Uchiha's opinion

Chapter 548 The Gears of Destiny

"Dad! I was wrong!"

After confirming that Sage's rescue was ineffective, Ace, who had become the squad leader at a young age, took a deep breath and reported to Whitebeard through the phone bug: "My subordinate, Teach...he killed Sage."


Whitebeard's voice suddenly became serious.

"It should be to seize the Dark Fruit..."

Ace immediately explained to Whitebeard one by one the situations that Thatch mentioned to him when he contacted him before.

"What about the others?"

Whitebeard's voice didn't seem to have any ripples.


Ace asked subconsciously and then responded.

"Teach! Where's the damn Marshall D. Teach who killed Thatch!"

Whitebeard immediately yelled angrily: "How on earth did you have such a brain! Where is he?"

"He jumped into the sea, and my men are chasing him in a boat..."

When Ace was 17 years old, he founded the Spade Pirates not long after he went to sea, and became famous all over the world.He rejected the invitation from the World Government to become King Shichibukai, but after the battle with Whitebeard, he was impressed by Whitebeard's strength and joined the Whitebeard Pirates as the captain of the second division. Marshall D. Teach, a veteran member of the Whitebeard Pirates, has stabilized his position.But due to his inexperience, he was a little panicked after being scolded by the furious Whitebeard.

"We must catch him!"

Whitebeard's vicious voice came from the phone: "Bring back this villain who killed his companions, and I will personally tie him to the stake!"

"If you can't catch him, then don't come back!"

"As ordered!"

Ace said, sweating profusely.

"...Also, I will send Marco and Bista to help you. If you still can't catch him, you understand the consequences!"

After all, the white-bearded father was a man of words. After much thought, he was still worried about young Ace, so he sent Marco from the first team and Bista from the fifth team to assist in order to capture him as soon as possible. Marshall D. Teach, with evil intentions!

After Ace hung up the communication from the phone bug, the pirate cadres directly under him who joined him during the formation of the Black Pirates had already sent Sachi's men - especially the pirates rowing in the bottom of the captured navy transport ship. They were all pulled to the deck and tortured to extract confessions. Especially after a pirate cadre dug out a black phone bug in the bottom of the cabin, the methods of Ace's pirate cadres became even more cruel.

Among his second team, teammates who had a close relationship with Marshall D. Teach were also controlled.

It's just that Sage's suspected subordinates cried and howled one after another during the torture, and quickly confessed the new pirate who claimed to have a sworn relationship with Lafayette. However, when Ace contacted his colleagues who were preparing for the battle at the anchorage, , but was told that several of Marshall's confidants had disappeared without a trace; and the members of the second team who usually had close contacts with Marshall seemed to have taken dumb drugs, and they did not say anything even if they were tortured.

In this way, Ace finally understood!
It turned out that the problem was within his own squad - he subconsciously believed that those Sachi subordinates who were tortured until they were howling and begging for mercy were actually being wronged!

"Detain them all!"

Ace was really upset by the howling of these 'softheads', so he gave an order to his direct subordinates.

After such a big bad thing happened, Ace was extremely irritable and eager to catch Marshall who had killed his companions and escaped and tortured him.

The five pirate ships he brought were constantly throwing heavy artillery shells with waterproof delay fuses into the sea, bombing aimlessly and randomly, trying to force Marshall out of the sea.

In their domineering perception, they can still sense that there is a humanoid creature swimming continuously on the seabed. From this, it can be seen that Marshall has not escaped from their encirclement, but due to the interference of the sea water, even someone as strong as Ace can't. We can only roughly delineate a range, but cannot accurately locate Marshall in the sea.


In the capital of the Goa Republic on Donkai Island in the East China Sea, the recruitment of service troops directly initiated by the Ninja Army is in full swing.

The reason why this time the recruitment of servant troops in the pirate world is apparently to expand the military strength of the Republic Alliance, but the real intention is to recruit powerful people and even hidden spies hidden among all the people in the East China Sea. Make statistics and restrain them in the name of service troops. In this way, it will be very convenient whether these restless elements are thrown into the battlefield to serve as cannon fodder or directly brought to the laboratory to serve as 'researchers'.

