Uchiha's opinion

Chapter 545 The Eve of the Final Battle

One advantage of demolishing the impel city from top to bottom and annihilating it in an orderly manner is that it can kill as many enemies in the city as possible so that they will not be able to escape.

After all, among the navy and soldiers, there are many strong men who have strong armed color and domineering power but have never eaten devil fruits.

Therefore, although Sanshouyu Hanzo's gradual demolition and annihilation plan is very cumbersome, the overall effect is still very good.

Moreover, the casualties suffered by the Ninja Army were relatively few.

Except for a small number of naval remnants who were intent on fighting to the death or failed to evacuate the deeper underground floors in time, the Ninja troops landing on the ground in Impel Down City encountered no other obstructions, and the entire process went surprisingly smoothly.

"Yakura-kun, I will continue to trouble you from now on."

After Sanshouyu Hanzo led his troops to formally land on the impel city land, he said this to Goju Yagura, who had an unlucky look on his face.

"I know, let me take a breath first..."

Although Goju Yagura felt that doing this kind of demolition work was boring and tiring, she still agreed.

For some reason, Goju Yagura always feels that the three-tailed Isobutsu sealed in his body has become much more obedient recently. No matter how much tailed beast chakra is extracted, he is a little indifferent, and he does not always struggle symbolically like before.


"Your Majesty, the fourth and fifth legions are all in place, please give your instructions!"

In the ninja world, within the Grand Palace of Konoha, Uchiha Tokumitsu also received a report on the formation of the ninja army.

After the popularization of semi-mechanized prosthetic technology, the "ninja shortage" phenomenon of the ninja world government has also been better alleviated.

Especially in the Ninja Army, it has received a large number of second-recruited ninjas. Although these ninjas who have retired due to injuries have some shortcomings in strength, compared with the reserve ninjas, they are undoubtedly superior in combat experience. have the advantage, so Uchiha Tokumitsu also made a distinction based on the retirement time of the second recruitment of ninjas. As long as the ninjas who retired after the establishment of the shogunate were willing to join the active ninja army when they accepted the second recruitment, then Incorporate them into the expeditionary force.

Therefore, the fourth and fifth legions, each with a size of 5000, were formed accordingly. About half of them were ninjas recruited for the second time-the so-called Astral Army.

Although due to the physical limitations of ninjas, these Astra Militarum soldiers who have received prosthetic limb transformation cannot be as flexible as normal ninjas, but the prosthetic limbs they carry also provide a carrier for equipping new ninja tools.

For example, directly transforming a semi-mechanical prosthetic limb into a machine cannon that can continuously fire detonating talisman kunai, or directly inscribing a sealing talisman array on the prosthetic limb, etc. Although the flexibility of the Astra Militarum is relatively poor, after actual combat exercises, the Ninja World The high-level government officials suddenly discovered that these modified Astra Militarum troops were actually able to exert more powerful combat effectiveness than ordinary ninja armies when fighting in formation!

This is not a difference between chakra and ninjutsu, but a simple difference in 'technological content'!
After seeing the advantages of the "Astra Militarum", even some senior chunin who had been unable to improve their strength through their own efforts began to become active and actively sought to accept semi-mechanical transformation to gain more powerful combat effectiveness. .

However, this part of the ninja group's demands was too radical and even difficult for the martial arts faction to understand. In the end, Uchiha Tokumitsu put it back on the grounds of "insufficient production of prosthetic limbs."

"Leave the fourth legion to Uchiha Fire Gate. As for the fifth legion..."

After Uchiha Tokko pondered for a moment, he slowly said: "The chairman of the House of Representatives, Sakumo, will also serve."

After the fourth and fifth legions were dispatched, the number of ninja troops deployed in the pirate world reached more than 2. Coupled with the mobilization of reserve columns as logistics troops, more than [-] combat ninjas were enough to support Uchiha Deguang's grand strategy was conceived.


When Uchiha Tokumitsu led his troops through the Gate of the World and arrived at the Island of the Sacred Tree, they found that the special natural energy content of the pirate world had increased a lot.

And the existence of the sacred tree cannot be concealed anymore. After all, its height has reached straight into the clouds. Even outside the sea level, you can see the sacred branches and leaves waving wantonly in the clouds.

Uchiha Tokumitsu didn't know what the sacred tree in the ninja world looked like, or what its growth rate was, but judging from the current growth rate of the sacred tree, it should be much faster than that in the ninja world.

