Uchiha's opinion

Chapter 541 The Elegy of the Big Signboard

One of the "three major disasters" on the Beast Pirates' big sign, Jack, known as "Drought", is a reckless and arrogant person. When faced with most things that can be solved with force, he uses force to solve it, so in Xia After Lot Lingling commissioned the Three Disasters to launch a diversionary offensive, Jack sank the most naval battleships among the three.

Therefore, Sakaski, who reluctantly took four warships to prepare for the mission of luring the enemy, was quite dissatisfied with Marshal Sengoku's arrangements, but in the end he still carried out the deployment according to his arrangements.

"Boss! New products are here!"

Jack, who had just finished plundering a merchant ship and killed everyone along the way, was about to return to the cabin and have a good sleep. Suddenly, he was looking at the vigilant pirates at the top of the mast and shouted: "There are four ships! These are all warships owned by navy brats!”

"The Navy is great!"

'Drought' Jack was immediately overjoyed and immediately rushed overtime to look over.

He loves fighting the navy boys the most!
In his opinion, there is nothing more interesting than killing the navy!
In particular, the resistance of the navy will be very fierce. The pleasure brought by the battle is much greater than that of plundering merchant ships that are unable to fight back!
Moreover, with the addition of the three pie battleships equipped with heavy artillery attached to Auntie, the number of battleships under his command is equal to the number of naval battleships appearing on the sea level at this time.

"Prepare the battle lines!"

'Drought' Jack immediately ordered.

Subsequently, the Mammoth battleship and the three pie battleships under him turned their bows and turned their sides toward the navy's bow.

Although Jack is a very arrogant and conceited person, he still knows how to make things happen.

For example, when facing the two eldest brothers Jhin and Quinn, he has always shown great respect; and the same is true when facing Minato Namikaze, who is the 'representative of the remnants of the huge kingdom'.

Therefore, he was able to get some paradoxical experience in using heavy artillery from Namikaze Minato - such as the classic tactic of seizing the T-shaped volley to attack the enemy.

"...This guy is not as brainless as the legend says!"

Sakaski, who was standing at the bow of the ship and looking ahead with a telescope, also noticed the movements of Jack's squadron and couldn't help but sigh: "These days, even pirates can use tactics. It's really incredible!"

In his impression, there is a big gap between the pirates and the navy due to the performance of their ships and guns. In addition, they are poorly trained and only focus on showing off their bravery. Therefore, in the past battles between the navy and the pirates, there was often Use long-range bombardment with naval guns to knock the pirates into confusion before rushing forward to end the battle in a gang fight.

In order to avoid being passive, the pirates would also forcefully approach under naval gunfire, intending to fight in close combat by jumping gangs.

However, with the influence of the remnants of the 'Giant Kingdom', especially the large influx of heavy artillery and other equipment into the new world, the tactics of the pirates have also begun to change - after all, the bravery of the pirates is actually more when they are at a disadvantage. They just had no choice but to survive, and not many people liked to charge under the gunfire of the navy.

"Times are changing..."

Sakaski's new loyalist Aramaki was also looking at the pirates' battleship formation through the telescope, especially the row of gun windows on the side that made him deeply moved.

I thought the Navy was the most powerful organization in the world, but I didn't expect it would be challenged so quickly.

Moreover, these pirates dared to engage in long-range artillery battles with the navy by virtue of their fragmented equipment output, so how difficult it would be for the navy in the paradise direction to face the 'remnant fleet'.

"The naval gun is ready!"

On the naval battleship, the naval officers began to direct the sailors on the ship around.

At the same time, some naval officers who were not responsible for command functions began to gather at the bow of the ship, preparing to intercept artillery shells.

This is also the experience that the Navy has summarized and popularized after repeated defeats in the East China Sea. It aims to use a small number of strong men to attack with naval guns, and rely on the speed of straight sailing to forcefully close the distance and start a melee battle. This is completely different from the past. The combat methods of the navy and pirates have been changed!
What caused this change was the naval guns of the 'remnants'!

However, Sakaski was not unprepared for this battle.

The four ships under his command were all equipped with captured remnant heavy artillery, and the reason why they were still in a posture of forced close combat with the enemy at this time was mainly to make Jack's squadron paralyzed and catch him off guard.


As the naval formation approached, Jack's squadron, which half lowered its sails to slow down its speed, immediately fired a salvo!
"Boom boom boom!!!"

With the fierce roar of heavy artillery, dozens of shells were fired at the naval battleship.

Then the pirates immediately started the second round of loading.

Since the level of training was far from up to standard, Jack had no hope of being able to kill the enemy with one strike. In addition, he had always relied on his personal bravery and was not afraid of the navy's close combat.

