Uchiha's opinion

Chapter 544: Advancing the City and Lu Shen

"Why am I the one who got hurt!"

After learning that Charlotte Lingling was besieged by the Admiral and the three generals, and then successfully escaped with the help of the messenger of the 'Remnant of the Giant Kingdom', Kaido was first happy and then angry - because of another 'Big Kanban', After Quinn, who is known as the "Epidemic", escaped with his aunt in Namikaze Minato, the three navy admirals who were so angry joined forces to crush him!
Had it not been for the fact that Flame Calamity Jhin, who was at the head of the 'Big Sign', had not transformed into the form of a pteranodon during the battle and could fly with the help of his wings, he would have been killed on the spot.

But even so, although Jhin was able to escape, he was also chased by the elemental Kizaru Wukong and was beaten black and blue.

"You are not hurt?"

Minato Namikaze, who was talking on the phone with his phone under his arm, pretended not to understand what Kaido meant, and responded straightforwardly: "So, when can we send out troops?"

"...Give me the phone bug!"

After diving into the sea and soaking in water, Charlotte Lingling, who was still in a semi-strength state, suddenly said.


Although he was a little confused, Namikaze Minato still handed over the phone bug.

"Totland's fleet will be dispatched in full force, it's up to you to decide!"

Charlotte Lingling said: "Also, don't forget what happened back then, your devil fruit was still me..."


Kaido quickly interrupted Charlotte Lingling: "Tomorrow!"

"Tomorrow my fleet will set sail!"

"And where is Whitebeard?"

Charlotte Lingling asked again.

"Probably the day after tomorrow..."

Kaido replied quietly.

"it is good!"

After saying that, Charlotte Lingling directly hung up the phone bug communication.

She and Kaido were both members of the Rocks Pirates, and on the day the Rocks Pirates were destroyed, it was Charlotte Lingling who handed over the Fish Fruit, Phantasmal Beast Species, and Blue Dragon Form to Kaido, which was equivalent to an indirect Increased the growth rate of Kaido's strength.

Although the two later parted ways due to various problems, and Kaido was extremely dissatisfied with Auntie's behavior of spreading seeds all over the world, but no matter what, he has not forgotten the kindness he once had.

"What a bad luck..."

Although he was very dissatisfied with Big Mom's domineering attitude, and although he regretted the death of the two big posters, Kaido once again urged his subordinates to seize the time to complete preparations for battle.

"...I'm sure Auntie has escaped."

In the midst of the hustle and bustle, X. Drake dialed the phone bug's communication contact in a dark alley corner: "The other Hundred Beasts group will set sail tomorrow."

"...Can you delay the time?"

A deep voice came from the phone bug.

"No, I've tried my best..."

X. Drake exhaled slowly, but still refused his boss's request: "If I make trouble again, I will probably be exposed..."

The reason why the Beasts Pirates took so long to send troops is naturally due to the contribution of X. Drake, a secret spy who was born in the Navy's secret force. What's more, he is also one of the "Flying Six" of the Beasts Pirates. [-]. He is an out-and-out senior pirate cadre. Although he may not be able to accomplish anything good, it is still very easy to mix things up quietly.

But that's all X. Drake can do. After all, Kaido himself is now in charge, and he can no longer find a chance to intervene to delay time.

"I know, stay safe!"

The person on the other end of the phone simply said something and hung up the communication.


X. Drake sighed and looked up at the blue sky above the narrow wall of the dark alley.

I don’t know how long this kind of life will last without even being able to tell whether I am a human or a ghost...


The battle for Impel Down City, which is besieged by groups, has entered a fierce stage.

After the defenders retreated to the underground building floors to hold on, the First Army began to attempt landing operations, but suffered heavy losses in the subsequent counterattack. In desperation, they had no choice but to abandon the beachhead and retreat under the cover of artillery fire.

When Sansho Hanzo saw this, he immediately changed his combat arrangements and began to use Goju Yagura, who had been lurking in the sea to kill the Neptune-like giant monster.

Later, Sanshouyu Hanzo sent a cannon fodder force composed entirely of shadow clones and water clones to land again under the cover of artillery fire. When the garrison navy and the impel city soldiers stationed underground came out to prepare for a melee, he immediately asked Gou Tachibana Yagura spurted out the tailed beast jade that was ready!
And those ninjas who sent clones as scapegoats also eliminated the existence of the clones at the moment when the tailed beast jade was launched, so that the defenders who had just prepared to kill all sides were at a loss in a puff of blue smoke, and then before they could do it. The reaction was reduced to ashes in a violent explosion!

