Uchiha's opinion

Chapter 549: Greed, Anger, Stupidity, Suspicion and Suspicion

"Our navy also needs its own four emperors!"

These are the words that Sengoku, as the marshal of the Navy Headquarters, emphasized when planning this special operation to use the Dark Fruit as bait.

This sentence also shocked the naval radicals including Sakaski. They felt that Sengoku, who had always given the impression of being a moderate, was too extreme!

The Yonko represents the navy and even the world government, which are completely opposite to each other!This is completely different from the character of the King Shichibukai who is endorsed by the World Government and can commit robbery with a license!

The reason why Warring States said such words was not without reason.

In this major crisis in which the Four Emperors allied themselves to attack the navy, the ambiguous attitude shown by the World Government, especially the Five Old Stars, is really thought-provoking.

The navy's requirements for shipbuilding and training were greatly discounted, and the proposal to recruit the Shichibukai to participate in the war was rejected. Even the world conscription was reluctantly agreed only after the navy lost its troops. And during the implementation process, the Warring States Period suddenly discovered that the world government was involved in various places. The branches don't seem to care at all, and this attitude is not as simple as ordinary indifference.

In particular, Warring States also learned that his old friend and retired navy general Zefa was ordered to form a secret fleet, equipped with various new warships - as for the navy under his command, it was still living with old warships and hard-to-capture heavy artillery; Moreover, after the attack on the Seven Waters Capital in the South China Sea, Zefa's secret fleet was secretly ordered by the Five Old Stars to go into battle, and was given the power to temporarily dispatch naval branches to participate in the war; more importantly, this matter did not have anything to do with the fact that as the marshal of the Navy Headquarters Warring States said hello, so Warring States also felt more uneasy.

As the world's shipbuilding center, the importance of the South China Sea, especially the Capital of Seven Rivers, is self-evident. The navy's warships are also ordered from the Capital of Seven Rivers. Now that Zefa's secret fleet has left the South China Sea, the Warring States Period has also been disturbed. Don't think too much.

That is the navy's most important source of battleship replenishment!

Although the navy is considered a big business, it has suffered repeated defeats in several battles in the East China Sea. The navy has also suffered a huge loss of warships in service. Now is the time when it is in urgent need of replenishment. Moreover, the capital of the Seven Rivers, as an important town, also has a navy branch. Whether it is public or private, Zefa should not be allowed to go into battle with the so-called 'New Navy'!

At first, he just thought that the Tianlong people headed by Wulaoxing were used to a luxurious and luxurious life, so they were reluctant to spend too much financial resources to strengthen the navy; but now it seems that Wulaoxing seems to have another agenda.

To put it bluntly, Wu Laoxing probably thought that the navy was disobedient and planned to raise another obedient dog!

As for today's navy, it would be a good idea to fight to the death with the Four Emperors!
But even so, Sengoku thought about it for days and nights and couldn't figure out why the Five Old Stars were so ordinary and confident. Do they still think they could stand up to the challenge between the 'remnants of the huge kingdom' and the four emperors?

Even with the gradual disappearance of the windless zone, problems have arisen in the magnetic field of Upside Down Mountain. In the future, I am afraid that even the holy land of Mariejoia will no longer be stable!
As for Sakaski and others, although they were deeply surprised by Sengoku's violent remarks, they finally accepted this special plan after listening to Sengoku's analysis.

"...are you willing to give it up?"

Sakaski, who was standing on the bow of the ship, looked down at Marshall D. Teach, who had emerged from the sea surrounded by a group of admirals.

At this time, Marshall D. Teach had been covered with wounds from Ace's indiscriminate bombardment. Although his life was not in danger, he was surrounded by more than a dozen domineering and specialized naval commanders, and he had no intention of resisting. Opportunity.

But even though he was held hostage on the deck by the admirals in embarrassment, even though his clothes were in tatters, and even though his head was bloody and unremarkable, Marshall D. Teach still insisted on holding his head high and his hair was blown up. His head looked like it was being gnawed by a dog, trying to show the aloof demeanor of a strong man.

Of course, if Marshall D. Teach hadn't gripped the box containing the Devil Fruit so tightly at this time, that his knuckles were even a little white due to excessive tension, and the wooden box had deep scratches, then he would have The performance will appear more convincing.

