Uchiha's opinion

Chapter 532 Global Arms Race

After the Battle of Don Island, the navy did not want to regain lost ground, but more because it was unable to do so.

Especially after the seriously injured Kizaru returned to the Navy Headquarters, the remnants of his injuries and the conjecture of 'remnants of a huge kingdom' raised an uproar among the top leaders of the World Government, especially the Five Old Stars.

Although according to the records of the Holy Land, the 'huge kingdom' that was destroyed by the Alliance of Twenty Nations, the predecessor of the World Government, has definitely been eradicated, and even history has completely erased the internal records of this period, but after all, times have changed, and now they are also It is really impossible to confirm that our existing records are completely correct.

Moreover, Wu Laoxing also felt that Kizaru's inference was indeed very reasonable!
Although it was unusual for Kizaru, an admiral of the navy, to know so much about the 'lost 100 years', the Five Old Stars could no longer care about that much at this time.

Because the apparent power of the world government is indeed stretched thin.

First, 'Blue Pheasant' Kuzan trapped Impel Down City, and part of the elite navy was trapped at the same time. With the changes in the triangular vortex, the supply line is now basically completely isolated. In addition to daily phone bug contact, the world government can do nothing to support it. Not much.

Later, because the major pirate groups in the New World and even the forces of the Four Emperors made some vague moves, the Five Old Stars ordered "Akainu" Sakaski to move to serve as a deterrent, and to use the few elite naval forces of the Navy Headquarters. Took part of it away.

Afterwards, 'Kizaru' Polusalino defeated Dondao, which triggered a chain reaction that led to the fall of most of the East China Sea. The maneuver force that the Navy finally mobilized was wiped out; now if it hadn't been for Vice Admiral Garp's rapid shrinkage Return to defense and save Rogge Town and other key points in the East China Sea, otherwise the East China Sea will completely fall.

But the aftermath of the fall of most of the East China Sea goes far beyond that.

Not only was the invincible golden status of the Navy's headquarters fleet completely broken, it was not just the complete destruction of multiple alliance countries, and it was not only the quarrels of the surviving alliance countries, but more importantly, they still have a strong attitude toward this force that was once called The 'Kirigakure Pirates', 'Deep Sea Rebels', and the current 'remnants of the huge kingdom' know very little about it - even this word is a deliberate modification. To be honest, most of the navy and even the world government have no idea about this hegemon. Apart from the impression of strong ships and powerful guns, the forces in the East China Sea know nothing about anything else!
And this is the most dangerous thing!
Just as they initially thought that Lieutenant General Garp was deliberately delaying the execution of the Demon-Slaying Order, after suffering a head-on blow, the dizzy World Government began to panic.

However, it was impossible to mobilize the appropriate force to regain the lost ground.

It's not because of the lack of ordinary naval personnel. After all, each naval branch still has a lot of troops that can be mobilized, but more importantly, the navy no longer has a suitable commander.


"Kizaru's recovery will take a long time, and he is currently not willing to accept semi-mechanized transformation!"

Admiral Sengoku said this during the online meeting with Wulaoxing.

Sakaski, who was stationed in the New World, and Kuzan, who was stranded in Impel Down City, also appeared in the online meeting, but their faces were ashen and they said nothing.

Sora, the former marshal of the Navy Headquarters and the current commander-in-chief of the World Government's military, rarely appears on the screen, but looking at his arms folded and his eyes closed, you know that he is just a mascot this time.

"Where did the defeated general come from? How could he..."

One of the Five Old Stars, the Scientific Defense Martial God Jaygo Lucia Satan, was immediately furious.

"Be careful!"

Saint Topman Vauchuuli, who is also one of the Five Old Stars and the Legal Martial God, immediately suppressed the arrogance of his colleagues.

Although Saint Jaygolucia Satan has always regarded human beings as ants, which is actually a common characteristic of the Five Old Stars and even all the Draco people, but at this time of crisis, they still need to save some face for the top brass of the Navy. , and encourage them to continue fighting to the death with those 'rebels' or 'remnants of the old era'.

What's more, excessive humiliation cannot solve the problem, and simply arousing the admiral's dissatisfaction is not a good thing.

Normally that would be fine, but now...

The Legal Martial God, Topman Wuchuli Saint, looked at the Financial Martial God, Izanbalon V. Nasshoulang Saint.

The financial warrior in white uniform nodded slightly.

"From now on, the wartime allowances and death pensions of all officers, commanders, and even sailors in the Navy will be doubled. Those who have made great contributions will be rewarded!"

The Legal Martial God Topman Wuchuli Saint said.

