Uchiha's opinion

Chapter 535 The Promise of the Three Emperors

Although Namikaze Minato did not do much in the new world, at this time he only felt that the world was working together and everything was developing unexpectedly smoothly.

As the navy continues to strengthen its deployment of troops in the new world, the four emperors and pirate groups scattered around are feeling the pressure.

And divisions began to appear among the pirate community.

First, the 'incorporated' Shichibukai clearly displayed the banner of armed neutrality, and took the opportunity to recruit those small and medium-sized pirate groups who were forced to flee in all directions by the navy; then Shanks, one of the four emperors, began to fight with ' The forces of the Shichibukai clashed, further exacerbating the division within the pirates.

After the Navy received additional troops, it attacked the forces of the Four Emperors with increasing intensity. In particular, the Beast Pirates who controlled Wano became the Navy's first target to establish its power.

After installing heavy artillery and external armor, the pirate ships have enough firepower and defense to compete with the navy. However, due to limitations such as the level of training and the performance of the ship itself, the pirate ships, which are also sail battleships, cannot Having the upper hand in the naval battle, coupled with the increasing number of naval forces, the Beast Pirates were suppressed in no time.

Although there is no danger of destruction, for Kaido, this is by no means a good sign.

Therefore, the 'Four Emperors Alliance' once proposed by Namikaze Minato was proactively put on the agenda by Kaido, and he began substantive negotiations with Whitebeard and Shanks.

As for the reason why Charlotte Lingling, who is also a Yonko, has no contact, the reason is very simple - the relationship between Kaido and her is rather mysterious!

"Anyway, this is the situation, this is the reality! I don't want to find her, and don't let her come to me!"

Therefore, when faced with Namikaze Minato's inquiry, Kaido, who once had a romantic relationship with Charlotte Lingling when he was young, said: "No matter what, the Pirate League will be with me or without her!"

"...But if three people are not enough, right?"

Namikaze Minato, who did not understand the grudges between the two, did not give up and continued to persuade: "If we can combine the military might of the four emperors and fight with all our strength, why worry about the navy and the Shichibukai being immortal?"

"Do you understand human language?"

Kaido no longer cared about the identity of his father, the arms chief, and immediately jumped up, kicked over the dining table in front of him and shouted angrily: "With me or without her! Do you understand!"

"You must not drag that aunt into this!"


Although I still don't understand why Kaido reacted so violently to Charlotte Lingling, after all the words have been said, there is nothing Minato Namikaze can do.

"But among the Shichibukai, are there any opportunities to fight for it?"

Namikaze Minato changed the subject and asked: "If they join..."

"No! Those bastards are all government lackeys!"

Kaido flatly refused.

Namikaze Minato didn't hesitate, he just shrugged and gave up.

"Also, can those military supplies be delivered quickly?"

Kaido continued: "The current supply is seriously insufficient!"

"You can have as many heavy artillery as you want!"

Namikaze Minato said decisively.

"Then I want it again..."

Kaido was immediately overjoyed.

"Exchange it for the Sea Tower Stone!"

Namikaze Minato immediately interrupted Kaido's free thoughts.


Kaido jumped up again, his bullish face flushed with anger.

Namikaze Minato calmly took a sip of water, not paying attention to the furious Kaido.

The importance of heavy artillery and external armor was well understood by the pirates after using them for a period of time.

The pirate ship that was easily defeated by the navy in the past has been transformed and loaded with these equipment, and it can actually be on par with the navy's warships. This is a huge improvement!

The reason why the Yonko is willing to purchase these equipment with Namikaze Minato is mainly because of the combat power bonus brought by these equipment. If there are others, we will definitely suffer big losses in future battles and expansions!

"All the beast cadres have gone to dig!"

Kaido said fiercely: "The output of Hailou Stone is only so much, do you want me to enter the mine too?"

In fact, the cadres of the Beast Pirates did not actually go down to mine, they were just sent out by Kaido to serve as supervisors or to capture the miners. The main purpose of Kaido's words was to get more help from Namikaze Minato. Ask for some benefits from your hands.

'If we couldn't catch this guy...'

But with Kaido's character, having him say such words was almost as uncomfortable as a slap in the face.

"How about this……"

Namikaze Minato thought for a moment, "How about I give you an additional hundred shells for each cannon, and treat it as the venue rental fee?"

"...That's okay too!"

Kaido stopped immediately.

