Uchiha's opinion

Chapter 538: Angry and Raising an Army

"I didn't find that aunt!"

The power of the marshal of the navy and the three generals can be described as devastating. The four people with overwhelming power advance simultaneously from different directions, making them unstoppable wherever they go.

But no matter whether it was Sakaski who melted the candy and pastry house, Kuzan who froze it, or the two Sengoku Kizaru who directly attacked the Cake Island in the center of the sea, they found no trace of Charlotte Lingling!
Moreover, the defense power of the Kingdom of Totland was not as strong as expected. It didn't take the four of them much time to completely penetrate the entire Totland and complete the meeting on Cake Island!

"Where on earth did that aunt go?"

Sakaski, who had the most ferocious temper, picked up a biscuit soldier with half of its body melted off and asked viciously: "Say! If you don't tell me, I'll burn you to death!"

"This is based on the ability of the Devil Fruit. How can it answer your question?"

Kuzan couldn't help but mocked: "You don't even have this kind of basic common sense, but you still have the nerve to be a general of the headquarters!"

"That at least means that the aunt and Snickers who made these Homitz are not dead yet!"

Sakaski completely melted the cookie soldier in his hand and cursed angrily: "We must find such a sweet-loving aunt! Chop off her head and hang it on the flagpole of the Navy Headquarters! "

Still maintaining the form of the golden Buddha, the Warring States General didn't even bother to pay attention to the insane Sakaski, and still sent out violent shock waves to continuously destroy the dessert buildings on Cake Island.

However, apart from capturing a group of pirates and several of Charlotte's descendants, no trace of Charlotte Lingling, the target of this battle, was found.

And this means that this blitzkrieg was a complete failure!
It also means that the always cautious Sengoku finally made up his mind to take a gamble but still lost the bet!
"Destruction and killing don't make much sense anymore..."

Kizaru also stopped at this time and pressed the mechanical prosthesis on his left shoulder with some discomfort.

During the battle just now, there seemed to be some problems with this prosthetic arm...

Gradually, Warring States, who seemed to be venting his anger, also put away his giant Buddha form and landed on the ground filled with melted syrup, burning cakes and other ingredients. Then he turned his attention to the captured descendants of Charlotte.

"Charlotte Zickert, Minister of Wine..."

"Charlotte Mascarpone, Minister of Tableware, and Charlotte Joscarpone, my sister..."

"And Transport Secretary Charlotte Nusteldi..."

Based on the intelligence in his mind, Warring States identified the identities of Charlotte's descendants among the prisoners one by one.

But his face also became increasingly gloomy.

Although these four valuable captives are all direct descendants of Charlotte Lingling, none of them are powerful with Haki or Devil Fruit. As the battle just progressed, except for the vassal pirates who were attached to Big Mom, Apart from this, the Warring States Period did not find any valuable targets.

In other words, although Big Mom's flagship is still in the Kingdom of Totland, she has already gone out with the core combat power.

"Say something valuable..."

Sakaski walked over, raised his right hand and condensed a stream of hot lava in the palm of his hand, pointing at the descendants of Charlotte: "Otherwise... you will know what despair is!"

But even Charlotte Joscaponi, the weakest of the four children, gritted her teeth and stared at the evil thief who was destroying the home they depended on for survival.

"Don't tell me, right... Sure enough, the entire Charlotte family is just like Auntie, and they all have some brain problems!"

Sakaski began to laugh strangely, and the lava in his right palm threatened to erupt and turn them into ashes!
But although the faces of the four people were full of fear, they all just closed their eyes and did not seem to have any intention of surrendering.

Warring States looked around and saw that Cake Island, which was like a ruin, was completely silent. However, from the domineering power of his knowledge, he could still sense that there were still many mortals alive here.

However, not even one strong person was found, which is very abnormal!

Therefore, the only possibility is that Charlotte Lingling has led her troops to leave this place!
And it was because of something very important that while leaving with his powerful men, he also left the flagship 'Psalm' in Totland to give the illusion that he was still there!
"Either Big Mom has arrived at Ghost Island, or one of us has leaked the secret!"

Warring States stopped Sakaski's threats, and then said slowly: "Only these two possible explanations make sense!"

