano Country Kailou Stone Mine. Now, roughly half of the task has been completed; as for the additional task of contacting pirate forces to defeat the World Government, Namikaze Minato doesn't mind paying homage first and then fighting.

When Kaido heard this, his face immediately darkened, and he stared at the 'rude' Minato shadow clone, looking as if he had eaten him.

Aburame Shiguro and others were also quietly sizing up the pirate cadres in the room, and using the rhythm of tapping their teeth to form code codes, they sent information through the eavesdropping equipment.

Namikaze Minato was pretending to be lurking outside Onigashima, jotting and laughing while recording carefully, feeling very uncomfortable.

Naturally, the threats from Kaido and the pirate cadres were useless.

"...Aren't you afraid of death?"

A white-haired man with brown skin and black wings stood up and questioned: "This is our territory. Once you come here, you can't fly away even if you have wings!"

"How may I call you?"

Minato's shadow clone asked very kindly.

"The Beast Pirates' big sign, the leader of the three disasters, Jhin!"

Jhin, who had brown hair and black wings, said in a very proud tone.

"You think we can't leave?"

A smile appeared on Minato's shadow clone's face, and his eyes scanned all the pirate cadres one by one, and finally stopped on Kaido: "Or do you all think so?"


The pirate officers couldn't help laughing.

In their view, with so many of their own cadres present, each with their own strengths and weaknesses, even the admiral of the navy would not be able to hide, not to mention the 'weak chickens' from Minato.

Minato's shadow clone didn't respond, but nodded slightly towards Xiaonan's shadow clone.

Xiao Nanying's clone immediately understood and casually made a seal gesture.


A plume of green smoke rose.

Everyone, including Kaido, was shocked!
Afterwards, Yahiko and the somewhat reluctant Nagato also turned into a wisp of smoke and disappeared without a trace!

"Search! Search for me!"

Kaido became furious and smashed the table in front of him with one punch.

A group of pirate officials immediately surrounded them, but they did not dare to resort to any means because they were worried that Minato's shadow clone and others would also disappear without a trace.

But despite all the commotion, no trace of anyone was found.

"Don't waste your efforts..."

Minato's shadow clone smiled, then slowly raised his hand and disappeared without a trace in front of everyone - this time there was no smoke rising in place.

There was another panic in the big meeting hall.

The pirates were really panicking now!
"Our capabilities are beyond all of your imagination!"

Shi Shiran, Minato's shadow clone who teleported out through the Flying Thunder God technique, walked in.

This time, Kaido and others were really shocked.

Although judging from the conventional aura judgment, they could not tell the strength of Minato and others, the posture disguised by the shadow clone at this time was enough to scare these ignorant bumpkins.

Even Kaido, who was feigning anger at first, calmed down, straightened his body, and motioned to his subordinates to make room for the Minato shadow clone and his entourage to sit down.

"I wonder why the King of the Deep Sea sent you to the new world?"

Kaido asked proactively.

Although in other people’s minds, Kaido is a moody, violent, bellicose weirdo who occasionally thinks about ways to commit suicide, but in fact, under Kaido’s seemingly rough appearance, there is actually a scheming, rational and shrewd heart hidden inside. , after all, it is not easy for a strong person to become one of the Four Emperors.

Moreover, Kaido also loves talents very much. His favorite thing is to recruit combat forces from all sides to join his subordinates. He is loved for his informal and merciful treatment of his subordinates. At this time, the performance of Minato's shadow clone made him even more interested in recruiting. .

"What we are doing is to unite the heroes of the sea from all sides to defeat the violent and unjust world government!"

Minato's shadow clone made no secret of his purpose: "Now that the East China Sea is under the control of the Lord, if all the heroes of the New World gather together, raise the flag of righteousness, make blood alliances, and launch an attack on the cruel and ruthless puppet government navy, there will be no need to worry about the great cause being unsuccessful. ?”

"After it's done, wouldn't it be nice for each family to divide up the world, each enjoying its own territory and becoming a unified entity!"

"...You make some sense."

Since Minato's shadow clone's words were too formal, and common words used in the ninja world had somewhat different meanings after being translated into the dialect of the pirate world, Kaido also thought for a while before he understood what Minato's shadow clone meant.

"However, alliance is not that easy to achieve..."

Jhin, who is regarded as Kaido's right-hand man, took the initiative to speak out.

After all, as a pirate group with its own territory, the four emperors are actually not that harmonious. There are endless overt and covert fights. Years of melee have built up deep grudges. It is not easy to form an alliance.

And other pirate cadres who had some knowledge showed their disapproval unabashedly.

"Something has to be done."

Minato's shadow clone said sincerely: "If Kaido-dono is interested, then you might as well give it a try..."

"It's just that the pirate alliance still needs the support of Kaido-dono."

"...What can we get?" Kaido asked seriously.

"My master will support you in becoming the leader of the New World Pirate Alliance!"

Minato's shadow clone immediately started drawing pie.

"Ridiculous! With my strength, how can I need your support!"

Kaido immediately showed disdain: "As long as I want to, it is only a matter of time before I can regain the new world!"

