Uchiha's opinion

Chapter 542 The General of the Defeated Army

The concept of winning first and then losing to lure the enemy deeper, the sophistication of people, and instructions from superiors, at this time, Sakaski no longer had such concepts in his mind.

He urgently needs a battle, a hearty, life-and-death battle!

"It was really not satisfying just now!"

Sakaski twisted his neck and looked extremely ferocious, "Fortunately, two more targets are here!"

Even the radical Aramaki felt that his boss was a bit extreme.

But then I thought about it, isn't this the kind of person I have always wanted to be?

Therefore, Aramaki immediately took out a small card filled with command orders and issued a textbook-level deployment command in a clear and concise manner.


"Fei Liubao is probably going to fight for the upper hand again..."

As the leader of the Beast Pirates' "Big Sign" and second only to Governor Kaido, Jhin stood on the bow of the ship and couldn't help but sigh as he looked at the volcanic eruption-like scene in front of him.

Sakaski, one of the three admirals of the Navy and the most ruthless, took action. Under such circumstances, it's a shame that 'Drought' Jack could survive!

As for the "big signboard" position where three are missing and one is missing, it is estimated that the brains of the "Fei Liubao" at the lower level will be beaten into a dog's brain.

Sighing again, Jhin took out his phone and called the other 'Big Sign' Quinn.

"Missy Missy!"

Quinn answered the phone bug right away.

This also shows that the Navy did not conduct signal shielding at this time.

"Don't rush to take action..."

Ember said in a deep voice.

"What do you mean!"

When Quinn heard this, he immediately became furious: "Are you going to watch our brother die tragically and remain indifferent? You are simply ashamed..."

"Shut up! You idiot!"

Jhin immediately shouted angrily: "This is Charlotte Lingling's war!"

"Jack is dead!"

Quinn took a deep breath and said coldly.

"Have you seen that erupting submarine volcano?"

Jhin's anger grew stronger: "That's Akainu Sakaski!"

"As long as we drag him and wait for Auntie to come over, we can join forces to kill him!"

"Isn't this better than a brainless pig suddenly getting nothing!"

"……I understand!"

After being sprayed a lot, Quinn's mind was finally turned around.

"Now listen to my order, our fleets will begin to merge and look at my command flag together!"

Jin said coldly, and then hung up the phone bug communication.

"Send the semaphore, the fleet is full to the right and rudder!"

After putting away the phone bug, Jhin began to issue orders.


As for the navy, Aramaki was also commanding the warships to maneuver, intending to use the same broadside salvo tactics to engage in artillery battles with the pirates.

And Sakaski didn't care and just let Aramu do what he did.

In the eyes of a strong man of his level, the existence and number of battleships and naval soldiers no longer mean much. The only thing that can stop him is distance, sea water and sea tower stones...

After all, the Wano Country occupied by the Beast Pirates is famous for its rich production of Sea Tower Stones. Sakaski was not sure whether they would have any secret weapons against Devil Fruit users, so he did not rush to cross the border alone. Attack from the sea.

"Boom boom boom!"

As the bombardment from both sides began, the battle between the pirates and the navy began to enter a stalemate.

In Sakaski's opinion, this is indeed very boring.

Although the sailors are obviously much better trained than the pirates, this cannot make up for the gap in the ships between the two sides.

Sakaski only brought four warships out for this battle, but there were eight pirate ships on the opposite side. Although the number of guns on a single naval ship was higher than that of a single pirate ship, the number of heavy guns loaded was still less than that of the pirate ships. About one-third, plus the pirates and six ships belonging to Charlotte Lingling's Devil Fruit creations, it didn't matter at all the bombardment casualties, so with the continuous bombardment, the navy gradually fell into a disadvantage.

"Send the flag! Let Quinn seize the T position!"

After another salvo enveloped the navy in a sea of ​​smoke and fire, Jhin immediately issued an order to adjust the formation.

Although he was determined to stall for time, he still had to put on a decent performance, otherwise if the navy chose to turn around and run away, he would have nothing to do.

