Uchiha's opinion

Chapter 533 Acceleration and Quick Victory

Although the Yonko of the New World, who had acquired ship-borne heavy artillery and new external armor, were eager to try but maintained a little restraint, Admiral Sakaski, who was stationed in the New World, could no longer hold back.

The sense of justice that Sakaski insists on does not allow him to sit back and watch the pirates' increasingly aggressive provocations - the pirates now dare to fight back when they see the navy's warships. If this continues, it will be okay!
Therefore, without obtaining the consent of Marshal Sengoku, Sakaski immediately assembled the fleet according to his accustomed response method, wiped out several small and medium-sized pirate groups in one fell swoop, and caused a big blow to the Yonko's subordinates.

Among them are the pirate ships under Shanks and Charlotte.

But even so, Shanks and Charlotte still showed extreme restraint and tolerance. Not only did they stop their subordinates from asking for a fight, they even took the initiative to shrink the forces distributed on the periphery to avoid the menacing naval attack.

Although Whitebeard and Kaido looked down on their wits, they followed the guiding ideology of pirates that the Taoist friends would never die and the poor would not succeed, and in addition, Sakaski's fleet had not affected their territory yet, so There was no extreme reaction. He just distributed some of the heavy artillery he had just received and told his subordinates to be careful when dispatching in the near future.

However, the development of things often does not go as expected.

It didn't take long before two battles ensued that made Whitebeard and Kaido furious.

First, X. Drake of the Beast Pirates was ambushed by the navy led by Sakaski during a robbery and was severely defeated. Not only did all his ships flee, but even the heavy artillery that had just been distributed was lost. It was captured by the navy without even heating the barrel.

Sakaski then quickly mounted the captured heavy artillery on the navy's warship without stopping, and quickly attacked a part of the Whitebeard Pirates who were blocking the road to collect money in a certain sea area, and killed one of Whitebeard's rebels. son!
And this is not as difficult as irritating, it is simply lifting the scales of the two pirate kings!
"Raise the black flag! Assemble the ships! Set off to attack the navy in seven days!"

There was no need for Minato Namikaze to instigate secretly. Kaido, who exploded like a ignited powder keg, immediately issued a declaration of war.

Later, Whitebeard also issued a war threat and began to assemble his subordinates. Although he did not speak as harshly as Kaido, the thoroughness of the preparations before the war was even better than that of the Beast Pirates.

Even Shanks and Charlotte, who had backed down a little before, no longer showed weakness. Instead, they jointly issued a declaration condemning the navy's sinister intentions of destroying the balance of the three major forces in the New World, and called on all pirate groups to form an alliance and pay tribute to Unjust and violent naval demonstrations.

As for Namikaze Minato, he only felt that the situation was changing so fast that it was dizzying and overwhelming, and he deeply lamented that God's calculations are not as good as those of humans.

Judging from the current situation in the New World, Minato Namikaze may not need to worry at all. These ambitious pirates themselves will merge with each other and move towards a situation of all-round war with the navy under the influence of force majeure groups.

"The development of the situation in the new world is not a small good, but a great one!"

"The rule of the pseudo-world government is based on the deterrence of force by the navy, and its excessive levies and levies are unpopular. In addition, under the oppression of the nobles, the common people have no chance to get ahead, so they can only live in the sea. The power of pirates is naturally increasing day by day. For a long time, the resistance has become stronger and stronger, and the power of the navy has been eroding day by day, so that it will be destroyed!"

"However, as a violent gang, although the pirates are a way out for some desperate strong people, they are ultimately unpopular. Even if they can defeat the navy and destroy the world government, they will definitely not be able to establish a stable long-term ruling regime. And this is what we The best at it!”

Based on what he saw and heard while visiting the areas ruled by major forces on the wandering islands of the New World, Namikaze Minato also compiled these experiences into a research report and sent it back to the temporary base camp on Toshima Island via telegram.

In addition, Namikaze Minato also proposed that the base camp increase the output of arms in order to further break the balance of power between the pirates and the navy, and encourage the confident pirates to take the initiative to 'go further'!
And this policy, Namikaze Minato also very vividly called it '****'.


"Akainu! Your actions disrupted all plans!"

