Uchiha's opinion

Chapter 536 The meeting of the four emperors?Enemies gather together!

Ever since the time for the Three Emperors' Alliance was officially determined, Namikaze Minato's telegrams to Uchiha Tokumitsu had not stopped.

The only thing that may affect the number of telegrams is the power of the telegraph machine he carries. Otherwise, Minato Namikaze would want to keep talking like when he was playing in person.

Of course, this is also because there are too many matters that require Uchiha Tokumitsu to personally decide.

If it is just to increase the amount of ammunition for the heavy artillery purchased by Kaido, then Namikaze Minato can decide for himself. He still has this authority - anyway, the service life of the monkey version of the heavy artillery sold outside is only about [-] or [-] rounds, so give more. The shells are just used to accelerate their wear and tear.

But when it comes to military matters such as the mobilization of ninja troops, tactical coordination, and even containment of offensives, it is not something that Namikaze Minato can have the final say on his own.

The alliance of the three emperors is not just as simple as three pirate leaders pointing to the light and swearing a poisonous oath that no one believes. Their goal is to defeat the navy and even destroy the world government, and use this as a new springboard to conquer the world.

It's a coincidence - Uchiha Tokumitsu's goal has always been to conquer the pirate world, but according to his instructions, the ninjas deployed in the pirate world, especially the East China Sea, have never been right when contacting the indigenous people. "Remnants of a huge kingdom" and other rumors to refute the rumors, but did the opposite and secretly added fuel to the fire, fabricating the identity of the ninja as "descendants of the ancient kingdom who have been hiding in the corners of the world for who knows how many years"!
As a result, the resistance of the natives to the ninjas has been relatively reduced, and the difficulty of establishing a stable rule has become much easier. Even the pirates, under the influence of overwhelming rumors, have no doubts about the 'origin' of the ninjas, and This is also the basis for "sincere cooperation" between the two parties.

Therefore, before the current biggest enemy is destroyed, the ninja world and pirates must effectively cooperate tactically.

But before launching a full-scale offensive, there are still many things that need to be cleared up.

For example, the number of troops sent, the number of ships, the tactical level responsible, the target and effectiveness of the attack, and even the distribution of spoils after victory - of course, this premise is that the three emperors did not fall out on the spot after the war.

In addition, as an ally outside the upcoming Three Emperors Alliance system, Kaido proposed that the "remnants of the huge kingdom" take the initiative to contain as many troops as possible in the East China Sea and Impel Down when the Three Emperors gathered their forces.

This series of deployments is easy to say, but for specific implementation, it is necessary to compare the time nodes of both parties one by one and advance in an orderly manner.

Especially in order to deal with the accumulated government affairs, Uchiha Tokumitsu has returned to Konoha, so the process of communication and decision-making has become a bit long.

But fortunately, there are also accompanying Jonin such as Inuzuka Jaw who are quite experienced in military deployment, otherwise Minato Namikaze alone would not be able to handle it.


After Uchiha Tokumitsu returned to the ninja world, he first got tired of Makoto and Kushina for a long time before starting to deal with various military and political affairs.

With the full rollout of the Uzumaki clan's semi-mechanized limb replacement technology and the 'Retired Ninja Recruitment Act', the Ninja World Government was able to recruit nearly [-] more experienced retired Ninjas again.

The reason why there are currently only 3000 people is mainly because the production capacity of mechanized limbs cannot keep up. Otherwise, it would not be a big problem to build an army of [-] people.

Both Uchiha Tokumitsu and the Uzumaki clan underestimated the yearning for intact bodies of those injured and retired ninjas, so the current popularity was unexpected.

In addition, the treatment of the Dynasty Army is notoriously good, so those injured and retired ninjas who were living in embarrassment were not willing to live in poverty and loneliness. They all clamored to contribute to the ninja world, and even began to seek help from parliamentarians. Let the ninja world government increase investment in mechanical prosthetics.

"If this is the case, then some of the ninjas who accepted the second call can be transferred to form a ninja army outside the dynasty army system."

After listening to the report from the Speaker of the House of Representatives of the United Parliament, Hatake Sakumo, Uchiha Tokumitsu decided to change the deployment method of the second recruitment of ninjas.

Originally, he only planned to use some ninjas as supplementary forces to fill the vacancies in the registered ninja army and reserve forces, but now judging from the enthusiasm and support of the injured and retired ninjas for the second recruitment, they can be regarded as a fighting force. of.

"Then what kind of banner will this new ninja army use to the outside world?"

Hatake Sakumo asked for instructions.

He didn't think as much as Uchiha Tokumitsu thought.