These monkey-version equipment from the Ninja World Arms Foundry are transmitted through the sealing array of the Heavenly Sending Technique, so no matter how tight the navy's tunnels under the Red Earth Continent are, it cannot prevent these equipment from flowing into the sea. In the hands of thieves.

Moreover, as a ninja, Namikaze Minato attaches great importance to confidentiality. Except for Kaido himself who knows about the existence of the Heavenly Sending Technique Sealing Formation, the other pirate cadres in the entire Beast Pirates only think that these equipments It was carried here from the paradise by the 'remnants' like moving ants.

"If you ask me, I shouldn't have given Whitebeard and the red-haired boy so much equipment. They don't need it at all!"

Kaido continued to complain, intending to ask for some more benefits.

Although this doesn't fit Kaido's character, there's nothing he can do about it, those heavy artillery suits his warlike appetite so well!

"They are about to arrive at Onigashima to formally form an alliance. Perhaps Kaido-dono can make requests to them face to face."

Namikaze Minato said nonchalantly.

After all, all he wants is sea tower stones and war.

"forget it!"

Kaido snorted coldly, stood up and prepared to personally supervise the work at the Kailou stone quarry in Wano Country Udon.


“Here, we recognize each other’s dignity and honor, and respect each other’s decisions and choices!”

"We promise that no matter what difficulties and challenges we face, we will face it and fight together. Our alliance will be as strong as steel. No matter when and where we are, we will be united until the last breath!"

On the Moby-Dick, the flagship of the Whitebeard Pirates, Whitebeard Edward Newgate carefully read the oath of the upcoming Three Emperors' Alliance, nodding in agreement as he read.


Mal, the first team captain and ship's doctor of the Whitebeard Pirates, known as the 'Phoenix', ran over happily, "The latest batch of heavy artillery has been delivered!"

"Yeah, good job!"

Whitebeard never hesitates to praise his adopted sons: "You should pick a group to be your first team first!"

"There's no need for that. These heavy artillery are needed by everyone. Then we can just divide them evenly."

Margao scratched the back of his head and smiled heartily.

"very good!"

Whitebeard was naturally very satisfied with this: "In seven days, come with me to Ghost Island!"

"Are you sure you want to form an alliance?"

Margao immediately regained his former composure.

"That's right!"

Whitebeard casually handed the oath of alliance to Margao: "See if you want to modify it!"

... "Today, we make an oath here to let the world witness our determination and courage. We are pirates, we are the symbol of freedom, and we are the rule of the sea!"

"Here, we swear to the sky, to the sea, to our dreams, that we will always be united, no matter when and where, no matter what difficulties and challenges we face. This is our oath, this is our alliance!"

On the Red-Forth, the flagship of the Red-haired Pirates, Shanks was also carefully proofreading the oath to be used in the upcoming alliance.

This oath was written by Namikaze Minato, the representative of the mysterious "Remnant of the Great Kingdom", and the part that resonates most emotionally with Shanks is the content about "freedom" and "unity" in the oath. .

Although he is one of the Four Emperors, Shanks has the smallest number of subordinates.

In addition to the flagship Red Foss, he only has a few small-scale pirate groups under his command as vassals, which are comparable to the Whitebeard Pirates, which has more than 40 subordinate pirate groups and a strength of over 5. Compared to each other, their strength is obviously very different; and because of the smaller number of subordinates, the Red-haired Pirates' demand for new heavy artillery is correspondingly lower.

But after receiving Kaido's request for an alliance, Shanks agreed.

He had an ulterior reason why he had to go.


Holy Land Mary Joa.

It was rare for Marshal Sengoku of the Navy Headquarters to set foot here and report the tactical arrangements to Wulaoxing face to face.

"It's impossible to give up!"

In the room of power, the Five Old Stars briefly browsed the battle plan submitted by the Warring States Period. As the God of Scientific Defense, Jaigolucia Satan Saint immediately reprimanded: "Impulse City is a subordinate institution of the World Government at the same level as the Navy. , it is absolutely impossible to give up lightly!”

"If General Kuzan is not transferred back, we have no confidence in destroying her power."

Warring States said calmly.

Although Wu Laoxing's attitude was not good, he was used to it.

"Then we can't give up on Impel Down City!"

The Legal Martial God Topman Wuchuli shook his head: "If we abandon such an important institution under the coercion of the enemy, the world government will have no dignity at all!"

"And what about the imprisoned prisoners? Will they be imprisoned in the Holy Land or Marineford?"