In the online meeting of the Navy Headquarters, Sengoku took the lead in attacking Sakaski, who was fighting in the New World and winning many battles.

"Do you want me to watch pirates rampage and plunder all countries?"

Sakaski asked without giving in: "Are you still a Navy? Where is your justice?"

"You are so weak that you are unworthy of being a marshal of the navy!"


The furious Sengoku smashed the table in front of him with one palm, while Sakaski on the other end had no intention of giving in and still looked aggressive.

Kizaru, who had just recovered from his serious injury, was sitting next to Sengoku, but he was still as lazy as ever. He just gently brushed away the sawdust splattered on his coat with his right hand.

The other admirals on the line held their breaths and lowered their heads, for fear of disturbing the two adults who were fighting.

"Sakaski, be careful with your words..."

After a long silence, Lieutenant General Garp, who was stationed at Rogge Town in the East China Sea, said quietly: "Today's navy can no longer bear any turmoil."

"As you said, the Navy cannot withstand the turmoil, but there is no time to drag it out anymore..."

Sakaski took the initiative to soften his attitude and said with a seemingly sincere attitude: "As you know, the weapons of those remnants have appeared in the hands of major pirate groups in the New World, and we are very concerned about the captured heavy artillery. There has been no progress in cracking it yet..."

"But we shouldn't anger Whitebeard and the others so quickly..."

Lieutenant General He then said: "The conscription has just begun, and we haven't had time to replenish our troops."

"What is the current situation in the East China Sea?"

Sakaski asked rhetorically.

"It's relatively stable. According to CP0's intelligence, the remnants are busy playing tricks in the Republic's election, so there isn't much military pressure for the time being."

Lieutenant General Karp said.

"But the new world is already integrated!"

Sakaski once again turned his attention to Warring States: "Dear Marshal, with the gradual disappearance of the windless zone, the so-called great sea route will no longer exist, and the pirates who were originally bound to a certain sea area by geographical factors are having a carnival. !”

"As the navy, we must stand up and support justice!"

"Do you think so? Marshal of the Warring States Period..."

Sakaski, who felt that he had the right to speak in the meeting, ended his speech with a strange tone, and proudly crossed his legs in front of everyone.

The helpless Sengoku sighed, not even in the mood to refute.

As the marshal of the headquarters, he is well aware of the navy's current predicament.

As a strong man who has fought against New World Pirates countless times, he is also very clear about the strength of the Four Emperors and their subordinates.

But as the saying goes, God's calculation is better than that of man.

Although Sakaski is indeed a rare sharp blade, Sengoku forgot that Akainu is more likely to become a demon sword that is too sharp and even bites him!

This time Sakaski walked alone, it was not just as simple as completely irritating the Yonko...

"At this point, there is no point in continuing to pursue the case."

Sakaski's arch-rival Kuzan, who is also a general, broke his silence: "The question is how the navy will face the survivors of the East China Sea, the siege of Impel City, and the upcoming New World Pirate Alliance."

This is also the issue that other participating naval admirals are most concerned about.

In particular, the naval admirals distributed in various branches immediately cheered up.

Although they did not dare to refute out loud, the naval admirals who served as directors of various branch bases actually had some complaints about Sakaski.

Especially the bases scattered all over the world are relatively weak in strength. If a full-scale war breaks out, they will be the first to be hit; although there are many radicals among them who do not think that Sakaski has done anything wrong, this Nor does it prevent them from complaining about the consequences of their reckless behavior.

Therefore, although it seems that Sakaski is satisfied and Sengoku is disappointed, in fact, the admiral's heart still supports Sengoku, who is steady and famous for his wisdom.

"The only way to solve the problem is to solve it quickly!"

Regardless of the fact that this question was raised by his sworn enemy, Sakaski immediately answered and shouted: "The pirates of the New World's Great Sea Route are constantly spreading to the North Sea and the West Sea. The first priority of the Navy now is to gather strength to attack the pirates headed by the Four Emperors. Only in this way can we have the greatest deterrent effect against the rampant forces. Only in this way can we safely dispatch our troops to the four seas to carry out encirclement and suppression!" "The theory of quick victory is never advisable!"

Kuzan immediately retorted: "We are not just fighting pirates, you have to understand this!"

"Those remnants are the biggest enemies of the navy and even the world government!"

