Uchiha's opinion

Chapter 537 Blitz Totland

As one of the four emperors, Auntie has never been a reckless person.

Although she does not recognize her relatives when she suffers from schizophrenia, is cruel and murderous most of the time, attaches great importance to reputation, and never lets go of anyone who deviates, etc., but since Charlotte Lingling can be regarded as one of the four emperors, That is definitely unique.

For example, extremely high talent and extremely strong strength.

Moreover, anyone who can become a top expert cannot be a fool.

As one of the 'ex-husbands' who once had a romantic relationship, Kaido is very aware of Charlotte Lingling's power and methods of doing things.

So, when he saw the ordinary Big Mom Pirates cadre ship and Charlotte Lingling, who was more than eight meters tall standing on the deck, Kaido felt extremely overwhelmed!

He strongly advocated the establishment of the Three Emperors Alliance because he did not want to provoke this abnormal-minded woman!

The reason why Charlotte Lingling was excluded was, firstly, because Auntie's character was really difficult to deal with, and secondly, the dragon who was once a 'dragon knight' was no longer willing to be a mount.

Especially since Kaido is already one of the Four Emperors, and he has many soldiers and generals under his command, he naturally doesn't want to be humiliated for nothing.

'What's the situation? '

Minato Namikaze, who had been standing aside and observing with a cold eye, felt a little strange. His eyes were looking back and forth on Charlotte Lingling and Kaido in the distance, and he was a little confused.But considering that he had no friendship with Whitebeard, and there were quite a lot of people around him at this time, he was really embarrassed to take the initiative to gossip.

Whitebeard also noticed the curious eyes of the 'Remnant Messenger', but he never waited for Namikaze Minato to take the initiative to ask.

But considering that he and Kaido had just finished reciting the oath of alliance, Whitebeard was too embarrassed to take the initiative to reveal Kaido's past without anyone asking, so he felt quite uncomfortable inside.

In this way, since Kaido did not directly issue an attack order, the cadres of the beasts were concerned about Charlotte Lingling's powerful strength, and Whitebeard and Shanks watched with the mentality of watching a show, so this ship was alone and looked ordinary. The BIG MOM Pirates' cadre ship arrived at the port very smoothly.


Kaido, whose face turned red, suddenly slammed his portable weapon, the mace 'Hasai Jie', against the ground. After a loud noise, cracks spread like ripples.

"Big sign, Fei Liubao, Barbarian Tyrant! Come here!"

Then, Kaido shouted and summoned his elite cadres, "Let's go and see what tricks this unreasonable aunt is going to play!"

Namikaze Minato, Whitebeard, and Shanks looked at each other in confusion. After hesitating for half a second, they all followed suit, ready to watch the fun.

As for the alliance...

How can this kind of formalistic stuff be as interesting as watching a tragic drama about enemies on opposite sides of the road?

Surrounded by his subordinates, Kaido's pace became slower and slower.

Especially on the port pier not far away, when the chess players filing off the ship were nervously and orderly laying out red carpets, giant tables and chairs, and neatly placing various refreshments, Kaido felt even more stressed. The mountain is big.

Charlotte Lingling has a habit of giving the person a 'gift' - the 'head' of someone related to the person who refuses her invitation to a tea party, so she puts on this show The intention has been very obvious.

But when he thought that this was his base camp, Onigashima, and that there were so many subordinates around him, and that Whitebeard, Shanks, Namikaze Minato and others were all in the background, Kaido felt that he Absolutely don’t be a coward!
Otherwise, it will be a big loss!

"What on earth are you doing here!"

Just as Charlotte Lingling stepped from the ship to the ground, Kaido immediately shouted: "Don't you know this is my land..."


Before he could finish his words, Charlotte Lingling raised her left hand and waved towards the arranged tables and chairs: "Everyone, take a seat!"


After being interrupted, Kaido's face turned red again, and his nose began to breathe white.

But he just snorted coldly, showed his human-animal form and enlarged his body, then strode forward and sat down.

This couldn't help but make Whitebeard, who had been shouting for a fight in his heart, a little disappointed.

"Hey! Edward!"

Charlotte Lingling also shouted towards Whitebeard: "Come here!"


Whitebeard touched his nose, also transformed his body into a giant size, and then strode forward and sat down.

