Uchiha's opinion

Chapter 539 The war cloud is coming

Although Whitebeard and Kaido sometimes behave quite nonsensically, as one of the Four Emperors, they are not fools, so they can naturally figure out the truth of the matter from the change in Charlotte Lingling's expression and tone just now.

But this is somewhat unbelievable.

After all, this is the first time the navy has launched an attack on the Yonko's headquarters, and this also represents the complete outbreak of all-out war!
No matter how much conflict there is between the four emperors, they still feel somewhat sad when faced with the naval attack, not to mention that they have now sat down to negotiate an alliance.

But after thinking about it, I felt that the navy's move was very reasonable. After all, among the four emperors, only Big Mom's territory was fixed, and Totland was definitely a big country in terms of national strength. Although it was full of various All kinds of bureaucracy, but in fact, those citizens live much better than the mud-legged people of other joining countries, and they are definitely a huge threat to the world government’s ability to rule; in addition, in the early rumors of alliance, there was no mention of trust. Tran's participation.Therefore, if the navy intends to re-establish its prestige, it is logical to make the Kingdom of Totland its first target.

However, after a round of blows to the Kingdom of Totland, it is impossible to continue to maintain the share obtained during previous negotiations.

Therefore, although Whitebeard and Kaido still had solemn expressions on their faces, they all made a tactical retreat to show that they were not in a hurry.


Charlotte Lingling pointed her finger at Kaido, who had just put on a 'want to add money' attitude, and yelled with foam at the mouth: "Are you a coward?"

"who said it!"

Kaido's face turned red again: "Sending troops takes time, we can't be so hasty!"

Then there were various incomprehensible words such as 'the warships have not fired their shells yet', 'departure expenses need to be raised', 'recruiting vassals' and so on.

"Messenger of the Old Kingdom!"

Charlotte Lingling suddenly shouted at Namikaze Minato who was peeping his head not far away: "How long will it take for your army to go into battle?"

"...a day."

Since he had just boasted with Shanks, Namikaze Minato couldn't hold back, so he had to answer directly, but at the same time he also planned to make up for it: "But because..."

"No buts!"

Charlotte Lingling interrupted Namikaze Minato's defense: "The one who enters Mariejoia first is the king - is this promise still valid?"

"Of course it works!"

Namikaze Minato's face turned solemn and he responded in a deep voice.

This condition was promoted by him when he was promoting the concept of "One Piece Alliance". Although it seems that the Yonko is not very willing to mention this topic due to personal interests, Namikaze Minato cannot deny it; Because this involves the premise of his activities in the new world, he must maintain the authority and validity of this "legal principle".

"That's it!"

Charlotte Lingling slowly stood up, her huge body looking very oppressive: "No matter whether these two guys who are full of conspiracy are willing to send out their pirates, I will launch an attack!"

Whitebeard and Kaido's expressions suddenly became embarrassed.

They are all men from the sea who are known for their arrogance, how could they stand being pushed around like this by their aunt!

What's more, for most pirates, being good at 'conspiracy' is a completely derogatory term - because this is something that the archrival Navy only does!

However, the difficulties that exist in reality are indeed objective and not based on personal will. At least if Whitebeard wants to launch a full-scale offensive, he will also need the arrival of the fleet directly under his headquarters and the various vassal pirate groups.

Therefore, the pressure is on the host Kaido of the Beast Pirates - as for Shanks, he only has three or two cats and kittens under his command, and they all follow the red-haired pirates' flagship Red Voss. I came here, so there was no need to ask specifically.

Kaido's expression was uncertain and very ugly.

"...Is it true that something happened to Totlan?"

Kaido had a hard time holding back a sentence.

"if not?"

Charlotte Lingling sneered: "Do you think I would joke about this kind of thing?"

"...Shouldn't we go back and clean up the mess in Totlan at this time?"

Kaido whispered: "I will launch an offensive, but now it's a bit..."

"What's there to clean up?"

Charlotte Lingling interrupted Kaido again, "Even if the kingdom is destroyed, it will only take a little more time to rebuild!"


"If you lose your face, do you still have the nerve to walk on the sea?"

Charlotte Lingling's momentum became stronger and stronger, and Minotaur Kaido's neck became shorter and shorter.