"His Majesty……"

The general of the Third Army, Kakuzu, who was responsible for the defense of the Demon Triangle and the Island of the Sacred Tree, stepped forward and saluted.

"Thanks a lot……"

Uchiha Tokko nodded in return.

"It's just a matter of duty, Your Majesty is serious!"

Kakuzu immediately bowed and saluted, without any of the idol baggage of being an 'old-timer' and a 'Hashirama Assassin'.

After all, the government of the ninja world has given too much!
"Has your earthly resentment changed again?"

Uchiha Tokko's nose twitched slightly and he smelled a different smell.

"... To be honest with you, Your Majesty, I have indeed changed the Fire Escape and Earth Escape Earth Resentment Yu."

Kakuzu explained: "But it's not the heart of the ninja, but the Devil Fruit ability user provided by Dean Orochimaru..."

"Of course, they are just the prisoners who died of serious injuries."

"How do you feel? Are you afraid of water?"

Uchiha Tokumitsu was a little surprised.

"There was some resistance in my heart, but there was no negative reaction..."

Kakuzu immediately replied: "And according to the research of Vegapunk, a great scientist at the institute, artificial Devil Fruit may be able to eliminate these negative influencing factors if combined with chakra for modification."

"Then let's go and see their research results."

Uchiha Tokumitsu thought about it.

After more than a month, Tokumitsu Uchiha entered the world of pirates again, not just for Impel Down City or the upcoming battle between the Navy and the Four Pirate Emperors, but more importantly, to see the progress of Toshima Laboratory.

Especially the progress of artificial devil fruits and sea stone weapons.

If these two studies can be successful, they will be able to make up for the innate flaw of ninjas being unable to practice 'Haki' to a certain extent, which will greatly improve the strength of the ninja army and even the entire ninja world.

Although this improvement may take a long time, Uchiha Tokumitsu can afford to wait.

Moreover, he also has high expectations for the upcoming new world war.

After all, in the memory of his previous life, when the war broke out, the navy was full of elites, and even recruited the King Shichibukai to participate in the war. In this way, the attacking Whitebeard Pirates and their vassal 43 A pirate group was defeated. Now under the operation of Namikaze Minato, the four emperors of the new world have united. Although the four of them may not be united and may not go all out, the pressure brought by this will definitely be greater than the previous one. War is even bigger!

But Tokumitsu Uchiha felt particularly inadequate. After leading the Fourth and Fifth Legions to Todo Island, the first thing he did was not go to the laboratory to see the progress of the research, but instead personally sent a telegram to Namikaze Minato - —

"The Ninja World Government's support for the Four Emperors has no upper limit, and there is no upper limit on the amount of military trade!"

Of course, this only completely loosens the bonds of Namikaze Minato. The real trump card of the ninja world will not be truly open to those pirates.


Advanced animals are often easier to tame than primitive animals, because they only need a seemingly reasonable logic to make them believe that what they know is true, and thus do things that are essentially contrary to their own interests under the secret instructions of others. things.

For example, when Namikaze Minato told Kaido, who had just arrived to meet Charlotte Lingling outside the G1 branch, about the "infinite support" sent by Uchiha Tokumitsu, although there was a trace of doubt in his mind, he was immediately told by another A piece of news shattered all doubts——

"The Impel City has entered the clearing phase, and our marines have captured the ground and the second underground floor of the Impel City."

Namikaze Minato said. "It's so fast!"

Kaido was shocked.

Even Charlotte Lingling, who was eating and drinking, couldn't help but stop eating.

Regardless of the number of garrison troops or the strength of Impel Down City, it represents the face of the World Government and is one of the three major power agencies of the World Government. It symbolizes the punishment of all those who disobey the World Government. .

As for the fall of Impel Down City... at least the current military operation to directly break into it is already a slap in the face!

"Our troops deployed in Impel Down City also paid a huge price."

Namikaze Minato said frankly.

Of course, if all the times of annihilation of shadow clones and water clones are included, then the battle losses of the First Legion would exceed the number of the entire army. It is not an exaggeration to say that it is 'catastrophic' - after all, the annihilation of shadow clones has no impact on the entire army. The caster also has quite a negative impact.

"What about the East China Sea..."

Shanks suddenly asked.

Although Shanks was unable to provide reinforcements in time during the ambush battle due to various force majeure factors, this is understandable. After all, as one of the Four Emperors, it is impossible to stay in one place and wait for others to call, not to mention that he has always been... Free Will' famous Shanks.

Therefore, Shanks was able to keep his place in front of Kaido and Charlotte Lingling.