A Guardsman ninja personally assigned by Uchiha Tokumitsu was lazily registering applicants' information, while his ninja cat sat between his legs and flicked its tail.

However, after most of the day, there were only 30 qualified applicants registered at the Goa Kingdom recruitment point.

"Next person!"

The Imperial Guard ninja yawned, looked at the blind uncle in front of him expressionlessly, and shouted to the young man standing next in the team: "We have already mentioned the next one, so why don't you come over!"

"Hey hey hey! You can't ignore me!"

At this time, the blind old man with short black hair, wearing a purple coat, and an 'X'-shaped scar on his left forehead extending to both eyes and holding a cane in front of him yelled dissatisfied.

"Come on, this is a military recruitment!"

The Imperial Guard ninja sighed, but felt that as a royal family it was better to follow Uchiha Tokimitsu's instructions to be "kind and friendly to the people": "If you participate in the recruitment, you will go to sea to fight, and your age does not meet the requirements, so it is better to go home. Come on, otherwise your family will be looking for you everywhere."

"Now, in order to thank you for applying, these are additional subsidies given to you. Although they are not much, they are still a token of your gratitude. Please don't refuse."

The Imperial Guard ninja thought for a moment, then took out a stack of beans and handed them over without counting them.

For the Imperial Guard ninjas, the currency in this world has no meaning at all, it is just a consumable that they carry with them.

"This is... for me?"

The blind uncle seemed to hesitate and took the Berry handed over by the Imperial Guard Ninja. He counted the amount of these banknotes clearly with a twist: "By the way, I don't have any family, so..."

Five thousand beli is not a small amount for ordinary people, at least enough to feed them for several days.

"Everyone else gets two thousand, but you get extra preferential treatment."

The Imperial Guard Ninja said patiently: "Although this recruitment is only for service troops, it may still involve going to sea to fight, so as far as your physical condition is concerned..."

He did not continue. After all, it would be somewhat inappropriate to directly mention the shortcomings of a lonely, widowed and blind man.

"Of course, your loyalty and dedication are worthy of praise. I hope you will be serious and responsible in your future work life and continue to shine for the Union of the Republics..."

The Imperial Guard ninja covered his mouth in boredom and let out a silent yawn.

This kind of work is indeed too boring for him.

Of course, he did not refuse others' applications arbitrarily. After all, all the ninjas in charge of recruitment had received certain special perception training and were able to identify most ability users; and this blind uncle had a lot of abilities in his perception Li was an ordinary passerby, so he declined the offer smoothly.

"...So, you feel that I'm not strong enough, and it's not because of the eye problem?"

The blind uncle happily put away Berry, and at the same time pointed to his eyes that had been closed tightly.

"Well...if you need a job, I can open a letter of introduction for you to the National Assembly, and they will arrange a job for you within their ability."

The Imperial Guard ninja continued to speak patiently.And his ninja cat showed its claws and started scratching on his pants.

The Imperial Guard ninja took out the dried fish from his arms, tore open the package and fed it to the ninja cat who was wreaking havoc, thus starting the fishing time.

"It tastes very good. Can you try it for me?"

The blind uncle's nose twitched a few times, as if he was moving.

"This is for...forget it, if you don't mind..."

The Imperial Guard ninja sighed and felt a little helpless, but he handed a few bags of dried fish to the blind uncle: "Please stop blocking the recruitment, okay?"

'If I had known better, I wouldn't have established such a people-friendly personality! '

Although he still kept his gentle words on his lips, the Imperial Guard ninja was somewhat impatient in his heart.

Of course, as a ninja born in the royal Uchiha family, although his character is arrogant, he will not vent his emotions to a blind man who is trying to find an 'iron rice bowl'. This is the most basic quality.

"The dried fish is very delicious. Although it is a very ordinary trash fish, it is processed very well. But is this spicy taste really suitable for cats to eat?"

The blind uncle commented while eating the dried fish.


The Imperial Guard ninja was suddenly startled, feeling something was wrong - how could a blind man see him feeding fish to a cat? !