"In addition, after a unanimous decision, the Navy will immediately expand its military force and recruit troops from all over the world!"

The God of Scientific Defense, Jaygo Lucia Satan, then said with a dark face: "Any strong man who is willing to join the navy can obtain the corresponding status according to his strength! The highest level can be directly rated as a general!"


"be opposed to!"

Although Kuzan and Sakaski have always had different opinions, their attitudes when facing this matter were still very much in agreement.

Although the Warring States Marshal did not speak, his gloomy face and narrowed eyes also expressed his dissatisfaction.

"This is the most controversial resolution of the world government!"

The god of scientific defense, Jaygolusia Satansheng, paused with his crutches and shouted angrily: "You are only responsible for execution!"

"you try!"

Sakaski was the first to jump up and object, and at the same time shut down the connection and exited the meeting.

Later, the gloomy Kuzan was unwilling to lose to his old rival at this time and also hung up the connection.

Among the three generals of the navy, the two generals who were still able to fight showed their dissatisfaction through their actions.

Kong, who had been keeping his eyes closed, opened his eyes slightly, seemingly surprised, but remained silent, and then closed his eyes again.

Although Wu Laoxing did not shut down the online conference, his expression was very ugly at this time.

This was the first time that the admiral, who had always been regarded as a watchdog by them, showed naked resistance and disobedience.

"The Navy is not dead..."

After a long time, the Warring States Marshal broke the silence and said faintly: "You abandon the near for the distant, and treat the Navy's general candidates as nothing. Do you really not take the Navy of Justice in your eyes?"

The Warring States Period also deliberately emphasized the word "justice" to express irony.

"...The dignity and glory of the world government cannot be challenged!"

The agricultural god of war, Shepard Ten Pit Saint, who had been silent until now, spoke up.

But his tone was much more relaxed compared to the others.

In his long naval service career during the Warring States Period, this had never happened before.

'Maybe the appearance of those remnants and Kizaru's defeat is not necessarily a bad thing...'

The thought of 'treason' suddenly came to Warring States' mind.

But then, after years of insisting on "the justice of the king", the Warring States Period soon put aside the distracting thoughts in his mind and said slowly: "Now that the four seas are in constant dispute, it is the time when the navy is united to fight bloody battles. Is it necessary to do this here?" Isn’t it time to destroy your own arms?”

"The strong men recruited by the Great Recruitment can reach the highest rank of lieutenant general..."

After the Five Old Stars were silent for a while, the Scientific Defense Martial God Jaygo Lucia Satan made a difficult compromise: "But! You must suppress the rebellion in the East China Sea as soon as possible!"

"We can't make any mistakes as well as the world's great conscription! This is the top priority to restore peace to the world!"

The Legal Martial God Topman Wuchuli Saint then added. "The Warring States Congress will be measured..."

At this time, Kong, as the commander-in-chief of the entire army, finally spoke up.

Although Wu Laoxing was a little surprised, he didn't say much.

"Don't worry about military expenditures. The World Government's support must be very sufficient!"

Finally, the Financial Martial God Izanbalon V. Nashouro Seiya expressed his stance.

"The more sailors the better, and the military ranks should not be stingy!"

Markas Mazsheng, the Environmental Martial God, said immediately.

"In addition, the secret spies lurking under the Beast Pirates reported that the messenger of the survivors has reached a preliminary alliance with Kaida..."

Warring States suddenly dropped another bombshell.

"When did this happen!"

"you sure?"

"Why didn't you report it immediately?"

"Kill him quickly!"

"No! We must capture the messenger of the remnants!"

Wulaoxing couldn't sit still immediately.

This is what they have always been most worried about!

In the eyes of the Five Old Stars, the East China Sea is the weakest sea area. Although it is rich, there are not many masters. It is a small transparent area among the four seas. Even though the 'remnants of the huge kingdom' captured most of the territory, they are still as strong as the strong ones. Compared to the New World, it still lacks a bit of weight.

Although they are extremely arrogant, they are not stupid at all. Although the remnants are hateful, the four emperors of the New World are still more threatening in terms of threat. Therefore, even if the situation is critical now, the Five Old Stars have never made any move to withdraw Sakaski and come back for reinforcements. idea.

But now it seems that just guarding doesn’t work...

Thinking of this, Wu Laoxing was on pins and needles and anxious!
"Who reported it to you? Is this person reliable?"

Sora asked again.

"It's X. Drake."

Sengoku ignored the cross-examination of the five old stars, but directly answered Sora's inquiry: "He is the captain of SWORD, the secret special force of the headquarters. He left the navy in order to infiltrate the pirates and worked under Kaido undercover. Now he is a member of the Hundred Beasts One of the 'Flying Six' of the pirate group!"