As for the garrisoned navy, although they didn't know why the 'remnant fleet' would fire on their own people, after seeing this situation, they no longer took the initiative to leave the underground fortifications to fight.

Based on Sansho Hanzo's request, Goju Yagura started the standard bombing process of one tailed beast jade every hour.

Although the tailed beast jade's bombing pattern was quickly figured out by the garrison navy, because there were no strong enough people to take charge, they had to move deeper underground step by step along with the bombing - after all, Director Magellan's ability belongs to It is extremely poisonous and is not suitable for such a head-on situation.

After the ground buildings were completely uncovered, Sanshouyu Hanzo finally sent the Marines onto the devastated impel city land again and began to deploy detection equipment.

Although Magellan, who was carrying out the "Prisoner Clearance" mission on the Wulao Star, learned the news on the ground through reports from his subordinates, he had no time to care about it at this time, and there was nothing he could do about it.

Although Magellan is a superhuman Poison Fruit capable user, but because all of his strength is based on Devil Fruit, compared to the fully developed Marine Headquarters Admiral, although he is not much inferior in battle, but in the face of There is no way to deal with this kind of pure energy body attack.

As for his subordinates...

Including Deputy Director Hannibal, if they were allowed to bully the prisoners who were squeezed to death by the harsh prison environment, they would definitely be better than the others, but if it was a military battle, they would still stay in the fortifications and be cowards. Be better.

Magellan's confidence in the fighting will of his men was just like his belief that the Celestial Dragons would fulfill their duties and strive for strength - he had long since given up hope.

"Keep working..."

Magellan sighed slightly, tightened the straps of his gas mask, and briefly observed the "hungry hell" on the third underground floor where countless people died. After confirming that there were no survivors, he continued to walk to the fourth underground floor.

In order to prevent the battle on the ground from falling due to lack of personnel, and because the poisonous gas did not distinguish between friend and foe, Magellan did not dispatch any of his subordinates to assist. Even the soldiers stationed on each floor were sent to the halfway point in the name of reinforcing the battle on the ground. Hiding in the trenches, he used his Devil Fruit powers to carry out massacres alone.

But the fourth and lower prison floors are not so easy.

Starting from the fourth underground level of the 'Scorching Hell', the prisoners are basically all the most vicious pirate criminals. Magellan's office, as well as the granary and kitchen of Impel Down City are all on this level.

The 'Scorching Hell' is like a huge oil cauldron, with the entire floor filled with boiling pools of blood and seas of fire. Prisoners must undergo scorching disinfection on this floor before being imprisoned.Due to the transfer of all the guards and the massacre caused by Magellan, some of the more clever prisoners on the third underground floor hid in the third floor as a disinfection and storage floor through the exhaust pipe between the two floors. Four floors.According to common sense, Magellan would not leak his poisonous gas at will on this floor. After all, the four underground floors are related to the supply of the entire Impel Down City. Once something goes wrong, both the garrison navy and the prison guards will be hungry - after all, except for Magellan himself and no one else could eat highly poisonous food.


Even Magellan was a little uncomfortable with the high-temperature burning on the fourth floor. After all, this extremely high temperature was also affecting his performance, and the lethality of the poison gas was also reduced due to the temperature.

But as 'the most responsible man in Impel Down City', Magellan decided to face the difficulties.

After taking a deep breath, Magellan controlled the urge to defecate due to the long-term use of poisonous gas and began to explore the existence of potential prisoners. After all, it was better not to conduct 'indiscriminate disinfecting' on the fourth underground floor.


"Commander Hanzo, our headquarters now controls the beach entrance area on the ground of Impel Down City!"

After a round of indiscriminate bombing and probing attacks, the staff ninja finally reported the good news he wanted to hear most to Sanshouyu Hanzo.

"They didn't fight back?"

Sanshouyu Hanzo felt a little strange.

"I guess they want us to take the initiative to enter the underground floor to fight in the streets..."

The staff ninja guessed.


Sanshouyu Hanzo sneered: "What an interesting idea!"

He knew clearly that the melee combat ability of his ninja army was insufficient, so he was stupid enough to engage in close combat with these rough-skinned guys!
Even the ninjas who were busy on the beach at this time were just shadow clones.