"There is an exploratory battle going on in the East China Sea, but the results will not be so quick in the short term..."

Namikaze Minato replied vaguely.

"Try to contain the naval forces in the East China Sea..."

Charlotte Lingling also understood what Shanks meant, so she put down the dessert and said harmoniously: "After capturing the Holy Land Mariejoia and destroying Marineford, I will fully support the giant kingdom's rule over Paradise!"

'This attitude has changed too quickly! '

When Namikaze Minato heard this, he immediately cursed in his heart!
When she just rescued Charlotte Lingling, she vowed to fully support all the decisions of the 'Giant Kingdom' - she could even support the 'King of the Giant Kingdom' to become the new king of the world, but how long has it been until now? , it has been replaced by supporting 'demarcation and rule'!
If the war progresses smoothly, will each country have to divide its territory according to the world again?

Or say, 'Those who are powerful in the territory and sea live there'?
But Namikaze Minato still said with a smile on his face: "His Majesty has ordered the Dynasty Army to prepare for war with all its strength, and two new armies have arrived at Don Island, so there is no need to worry about the East China Sea~"

After all, he can't talk about political exchange with these people who don't even have the most basic logic of rule and governance.

"That's good……"

Kaido nodded with satisfaction: "But if the king of the huge kingdom is willing to give full support, can the armored ship provide some assistance?"

"Sorry, the finished warship cannot bypass the world government's blockade and enter the new world."

Namikaze Minato prevaricates casually: "But there will be no quantity limit on the sale of heavy artillery and external armor, and the number of shells distributed for each heavy artillery can be increased to [-]."

“And the selling price remains the same!”

Namikaze Minato added another sentence.

According to the designed service life of these monkey-type heavy artillery, they will be scrapped after about [-] shells are fired, and these shells will also be bombarded by the navy in the future, so Minato Namikaze can be regarded as giving sweetness and calculating too much. A handful.

"All right……"

Although Kaido felt a little regretful, he still accepted Namikaze Minato's statement.

"It is expected that the main fleet of the Whitebeard Pirates and the Kingdom of Totland will all arrive tomorrow. By then, the paradise will..."

Charlotte Lingling finished the desserts on the table, wiped her mouth, and said slowly: "If possible, please ask the kingdom's fleet to move to Marineford, or bombard the Chambord Islands to deter..."

"If the war in the East China Sea goes well and the troops under the command of Navy Garp can be defeated, they will march to the Navy headquarters."

Namikaze Minato responded without missing a beat.


"Isn't there any latest information from Drake?"

Sakaski, who was stationed at the G1 branch at this time, seemed extremely irritable and asked Sengoku, who was sitting on the high platform as steady as an old dog, many times.

Warring States continued to close his eyes and relax without responding.

If there is information, Sengoku will not hide it, so Sakaski's inquiry is really unnecessary.

After Kuzan learned that the battle in Impel Down City was unfavorable, he remained silent and was too lazy to pay attention to Sakaski, who was going crazy.

As for Kizaru, he was playing with the newly installed semi-mechanized prosthetic limbs and seemed not to care about these things at all.

Sakaski, who received no response, continued to circle back and forth in the war room, but his expression was already anxious that could no longer be concealed.

After a while, the quiet war room suddenly heard the chirping sound of the phone bug 'Buru Bulu~'. Sengoku immediately took out the phone bug from his arms and answered it.

During the answer, Zeng Guo didn't say much, but his face became darker and darker.

"...What's going on!"

Sakaski asked immediately after Sengoku hung up the caller's communication.

"Things in the South China Sea..."

Sengoku closed his eyes again, but his face was full of tiredness: "The Seven Waters Road was attacked by the Kirigakure Pirates, and all thirty new warships that were about to complete the keel laying were burned..."

"Isn't Kirigakure..."

Sakaski was stunned for a moment, but then he responded: "You mean the pirate group that first appeared in the East China Sea?"


Warring States' words were full of exhaustion: "Including the shipyards were burned down, and many shipwrights from Carrera Company were missing..."


The three generals looked at each other, somewhat at a loss.

Now, it’s really raining all night when the house is leaking!
The four emperors of the new world, the 'remnants of the huge kingdom' in the East China Sea, plus the Seven Waters Capital of the South China Sea, which is the main shipbuilding base of the world government...

Why does it feel like the world government has become dangerous and surrounded by enemies on all sides?
Everyone, including Warring States Period, couldn't figure it out. (End of chapter)

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