Uchiha's opinion

Chapter 547: 1 kills 2 soldiers

The first and second armies that successfully met at the Chambord Islands did not rush to launch a strong attack. Instead, they followed the previous tactics and dispersed nearly half of the warships in a formation of three on the ocean, cutting off the Chambord Islands, There are sea routes between the Navy Headquarters Marineford and Judiciary Island.

Although the strength of the over [-] Ninja Army was not large, the siege of nearly a hundred warships also completely isolated the already weakened great shipping route.

The geographical disadvantages of world government institutions such as the Holy Land Marie Joa and the Navy Headquarters are also highlighted.

Located between the first half and the second half of the Grand Line, at the pinnacle of the Red Continent, the holy land of Mary Joa was supposed to guard the transportation artery between Paradise and the New World. However, it was faced with the siege of the Four Emperors of the New World and Paradise's 'huge kingdom remnants'. At that time, the geographical location in the central area turned into a place of trapped animals.

The World Government, which is facing attacks from both sides, is now cut off from its connections with the outside member countries.

As a result, even if the naval branches announced around the world intend to rush to rescue, they will not be able to reach the navy headquarters or the G1 branch due to the cutoff of the route. If they come rashly, they will be attacked by the ubiquitous pirates and the remnant fleet, thus the entire army will be destroyed. Overturned.

In particular, the generals of the headquarters and the core lieutenant generals are all in charge of the headquarters and the G1 branch. The branches in various regions are leaderless and cannot elect a person who serves the masses to coordinate and command on their behalf. Therefore, the branches in various regions, which are scattered like a plate of sand, cannot be kneaded together to exert the navy's influence. superiority in military strength.

It's just that only the basic sailors and generals are worried about this, while the senior navy officials above the lieutenant general are calmer one by one. It seems that the threat from the Four Emperors and the survivors' fleet does not exist, especially Marshal Sengoku, who is busy sending out troops. In addition to the continuous confrontation between the fleet and the test fleet of the Four Emperors, they are constantly bargaining with the World Government. The two sides seem to be competing for strategic power.

After Whitebeard led the direct pirate fleet and 43 vassal pirate groups arrived, the strength of the gathered pirates reached its peak.

In addition to the mere dozen or so subordinates of the red-haired pirate Shanks who were just making up the numbers, the three sea kings had gathered tens of thousands of pirate armies, which also brought huge logistical pressure.

Especially in terms of food, the pirates are all big eaters. Their ships can only carry food for half a month at most. However, due to the large-scale gathering of pirates, the fish in the sea area The group was completely caught, and even if they wanted to 'live by the sea', there was no way. In addition, the Whitebeard Pirates and the Big Mom Pirates were both on expeditions. Although they also carried a lot of supplies, this was also a common problem. It cannot afford long-term consumption, so the Beast Pirates, who are the 'landlords', need to coordinate appropriately. However, in this way, the existing conflicts between the bottom of the three pirate groups are also stimulated.

However, due to the general lack of control over the vassal pirate groups under his command, and the resentment among the lower-level personnel, after the three Sea King's subordinates gathered together, instead of being able to launch an all-out attack immediately, they fell into frequent conflicts. In the midst of internal fighting.

Just after the main force of the Whitebeard Pirates arrived and the Four Emperors formally met and prepared to coordinate the offensive, in less than an hour, the two pirate groups Whitebeard and the Beasts broke out no less than a hundred large-scale fights, including more A nasty incident involving naval gunfire!
Therefore, the anxious Whitebeard and Kaido only focused on mediating various conflicts among their subordinates for a while, and did not bother to launch a coordinated offensive with the Big Mom Pirates who were eager for revenge.

After a round of consultations, Whitebeard and Kaido decided to separate the sea areas where the two pirate groups are stationed, and use the Big Mom Pirates as a buffer zone to separate the contact between the two sides. Purchased by Pirates.

Although the subordinates of the Whitebeard Pirates were somewhat dissatisfied with this, under the intimidation of 'Dad', they only followed the orders with a few curse words.


