“It’s better to come sooner than later, that’s great!”

Sakaski, who had just arrived at the battlefield, was not angry but happy when he saw the massive Whitebeard Pirates fleet, and even made a rare joke with his subordinates.

After the originally panicked 'Black-skinned' Marshall D. Teach calmed down a little, after observing the newly arrived Whitebeard Pirates' fleet, he discovered that it was not Whitebeard Edward Newgate himself.

"It should be Marco's First Division and Bista's Fifth Division! I recognize their flags!"

Marshall D. Teach quickly expressed his gratitude and shouted.

"Very good! As expected of the person who will soon become the Shichibukai!"

Sakaski, who was in a good mood at this time, also expressed his praise for Marshall D. Teach, who knew the current affairs, and then said to his subordinates: "Turn off the signal interference of the horned telephone bug!"

"As ordered!"

The admiral immediately took the order and left. At the same time, the sailors on the mast immediately waved signal flags to notify the fleet led by Kizaru.

Not long after, the Kizaru Fleet also responded that the phone bug interference had been turned off.

At the same time, the Kizaru fleet stopped salvo bombardment, began to shrink the fleet encirclement, and maneuvered closer to the Sakaski fleet on the left.

Ace, who finally managed to hold on until reinforcements arrived, could finally breathe a sigh of relief.


At this time, the phone bug in Ace's arms suddenly started chirping.

"Missy Missy!"

Ace answered immediately.

"It's me! Why couldn't your phone be connected just now?"

Margao's voice came over the phone.

As the captain of the first division and chief ship doctor of the Whitebeard Pirates, Margo and Ace have a pretty good relationship, and they usually take care of each other.

"It should be signal interference from the Navy..."

Ace let out a sullen breath and said as calmly as possible: "You should also be careful. The navy is led by Sakaski and Porusalino."

"Akainu and Kizaru!"

No matter how daring Margao was, he couldn't help being startled when he heard that two generals from the Navy had gathered in this battle sea area: "What's going on? Isn't it chasing Marshall? How can we follow..."

"That guy should have defected to the navy and become a traitor..."

Although he could not see clearly due to the relatively long distance between the fleets of both sides, Ace could still confirm that among the people standing on the bow of the navy flagship in the left sea area, one of them was the traitor of the Whitebeard Pirates, Marshall D. ·Tikki!

"...If it's two generals, then we have to be cautious."

Margao's voice became solemn, and at the same time he signaled his subordinates to dial the phone to notify Whitebeard.

After all, with their strength, it is undoubtedly impossible to deal with the two generals.

And this disparity in strength cannot be made up by the performance of the ship's equipment.

"Please cover me, let's turn in..."

Ace took the initiative to request a retreat.

"it is good!"

Margao immediately agreed.

Of course, if Ace Toutie really wants to fight, he will still accompany him to the end. Anyway, the worst thing is to wait for the white-bearded father to come to the rescue.

But things often develop not as expected.

Just when Ace was about to move his men from the severely damaged pirate ship to the intact ship and perform the evacuation, the naval fleet that had completed the rendezvous fired another large-span salvo!

The target of this salvo is the reinforcement fleets of Margao and Bista!
"Boom boom boom!"

Although due to the distance problem, the navy's salvo passed over Ace's fleet and only stirred up a column of water in front of Margo and Bist's reinforcement fleet, but it also made the pirate ships under their command uneasy—— The navy's superb artillery skills simply exceeded the imagination of the pirates!

And this distance further shows that the dilapidated ship under Ace's command has long been a turtle in the urn, but the navy did not regard it as a target at the first time!

"Something is not good!"

Margao's eyelids jumped, and he immediately picked up the phone and planned to contact the white-bearded father in person.

But at this moment he suddenly discovered that the phone bug had no signal!

"Interception and interference have been completed..."

The admiral in charge of managing the horned phone bugs came to Sakaski's side and reported it respectfully.

"You have already given the free time, they should report it in time, right?"

Sakaski said.

"Judging from the phone bug signal monitoring situation, there were indeed three or four outbound calls from the pirate reinforcement fleet. However, because their call time was too short, they failed to successfully crack the interception..."