"Since the enemy is indifferent, let's continue to advance according to the plan."

Sanshouyu Hanzo ordered.

"As ordered!"

The staff ninja immediately took the order and left.

Sanshouyu Hanzo plans to completely level the Impel Castle from the ground and the periphery layer by layer by stripping the cocoon.

The specific implementation method is to arrange detonating symbols on the ground to blast away the covering layer of soil, and then use submarines under the sea to conduct torpedo attacks to achieve the purpose of breaking through the fortress wall and pouring seawater into the propelling city.

At the same time, in order to prevent those navies who have not eaten Devil Fruit and are not afraid of the sea from causing unnecessary damage to themselves, the tailed beast-turned-Otachibana Yagura will be able to advance to the impel city at a short distance after the fortress wall is broken. Fire a tailed beast jade from inside the floor to crush any possible ambush.

"The water ghost troops are ready to dispatch!"

Not long after, the shadow clone troops who were deploying detonating symbols on the beachhead sent a signal that the blasting preparations were completed. Sanshouyu Hanzo immediately ordered: "Start blasting in 3 minutes!"

Just after the water ghost troops entered the designated sea area, the shadow clones on the beachhead on the ground of the city were immediately launched and detonated in a delayed manner and dispersed into blue smoke.

Hannibal, the deputy director of Impel Down who was observing in the dark, was a little confused, so he was going to assign a few unlucky soldiers to find out what was going on.

But before these unlucky guys could get out of the underground fortifications, a deafening explosion sounded!

First, the covering soil layer was completely blown away by the blast, and then three torpedoes hit the fortress wall!
Hannibal, who was startled by the loud noise and earthquake, had no time to react and found that the navy was in chaos.

"The wall on the basement floor was blasted!"


Hannibal was shocked: "Hurry! Activate the water barrier quickly!"

Impel Down City, as a fortress island where the World Government imprisons felons, is naturally not a simple tube-shaped building. The problem of wall damage was taken into consideration at the beginning of its construction, so there are extremely complex mazes and blocking mechanisms inside; However, these arrangements are all to prevent internal prisoners from destroying, and do not take into account the effects of external forces.

After all, no one expected that there would be enemies who could forcefully break through the impel city's fortress from the outer sea densely populated by Neptunes!

However, just as the soldiers of Impel Fortress jumped out of the fortifications in panic and prepared to turn on the mechanism, they saw another huge ball of light shooting in along the gap in the fortress wall, and then——


After the loud noise, there was no more peace in the world of the soldiers.

After another loud noise, nearly half of the wall on the underground floor was shattered by the tailed beast jade exploded from within. In an instant, as sea water poured in, the navy and soldiers originally deployed on this floor were not destroyed. He was killed by the explosion and was washed away by the surging sea water.

"Evacuate to the second underground floor!"

Hannibal was furious, but had no choice but to carry out a tactical transfer with the remaining navy and soldiers.

But during the transfer, Hannibal saw countless prisoner corpses accumulated in the passage from the first to the second underground floor.

"This is……"

Even the cruel Hannibal was frightened to death.

Although the crimes of the prisoners held in the "Red Lotus Hell" on the underground floor are not very serious and their strength is particularly average, because of this, this floor is also the floor with the largest number of prisoners.

Moreover, in Hannibal's view, it was no surprise that these prisoners died under the poison gas of Director Magellan!

"It seems that the World Government has acquiesced in the destruction of Impel Down..."

At this moment, Hannibal also understood immediately.

Why was General Kuzan removed from the garrison, why Impel Down did not receive reinforcements again, why Magellan recovered all the phone bugs from everyone, and why he, as the director, never showed his face during the ground battle...

"Let's go..."

After taking a deep breath, the residual poisonous gas in the air made Hannibal feel dizzy, but he still suppressed the discomfort in his heart and was the first to step over the mountain of corpses and walked to the second underground floor.


"The Water Ghost Troop reports that the ground and underground levels have been completely controlled!"

Not long after, Sanshouyu Hanzo received a battle report from the staff ninja: "A water-proof metal wall was found on the second underground floor. Please apply for continued demolition first!"

"Destroy it with permission!"

Sanshouyu Hanzo nodded calmly and at the same time held the sickle beside him.

It's time to end the siege of the city... (End of this chapter)

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