"Then just bring back General Kuzan."

Warring States followed the good example and changed his words: "As for the reinforcement fleet and marines, they will stay in Impel City to continue to assist in the defense and garrison."

"...But what about the defense of Impel Down City!"

Wulaoxing is still not very willing to transfer Kuzan back from Impel Down City.

But according to the warring states' battle plan, it really wouldn't work without him.

"I believe in Administrator Magellan's ability."

Warring States said lightly.

"...Why did you choose Charlotte Lingling as the target of your fire?"

Financial Goddess of War Izanbalon V. Nasthurō Sage put down the battle plan in his hand and asked pointedly: "Isn't Shanks a better choice?"

"Even if Shanks' power is eliminated, it won't change the overall situation."

Warring States shook his head and explained his reason: "The biggest effect of this combat plan is deterrence!"

"Use the head of one of the Four Emperors to scare other pirates who are ready to make a move!"

"But what about the other three?"

The Scientific Defense Martial God Jaygo Lucia Satan said again: "You know, Kaido and her are..."

"What we want is for Kaido to go berserk during the alliance!"

A rare trace of ferocity appeared on Sengoku's face: "Otherwise, if the three major pirate groups use all their strength, our navy will suffer heavy losses even if it wins!"

The five old stars looked at each other and agreed with this statement.

Sengoku's plan is actually not complicated. It is nothing more than that he and the three generals of the headquarters directly attacked the Totland Kingdom where Charlotte Lingling was during the Three Emperors Alliance, and worked together to kill this seaman who had a special relationship with Kaido. Queen of Thieves; then quickly returned to the G1 base of the Navy branch in the New World, and sent someone to send the news of Charlotte Lingling's death to Onigashima, causing Kaido to go berserk.

When the time comes, the Sengoku, who are well prepared, will lead the navy headquarters' most elite forces to face Kaido's pirate troops among the Three Emperors head-on - after all, although there are many of Whitebeard's men, they will not all be brought to the alliance location, and most of Shanks At that time, there were only a dozen people on a ship, so in addition to the powerful Three Emperors, what the navy had to deal with was Kaido's direct troops.

As for the 'government lackeys and pirate traitors' scattered throughout the country, under the mediation of Lieutenant General He, they will maintain an 'outside neutrality' posture, and they will not act rashly until the war situation becomes clear.

Warring States is not a passive person, so he must try his best to gain the initiative in the war.

Moreover, Sengoku was also gambling.

The bet is that Kaido will go berserk after learning that Charlotte Lingling was killed, and the bet is that Whitebeard and Shanks won't go all out.

But this plan also has a very critical problem...

"How are you sure this aunt will stay in the Kingdom of Totland?"

Saint Topman Wuchuli, the legal warrior god, pointed out the key to the battle plan.

"I can only gamble."

Warring States said without changing his expression.

When Wu Laoxing heard this, he was going to scold him, but seeing Seng Guo's extremely dull expression and slightly narrowed eyes, he couldn't even say the curse that was already on his lips.

"Let's do it..."

The God of Scientific Defense, Jaigolucia Satan, threw the battle plan back on the table and said calmly.


Warring States stood up and bowed slightly, then strode away.

"The navy is no longer reliable..."

Shepard Ten Pit Saint, the agricultural warrior god who had remained silent until now, finally spoke.

"And regardless of victory or defeat after the war, the navy will definitely suffer heavy losses..."

The Legal Martial God Topman Wuchuli said calmly.


Markas Maz, the God of Environmental Martial Arts, stroked his long beard, stood up and said, "It's time to prepare to form a new navy!"

"But Zefa may not be reliable!"

Financial Martial God Izanbalon V. Nashoulangsheng shook his head.

"No need to worry about it. After the new navy is formed, we will transfer the strong new recruits from the general recruitment!"

Said the God of Science and Defense, Jaigolusia Sartan Saint.


Kingdom of Totland.

After Charlotte Lingling, who was having a tea party, learned that the Three Emperors were about to hold an alliance, she first swept away her favorite fish-man island specialty desserts, and then flipped the table over!

Her son and cronies were silent, standing in a row with their hands tied, not even daring to breathe a little louder.

"...Prepare the ship!"

After a long time, Charlotte Lingling gave a sharp order.

"As ordered!"

Her son and cronies did not dare to ask any more questions and immediately ran out in a hurry. (End of chapter)

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