In Jack's sight, the generals on the bow of the naval battleship jumped up one by one, using various means to intercept the pirates' shell attacks, but several shells also hit the battleship and ignited a fire.

Jack saw this scene in his eyes and became calmer inside.

"Don't stop! Fire faster!"

Seeing that the salvo attack was progressing smoothly, Jack was too lazy to continue staring, so he left his viewing position and walked to the deck to urge the unskilled pirate gunners.

Just as Jack was shouting feverishly, there was a sudden roar in the direction of the naval fleet that had been submerged in gunpowder smoke!
"This is……"

Before he could react, there was a loud noise from the outer side of the Mammoth battleship beneath him!
Then there were steel fragments flying all over the sky!
This is the performance of the external armor being shattered!
The navy's standard naval guns are definitely not so powerful!

"It's the remnant's heavy artillery!"

The pirates immediately let out a shrill cry.

Jack was furious at first, thinking that the remnants were selling arms from both sides at the same time, but then he realized that X. Loaded on the battleship.

"Fight back! Fight back!"

Jack first nervously observed the situation on the side of the ship and found that only the external armor was blown up. He was relieved, and then immediately called the gunners to attack quickly.

But after all, there is a huge difference in the level of training, and the psychological advantage that was finally established was destroyed by the navy, which caused the pirates to reload even slower!

"Boom! Boom!"

The pirates' bombardment began to become scattered and they could no longer maintain a salvo.

The sparse artillery shells are more likely to be completely intercepted by the admirals who are waiting closely.

"Boom boom boom!!"

The navy's second salvo came again and completely bombarded the pirate ship!

When it comes to gunnery skills, pirates are far behind the navy!

Moreover, according to the observations of the generals who commanded the battle, they found that the artillery shells could only break down the external armor, and then they immediately adjusted the attack range and changed the damage directly to 'washing the deck'!
"Boom boom boom!"

Before Jack's squadron had time to wake up from the critical attack, the navy's third salvo arrived again!

This time, even the mast of the Mammoth was broken!
"Prepare to fight!"

Jack took off the hook sickle on the ivory shoulder and shouted loudly at the same time.

At this point, there is no chance to further distance one another!

But he is not timid at all. After all, he is still very confident in his personal strength!

"Boom boom boom!"

The navy fired another salvo, knocking Jack's squadron off their feet again.

"Aramaki, take the navy to deal with those three aunties' pie boats, and be careful to bring back all the heavy artillery on board."

On the naval battleship, Sakaski began to issue orders: "Drought Jack and his Mammoth, I will deal with them!"


Aramaki bared his teeth and smiled, his expression was very scary.

As a newcomer who entered the navy through the world's great conscription, he was able to rise to the rank of lieutenant general. Aramaki was quite satisfied with this.

Although he did not reach the level of a general as he had imagined at the beginning, it is not bad overall, and Sakaski, his direct boss with a tough style, is also in line with Aramaki's appetite, so at least in a short period of time, Aramaki will not have more opportunities. thought.

As for the assigned task of dealing with the three pie boats, Aramaki even ignored it. At the same time, he was still looking forward to Sakaski's next performance.As the battleship approached, both sides prepared for battle.

"Ming dog!"

Sakaski struck first, condensing the power of the rock berry fruit into his arm, and then quickly extended it, viciously hitting the side of the Mammoth with his magma-formed arm!
'boom! '

As the side armor exploded, Sakaski jumped up using the arms nailed to the side of the Mammoth, and headed towards Jack, who had a look of astonishment on his face.

"It's Akainu!"

Jack was not afraid. He first asked one of his subordinates to notify the two 'eldest brothers' and aunt, and then he transformed his body into a half-animal without showing any signs of weakness, and wielded a pair of hook sickles to kill him!
"Big fire!"

Sakaski had no intention of holding back. He first turned his arm into a huge lava fist made of lava, and then swung at Jack in the air, blasting out a fist of lava fire that almost enveloped the entire Mammoth battleship. !

Jack did not show any weakness, relying on his own protection to be strong, and using his strong armed domineering force to swing outwards, he blasted the huge lava fire fist into a sky full of stars!
But it's not over yet.

Under Sakaski's control, the lava fire fist shattered by Jack quickly turned into volcanic bombs powerful enough to sink a large battleship, and hit the Mammoth again!

Compared with Kuzan, who is also a general, Sakaski's ability is undoubtedly more suitable for use in large-scale battles.

After all, at this time, even the sails of one's own naval warships began to burn under the high temperature residual power of the lava fire fist.

As for Jack's Mammoth, it was even more miserable.

Although Jack and his men tried their best to intercept all the volcanic bombs, the flying sparks alone ignited the ship everywhere, and perhaps because the bottom of the ship was damaged, the battleship began to slow down a little at this time. Signs of sinking.

