Just when Charlotte Lingling was fighting fiercely and was gradually gaining the upper hand, a long road of solid ice from the horizon flew over at almost the speed of a cannonball!


The ice path that flew into the fighting range began to crack inch by inch under the attack of chaotic and agitated power, but it still pushed forward tenaciously.

Moreover, the existence of ice channels is gradually extinguishing the spreading flames, and even some undersea volcanoes that were about to stir began to calm down.

This is enough to fully demonstrate that this sudden ice path was actually maintained by a strong man.


"Blue pheasant!"

Sakaski and Jhin called out the name at the same time.

Then, a figure pedaling a bicycle appeared at the sea level at the end of the ice road. It was the Navy Headquarters Admiral Kuzan, codenamed 'Ao Pheasant'!

Namikaze Minato had seen this admiral's information in the battle report of the First Legion and was deeply impressed by him. Seeing this, he took out his phone and dialed Kaido's phone number with the Beast Pirates. connection.

"Missy Missy!"

As soon as the phone bug started 'Blue', Kaido got through.

"G1 branch is outside the sea, come quickly!"

Namikaze Minato's words are concise and concise.

"what happened?"

Kaido was a little stunned.

Although he has been preparing for the war with all his strength, his pirate group still has not completed the preparations for the war, so now he is still staying on Ghost Island to worry.

"When we besieged Akainu, Aokiji came to our aid!"

Namikaze Minato said immediately.

"Let Shanks do you a favor!"

Kaido became anxious when he heard this, and quickly gave Namikaze Minato advice: "Although he doesn't have many people under his command, he is still very capable!"

"Forget it, I'll use the phone bug to contact him now!"

After saying that, Kaido immediately hung up the communication with Namikaze Minato.

"It seems that I still miss you a lot~"

Namikaze Minato muttered, put away the phone bug and hid himself again.

At this time, the sea area of ​​​​the battle has become a situation of burning the sky and boiling the sea. Sakaski, Charlotte Lingling and Jhin are all strong men who are extremely good at using the power of fire. Even sea water cannot affect their power. What a weakening.

Under the joint attack of Jhin and Quinn, Aramaki had fallen into a passive state, but with his strong strength, there was no fear of death for a while, but he was just a little depressed about being beaten.

But Kuzan's arrival will change everything.

Although he fell into a passive position due to his carelessness, after the ice road appeared, Sakaski immediately took advantage of Big Mom's distraction to regain the temporary disadvantage, and once again fought evenly with Big Mom!

Although Kuzan and Sakaski have never gotten along due to personality reasons, at this time even Sakaski, an old rival, had to express his appreciation for the timing of Kuzan's appearance. After all, Kuzan's arrival will completely break the war. Balance of both sides.

Moreover, directly using the power of the Devil Fruit to freeze a passage from a long distance is too arrogant!

From a straight-line distance perspective, it is not far from Onigashima to reach the outskirts of the G1 branch, but the problem is that the distance for the G1 branch to send support to the outer sea is closer.

Charlotte Lingling, who was attacking crazily with red eyes, also regained her composure a little and began to set up her cloud head to assess the situation.

Sakaski also began to use this free time to lend a helping hand to Aramaki, forcing back the siege of the two big signboards.

However, after a round of battle and Kuzan's ice tunnel construction, all the naval personnel of the battleship who stayed to accompany Sakaski and the two men died.

"What a misfortune..."

Sakaski sighed, then looked up at Charlotte Lingling who was riding the clouds to observe the battle situation.

"Auntie, are you scared?"

Since reinforcements were about to arrive, Sakaski behaved even more arrogantly: "Forget it, go back to Totland quickly, otherwise your family will be extinct!"

"Oh~ By the way, the heir shouldn't have been exterminated yet, and a few others are naked at the Navy Headquarters!"

"But do you think they will end up being sent to Judicial Island or handed over to the Celestial Dragons?"

'Snapped! '

Charlotte Lingling felt that her nerves were broken again!
"Mom rushes!"

The huge sword was wrapped with thunderous thunder as it rotated, and under the control of Charlotte Lingling, it once again killed Sakaski, who was speaking unscrupulously.

"Good come!"

Although Kuzan had not yet joined the battle, Sakaski, thinking that his subordinates would die anyway and that he would not die in the battle, gathered his strength again and started fighting with Big Mom.

This time was different from the previous ground-to-air confrontation, and Sakaski began to feel pressure.

Charlotte Lingling is originally known for her strength and defense, and her Devil Fruit 'Superman Soul Fruit' can give souls to her body organs to achieve healing effects, so Sakaski's lava attacks are often It only left some traces of burnt black marks on its surface, but they quickly disappeared without a trace.

Although the Soul Soul Fruit consumes vitality to heal and strengthen one's own strength, in terms of the richness of vitality, it is estimated that no one in the entire pirate world can compare with the one who owns the Soul Soul Fruit and collects life expectancy from the residents of Totland twice a year. Charlotte Lingling comes.