'A despicable person who still doesn't forget to show off at the end of his rope... But if such a villain is allowed to succeed once, I'm afraid he will be more arrogant than everyone else...'

The arrogant-looking Sakaski looked down at the pretentious Marshall D. Teach, and silently commented on his character.

"Respected General Chi...Sakaski, my Majesty Blackbeard Marshall D. Teach, I salute you..."

Marshall D. Teach, who was quite uncomfortable being suppressed by Sakaski's momentum, swallowed his saliva, used a little force to break free from the hold of the admirals with his hands, touched his chest and bowed to salute Sakaski.

Sakaski, who originally frowned when he heard the word 'red', nodded slightly and relaxed his brows.

But he still didn't speak, and just looked at Marshall D. Teach with the eyes of an observer.

"Thank you for helping me regardless of past grievances..."

Marshall D. Teach said stumblingly, using words and sentences that were quite artificial, trying to make himself look a little cultured.

Sakaski twitched his lips and made a classic smiley expression.

Marshall D. Teach breathed a sigh of relief when he saw this.

Probably no need to die...

But my treasure may not be saved...

Thinking of this, Marshall D. Teach couldn't help but tighten his grip on the Devil Fruit box.

But then he felt that this was somewhat inappropriate, so he relaxed again.

And Sakaski saw all this.

'What you say and what you do are inconsistent...'

Sakaski had an even lower opinion of Marshall D. Teach.

"...Your nickname is Blackbeard?"

After Marshall D. Teach was anxious for a long time, Sakaski slowly spoke.

"It's just a nickname, I don't dare to offend the general's ears..."

Marshall D. Teach immediately bowed and said, his words and actions perfectly embodying what it means to be able to bend and stretch.

"Are you worthy of being called Blackbeard?"

Sakaski snorted coldly and reprimanded without paying attention: "Although Whitebeard Edward Newgate is a heinous pirate leader, his strength is obvious to everyone. Why do you add '' to your nickname? Beard'? Shouldn't it be replaced?"

Marshall D. Teach was scolded so hard that his mind went blank and he didn't know how to respond.

"Judging from your skin color, I think it's more appropriate to call him Black Pizi, what do you think?"

Sakaski ignored the change in Marshall D. Teach's expression and continued to say slowly: "After all, you are far from Whitebeard in terms of strength and strength now, so it is just right to use a nickname." suitable!"

Marshall D. Teach was too angry to speak.

"What? Are you not convinced?"

Sakaski snorted again, making Marshall D. Teach tremble all over.

"Thank you, General, for the name!"

Then he bowed his head and paid homage.

But he still held onto the Devil Fruit box tightly.

"Give my stuff back..."

Sakaski still has no intention of letting go of the kowtowing bug.


Marshall D. Titchton was stunned.

Then he came to his senses and realized that what Sakaski was asking for was the Dark Fruit, the treasure he regarded as life!
"this is me……"

But before he finished speaking, Sakaski's outstretched left hand turned into lava and pointed directly at Marshall D. Teach's head.

"It is the right thing to return things to their original owners. Please keep them..."

Marshall D. Teach immediately respectfully presented the Devil Fruit box with both hands.

"very good!"

A satisfied smile appeared on Sakaski's face.

The trembling Marshall D. Teach could finally breathe a sigh of relief, but then an uncontrollable anger surged in his heart, causing his body to start shaking again. "This is an extremely precious natural devil fruit..."

Sakaski opened the box and took a look, then took out the Devil Fruit and weighed it casually.

The frivolity of the action made Marshall D. Teach feel a little frightened when he saw it.

But this is life. What you regard as a treasure is the foundation of your life, but in the eyes of others, it is just a plaything that is easily available and available at a moment's notice.

Thinking of this, Marshall D. Teach couldn't help but feel a little sad, and the resentment and anger in his heart quickly extinguished.

"You really want it...right?"

Sakaski said leisurely.

"You mean..."

Marshall D. Teach has another glimmer of hope.

But not much. After all, very few high-ranking navy officials would make deals with pirates in the past, especially now that he is already a weakling who can be slaughtered by others.

"If you can become King Shichibukai, then this Devil Fruit will be the navy's reward for you!"