"It's so boring..."

After changing the sea area where he was stationed, Sachi, the captain of the fourth division of the Whitebeard Pirates, was bored and took a pirate ship directly under him to perform patrol and warning missions.

Because he exerted too much force in the conflict with the Beast Pirates, in order to avoid malicious retaliation, Sachi had no choice but to accept his father's kindness and circle around in the dead sea.

As for the so-called warning patrol mission, it has no meaning at all in Sachi's opinion. After all, a hundred thousand pirates gathered together, and no one with any brains would sail over at this time, so he could only treat it as a temporary exile. That's all, he doesn't care about the mission at all.

But not long after, the lookout man under Saatchi suddenly shouted: "Captain, we found a ship of a naval bastard!"

"Is it a battleship?"

Sachi, who was lying on a chair on the deck to bask in the sun, jumped up and shouted loudly.

"The navy flag is flying, but it doesn't look like a battleship from the outside. It should be a transport ship or something like that!"

The lookout replied immediately.


Saatchi said without hesitation: "Hold up the sail for me quickly! Chase over and grab the boat and supplies!"

His judgment logic is also very simple. As long as it is not a naval battleship, his ship can outrun it even if it cannot be beaten. And if he can capture the supplies of a transport ship, he can show his face in front of Whitebeard, and then It is natural to apply for transfer back to the combat echelon.

So, at Saatchi's urging, his ship immediately set sail and moved forward at full speed, heading towards the naval transport ship that looked like a "silly white sweet" type!
After noticing the traces of the pirate ship, the naval transport ship immediately began to adjust the direction of the sails in an attempt to escape. However, due to the deep draft of the transport ship or insufficient training of the sailors, in Saatchi's view, the sailors on the deck were in chaos. The unbearable 'silly white sweet' seems to be in the bag!

"The naval gun is ready!"

After closing the distance, Sachi immediately shouted, waving his swords and commanding the pirates to start bombarding.

In the past, pirates could only be bombarded by naval warships, so this is the first time that Thachi has relied on his firepower advantage to attack the navy!

"Boom boom boom!"

After three rounds of salvos, the naval transport ship whose sails were knocked off by heavy artillery lost its kinetic energy. In addition, the deck was ignited by the sputtering gunfire. It suddenly lost the ability to escape and could only spin helplessly on the sea and wait for the vicious attack. The arrival of the pirates.

"Lay down the boat and prepare for battle!"

Although it seemed that the transport ship had no ability to resist, Saatchi very cautiously stopped the voyage at a safe distance, and ordered the speedboat to be lowered, carrying the pirates and preparing to start the jumping battle. The ship's heavy artillery was also filled with ammunition and aimed eagerly at the helpless transport ship.

The pirate speedboat's springboard operation was also very smooth. After the pirates climbed onto the transport ship and wielded their weapons to kill several sailors who resisted, the remaining navy on the transport ship immediately hung a white flag and announced their surrender.


Saatchi wiped off his pompadour hairstyle very coquettishly and began to pose to accept the compliments from his subordinates.

But not long after, there was a sudden commotion on the transport ship.

Sa Qi took a closer look, only to find that it was actually the brats under his command who started fighting!
"It's the other way around!"

Sachi, who was originally satisfied, almost fainted from anger when he saw this situation.

You must know that the biggest and only crime of the Whitebeard Pirates is to kill their companions!Such a bad public fight almost wiped out all his achievements!

So, Saatchi immediately jumped up, and a few of them jumped onto the transport ship. He knocked down the fighting men with three blows, and shouted angrily: "Do you know what you are doing!"

"Also, who did this? Find him out and kill him!"

At this time, Saatchi thought that some of the prisoners in the navy had abilities such as hypnotic fruits, which made his subordinates obsessed.

"team leader……"

A hacked pirate timidly pointed to a box in the middle of the crowd and said, "This is what caused it..."

"What the hell!"