As for Shanks, he was indifferent and continued to watch the excitement in wonder.

He couldn't turn his body into a giant body, so even if he sat on the table, it wasn't much bigger than a knife and fork, so he simply stayed where he was and watched the fun.

"Aren't you going to go?"

Shanks took the initiative to ask Namikaze Minato.

"I don't eat sweets."

Namifeng Shui, who also did not have the ability to enlarge his body, said without changing his expression: "What about you?"

"It's a coincidence, so am I."

Shanks nodded.

When Minato Namikaze visited the Yonko's territorial waters and discussed alliances while selling arms, the perception and experience in the Tolant Kingdom was the worst.

When meeting Charlotte Lingling, although she also showed interest in heavy artillery and external armor, she also tried her best to persuade Minato Namikaze to stay and expressed her intention to make him the Nth husband. When she refused and was about to leave, Charlotte Lingling immediately turned her back and took out a wheel with options including various cruel tortures for Minato Namikaze to make a choice - at most others were planning to hack his weapons, but Charlotte ·Lingling plans to gain both people and wealth!
Namikaze Minato would be damned if he had a good impression of her!
If it hadn't been for the shadow clone who landed on the island at that time, he probably wouldn't be able to escape even now!
Thinking of this experience, Namikaze Minato couldn't help but feel a chill.



After the table was served, Charlotte Lingling picked up the tea cup and made a gesture of invitation, and then started eating by herself.

The chess soldiers standing on the ground were methodically carrying a huge amount of desserts from the cadre ship, replenishing the food that was quickly being wiped out on the table at any time.

Kaido was quite aware of Charlotte Lingling's sweet habit, so he didn't say anything more, picked up the 'tea cup' that was almost the same size as a wine barrel, took a sip, and then started eating.

Whitebeard, on the other hand, was not very interested in these sweets. He just took a sip of the sweet milk tea and stopped.

"It is said that you are planning to form a new pirate alliance?"

Charlotte Lingling filled her stomach with tons of sweets like the autumn wind sweeping away fallen leaves, and then slowly said: "And you are not allowing my Big Mom pirates to join?"

"I'm doing it for everyone's benefit!"

Kaido blushed and defended: "Your character is..."

"Let me ask you! Are you going to form a new pirate alliance?"

Charlotte Lingling had a cup of tea and once again interrupted Kaido's defense: "Are you trying to exclude me?"

"You don't like war, what can I do..."

Kaido still argued: "You and I are incompatible, why do we have to get together!"

"I ask you again, are you going to form a new pirate alliance? And you are not allowed to join!" Charlotte Lingling's voice became louder and louder.

"We haven't seen each other for many years. Let's drink tea..."

Whitebeard happily smoothed things over.

As for whether it would work or not, he couldn't care less.

Anyway, as an 'outsider', he has done his best.

Moreover, Charlotte Lingling's words just now reminded him that maybe Kaido is really planning to take advantage of the alliance to become the leader of the pirate alliance, thereby establishing prestige in the war against the navy and the world government, and using this to become One Piece.

Although Whitebeard is not interested in the so-called 'Pirate King', this does not mean that he is willing to see Kaido's 'plan' succeed - as for whether Kaido really has such thoughts, that is not important at all.

Kaido was restless, and the looks from his subordinates behind him made him feel like a light on his back.

"I heard... your fleet has flown the black flag?"

Charlotte Lingling did not continue arguing with Kaido, but asked Whitebeard: "Are you planning to start an all-out war with the navy?"

"That's right!"

Whitebeard said frankly.

While Sakaski was sweeping the Grand Line, one of his adopted sons was ambushed and killed.At that time, Whitebeard, who was extremely angry, originally planned to launch a full-scale attack on the navy within seven days.However, he postponed his actions after receiving Kaido's invitation to form an alliance.

"No matter who wants to fight the Navy, I will help them out!"

Charlotte Lingling also expressed her attitude.

"Drink tea drink tea!"

Whitebeard ignored Kaido, who looked unhappy, and immediately picked up the teacup and continued to smooth things over.


The outer waters of the Kingdom of Totland.

Sengoku and three naval admirals, who have secretly lurked nearby, are waiting for the final intelligence reply.