"Then the credibility of this information is very high."

After making his judgment, Sora closed his eyes again and gave the subsequent opportunities to Sengoku and the Five Old Stars.

"Then offer a reward!"

Financial Goddess of War Izanbalon V. Nasshouro Sei gritted his teeth and said fiercely: "Immediately put a bounty of 50 billion berries!"


Sengoku immediately refused firmly: "Drake is the only undercover agent who has successfully infiltrated the senior management of the Beasts Pirates at present, and only the senior management of the Beasts knows about this matter. If a bounty is rashly offered, there will definitely be problems!"

"Let's put a reward on the revolutionary mentor in Donghai first!"

The Legal Martial God Topman Wuchuli said solemnly: "Besides, our actions are too slow!"

'The key is that you old guys just keep dawdling! '

Although he remained calm on the surface, Warring States was still complaining in his heart.

"Also, all CP0s will be thrown towards the East China Sea. When the time comes, let Capdudo assist their actions..."

After the Scientific Defense Martial God Jaigolucia Satan finished speaking, he hung up the conference connection.

"Just do your job well and don't have any psychological burden..."

Sora nodded and smiled at Sengoku, and then disconnected.

It sounds easy to say this, but if you really want to do it, how can it be so easy...

Warring States let out a long sigh and buried his body completely in the sofa.


Namikaze Minato's proposal to exchange heavy artillery for Kailuishi was approved by Uchiha Tokumitsu.

After all, it is not difficult for the ninja world government to cast more monkey versions of 'heavy artillery' with the same appearance but more than half the performance gap. Moreover, it can also be used to train the new apprentices of the ninja tool workshop, which can be regarded as killing two birds with one stone.

The matching chakra shells also leave a targeted backdoor, which is the validity period limit, or to put it more elegantly, 'planned scrapping'; this can prevent pirates from gathering a large number of shells after obtaining them, thereby affecting the After the destruction of the world government, the harm caused to oneself when the two sides turned against each other.

At the same time, the insidious seal ninjas also deliberately disrupted the originally stable seal array and thoughtfully added a detonating talisman on the inner wall, which caused the shells to explode on their own under certain special circumstances - especially when they were subjected to When external force destroys the shell of the shell.

But even so, when the information ninjas of the Shampoo Islands handed over the newly forged heavy artillery sample to Minato Namikaze and sent it to the Beast Pirates, even a tyrannical man like Kaido could not help but be afraid of such a weapon with an extremely long range. And marvel!
Moreover, Kaido and a group of pirate cadres also discovered that the steps to fire such a heavy cannon couldn't be simpler, and the loss is extremely low - on average, each cannon consumes less than one-tenth of a steamed bun!
As for the Kailo Stone that Namikaze Minato needs, Kaido doesn't even care.After all, for a strong man of his level, the Sea Tower Stone has many means to prevent it, not to mention that the Beast Pirates still control the Sea Tower Stone Excavation Site in Wano!

Although he is not very happy to see such sharp armaments spread in the new world, Kaido, as a war madman, also does not mind seeing the escalation of war and the destruction of the world, and considering the special nature of Namikaze Minato and his team Ability' then no longer struggled, and began to contact the other three pirate leaders with the same name through secret channels.

After the other three leaders learned about the origins of Namikaze Minato and his party, they all showed appropriate respect and fear, and agreed to the transaction conditions proposed by Minato without much embarrassment, although they did not have so many Kailou Stones in their hands. It is used for bartering, but it can also be purchased with Kaido and used to trade heavy artillery.

And this is equivalent to Kaido having another bulk cargo channel and source of income for no reason!

As for Namikaze Minato's proposals and alliances and the 'He who enters Mariejoia first will be king' initiative, the three pirate leaders, except Whitebeard, were quite moved, Shanks and Charlotte Lingling were also very moved. I don't think so.

But Namikaze Minato still sold the heavy artillery to them.

After replacing shotguns with cannons, pirates will definitely be unwilling to be left alone. This is also determined by the innate rebellion of pirates.

The pirates whose self-confidence is beginning to explode will definitely cause a blow from the navy, and this is what Namikaze Minato wants to see the most.

After conflicts and even local wars have arisen one after another, as long as Namikaze Minato is slightly provoked, the pirates will naturally fight with the navy - this is Namikaze Minato's true intention behind the alliance proposal!
"It's really lonely for a master..."

Namikaze Minato sighed to Nagato: "I laugh at Shanks's lack of plans and Charlotte's lack of wisdom. No one has been able to see through our true intentions until now!" (End of Chapter)

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