But on the other hand, Sakaski also had the same idea. He even asked the naval admirals responsible for intercepting the shells to restrain their efforts. As long as the shells did not directly bombard the battleship, they would let it go, so he brought Jin with them. Here comes the misunderstanding that the Navy seems to be "weak" - after all, the effect of a long-range near-missile bomb is no different from that of a bomb blast on the side.

As Quinn led the ships in roundabout maneuvers, the naval fleet fell into a seemingly more passive state of being beaten.

Since pirate ships are equipped with external armor, even if the navy's heavy artillery hits the side, it will only shatter the armor. As long as it is not unlucky enough that two artillery bombardments hit the same part, it doesn't matter. As for the navy's Battleships were not so lucky.

Although the heavy artillery shells sold outside are monkey products, they still pose a great threat to the navy's wooden warships.

Even a near miss will cause adhesive burning, which will also be harmful to the bottom tank of the battleship.

"It seems that we underestimated these pirate brats..."

Although he has an arrogant temperament, Sakaski is a general who has risen through the ranks of the Navy step by step, and he is very familiar with the damage effects of various positions on the battleship.

If the pirates were allowed to continue their bombardment, it is estimated that his ships would not be able to hold on for long.

"Forget it, let's intercept the shells with all our strength!"

Sakaski waved his hand and gave up the plan of luring the enemy.

At the same time, he also replaced Aramu's functions and personally issued the command orders on the battlefield.

But the two sides did not struggle for long. A seemingly ordinary pie boat and a ship without sails appeared on the sea level.

Charlotte Lingling and Namikaze Minato's ship has arrived!
Charlotte Lingling, who already knew the enemy in front of her, didn't hesitate for a moment. She didn't even have time to say hello to Jhin and Quinn to coordinate the offensive, so she drove her ship and rushed over.

"The main course is on the stage..."

Sakaski looked at the white clouds flashing with thunder and the small sun hanging high above the pie boat, and murmured to himself: "Zeus and Prometheus..."

This is the second of three special Homiez created by Charlotte Lingling.

Then, a 'giant' on the pie boat jumped up, landed on the white clouds, brandished a long knife with a pirate hat-like sword jaw, and let out a shrill howl.

"It is indeed this damn aunt!"

Sakaski could no longer suppress the raging fighting spirit: "This ship will stop immediately! Drop anchor and engage in battle! Other ships will immediately turn back and stay away from the battle area."

"...As ordered!"

Although the admirals were a little surprised, they faithfully carried out Sakaski's orders.

Sakaski plans to fight with all his strength this time!
After all, this is one of the four emperors who will shock the new world!

Under the control of Charlotte Lingling, the Baiyun Homiz Prometheus she controlled blasted out huge thunder pillars!
"Fireball from the sky!"

The small Sun Zeus also began to spray huge fireballs towards the ship where Sakaski was!
"Big fire!"

Sakaski showed no sign of weakness and immediately waved his fists repeatedly, blasting out countless lava-like fists and hitting the oncoming thunder pillars and fireballs.

"Fireproof forest!"

Although Aramaki on the side did not intend to participate in the battle with his boss, he still took the initiative to use his Devil Fruit ability to create a dense maritime forest to protect the ship!
"Mu Dun?!"

Not far away, Namikaze Minato's eyes almost popped out!
But after taking a closer look, I found that it was actually different.

"It's probably the so-called Devil Fruit ability in this world..."

Aburame Shiguro on the side sighed: "It's really amazing that you can gain such a powerful power by eating a Devil Fruit..."

He shook his head and didn't say any more.

"Let's prepare to join the war too."

Namikaze Minato made a decision.


Inuzuka Jaw was a little puzzled, but he quickly adjusted the position of his ninja tool bag and called his ninja dog over.

"Mr. Jaw, just stay on the ship and watch over it..."

Namikaze Minato did not explain, but directly gave the order: "Donato-kun and Shiguro-kun will go out with me, and Shiba-kun and the three of you will stay on the ship."

"……All right."

Although Inuzuka Jaw and the three little kids were a little dissatisfied with this, they still obeyed the order obediently.