For the Four Emperors, the core of their power is themselves. As long as they are not killed in the battle, there will be a day when they make a comeback. That's why Charlotte Lingling behaved so radically, even ignoring Toth after the attack. What is the situation in the Lan Kingdom?

Kaido also complained secretly in his heart. He forgot one thing, that is, he should not appear in front of the mother beast when her cub is injured.

"Messengers of the Old Kingdom, please launch a diversionary offensive within three days!"

Charlotte Lingling snorted coldly, let Kaido go, and said to Namikaze Minato: "As long as Marineford can be captured, the Big Mom Pirates will definitely support you in becoming the king of the world!"

"Is it……"

Namikaze Minato was a little surprised.

Although there is no guarantee for this kind of verbal promise, it also represents an attitude of the aunt, and it can be used as a hedge against the once-proposed 'Marie Joan is king first'.

"Sorry, please allow me to ask for permission."

Namikaze Minato said to his aunt with an apologetic expression.

Then he took out a phone bug gifted by Kaido from his arms and dialed another phone bug held by Akimichi Donto: "The pirate king Charlotte Lingling's forces have suffered changes and may launch an offensive in advance. Please help me." Ask your Majesty for instructions on how to deal with it."

Namikaze Minato spoke in the common language of the ninja world, but the pirates all sounded confused.

"As ordered!"

Akimichi Dontō replied immediately.

"Please wait a moment..."

After hanging up the phone call, Minato Namikaze nodded to Charlotte Lingling again.

Since the communication between the dispatched personnel and the base camp of the Ninja World needs to be relayed by telegraph, the signal relay needs to pass through Shampoo Land or Dondao Island Signal Station, then transfer to the Demon Triangle Sea Area, then to the Ninja World East China Sea World Gate Signal Base Station, and finally reach it. Uchiha Tokumitsu's royal radio station, and after Uchiha Tokumitsu learned the news, he still needed to conduct a deployment assessment before making a decision, so the process was not fast.

"...But, with the current strength, can it compete with the navy?"

During the waiting time, Kaido said something weakly: "How about... let the Kingdom of Totland regroup their forces and go to war together?"

"My children are here at Cake Island, so you don't need to worry about it!"

Charlotte Lingling responded without hesitation: "Unlike you, you don't even have a useful child!"

When Kaido heard this, his nose was almost crooked with anger!


On the navy headquarters blitz battleship that was sailing on the Grand Route, Sengoku and three generals were listening silently in the command cabin.In front of them, there was a black bug phone bug, and what was faintly transmitted from it was the conversation at the Onigashima Guild.

The loudest among them is Auntie’s voice.

"She is actually on Ghost Island."

Kuzan couldn't help but rubbed his brows with a headache.

"But fortunately...Whitebeard and Kaido shouldn't take action so quickly."

Kizaru seemed to comfort himself and said: "If only Big Mom attacks, then we will join forces to take her down again, and then the Four Emperors Alliance will be defeated."

"Easy to say..."

Sakaski, who looked ugly, was very disapproving.

As the navy's first stop in the new world, the G1 branch he is now directly in charge of will be at the forefront of the war, and his subordinates and supporters will also gather here. When the war begins, no matter the outcome, his power will They will all be the hardest hit.

Therefore, it is strange that he is in a good mood!

As for the Warring States Marshal, he looked thoughtful.

"what happened?"

Kuzan asked proactively.

"I'm wondering... which dialect the huge kingdom's remnant messenger named Namikaze Minato speaks."

Warring States said slowly.

The three generals couldn't help but be a little surprised when they heard this. What's so confusing about this?Can't we just let the CIPHER POL agents conduct a thorough investigation after we get back?Or maybe the Navy has almost all ethnic groups from all over the world, so it’s not a bad idea to find more people to listen...

But the three generals immediately reacted and understood the meaning behind what Warring States said.

The Great Buddha Fruit of the Warring States Period is not only an improvement in personal fighting ability, but also a magical fruit that allows the eater to gain Buddha-like power, wisdom and spirit.It perfectly combines the eater's huge body and clever mind, turning them into the ultimate person with both mental and physical skills.The effect of this fruit is not limited to enhancing personal abilities, but also improving wisdom and spiritual sublimation.

And this is also the reason why the Warring States Period is called "Wise General".