Sa Qi frowned and walked over, kicking several of his subordinates who looked dissatisfied.

But when he bent down to pick up the box and opened it, he was shocked.

"It's actually..."

Sa Qi's eyelids jumped, and he finally understood why his subordinates drew their swords against him regardless of the ban.

There is a Devil Fruit placed in the box, and an instruction label is thoughtfully posted on the inner layer——

"...Natural type·Dark Fruit!"

Even Sachi couldn't help but be in a daze for a while.

As we all know, natural devil fruits are the strongest of the three devil fruits!The Dark Fruit has the most vicious swallowing and inhalation ability among the known devil fruit types. Apart from being unable to be elementalized, the Dark Fruit has no other shortcomings!

Therefore, this Devil Fruit is undoubtedly the most precious treasure that can support a pirate to become an extremely powerful person!

"I don't want this matter to spread..."

Sachi hesitated for a moment, then closed the box containing the devil fruit, looking solemnly at these profit-driven subordinates.

Although his subordinates were still a little dissatisfied, since the Devil Fruit had fallen into the hands of the captain, they reluctantly chose to give up the fight.

But after all, he was a little dissatisfied in his heart.

In their opinion, this should be their own trophy, and it should be a strong support for them to climb to the top of the strong!

But after being defeated by Captain Sachi, the reality based on their strength also made them sober up, and they began to think of the absolute taboos of the Whitebeard Pirates, so while they were dissatisfied, they also felt a little uneasy.

Saatchi said nothing more, and after briefly explaining a few words about the aftermath of the naval prisoners, he jumped back to his ship.

And those pirate subordinates who chose to draw swords on their companions began to uneasily clean up the mess.

Sachi also understands the psychology of his subordinates who are fighting among themselves, but he does not intend to explain this. After all, the behavior of his subordinates has violated the absolute taboo of the Whitebeard Pirates, and this kind of behavior is, to 'Dad', It absolutely cannot be forgiven.

But although Sage was also coveted for this rare natural Devil Fruit, he did not intend to keep it for himself. Instead, he planned to dedicate it to Whitebeard and ask his 'father' to forgive his subordinates' reckless behavior.He even thought of the excuses he wanted to use—

"Everyone makes mistakes, but they already know their mistakes and correct them! So they are still a good pirate!"


On the way back, in order to keep the secret secret, Thatch just told his friend Ace about the seizure of the Devil Fruit, and asked Ace to bring someone out to respond, and asked him to say something to his subordinates when he met Whitebeard's "treasure offering". A kind word.

Ace also readily agreed.

But the pirate subordinates who were paddling hard in the bilge of the transport ship to follow them began to communicate in private.

They all agreed that there would be no life after returning this time.

After all, with the way Whitebeard has done things in the past, he has never forgiven any of his pirate subordinates who violated taboos, so there is absolutely no chance of them being spared - especially since they don't know about Captain Sachi's proposal to offer Devil Fruit in order to obtain it. The boss’s plan to be extra tolerant.

Therefore, while rowing for redemption, these pirate subordinates reached a consensus to defect after semi-public conspiracy.

So the question is - how to escape?Where to escape?
“Do you have phone bugs?”

Suddenly, a pirate who had recently joined Sage's men whispered: "As far as I know, Marshall D. Teach of the second team has always been thinking about obtaining the Dark Fruit..."

"What can that guy do?"

Another pirate frowned and said, "He's just a vulgar and rude guy under the little brat Ace..."


The new pirate immediately said: "As far as I know, he has been hiding his strength all this time, and he is definitely not an ordinary vulgar guy!"

"His dream is to become the master of the world!"

"I also want to become one of the Four Emperors in my dream!"

The other pirates were immediately amused.

"As long as you tell him about the Dark Fruit, he will definitely take action!"

The new pirate did not pay attention to the ridicule of his companions and continued to talk to himself: "I was recommended by his subordinate Lafayette to join the Whitebeard Pirates, so I am very aware of Lord Marshall's situation; as long as we can If we contact him, we will be saved!"