After all, in the traditional ninja education of the ninja world, it is natural to use money to do things. You only need to pay the blood tax to regain the opportunity to be a normal person and participate in competition. For injured and retired ninjas, it is simply pie in the sky.

Moreover, with the continuous upgrading of semi-mechanized prosthetic technology in the production process and the continuous reduction of overall costs, prosthetic technology has an increasingly profound impact on the production of the ninja world.

Even during discussions in the Joint Parliament, some members of Congress from joint companies began to propose research and production of equipment based on prosthetic technology to replace the traditional human model to obtain higher economic benefits.

If it weren't for the fact that the production capacity of semi-mechanized prosthetics has not yet reached saturation, and if Hatake Sakumo has some innate conscience, it is estimated that those crazy "economic animals" will start to study how to transform normal people into productive workers. Mechanical.

"...How about the Astra Militarum?"

After Uchiha Tokko pondered for a moment, he said leisurely: "This also represents the expectations for them."

"...As ordered."

Although this name for the Ninja Army sounded somewhat unusual, Hatake Sakumo accepted it without much thought.

"Another [-] ninja troops from the Third Legion of the Expeditionary Force have been assembled. Please give your Majesty's instructions."

Senate President Uchiha Quartet subsequently reported.

"In three days, the entire Third Legion will march across the Gate of the World."

Uchiha Tokumitsu said: "At that time, taking over the defense area of ​​the Second Army, Fugaku would lead his troops to move to the East China Sea area for combat deployment, and Shiina's advance army would also be under his command."

"As for the general of the Third Army..."

"Just let Kakuzu go."

"What about the Fourth Army of the Dynasty Army?"

Uchiha Sifang asked cautiously.

With Kakuzu being transferred to the position of general of the Third Army, the Fourth Army he was originally in charge of became another hot potato that could compete.

"The original Pingchuan State organizational structure was abolished and changed to the Western Territory Administrative Region. The chief administrative officer will be elected by vote after discussion by the United Council. As for the general general of the Fourth Army... let Masahiko Kiden be the one to serve."

Uchiha Tokumitsu also saw the little thoughts of the 'old patriarch', but he didn't point it out. Instead, he easily resolved it with a great movement of the universe and a series of eliminations.

"As ordered!"

Hatake Sakumo and Uchiha all agreed, then resigned and left.


November [-], the second year of Kaihuang's reign.

Kakuzu led the Third Legion of the Expeditionary Force to officially cross the World Gate to the Pirate World and take over the Demon Triangle maritime defense zone. Uchiha Fugaku led the Second Legion garrison to move to the East China Sea.

The advance army commanded by Uchiha Shiina was also officially classified under the Second Army, and was given the independent designation of the 'Shiina Corps'. Its combat mission is still responsible for monitoring and containing the naval forces in Rogge Town and the surrounding waters; while the Uzumaki was originally The second legion under the command of Ichiraku went out to fight the Ninja Army and was reorganized into the "Advance Corps" and began to cross the waters of Yotsuba Island and march towards the sphere of influence of the Revolutionary Army.

Although Ashura was not very satisfied with Uchiha Fugaku's tactical deployment of "killing the third child before the war", especially in his opinion, the revolutionary army could have become allies through negotiation; but he had no choice, in his hands There are only some unusable National Guards, which at most only maintain law and order in the Republic. Naturally, they have no say in such military tasks.

The advancement of Uzumaki Ichiraku's forward troops was unexpectedly smooth.

After the fleet went out to battle, there was basically no resistance. On the contrary, some people under the revolutionary army took the initiative to surrender, hoping that the 'remnant army' would be responsible for the distribution of land and other matters; Uzumaki Ichiraku also learned about the revolution from the mouths of these surrendered civilians. Because of the 'successful revolution', the main force of the army chose to go to other sea areas to 'continue the revolution'. Now the so-called revolutionary army is actually empty of people.

So Uzumaki Ichiraku stopped trying and chose to immediately log in to take over, and based on the experience of Dongdao, he started another round of "attacking nobles and dividing their fields" operation.

At this point, the 'Arc of Rebellion' in the East China Sea has officially taken shape, and the navy in Rogge Town has completely fallen into the encirclement.


"Those remnants are already ready to make a move..."

In the war room of the Navy Headquarters, Marshal Sengoku, who had not slept for several days, couldn't help but rub his temples with a headache after receiving the information sent by CP0.

General Kuzan, who had just secretly sneaked back to the headquarters from Impel City, and Kizaru, who had recently completed the transformation of mechanical prosthetics, were sitting in front of him, waiting for the next order.

"Can Garp handle it?"

General Kuzan asked with a frown.

"Crane didn't take the giant troops away, so it should be okay to hold on..."