"Although you are a little impatient in your heart, your tone is as calm as ever. Compared with most nobles, this is a very good manner."

The blind uncle didn't seem to notice the doubts of the Imperial Guard Ninja. After slowly eating a pack of dried fish, he carefully took the rest of the unopened dried fish back into his arms, and then looked at the frowning Imperial Guard Ninja. : "If it's just because of the eye problem, I think it can be compensated for through strength."

"……Is it?"

The Imperial Guard ninja patted the ninja cat on his lap, stood up with his hand on his ninja sword.

Then, the blind uncle took three steps back amidst the guard of the Imperial Guard ninjas, slowly drew out his staff and sword and pointed to the open space on one side.

"Gravity Knife Tiger!"

Following the blind uncle's shout, a blade of sword energy swung out, creating a deep crack on the ground!

"What's your name!"

The imperial ninja's face was gloomy. He was extremely afraid of this unknown strong man, and also felt annoyed that he had made a mistake.

He was very sure that he could not swing such a powerful sword energy with such a casual attitude!

"My name is Yisheng. I am here to apply as a member of the Republic Alliance service force. I hope your department can accept it."

The blind uncle who claimed to have lived his whole life calmly retracted his staff and sword, put his chest on his chest and bowed to the Uchiha ninja.

"With your strength, tell the truth..."

The Imperial Guard ninja didn't know what to say.

However, after the sword energy was blasted out, the commotion also alerted the ninja soldiers who were stationed in the capital, and they were galloping over.

And the leader is none other than the General of the Fifth Army, Hatake Sakumo!
The Imperial Guard ninja quickly filled in his life's name on the recruitment form, and then said: "Welcome to join!"

As for identity verification, as long as Blind Eye joins the service force in his lifetime, there will be plenty of time to investigate and verify his origins and identity; but being able to recruit an out-and-out indigenous strongman is the best choice for a recruiting officer Performance - Hatake Sakumo cannot let this credit go to waste!


At sea in the New World, two generals, Sakaski and Kizaru, were each leading eight warships to sail towards the location of the hijacked naval transport ship, outflanking them on both sides.

And such a large posture is more than enough to deal with the misnamed 'Fire Fist' Ace and the old scumbag Marshall D. Teach.

"Admiral! Found a cluster of pirate ships!"

The fleet commanded by Sakaski was the first to discover the existence of the second division of Ace's Whitebeard Pirates.

"Inform General Kizaru and ask him to surround us."

Sakaski said calmly.

"As ordered!"

The naval commander immediately took the order and left.

At the same time, Ace, who was frantically frying fish, also saw eight naval warships appearing on the sea level!

Ace was so angry that his teeth almost broke.

His men had thrown no fewer than five hundred delayed-explosion shells into the seabed, but they still could not force Marshall D. Teach out of the sinking sea. Instead, they consumed less than half of the ship's shell reserve.

And now the arrival of the navy also means that the mission of catching the traitor has completely failed!
Because his five pirate ships, plus Thachi's ship, cannot compete with eight naval warships.

What's more, looking through the telescope, Ace suddenly discovered that standing on the bow of a battleship in the middle was actually Admiral Akainu of the Navy Headquarters!

So, if you don’t leave now, wait until later!

Ace gritted his teeth and made a wise choice——

"Turn the sails and return immediately!"

At the same time, he also took out the phone bug and prepared to notify his companions in the Whitebeard Pirates, but suddenly found that the phone bug had no signal at all!

This means that the navy is definitely prepared, so it specially prepared horned phone bugs to block the phone bug communication signals in the sea area!

"The person who came here is not good..."

Ace put away the phone bug with a sullen face and began to concentrate on alert.


"Get a few people down and tell this dirty guy to get out."

After Sakaski arrived in the sea area where the naval transport ship was located, he first sensed the existence of Marshall on the bottom of the sea through his sight and hearing, and then said to his subordinates.

He has eaten a devil fruit, so he is not suitable for going into the sea.

As for Ace who was running away at this time, he didn't worry about it because that was Kizaru's mission. (End of chapter)

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