All the pirates looked at each other and their paddling speed also slowed down.No one said anything more, but one of them silently took out a phone bug and handed it over.

The new pirate immediately dialed the number and contacted via code word.

"Life or death is decided..."

After reporting the situation, the new pirate calmly returned the phone bug and continued to focus on paddling.


"Captain Sage!"

Not long after, Thatch encountered a patrol boat also from the Whitebeard Pirate Ship at sea. Standing on the bow was Marshall D. Teach of the Second Division.

"Why did you come here?"

Although Sage was a little strange, he didn't think much about it, because Marshall D. Teach was one of the subordinates of his friend Ace.

"I was ordered to go out on patrol!"

Marshall D. Teach jumped onto Saatchi's boat, holding a piece of barbecue in his hand and chewing it non-stop: "Boss Ace, let me go out and walk more, otherwise I will get moldy just sitting at the mooring." Got it!"

"Is it……"

Sachi raised his eyebrows but didn't ask any more questions.

"By the way, do you want some barbecue?"

Marshall D. Teach asked, raising the spit-filled barbecue in his hand.

"no need……"

Saatchi twitched his lips and gave a forced fake smile. At the same time, he subconsciously hugged the box in his arms tightly.

"Hey! This ship is..."

Suddenly, Marshall D. Teach pointed at the naval transport ship behind the ship in surprise and started shouting.

"this is nothing……"

Sage said casually.

"How about I continue patrolling?"

Marshall D. Teach nodded and said something seemingly casually.


Saatchi did not respond, but looked straight ahead at the sea.

Marshall D. Teach looked back along his line of sight and was suddenly shocked!
Several pirate ships suddenly appeared on the sea level. Judging from the appearance and flags of the ships, it was Marshall D. Teach's nominal boss - Portcas D. Ai, known as the "Fire Fist". Si!

"If you're not busy, let's go back together."

Sage was relieved and a bright smile appeared on his face.

"Okay okay~"

Marshall D. Teach nodded repeatedly, but his heart was completely tense - he was not on a so-called patrol mission, and he did not receive instructions from the boss Ace. He came on this trip because he received an order from Lafayette News about the Dark Fruit from the spies!
In his opinion, Ace's arrival will inevitably take away his own Devil Fruit - yes, in the eyes of Marshall D. Teach, this Devil Fruit is already his!
"Don't blame me, it's all Ace's fault..."

Marshall D. Teach, who was looking around and seemed to have accidentally walked up behind Saatchi, gritted his teeth, suddenly drew his knife and stabbed Saatchi in the back!


Sa Qi only felt a pain in his heart, and all the strength in his body disappeared instantly!
He looked down with difficulty, only to find a blade protruding from the heart on his left chest, and the blade was still spinning slowly!

"Don't blame me, just blame you for stealing my devil fruit..."

The devilish chanting whisper of Marshall D. Teach came to Sage's ears, but before he could react, all his consciousness fell into the abyss.


Ace, who was approaching, noticed this scene on the Thatch ship, and immediately jumped out of the depths to kill Marshall D. Teach!
"This is all your fault!"

Marshall D. Teach caught the wooden box from Sage's arms, opened it and took a look, then immediately stepped back and jumped into the sea. At the same time, he did not forget to say: "As long as you don't show up, then all of this will be the same." It’s avoidable!”

"It's all your fault! Ace! You killed Thatch!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Marshall D. Teach fell into the sea and disappeared without a trace. As for the subordinates who came with the ship, they were nothing more than punching bags or victims for Ace!


In the combat command room of the Navy's G1 branch, Marshal Seng Guo stood up in relief after hearing the exclamations from the bugs listening to the phone calls.

"Be prepared according to the plan!"

After saying a few words, Zhan Guo walked out.

All of this, from the transport ship to the Dark Fruit, and even the 'new pirate' who is Duffett's spy, is part of the trap he set to dismantle the most powerful Whitebeard Pirates. That’s all! (End of chapter)

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