"Stupid and ignorant!"

Sakaski scoffed!

"Brainless people!"

Kuzan also mocked without showing any signs of weakness.

After a fight, the other low-status naval admirals still maintained their quail postures, while Garp, He and other lieutenant generals showed displeasure on their faces.

"...Have you finished the internal strife?"

Warring States said slowly.

No one said a word.

Sakaski also noticed the displeasure of other lieutenant generals participating in the meeting, so he did not continue to provoke.

"I'm becoming more and more aware..."

Warring States sighed: "The navy's biggest problem has never been pirates..."

The admirals immediately held their breath.

"It depends on everyone in this headquarters!"

As soon as he said this, everyone was shocked!
"The headquarters is rotten, the branches are rotten, and then the whole world is rotten!"

Warring States angrily yelled: "At what juncture have we reached, and we are still fighting among ourselves!"

"Do you have to wait until the combined forces of pirates and remnants break through the Upside Down Mountain and surround Marineford before you can unite?"

"But we can't delay it any longer!"

Sakaski still insisted on his point of view: "If the pirates continue to be allowed to continue to acquire armaments, the fall of the New World will only happen sooner or later."

"The navy has blocked all the smuggling holes under the seabed of the Holy Land Mariejoia! In addition, the mermaid troops of the Dragon Palace Kingdom are also enforcing martial law!"

Warring States said impatiently: "The arms export channels of the remnants have been completely blocked!"

"Also...Akainu, you are not the only one working in this department!"

"But the pirates have more and more heavy artillery in their hands, and their crappy ships are all going to be equipped with bulletproof armor!"

Sakaski remains unconvinced.

"That only means that the survivors have another way!"

Warring States scolded him more and more irritably: "You don't think that the smuggling tunnel under the sea can transport so much military supplies, do you?"

Sakaski was speechless.

"The recruits in the new world will stay directly in the G1 branch..."

After taking a breath, Warring States made a decision that surprised everyone: "In addition, we must attack the four emperors' subordinates as soon as possible. In addition, we must also provoke their internal conflicts as much as possible. Now With the new weapons, the pirates will surely be more efficient at killing each other..."

"Why are you looking at me!"

Seeing all the participants on the screen looking at him blankly, Zeng Guo became more and more angry: "Now that the deal is done, is there any way out!"

It makes sense when everyone thinks about it.

Now that the four emperors are stirred up by Sakaski, they still think that it is impossible to settle the matter, so the only response is to fully challenge and provoke the relationship between the pirates who are not united. Other methods.

"The Shichibukai may be able to fight for it."

Lieutenant General Garp suddenly said: "But I propose Lieutenant General He to support this matter!"

"Also Lieutenant General Gion, please go too, so that I can be taken care of..."

Warring States hesitated for a moment and then added.

"Then I'll go too!"

Lieutenant General Kake, who had confessed his love to Lieutenant General Gion countless times, immediately asked for help.

"Three lieutenant generals..."

Although Warring States hesitated, he finally nodded.

Vice Admiral Gion and Vice Admiral Kake are both candidates for the admiral of the Navy Headquarters. Their strength is higher than that of the ordinary vice admirals of the headquarters. Vice Admiral Tsuru, who is known as the 'Great Staff Officer', is a typical wise general. There are three people to control him. , and he is not worried that Sakaski's subsequent combat operations will completely go astray.


Although Sakaski's voice was not loud, it was enough for all participants to hear.

Then, he was the first to hang up the conference connection.


Warring States said with a dark face to Lieutenant General He on the screen: "When the time comes, keep an eye on him!"


Lieutenant General He nodded calmly.

The conversation between the two did not shy away from the presence of other admirals, which also allowed them to understand the attitude of the marshal Sengoku at this time.

It is true that they were forced to implement a quick victory plan, it is true that Sakaski's combat power is indispensable, and it is true that the naval strength of the New World has been greatly strengthened, but this does not mean that Sengoku is willing to compromise.

All he had to do was send other people to the new world and leave Sakaski, a general, alone, so that he could only play the role that a reckless man could.

"Next, there is the issue of shipbuilding and troop training..."

Sengoku gently lifted the lid on the previous debate and brought the thoughts of the admirals to another issue. (End of chapter)

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