In this battle, apart from the three generals of the headquarters, Sengoku led only three cleverly disguised naval warships.Although the number is small, he still firmly believes that he can defeat this evil pirate kingdom known as "the devil's cave where all races are imprisoned" - Charlotte Lingling's dream is to build a country where all races coexist harmoniously, regardless of high or low.She hopes to make all races in the world "one family" and become as big as her.However, the fact is that all residents of the Tolant Kingdom must pay one month of their life to "Homiz" who is responsible for soul recovery and distribution every six months in exchange for their own safety.Otherwise, they will face death threats.

Among the three generals, Sakaski had the worst expression.

Because he was the last one to know about the 'Totland Blitz' battle plan planned by the Warring States Period.

And this also means that as the marshal, Sengoku has a lot of opinions on him. Although Sakaski, who has always been aloof, does not think that Buddha's Sengoku can do anything to him, the feeling of being targeted intentionally or unintentionally is also very uncomfortable. .

But again, no matter who wants to fight pirates, Sakaski, who has always adhered to the concept of 'thorough justice', will help!

After taking a deep breath, Sakaski rubbed his cold face to ease his tense nerves.

After a while, the phone bug 'Buru Bulu~' in Sengoku's arms rang.

"Missy Missy!"

Warring States immediately connected the phone bug communication.

"The Anthem is confirmed to be in Hong Kong!"

The intelligence officer on the other end reported.

The full name of Charlotte Lingling's flagship is 'Queen Mother's Anthem', but its name is generally simplified within the Navy. After all, the full name is somewhat shameful to read.

"Where's that aunt?"

Sengoku frowned and asked.

"No trace found yet..."

The spy replied: "But recently, most of the sons of Charlotte who serve as ministers of the kingdom have shown their faces on various islands."

This is the biggest flaw in the 'Blitz War' plan. Since the Navy cannot drive a 'nail' into the Big Mom Pirates, who are bound by blood ties, they can only confirm the whereabouts of the target through peripheral clues.

Warring States pondered for a moment, and finally made a decision: "Prepare to block the phone bug communication!"

"As ordered!"

The admiral under his command immediately carried out dozens of horned telephone bugs and placed them on the deck, and prepared to send out obstructive radio waves. At the same time, two of the ships began to maneuver to the left and right wings to cut off the external communications of the Kingdom of Totland.

Instant communication in the pirate world is highly dependent on phone bugs, and the ability of the horned phone bug is to cut off communication through special interference waves. Therefore, as long as the signal of the phone bug is interfered with, Sengoku can block Tote in a short time. Most of the contacts in the Lan Kingdom.

Of course, the scope of the horned phone bug's interference with radio waves is limited. If the people on the island ran outside the islands after the Sengoku and three generals launched a surprise attack, they could still use the phone bug.

The three specially modified warships that accompanied the battle were the ones who cleaned up those fish that slipped through the net.

After a while, the phone Zeng Guo was holding on a call suddenly made a 'chirp' sound and lost the signal.

These are the other two special battleships that outflanked and activated the interference wave.

"Let's fight!"

Warring States was the first to jump up and rush towards the island land——

"Big Buddha form!"

Just as he jumped into the sky above the pier, Sengoku activated his Devil Fruit's power and transformed into a giant golden Buddha statue, landing on the land!
The three generals then jumped up and charged towards the Kingdom of Totland!
"Enemy attack!"

The chess soldiers and biscuit soldiers on the dock suddenly became chaotic!
"Boom boom boom!"

The golden giant Buddha punched in the air and punched a passage through the island building composed of various snacks and desserts!

"Meteor Volcano!"

After landing, Sakaski was unequivocal and immediately used his strongest moves with all his strength. His lava-formed fists were constantly swung towards the sky, shooting out countless streams of lava, and then turned into meteors and fire showers, completely destroying the dessert houses in all directions. ignite!

Kuzan, who had always been at odds with him, snorted coldly, then changed the direction to attack.

Kuzan's Devil Fruit ability and Sakaski's are two extremes, and fighting together will only achieve half the result with twice the result.

And this is one of the reasons why the two have always disliked each other.

"Don't bother too much!"

Sengoku shouted while sending out a shock wave to sweep away the soldiers of Totland Kingdom: "Find that aunt quickly!"

"We must kill her!" (End of chapter)

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