The admiral responded immediately.

"That should be about the same..."

Although Sakaski was a little regretful, he didn't say much.

Marshall D. Teach, who was standing on one side, was sweating profusely and felt that he had been completely involved in a huge vortex.

Who in the family understands?The navy actually started to play tricks!

"Then it's your performance time..."

Sakaski turned around, patted Marshall D. Teach on the shoulder, and said in a seemingly consultative tone: "Next, there is a task assigned to you to prove your loyalty to the Navy. Isn't it difficult?"

"Dear General, please give me your instructions..."

Although Sakaski's pat on the shoulder was very gentle, Marshall D. Teach's waist continued to bend more and more until he bowed at 90°.

With such a soft figure, it can be regarded as a very standard navy lackey status.

Sakaski was even more satisfied, "Seeing that those losers didn't..."

"Go and catch Fire Fist Ace!"

Sakaski pointed at the Ace fleet which was once again in a panic and said: "After this is done, you will be a member of the King's Shichibukai!"


Marshall D. Teach's mouth opened and closed, his hands and feet were cold, and his mind went blank.

Although Ace's men seemed to have no intention of fighting at this time, if he was asked to run over and arrest someone by himself, what would be the difference between letting him die!
"Don't worry! There will be a battleship to cooperate with you!"

Sakaski said angrily.

"As ordered!"

Marshall D. Teach immediately made another standard 90° bow.


Just when the pirate fleets of Margao and Bist were intercepted by artillery fire, Kizaru took the initiative to attack again with three warships, and the target was also the two reinforcement fleets.

At the same time, five more naval warships aimed their guns at the Ace fleet, providing fire support for Marshall D. Teach, who was conducting a surprise capture to pay the "warrant of surrender".

Margao and Bista also tried to organize their warships to counterattack, but because the pirates lacked training in salvo firing, and did not understand how to project the shells over the Ace fleet between the two sides, they could only scatter. Aiming the heavy artillery at the Kizaru Squadron leaving the fleet array, they launched a sparse bombardment.

Moreover, these shells failed to achieve any results, and were intercepted in advance by the admirals on the naval battleships.

As for Ace, although he struggled to intercept the incoming cannonballs, his manpower was limited after all. Before long, except for his own ship, the rest of the pirate ships were bombarded one by one by the navy's warships and turned into a ball of seawater torches!
Marshall D. Teach, who was uneasy at first and then became fierce immediately, also approached Ace's ship on a naval battleship. Surrounded by the admirals, he was the first to jump onto the pirate ship.

"Loyal to Lord Sakaski!" Marshall D. Teach, wielding a navy standard sword, split a former comrade into two pieces with one blow and roared heartbreakingly.

For the sake of the position of King Shichibukai!

"Is this your whole life?"

After learning that during the recruitment process of the Servant Army Service Force, there was actually a strong man who even Hatake Sakumo admired, Uchiha Tokumitsu took time out of his busy schedule to personally meet with this unknown man who was born among the common people. A mysterious and powerful person from legend.

"It's just below..."

He held his chest and bowed humbly all his life.

In his domineering perception of the color of sight, Uchiha Tokko was like a black hole, swallowing up all the tentative touches. Although he was not as sharp as Hatake Sakumo who had tried his hand with him, this extreme restraint was more powerful. Reflect the gap in strength.

Moreover, when he knew in advance that he would need to meet the Lord Hatake Sakumo said, he thought that the person he would meet next would be a fat person like a Celestial Dragon, but he did not expect that it would be a person who looked like a dragon. A strong man at a young age.

Although Uchiha Tokumitsu's aura is not as mysterious as the so-called 'abyss and prison', the inherent arrogance of the Uchiha clan and the majesty of having been in the position for a long time are intertwined with the self-confidence brought by strong strength. , the first impression it brings to life is still very good.

"Holy Lord Mingjun!"

Although he was not so frightened that he bowed his head in obeisance, he was still very fond of this lord throughout his life.

Of course, the good performance of the Imperial Guard Ninjas during the recruitment process is also a plus.

"Please sit down!"