As for the second guess, Warring States also knew that it was impossible.

After all, even Sakaski, who had been in the GI branch directing the navy's operations, only learned about the blitz at the last minute, while Kuzan had been under his nose since he sneaked back to the navy headquarters from Impel Down. Activities, as for Kizaru...

Although he had some special connections with the son of his old friend Garp, this was all done with his own acquiescence, and Kizaru had no reason to collude with the pirates.

So after elimination, there is only one possibility.

"Ghost Island!"

"Alliance of the Four Emperors!"

Both Sakaski and Kuzan had expressions of shock and anger on their faces.

As for Sengoku and Kizaru, although their faces were quite gloomy, they didn't say much.

"Return to the G1 branch immediately!"

Warring States immediately made a decision.

There's not much point in staying here.

The goal of this battle is not to cause insignificant mass killings, and after the beheading plan failed, it is foreseeable that Charlotte Lingling, who may be on Ghost Island, already knows the news of the attack on the Kingdom of Totland. Got it!

After all, in order to conceal their whereabouts, only three naval warships were brought out in this blitz. However, it is impossible for these three warships alone to completely eliminate all the fish that have escaped the archipelago. There must be sea creatures carrying phone bugs. The thief will escape from the siege and notify Charlotte Lingling!
Therefore, the next most important thing is time.

Sengoku needs to return to the G1 branch base immediately and deploy troops to meet the pirate army that is bound to arrive!
"What about these little brats?"

Sakaski said, pointing to the prisoners.

"...bring back all the descendants of Charlotte!"

Warring States left after saying a word.

"Hum hum……"

Sakaski sneered a few times, grabbed the two prisoners and followed them.

Kuzan and Kizaru each carried a prisoner and left closely behind.

Although the combat goal of flash beheading was not completely achieved, the grassroots armed forces of the Big Mom Pirates were basically destroyed under the attack of four powerful navy men, so this battle was not a failure.

"After all, it still failed..."

But on the return voyage, the Warring States Marshal still looked gloomy.

No matter how much damage and death the grassroots forces cause, it is not difficult for the former like Charlotte Lingling to restore its prosperity. After all, the new world will not lack pirates for anything.

But the navy that relies on the World Government is different. Whether it is sailors or generals at all levels, they need to go through layers of screening before joining. Although such measures ensure the purity of the navy as much as possible, it also hinders The wartime violence.

"Are there any outstanding talents in the World Recruitment?"

Kuzan suddenly asked.

He also thought about the situation the navy was about to face.

"There is only one newcomer named Aramaki who is pretty good, and he has been assigned to the New World G1 branch and has been specially promoted to the rank of Lieutenant General..."

Kizaru said lazily.

"Is it……"

Kuzan's eyelids twitched, but he didn't ask any more questions.After all, judging from the current situation, the G1 branch of the Navy is probably under the control of the arch-enemy Sakaski. Since the 'newcomer' who was promoted under the exception has been allocated, it means that this person has no chance with him.

Kizaru didn't say anything else, and Sakaski was naturally too lazy to talk to his mortal enemy Kuzan.

After all, after Lieutenant General He and two general candidates were transferred to the G1 branch at the same time for decentralization and balance, the naval force that Sakaski could control was greatly reduced, so he would never let go of the 'newcomer'.


Ghost Island.

Namikaze Minato was bored and chatting with Shanks, one of the four emperors, and testing each other.

It's just that although Namikaze Minato looks like a righteous little sun, he has all the thoughtfulness that a ninja should have. After a round of false but logical words, Shanks not only failed to trick him Useful information, on the contrary, reveals almost all personal circumstances.

And Namikaze Minato also figured out why Shanks, as one of the four emperors, did not come to the table to negotiate, and even looked like it was normal.

It turns out that it's not because Shanks is indifferent to fame and wealth, but because he really doesn't have many people under his command!
At this time, the three emperors who were haggling fiercely on the table each had tens of thousands of troops and hundreds of warships. As for Shanks, who had only a dozen people under his direct command, he was a model of harmlessness for humans and animals.