After all, a battle of this scale is indeed not something they can survive.

"Zhihei-kun, please use nano-level poisonous insects within the maximum distance..."

Namikaze Minato continued: "It doesn't matter whether we can succeed or not, but the target is the marine who uses a similar wood escape ability."


Shiguro Aburame pushed up her sunglasses and nodded.

"As for Tang Tong... you are responsible for containing and feinting attacks."

Namikaze Minato said again, and at the same time handed a three-pronged kunai to Akimichi Doto.

"no problem!"

Akido Dojima took out a small medicine bottle, bit open the cap and poured the secret medicine into his mouth.Including Namikaze Minato, no one dared to be careless.

After all, compared with the natives of this world, the defense of ninjas is still too fragile.

"Then let's get started!"

After completing the simple deployment, Namikaze Minato immediately disappeared without a trace.

"come on!"

After Aramaki protected the battleship beneath him, Sakaski fought even more wildly with Charlotte Lingling in the clouds.

Countless lava fire fists shot up and blasted together with the thunder and fireballs. The violent explosions resounded throughout the world. Even the surrounding seawater was burned into water vapor by the splashing thunderfire, almost completely covering the sea area of ​​​​the battle.

Although Charlotte Lingling got a little carried away, she was not completely out of her mind after all, so she maintained a condescending long-range offensive in an attempt to achieve victory through attrition.

But as a naval admiral, Sakaski is also top-notch in terms of explosive power and sustained combat capabilities. After the two sides fought against each other for nearly 10 minutes, not only did they show no signs of weakness, but they became more and more courageous as they fought, and the lava they swung out The fire fist is also becoming more and more condensed.

On the contrary, Charlotte Lingling's two Homitz seemed to lack stamina.

"Let's go too..."

Not far away, Jhin dialed Quinn's phone number again: "Pay attention to safety, focus on containment, don't be accidentally injured by Big Mom's indiscriminate attack."


Quinn responded in a low voice, hung up the phone, and quickly headed towards the maritime forest not far away.

"Reckless guy..."

Jhin no longer hesitated and immediately activated his Devil Fruit ability, waving his wings and transforming into a Pteranodon and flying.

"They're all here!"

Sakaski grew more frantic.

At this time, he remembered the previous tactic of "lubing the enemy deeper".

But facing the entanglement of Charlotte Lingling and the attacks of two big posters, it is not so easy to escape.

At least it is impossible to escape intact.

"Black Flame!"

Quinn's robotic arm and mouth fired laser beams together, hitting the sea forest created by Aramaki.

"It's not easy..."

Aramaki immediately increased the output of his Devil Fruit ability to maintain the protection of the maritime forest from the battleship beneath him.

But Jhin, who came from the sky, also started attacking in the air——

"Double emperors in the blade!"

Between the waving of the huge wings, a dense barrage of flames was shot out, covering both Sakaski and Aramaki within the attack range.

Charlotte Lingling also took this opportunity to adjust the height of Baiyun and began to approach Sakaski, who was constantly counterattacking.


Sakaski, who was shaking his fists wildly, shouted loudly, and kept outputting verbal provocations: "Hey, hey, hey! That aunt! Don't you want your Totland anymore?"

"By the way, I'm afraid you don't know how fun it is to set off fireworks in the pie and candy city!"

"Your favorite cake island has been turned into a volcano by me!"

"If you still have life to go back, you can just jump into the crater and keep your unlucky child company!"


Charlotte Lingling's strange laughter grew louder and louder.

Under Sakaski's provocation, her calm mood began to collapse.

"Tianman Dazizi God!"

Under the control of Charlotte Lingling, Homiz Zeus squeezed out the most powerful move and blasted out a thunder cloud and electric column to cover Sakaski!

Even Quinn, who had just stood firm in the maritime forest, had to avoid the sharp edge of thunder and lightning.

"Forbidden and hateful!"

Arammu did not dare to be careless, and also used his strongest move. While summoning a stronger forest, he transformed into a giant tree man, preparing to withstand Big Mom's attack.

"Don't worry about it!"