But Jack was still undaunted and still wielded the hook sickle to kill Sakaski who had just landed on the deck.

"He is indeed the strongest general in this department!"

Aramaki, who witnessed the battle, couldn't help but sigh. At the same time, he was glad that he was following the right person, and he didn't want to show his cowardice in front of his superiors, so he also moved his hands towards the three pie boats and activated his strongest move——

"Forbidden and hateful!"

Countless twisted tree roots emerged from his hands and quickly turned into a forest on the sea and spread. At the same time, they rolled towards the pie boat. Along the way, a forest of fire was formed to isolate the naval warship from the Sakaski battle site. Come on, to avoid unnecessary accidental injuries.

This thoughtful move also made some sailors burst into tears.

As a creation of Big Mom and her descendants' Devil Fruit abilities, the Pie Ship, including the Biscuit soldiers on board, has a certain amount of wisdom, but there is no fear at all. Even if Aramaki's 'Sea Forest' rolls over, Biscuit The soldiers were still loading and firing guns meticulously!
But the strength of the strong cannot often be flattened by 'foreign objects', especially at such a close distance.

Aramaki's "Sea Forest" quickly spread over the pie boat, and then quickly knotted up, entangled the pie boat!

The biscuit soldiers on the ship were overtaken by the swinging branches one by one and killed one by one.

As for the heavy artillery that Sakaski named to be captured, Aramaki very considerately rolled it up with tree roots and took it back to his ship.

“Relaxing and enjoyable!”

After successfully dealing with the three pie boats and disarming all of the ship's heavy artillery, Aramaki set his sights on the Mammoth not far away.

At this time, Sakaski is wrestling with Jack, who is extremely different in size, through his armed domineering force!

Although both sides are large in size, it seems that Sakaski has a slight advantage in strength!

Jack's body was covered in black and red patches, and there were even many areas where the elephant meat that had been cooked by the lava was exposed. He looked much more embarrassed!

"I'm going to put your tusks on display in my office!"

Sakaski grinned, his eyes becoming more murderous.


After a round of fighting, Jack suffered a big loss and roared angrily, but he had no intention of retorting verbally.

The strength of the admiral of the Navy Headquarters who went all out had indeed stabilized his head.

And judging from the current situation, Jack didn't even have a chance to delay time with his endurance.

"Are you pretending to be dead if you don't say anything?"

Sakaski smiled and said: "Not only your ivory, I also want to take your elephant meat as a snack and have a good meal!"


Jack could no longer control his emotions, and his armed domineering energy immediately exploded, crushing the deck beneath him while throwing Sakaski into the air!
But before he could adjust his pace and attack, Sakaski's attack came again——

"The dog bites the red lotus!"

In mid-air, Sakaski first turned his molten arms into the shape of a dog's head, then stretched it out and bit Jack!

Jack, who couldn't avoid it, was bitten on his left hand by the lava dog head on his right arm!
"Uh uh uh!"

The extremely high temperature almost roasted half of Jack's body to char!


Jack suddenly cut off his left hand with a knife, and then quickly fell into the cabin.

Gotta run!

This was the thought in Jack's mind at this time.

Although he looks like a human with ivory, Jack is actually a saddle-banded grouper of the fish-men tribe, so even if he falls into the water, he will not drown, but he will still be separated and can only wait for others to rescue him.

Sakaski also saw Jack's plan to escape into the sea, but he was not in a hurry to intercept him.

After Jack broke through the bottom of the boat and fell into the sea, Sakaski smiled sinisterly and launched his strongest move——

"Meteor Volcano!"

With the swing of both fists, countless magma fire fists like meteor showers fell from the sky, covering the Mammoth and the sea area where Jack fell into the sea!

"Boom boom boom!"

Fire and water join forces, and smoke fills the air.

If Aramaki hadn't used his Devil Fruit ability to deploy a fire forest in advance, the navy's warships would have suffered as well!

But it wasn't over yet. Sakaski took a deep breath again——

"Big fire!"

Another huge fist of lava fire blasted into the sea. The extremely high temperature even completely evaporated the seawater, and even penetrated the rock formations under the sea, triggering the eruption of submarine volcanoes!

"Boom boom boom!"

With the eruption of the volcano, a mutilated ivory flew into the sky and was caught by Sakaski.

"It's a pity that the whole body looks like meat..."

Sakaski sneered and returned to the naval battleship.

At this time, the fleets of the two eldest brothers Jhin and Quinn began to appear on the sea level after receiving the rescue signal.


Sakaski casually threw Jack's ivory to a naval officer and looked at the incoming pirate ship with wild eyes. (End of chapter)

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