Therefore, even though Sakaski was relatively more proficient in hand-to-hand combat skills and more experienced in melee combat, he was still unable to knock down the crazy Charlotte Lingling, and it was even difficult for him to truly break through the defense!
Moreover, looking at Auntie's attack power and her unyielding posture, it is estimated that a continuation of the truce for three and a half months will not be a problem!

But if the time is extended, it is estimated that even if Kaido and Whitebeard on Onigashima have no idea of ​​sending troops, they will be unable to resist the urge to 'take a gamble'.

So, Sakaski must turn the situation around.

But obviously, this is beyond the scope of his strength.

However, Kuzan’s arrival also relieved his pressure——

"Frozen Time Capsule!"

Halfway through, Kuzan swung an extremely low-temperature cold air shock wave towards Charlotte Lingling, who was torturing her. While freezing and extinguishing the power of her flames, it also caused Sakaski's external lava to become one of them. Turn off!
"This stupid guy!"

Sakaski couldn't tell whether his rival Kuzan was intentional or unintentional, but after all, they were still at war at this time, and he couldn't care less, so he once again activated the power of the lava fruit to shoot at Charlotte Lingling.

He also intentionally or unintentionally forgot the fact that his Devil Fruit ability was in conflict with Kuzan's nature, so when Sakaski launched a reverse charge, the extremely high temperature radiating from his body was also melting Kuzan's toughness. Frozen.

Perhaps it was because of the slight difference in temperature that when Sakaski punched Charlotte Lingling in the head that was not frozen, Auntie also completed her escape——

"Emperor Sword, Broken Blade!"

Charlotte Lingling covered the sword Hozmi with the flames of the sun, and slashed from top to bottom, knocking Sakaski away!
Even Kuzan, who had just arrived at the battle sea area, was stunned by this scene!
'Match-fixing? '

This was the first thought that came to Kuzan's mind when he saw this scene.

Although the two are in a hostile state, Kuzan actually knows that Sakaski's combat effectiveness is slightly stronger than his own - although the gap is very small.

Therefore, there is no chance that Sakaski could be repelled so easily!
But facing Charlotte Lingling who was charging at her furiously, Kuzan had no choice but to bite the bullet and kill her.

Kuzan first nimbly avoided Auntie's slashing attack with his sword. He then dwarfed his body, moved his steps to the right on the ice, and stepped into Auntie's blind spot.

"Ice Gloves!"

Then, Kuzan transformed his right fist into an elemental form, combined it with the domineering force and the iron fist inherited from Garp, and punched the outside of Big Mom's left leg viciously - no matter how high it was, he couldn't reach it!
"Freezing time!"

At the same time as the right fist hit, Kuzan also released the freezing air along the outside of the fist, trying to freeze the aunt's body.

But as if nothing happened, Auntie shattered the ice on her legs as she turned around, and at the same time grabbed him with her left hand.

"What monster is this!"

Kuzan cursed, but he could only retreat quickly.

The punch just now was able to knock away even Garp, who was also his teacher and friend, but the punch hit Charlotte Lingling as if it was scratching an itch.

And this is the benefit of being huge and having super defense.

The reason why Charlotte Lingling was able to become one of the Four Emperors was not because she had many heirs or was passionate, but because she was strong enough to stand on top of the world. "Pluto!"

Just when Kuzan was strategically withdrawing, Sakaski's attack came in an instant, and his stretched out molten right arm punched Charlotte Lingling in the face, burning her cheek until the bones were exposed.

But Big Mom just shouted angrily, then gave up chasing Kuzan, turned around and rushed towards Sakaski.

As for the injuries on his face, they healed almost within a few steps!

Moreover, since Sakaski's Devil Fruit ability was in conflict with Kuzan's frozen fruit, when Sakaski launched his attack, the ice left by Kuzan also began to melt.

Therefore, the effect of the two generals joining forces not only did not achieve the superposition of strength, but the result was 1+1<2.

But in any case, no matter how many conflicts there are, a wheel battle between two people is much easier than a one-on-one battle with the aunt.

"Sealing Technique Sealing Fire Seal!"

Just when Sakaski was laughing wildly and punching, the ghostly figure of Minato Namikaze suddenly appeared behind him, then 'touched' his waist and disappeared without a trace!


The Devil Fruit ability at his waist temporarily disappeared, and at the same time, a tiny poisonous insect attached to his body in a very short period of time, but then it was completely wiped out by the power of the Devil Fruit and the sealing technique, and Sakaski almost twisted his waist. Got it!
The sharp-eyed aunt immediately swung her sword and struck him in the abdomen. If Sakaski's armed domineering wasn't quite good, he would have been cut off on the spot!

"What an incredible ability!"

Swearing, Sakaski backed away again, giving the fight to Kuzan.

Kuzan's ice also extinguished the scattered lava flames, once again irritating Auntie to calm down a little.

"Not right..."

Charlotte Lingling came back to her senses at this time, and the Haki of Knowledge and Information that had been useless in the furious state began to keep warning in her mind.