Uchiha Tokumitsu didn't put on any airs. He first picked up the information and looked at it a few times, then asked: "If the information is correct, you are from the East China Sea, and you have always shown your identity as a swordsman? "


Half-sitting on the chair, Yisheng said: "I believe that personal strength is not a reason for bullying."

"It's really rare..."

Uchiha Tokko was a little surprised.

Even with the blessing of goodwill from his past life memories, to be honest, a few exchanges of words left a very good impression on him throughout his life.

"How do you view the world?"

Uchiha Tokko raised his eyebrows and continued to ask.

He also regarded the interview process as a special interview. If Yisheng's answer satisfied him, he would not mind spending a lot of money to give him a heavy responsibility.

"...There are too many dirty and despicable people in the world that people can't bear to look at! It's a blessing to not be able to look at them!"

Yisheng was silent for a while before he replied quietly.

"How should we behave in troubled times?"

Uchiha Tokumitsu continued to ask.

"Pure is not pure, dye is not dye. The mortal world is also a great place; when the mood comes, draw a sword to help when there is an injustice on the road; when you have nothing to do, go to the casino to play a few tricks."

Yisheng answered without hesitation.

"What is injustice? What is justice?"

"To bully the weak with the strong is injustice, and to be benevolent is justice!"

"Is applying for the job out of interest or for another purpose?"

"There is indeed another purpose!"

The answer of the whole life is still without any hesitation.

But Uchiha Tokumitsu didn't care at all. Instead, he appreciated this straightforward temperament even more.

It doesn't matter if you have a purpose, the Uchiha dynasty can tolerate a fellow traveler with self-will.

"For what purpose?"

Uchiha Tokumitsu asked again.

"If there is an opportunity, use the power of the Lord to cleanse this extremely dirty world!"

The answer of a lifetime becomes louder and clearer.

"When you are good at yourself, don't forget to take care of the world at the same time; when you are lying in the abyss, you will not fall into the blue clouds!"

Uchiha Tokumitsu said with great satisfaction: "In that case, then show your strength!"

"In addition to sword skills, I also possess the ability of many superhuman fruits..."

Yisheng slowly raised his left hand, and when his fingers were bent, the objects in the room also floated.

"Very good ability!"

Uchiha Tokumitsu smiled.

He also formed a seal with one hand, and then he and the chair he was sitting on also levitated.

This is a flexible application of the Earth Release and Super Light Heavy Rock Technique from the original Iwagakure lineage.

"The power of the Lord is truly unfathomable..."

Although Yisheng was deeply surprised by this ability that was very similar to his own fruit, he didn't ask any more questions. He just sat on the suspended chair, caressed his chest and saluted.

"You need to submit a certificate of nomination..."

Uchiha Tokko controlled the suspended chair to slowly fall to the ground.

"What is a certificate of submission?"

Yisheng asked.

"Prove yourself that you will stand with us."

Uchiha Tokumitsu said leisurely.

"How to prove it?"

Issei also understood what Uchiha Tokko meant.

"Roge Town cannot be captured for a long time. I plan to ask Shuo Maoqing to lead the army to reinforce. If you are willing, sir, you may wish to join the battle together."

Uchiha Tokumitsu said.

"My lord, are you willing to trust me? Then why do you need this so-called certificate of surrender?"

Yisheng asked rhetorically.

"I need you, who uphold benevolence and justice, to make a public separation from the Navy, which adheres to decadent justice."

Uchiha Tokko made no secret of his intentions: "In this way, the high positions of the Republic Alliance and even the dynasty will be empty!"


Although I knew very little about this mysterious force that established the East China Sea Republic Alliance, I also smelled a different flavor from the word 'dynasty' in Uchiha Tokko's words.

"The Lord is not a descendant of a huge kingdom?"

"The so-called huge kingdom is just a random conjecture made by the idiots in the Navy. What does it have to do with me?"

Uchiha Tokumitsu smiled and said: "After sir and the army capture Rogge Town, you will naturally understand our identities!"

"I am willing to fight for the Lord!"

No more hesitation in life, immediately stood up and saluted respectfully. (End of chapter)

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