Sakaski deliberately emphasized the pronunciation of the word 'reward'.

"I am willing to serve the Navy! I am willing to serve your Excellency the General!"

Marshall D. Teach immediately bowed in obeisance.

No face or dignity, at this moment, is not as important as the devil fruit that is cherished!
Although there is a big difference between the title of 'King Shichibukai' and his dream of being the Pirate King, at this moment, Marshall D. Teach has no choice.

Moreover, it is not shameful to be a dog for the respected General Sakaski!
"Very well, then please do a few things for me..."

Sakaski chuckled and said, "After it's done, you can enjoy the happiness!"

After this round of playing with the upper hand, Sakaski finally realized the beauty of controlling power and the general trend!

This is a completely different pleasure than conquering others with force!


"What a cunning moray eel!"

After a roundabout outflank, Kizaru finally led his fleet to block Ace's troops who quickly fled, and began to command his warships to launch an attack.

Ace frowned, feeling deeply uneasy.

It all seems too coincidental!
It is extremely unbelievable that the captured unescorted pirate ship was carrying precious Devil Fruits. In addition, the navy's inexplicable appearance in the waters not far from the Yonko's combined fleet also interfered with the phone bug's signal. …

If no one was planning something in this series of coincidental events, Ace would never believe it.

However, apart from confirming that his friend Sage was killed by Marshall D. Teach, Ace has no clues.

Moreover, the most important thing before him at this time is to escape from the siege of a naval headquarters general and his warships!

"Boom boom boom!"

The warships on both sides began to fire intensively at each other.

The eight warships under Kizaru's command were outflanking, constantly throwing ammunition into the encirclement.

Although the pirate ships under Ace also fought back with all their strength, their level of training and quality of combat power were far behind the navy.

So soon, after being hit by several salvoes from naval warships, the pirate ship began to panic.

There was even a pirate ship with an insane captain who tried to turn the sails and withdraw from the battle.

But soon the pirate ship lost its fighting spirit and was turned into a torch by another salvo of naval warships!
Even though he was at a disadvantage, Ace still calmly commanded his men to fight back with all their strength to delay time.

After all, in a naval battle of this scale, it is impossible for the Four Emperors' combined fleet to be unaware of the garrison strength at the base.

"Stick to it!"

Ace jumped up and shot a beam of fire from his palms to intercept the next cannonball. At the same time, he continued to cheer for his subordinates: "Dad's fleet will arrive soon. At that time, we will counterattack and destroy this enemy." glorious moment!"

Although this was nothing more than a blank check, Whitebeard's reputation still calmed the disorganized pirates a little.

However, after the navy hit a pirate ship with another salvo and caused a sudden explosion, causing the entire ship to be blown into pieces flying in the sky, the pirates completely lost their fighting spirit.

Moreover, as the distance got closer, the pirates also noticed Kizaru standing on the bow of a naval battleship.

This is the Admiral of the Navy Headquarters!

If they used long-range shooting, they might be able to muster some courage to fight, but looking at this situation, both sides are about to join forces. They are rotten fish and shrimps, and they are not just slaughtered by the navy admiral!

"Boss! Please make a decision!"

Maskud Deus, a close confidant from the time of the Spade Pirates, said anxiously: "Otherwise it will be too late!"


Ace naturally understood what his cronies meant - to put it bluntly, he wanted him to abandon the second squadron's pirate ships as cannon fodder, and he could just turn the sails and run away.

But this is not in line with his usual style!


Maskud Deus became even more anxious.

Although he is not afraid of death, judging from the current situation, even if the pirate ship equipped with external armor is better in protection, the huge gap in gunnery between the two sides is enough to make up for the deficiencies in defense. In addition, There is also a naval admiral present, and they have no chance of winning!

"Dad, they will soon..."

Ace gritted his teeth and insisted.

But then a glimpse of sails appeared on the sea level to the left. Ace took a closer look and saw that there were eight more naval warships!


Ashton suddenly gasped.

Now it's better, even if you want to leave, it's impossible!
But before Ace could declare a fight to the death, another large and mighty sail appeared on the sea level on the right.

"It's our ship!"

Ace shouted in surprise!

"Whitebeard is here!"

Marshall D. Teach, standing next to Sakaski, screamed. (End of chapter)

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