In particular, the Warring States Period also mastered the pronunciation and usage skills of most languages ​​​​in the world.

Therefore, if the messenger of the huge kingdom speaks a dialect that even he cannot understand...

"Could they still be water monkeys emerging from the bottom of the sea?"

Sakaski frowned and muttered to himself.

Theoretically speaking, the dialects of all ethnic groups in the pirate world have certain things in common, especially in the ears of a wise man like Seng Guo, who can easily deduce the pronunciation of the entire language family from the intonation of a certain word.

But this time the language coming from the eavesdropper was completely different. After listening to it, he could not distinguish any useful content except that he could determine the number of words spoken by the other party through the changes of pauses.

Although due to the deliberate concealment of the Tenryu people, even the Warring States Period did not know what words were used by the huge kingdom during the 'Blank 100 Years', but in any case, it would not be this kind of mystery that has nothing to do with the grammar of today's common language. language.

If this conjecture comes true, then Kizaru's inference that the 'deep sea rebels' are 'remnants of the huge kingdom' is completely wrong. So, where do these mysterious enemies come from?

It can’t really be the water monkeys or even aliens that Sakaski said!

Just when Sengoku was racking his brains to delay his calculations, a vague call came from the black bugs again, and then Sengoku and the three generals heard Namikaze Minato's clearer words -

"Your Majesty has agreed to send troops to cooperate. In two days, he will launch a diversionary offensive in the direction of the East China Sea and the Impel City at the same time!"

"Mere containment is definitely not enough!"

Charlotte Lingling complained dissatisfiedly.

"We will invest in secret weapons and capture at least one of them..."

Namikaze Minato responded: "Either East China Sea or Impel Castle, at least one of them will fall!"

"That's it!"

Although Charlotte Lingling's battle time cannot be delayed for another two days, she is still quite satisfied with the answer given by Minato Namikaze.

Then, the aunt kicked the chair away and strode towards the officer ship in the port.

"Are you really in a hurry to die?"

Kaido couldn't help but feel anxious: "Isn't it a dead end to attack the navy with just one ship?"

"Dead end?"

Charlotte Lingling sneered, then raised her arms and shouted: "Children, come out!"

With the full activation of the soul fruit's ability, the originally mediocre cadre ship immediately emitted a stream of white energy, and then dozens of auras began to erupt!
Charlotte Lingling’s powerful descendants and subordinates are basically gathered here!

Kaido's eyes almost popped out!
He also possesses the domineering power of knowledge, but he didn't realize that there was a secret hidden in this cadre ship!
Moreover, with the power of these descendants of Charlotte and the core subordinates, if a surprise attack were launched, even his own Beasts Pirates would not be able to withstand it!

Kaido took a deep breath and found his right and left hands.

"Your Excellency the Governor!"

Jhin with wings on his back and flame gas on his neck immediately appeared in front of Kaido.

"You, Quinn, and Jack..."

Kaido took a deep breath and named the three most powerful 'big posters' under his command: "Each of you will lead your own troops to fight!"

Among the Beast Pirates, there are only three people with a status lower than one. Kaido's move to send out all the core personnel also unreservedly expressed his attitude towards the upcoming war.

At this time, Charlotte Lingling returned to the ship, and her men also began to set sail, with the target direction being the first stop in the Red Earth Continent to enter the new world - the Navy G1 branch!

"In that case..."

Shanks wiped his chin thoughtfully and said, "It seems it's time..."

"By the way, Mr. Minato, are you interested in taking a ride on my boat?"

Shanks stood up and asked Namikaze Minato, and his words showed that 'I will take action'.

"Well... we have our own ship, so I won't bother you."

Namikaze Minato said politely.

Kaido and the shipwrights of the Hundred Beasts were unable to figure out the secret of his sailboat. In addition, the 'remnants' and the pirates had entered the 'honeymoon period', so naturally the sailboat was returned to its original owner.

The reason why Namikaze Minato always kept a distance from Shanks was largely because he was reminded by Uzumaki Nagato.

Uzumaki Nagato turned the shadow clone into a button through the disguise of a transformation technique, and pinned it on Namikaze Minato's body, and continued to remind him of the possible malice hidden around him.During the conversation, according to the reminder from Nagato Kage's clone, the biggest and most frequent malicious person came from the bold and generous Shanks... (End of this chapter)

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