Warring States explained: "It's just that if we attack, there's nothing we can do."

Kuzan didn't say anything more after hearing this.

"By the way, have everything been arranged over there?" The Warring States General asked Kizaru, pointing to the section in the intelligence about the 'remnant troops' entering the revolutionary army.

"By this time... we should have arrived in the new world."

Kizaru understood that he was referring to the incident of Monkey D. Dragon's revolutionary army sneaking into the New World.

Warring States nodded and said nothing more.

Although Kuzan was very surprised by the cryptic riddle between the two, he didn't ask any more questions and just kept these conversations in mind.

"Also, Whitebeard and Kaido should arrive at Ghost Island today."

Kizaru continued to report: "In addition, according to the detective report, the weapons sold by the survivors were settled in Hailou Stone, so..."

"As long as the Four Emperors are defeated, the survivors will not be in danger."

Warring States said slowly.

"In addition, Charlotte Lingling's Kingdom of Totland is said to have experienced riots recently, but the Big Mom Pirates are still in Hong Kong, so there should be no special changes."

Since most of the cadres of the Big Mom Pirates are the blood descendants of the leader, Charlotte Lingling, neither the Navy nor CIPHER POL’s espionage personnel can penetrate into its core cadres, so they can only pass certain signs on the periphery. Conduct reasonable research and judgment, and this is also the only and biggest loophole in the Warring States' blitz plan.

"That's fine."

The Warring States Marshal threw the information back on the table and rubbed his temples again: "The dice have been thrown, we can only move forward..."

"Let's go then!"

Kuzan stood up and said.

"Let's go!"

Sengoku and Kizaru also stood up.


"Our alliance will be as broad as the sea and as powerful as the waves! Let the world feel our strength and courage! This is our oath, this is our promise! We will use our blood and lives to prove our oath !”

At the alliance meeting on Onigashima, the three pirate kings Kaido of the Beast Pirates, Shanks of the Red-haired Pirates, and Edward Newgate of the Whitebeard Pirates issued an alliance declaration.


This is Kaido's request.


Shanks devoted his life to this.


This was the belief that Edward Newgate the Whitebeard held throughout his life.

And just when the atmosphere of the alliance was about to reach its peak and the three pirate kings were about to sacrifice their blood to form an alliance, suddenly a cadre of the Beasts Pirates hurried over.


Kaido couldn't help but feel embarrassed. The panic of his subordinates made him embarrassed in front of the other two pirate kings.

Moreover, Minato Namikaze had put a lot of effort into this alliance ceremony. Both the content of the oath and the contracting process were highly recognized by Kaido and the other two people. Now that the 'sense of ceremony' was suddenly disturbed, they were naturally a little unhappy.

"Your Majesty the Governor..."

The cadres of the beasts are cowardly and dare not speak out.

In other words, due to the presence of Whitebeard and Shanks, he really didn't know how to speak.

"Just tell me if you have something to say! Don't scream at me!"

Kaido's horns were almost red with anger.

"There is a boat..."

The Beast Leader had no choice but to whisper in front of everyone: "And we have already crossed the Kuri area of ​​Wano Country and are about to arrive at the main island..."

"Then what are you reporting? Why don't you hurry up and sink it!"

Kaido began to exhale white air from his nose, which was also a sign of his rage.

"It's the ship of the Big Mom Pirates..."

The Beast Leader added in a low voice.


Kaido was immediately shocked.

Whitebeard, who was once a member of the Rocks Pirates like Kaido and Charlotte Lingling, immediately pricked up his ears, and at the same time began to think about the glorious past of the former "Dragon Knight" Charlotte Lingling - - As we all know, Kaido’s Devil Fruit is the Fish Fruit, Phantom Beast Species, and Blue Dragon form, so it makes sense to turn Charlotte Lingling into a Dragon Knight.

"Is it, is it, a hymn number?"

Kaido asked stammering, while cold sweat began to break out on his forehead.

"It's just a cadre ship..."

The beast leader explained.

"Then why not sink it quickly!"

Kaido immediately straightened his back.

"But aunt is on the boat..."

The Beast Cadre had another divine reversal, driving Kaido into the abyss again.


If there weren't too many people now, Kaido would kill people.


"I am coming!"

Just when Kaido was dizzy, a loud and loud voice sounded.

"It's really her!"

Kaido became even more dizzy.

"Why didn't she take the Queen Mother Anthem?"

Otherwise, Kaido wouldn’t have found out after his enemy Charlotte Lingling found out!
'Fight and fight! '

Although his face was as serious as ever, Whitebeard was filled with joy inside.

Whitebeard, who wholeheartedly protects his family, loves to watch such scenes of happy enemies! (End of chapter)

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