Sakaski shouted angrily and also attacked with all his strength——

"Meteor Volcano!"

Countless giant lava fire fists were blasted into the air, first forcing Jin back, and then the falling fire fists enveloped Big Mom again.

Subsequently, Sakaski immediately controlled the power of the lava fire fist to stir up the extinct volcano on the seabed and began to cause a volcanic eruption.

But the reason why Charlotte Lingling lowered her cloud head was to kill her even if she was injured!
"Elbaf's gun, the mighty country!"

First, a giant sword energy completely shattered the volcano that was about to erupt on the sea floor. Then Charlotte Lingling jumped up, surrounded by three special Homitz, stepped on the maritime forest created by Aramaki, and met Sa Caskey came face to face.

Jhin and Quinn also very conspicuously turned their attack targets to Aramu.

"bring it on!"

A cruel smile full of murderous intent appeared on Sakaski's face.

"Blade Mother's Flame!"

Charlotte Lingling was the first to attack.

Sakaski also turned his body completely into lava and pushed it up.

The focus of the two people on the sea is the maritime forest created by Aramaki, so the space for avoidance is very limited, and they can only fight head-on.

But in a crazy state, Charlotte Lingling was also extremely brave and started a close-range fight with Sakaski.

Under the siege of two big billboards, Aramaki began to gradually fall into a disadvantage. After all, he had to concentrate on maintaining the existence of the maritime forest, otherwise his boss would fall into the sea with his aunt!

Just when Aramaki was distracted and spawned the sea forest again and blocked Jhin's aerial attack, a figure suddenly appeared behind him out of nowhere——

Namikaze Minato used the Flying Thunder God Technique to teleport to the blind spot of his vision!


At this moment, Aramaki also sensed the domineering power of seeing and hearing.

"Sealing technique, gossip seal!"

However, Namikaze Minato did not launch a direct attack, but lightly 'touched' Aramaki's left leg, and then disappeared without a trace again.

Inexplicably, before Aramu could recover, he felt that his left leg had lost all feeling!


Although he relied on his armed domineering power to forcefully get rid of the abnormal feeling in his left leg, Aramaki was completely suppressed by the two big posters who found the opportunity.

Then, a loud noise came from the bottom of the battleship sheltered by the maritime forest!
A huge fat man punched the bottom of the sea and broke the bottom of the cabin!

"What the hell is this!"

Sakaski glanced distractedly.

And the seemingly crazy Charlotte Lingling immediately seized the opportunity!

"Sound Cannon!"

A huge laser shot out from the tip of the sword, blasting the lava-turned Sakaski almost to the point of falling over.

Then, she brought together the powers of the three special Homitz——

"Mother Visiting Cannon Three Thousand Miles!"

If he is not careful, Sakaski will also fall into passivity!

Sakaski immediately shouted.

The suppressed Aramaki no longer hesitated, and let go of the protection of the battleship beneath him, allowing Jhin and Quinn's power to bombard the battleship, and then forcibly created a sea passage made of trees!

"Don't try to run!"

Charlotte Lingling, who finally gained the upper hand, laughed strangely and launched a frantic attack in an attempt to contain Sakaski, who shouted "Retreat".


On the sea level, the naval warships that had retreated to a safe distance were approaching the war zone. At the same time, a naval commander also dialed the Sengoku phone number: "Marshal, Admiral Akainu has been entangled by Big Mom."

"I see!"

Warring States on the other end of the phone replied and hung up.

Based on Sengoku's understanding of Sakaski, he knew that the so-called 'lureing the enemy' was impossible.

Therefore, he was prepared from the beginning.

"Missy Missy!"

Warring States dialed the phone number of General Kuzan: "You and Kizaru immediately send reinforcements to the direction of Sakaski! I will be there later!"


Although the two have always had different temperaments, Kuzan, who was riding a bicycle on the frozen sea at this time, still responded.

"The distance is not too far..."

Kuzan roughly estimated the distance, then began to activate the devil fruit's ability with all his strength, paving an icy road on the sea to the sea level, and then began to sprint with all his strength! (End of chapter)

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