Even Namikaze Minato was a little suspicious that the reason why Shanks was regarded as one of the Four Emperors was because of a conspiracy secretly manipulated by the pseudo-world government.

"If, I mean if..."

Shanks asked seemingly casually: "If the New World Pirate Alliance launches an attack, how long will it take for the Old Kingdom to launch a coordinated offensive?"

"Within a day."

Namikaze Minato replied without hesitation.

As for whether it can be done, that will be discussed later.

Even if he couldn't do it, it didn't matter. The worst he could do was apologize to Shanks and bow.

"So fast!"

Shanks was shocked.

"Our maritime forces and Marines are fully prepared for war in all time domains."

Namifeng Shui said without changing his expression.

"The ability to produce such superior and sophisticated military equipment shows that the armament level of the Old Kingdom is indeed very good..."

Shanks seemed convinced of this.

"But... Sir Shanks, I would like to ask..."

Namikaze Minato continued to test: "Are the more than 50 heavy cannons you purchased before now installed on the flagship Red Voss?"


Shanks was a little surprised.

"It's like this. Based on our experience, if a warship with a small tonnage is equipped with too many naval guns, not only will it not be able to significantly improve its combat effectiveness, but it will also cause the ship's load to be too large because it requires too many manpower. Even the recoil caused by the salvo will have a certain impact on the hull."

Namikaze Minato said sincerely.

"Well...I have another purpose..."

Regarding this topic, Shanks chose to be vague: "I'm sorry, it involves the secrets of the Red-haired Pirates, and I can't tell you yet..."


Namikaze Minato nodded repeatedly as if he had just woken up, "Sorry, I was presumptuous!"


Charlotte Lingling, who was chatting and laughing, suddenly changed her face, revealing a look of shock and anger.

Whitebeard and Kaido were startled at the same time, fearing that she might have another episode of narcosis.

And in the depths of Charlotte Lingling's soul, waves of throbbing began to appear, becoming more and more intense!

And this also represents a large number of deaths of 'Homiz'!

In the Kingdom of Totland, especially Cake Island, Homitz, represented by the Biscuit Soldiers, is the most important military force. Their consciousness comes from the power of Charlotte Lingling's soul fruit, and Homitz's A large number of deaths, then there is only one possibility - the Kingdom of Totland is suffering an unprecedented terrorist attack!
But the question is, who will attack her kingdom?
The four emperors are all gathered here, and no one in the Shichibukai has such a powerful force or the ability to avoid the surveillance of sea slugs all over Totland's waters, so there is only one possibility - the navy!

Thinking of this, Charlotte Lingling couldn't help but let out her trademark weird laugh.

And this also made Whitebeard more vigilant, and Kaido even more frightened - after all, this place is his base camp, Ghost Island. If Big Mom goes crazy, whether he can stop it or not is irrelevant, but his base camp will suffer!

Suddenly, the ringing of the phone interrupted Auntie's laughter.

"Missy Missy!"

An angry-looking Charlotte Lingling immediately answered the phone bug.

"Attack on Totland Islands!"

From the other end of the phone worm came the urgent voice of Capone Beki, the leader of the Flame Tank Pirates: "Moreover, the signal of the phone worm should have been interfered with within the scope of this island, so..."

"Where are you?"

Charlotte Lingling's expression suddenly changed, and her tone became gentle.

Oops!Going crazy!

Whitebeard and Kaido immediately became alert.

"I was fishing overseas, and when I returned, I accidentally discovered that Cake Island was burning..."

As the son-in-law, Capone Becky stammered: "Besides, the phone bug can't contact Qifeng..."

"I see!"

Charlotte Lingling immediately hung up the phone bug.

Who else but the Navy can completely block the communication of telephone bugs in the huge Totland Islands waters!

If the Shichibukai had this ability, they would have replaced the Yonko long ago!
"Let's fight!"

Charlotte Lingling said lightly.


Kaido and Whitebeard were a little surprised.

"I said - send troops immediately!"

Charlotte Lingling suddenly became furious and turned the table upside down: "Send troops immediately! March to the Grand Line! March to the G1 branch! Capture Mariejoia! Kill Marineford!"

"I want them dead!" (End of Chapter)

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