Although he was indeed a little moved, Kaido still hoped to obtain excessive benefits through negotiations, so he naturally had to show his due momentum in his words.

"We naturally understand the great military power of the Hundred Beasts Group..."

The smile on Minato's shadow clone's face grew wider.

As the saying goes, 'Those who dislike goods are the ones who buy them.' Kaido's disdain proved from the side that he had spoken deeply into his heart.

"However, instead of losing strength in vain due to the melee between the Four Emperors, wouldn't it be better to join together as an alliance to defeat the World Government? After the Holy Land Mariejoia is captured, wouldn't it be better for everyone to divide up the ranks?"

"Furthermore, the civil war between the four emperors has no profit, and the world government's hoard of heavenly gold alone is enough to fill the ocean... I think the wise Lord Kaido and the brave cadres should understand the difference, right?"

Minato's shadow clone replaced the word 'melee' with 'civil war' without leaving any trace, in order to test the reaction of the Beast Pirates cadres, and then discovered that everyone was somewhat moved after hearing this.

Everyone understands that the wealth of the World Government, especially the extravagance of the Celestial Dragons who live in the holy land of Mariejoia, is beyond everyone's imagination, so even though Minato's shadow clone's description of 'enough to fill the ocean' is exaggerated, they In fact, I believe it deeply in my heart.

Just as small farmers in the countryside would imagine that the emperor would eat from a golden bowl and plow the land with gold hoes, poverty limited their imagination.

"Be honest about what I can gain!"

Kaido stopped pretending and asked seriously: "The so-called position of alliance leader is meaningless at all. You have to give me some real conditions!"

With the character of the other "Three Emperors", it would be strange for him to agree to become the leader of the pirate alliance because of the support of the so-called King of the Deep Sea. Therefore, this condition is completely meaningless in Kaido's view.

"First, whoever enters Mariejoia first will be the king of the world!"

Minato's shadow clone said as he looked to himself.

This answer was somewhat different from Kaido's question, but he just frowned and didn't say anything more.

In his opinion, this empty promise from the King of the World can be used to unite other strong pirates before the war begins, but if the navy is destroyed or even the Holy Land Mariejoia is captured, the final position still requires a real battle. .

But there was no need to rush to refute at this time, so Kaido motioned to Minato's shadow clone to continue.

"The second is to sell arms at a fair price!"

Minato's shadow clone said again: "And as long as the money is in place, the goods and management will be enough!"

"...You mean, we have to spend our own money and have to fight to the death with the navy?"

Kaido's brows immediately frowned even more tightly, and the displeasure on his face was even more undisguised.

"That's right!"

Minato's shadow clone said with great certainty.

"Can it be that with the power of my beasts, I can't deal with a mere navy?"

Kaido shouted angrily.

"Yes, but the losses will be heavy."

Minato's shadow clone remained very calm.

"Is it possible that even if I contact all the major forces in the New World on my own, I still can't defeat the Holy Land Marie Joa?!"

"Okay, but you're not all on the same page."

"What if the four emperors are united?"

"Then we need to use our cadres to fill the navy's gun holes."

"So what if you help me?"

"It has heavy artillery that is more powerful than naval guns, as well as ship armor technology."

After a round of exchanges, Minato's shadow clone responded with ease, and Kaido's brows relaxed at this time, and a generous smile appeared on his face: "Very good! It seems that you are really planning to destroy the world government!"

Minato's shadow clone bowed slightly.

"Including the kind of warship that can defeat the navy, can it also be sold?"

Kaido signaled the restless subordinates to calm down and continued to ask.

"The entire ship is not for sale, and it is impossible to send a huge warship to the new world..."

Minato's shadow clone said: "But naval guns and even armor technology can be exported."

"Then how can your boat go so fast?"

Fozzie Fu, who had been silent for a long time, couldn't help but ask aloud.

Minato's shadow clone formed a hand seal and stretched out his hand to use a low-level ninjutsu, 'Fire Wind Palm'.

"We encourage ourselves."

Minato's shadow clone said calmly.

"Liar! Your battleship in Paradise has no masts or sails at all!"

Fozzie Fu almost burst into rage when he heard this!
"That's because we can still blow water..."

Minato's shadow clone smiled lightly, and then spurted a jet of water from his mouth.

Kaido and all the pirate cadres were speechless.

Although they don't think in their hearts that what Minato's shadow clone said at this time is true, they really can't find any point to refute or question. After all, they don't understand the reality of the ninja warship.

"In that case, how much can heavy artillery and armor provide?"

Kaido no longer hesitated.

However, he also made up his mind to organize people to imitate the military equipment as soon as he got it, so as to avoid being controlled by others in the future.

"how much do you need?"

Minato's shadow clone acted confident.

"One hundred... no, one thousand heavy cannons!"

Kaido said immediately.

"Three months!"

Minato's shadow clone raised three fingers and said confidently: "It can be delivered in three months, and each heavy cannon will be equipped with a hundred rounds of shells!"

"And what to trade for? Gold? Or berry?"

Jhin took the initiative to interject and asked.

"Sea Tower Stone."

Minato's shadow clone stated his needs without any hesitation. (End of chapter)

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