"You retreat immediately!"


While they were leisurely beating up Aramaki, the two big posters who were observing the battle between the general and the Poseidon couldn't help but be a little confused.

"This is a trap!"

Charlotte Lingling shouted at the top of her lungs.

Namikaze Minato closed his eyes and felt it for a moment, then his expression changed drastically.

"Go to sea!"

Namikaze Minato immediately shouted loudly.

Then he quickly used his ninjutsu and rolled up a huge wave to hit him behind!
"...Someone can actually discover my existence~"

A figure jumped up, avoided the impact of the huge waves, and landed on an ice floe.

The person coming is none other than the Admiral of the Navy Headquarters, Kizaru Porusalino!
Then, a row of battleships appeared on the sea level behind.

Standing on the bow of the first battleship was none other than Marshal Sengoku of the Navy Headquarters!

Seeing this, Inuzuka Jaw no longer hesitated, and quickly pulled the three juniors into the sea water. At the same time, Konan also activated his special blood inheritance ability, paper escape, and plastered countless detonating talismans all over the sailboat!

Just when everyone's attention was attracted by the 'self-destruction' of the mecha, everyone under his command quickly dived and disappeared without a trace. Only Namikaze Minato himself was brave enough to rely on the Flying Thunder God Technique, so he remained in place.

Charlotte Lingling was completely awake now.

"The three generals of the Navy Headquarters..."

The look on Auntie's face became more and more ferocious. She looked at the three generals one by one like a machine, and finally turned her sights on the Warring Statesman who was sailing forward: "And the Marshal of our headquarters! What happened? With such a big posture...the navy boys really think highly of me!"

"Auntie has been famous for so many years, and it's time to die..."

Warring States jumped up, also came to the ice, and surrounded Charlotte Lingling with three generals.

"It was the four of you who attacked Totland, right?"

Charlotte Lingling clenched the Homitz sword in her hand and said through gritted teeth.

"That's right!"

Golden light began to glow from Sengoku's body.

"Ming lightsaber!"

Charlotte Lingling suddenly burst out, condensing the power of Thunder Cloud and Sun Homiz on her sword, and slashed towards Sengoku.


Warring States shouted loudly, and the golden light on his body condensed into a giant golden Buddha in an instant, and he withstood Charlotte Lingling's attack!
At the same time, the golden arm of the Buddha reached forward and captured the aunt's right hand holding the sword.

"Ice Cubes, Pheasant Mouth!"

Kuzan immediately condensed the cold air on his arm, and then turned into a giant ice sculpture bird and attacked the aunt who was holding her arm.


Although Charlotte Lingling threw Sun Homitz Prometheus towards the ice bird, the freezing air that spread after the explosion still froze half of her body!

"Bachi Qionggou Yu!"

Kizaru's attacks followed one after another, and Sengoku and Big Mom were submerged in the barrage attacks with countless light bombs.

But this was not over yet. Under Sakaski's urging, the submarine volcano became active again.

"Ninja Technique of Darkness!"

Just when the four of them were about to make a fatal move, their eyes suddenly went dark and they completely lost their vision!
Although he can still perceive the outside world with the power of his knowledge and knowledge, even a general-level strongman will habitually enter a state of self-defense after falling into darkness.

Therefore, the originally tight encirclement began to become a little chaotic.

"Water Escape, Big Water Burst!"

Then, under the control of Namikaze Minato, the waves began to roll and formed a huge ball of water film, covering the battle area.


Although Warring States did not regain his vision, he could smell the smell of 'Hailou Stone' that suddenly became strong!
The three generals were by no means mediocre, and they immediately launched countless attacks in the direction of perception!

"Miss Charlotte..."

Namikaze Minato didn't expect these two ninjutsu to have much effect at all. After all, his target was Charlotte Lingling, one of the four emperors: "Please come with me!"

"...how to leave?"

The aunt asked immediately.

"Just relax your vigilance and take back the power you unleashed..."

Namikaze Minato, who came to Big Mom's shoulder through the Flying Thunder God Jutsu, took a deep breath and began to frantically extract chakra to strengthen the Flying Thunder God Jutsu - after all, Big Mom is eight meters tall, so she naturally carries the chakra needed to leave. The volume has grown exponentially.

"No, hurry up..."

After finally getting rid of the mysterious power that obscured his vision through his domineering force, Sengoku's first sight was Minato Namikaze on Big Mom's shoulder.

"Goodbye, pirate barbarians..."

Namikaze Minato murmured to himself.

In terms of head-to-head strength, he is really no match for the general.

But as a ninja, what he is best at is acting in secret. Namikaze Minato is just deceiving through tactical design to achieve the desired goal.

Just when Sengoku and the three generals were about to take action, Namikaze Minato smiled slightly, and then disappeared without a trace at the same time as Charlotte Lingling!
"——Flying Thunder God Technique!"

There was only a three-pronged kunai that fell from the sky. For some reason, it fell to the ground. (End of chapter)

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