Uchiha's opinion

Chapter 551 The plan passes!


After seeing Marshall D. Teach slaughtering his companions, Ace immediately turned his fists into flames and rushed over, regardless of the fact that the battleship was easily ignited by his own ability.

"Fortunate people!"

Enemies are extremely jealous when they meet each other. In Marshall D. Teach's view, the reason why he has fallen into this embarrassing situation is all Ace's fault!
"If you hadn't run over here, I wouldn't have to kill Sachi!"

Marshall D. Teach attached his armed domineering energy to the navy sword and slashed at Ace, still shouting: "You know! It was you who killed Thatch!"

"Whether it is your thoughts or actions, you have completely betrayed Dad!"

Ace first used his right fist to smash the long knife into pieces, and then used the fingers of his left hand to press against Marshall D. Teach and fire bullets continuously, hitting the domineering defense layer outside of Marshall D. Teach's body.

Marshall D. Teach was staggered back a few steps by the close range 'musketeer' attack.

"Finger gun!"

"Lan legs!"

But then several more navy admirals came over and blocked Ace's attack intention.

Marshall D. Teach was also able to adjust his condition, picked up a pirate scimitar, and killed Ace who was parrying from left to right.

Since Marshall D. Teach has always been obsessed with the natural Devil Fruit, he has not been able to obtain the Devil Fruit so far; and after killing Thatch, although he grabbed the Dark Fruit, he was immediately killed again. Ace was forced to dive into the sea to escape, and then his "treasure" was taken away by the navy. Therefore, in terms of personal strength, there is still a gap between Ace, who has Haki and Devil Fruit abilities.

Moreover, the reason why he was willing to bow to Admiral Sakaski was to get the 'reward' he wanted. Therefore, during the battle, Marshall D. Teach's performance was somewhat life-saving and was not as good as in the past. The "dare to fight and dare to fight" disguised during the Whitebeard Pirates period.

Although the besieged Ace felt that there was some trouble, he still attacked from left and right, fighting with Marshall D. Teach and a group of naval admirals.

However, his men were not so lucky.

The subordinates Skaar and Ganliu who followed Ace during the time of the original Spade Pirates were captured successively. As a scorpion fish-man, Vores was forced to jump into the sea, and Maskud Deus was also around. Zhizhuo barely resisted the naval siege.

As for Margao and Bista, whose routes were blocked by artillery fire, they had no choice but to avoid Kizaru's attack.

After all, if you were to fight directly with a naval admiral, it would be no surprise that your subordinates would die!

But as a result, Ace, who had been boarded and besieged, had no one to save him.

Moreover, the fleet led by Sakaski is only maintaining artillery fire to block it at this time, but it has not yet joined the battle group!

"You take the people out of the phone bug signal blocking area, and then contact Dad directly!"

With no other choice, Margao had to send someone to evacuate first with his own phone bug.


"Your Mightiness……"

On the naval flagship, a naval commander in charge of observation noticed the changes in the reinforcement fleet of the Whitebeard Pirates, and said to Sakaski, who was watching the scene of Marshall Dois through the telescope with great interest: "Margao's One of the pirate ships under my command evacuated on its own initiative, probably leaving the signal shielding area..."

"I finally came to my senses..."

Sakaski immediately turned the binoculars and looked over, "He is indeed a stupid and bad pirate, and he didn't even think of calling Whitebeard until now!"

"Then...does General Kizaru want to inform you via semaphore?"

The admiral asked: "Otherwise, I think these pirates may not be able to survive until Whitebeard arrives..."

"Forget it, just stop the horned phone bug's signal interference."

Sakaski put away the telescope and said slowly: "Besides, I also want to stretch my muscles!"

"...As ordered!"

Although Sakaski's actions at this time were somewhat different from Marshal Sengoku's initial overall plan, the admiral did not dare to say anything to avoid being used as a sandbag.

Moreover, it is indeed a bit unexpected that Sakaski, who has always been known for his violence, can follow the plan for so long.



Not long after Margao's men took the clipper, the phone bug he carried rang.

"Missy Missy!"

He immediately answered the phone bug.

"What on earth are you doing! Why can't the phone bug get through!"

Whitebeard's rough voice came from the phone bug.

"...Listen to my explanation!"

Malgao's men immediately reported the current situation to Whitebeard.

This scene was also seen by the naval commander with a high-definition telescope.

As for Sakaski, he was already taking his flagship and was about to join the battle to capture Ace.

"Nine times out of ten!"

The naval commander took out his phone with satisfaction and planned to report to Marshal Warring States that this good show was about to end perfectly.

The next step is to wait for Whitebeard to arrive, and then let Marshall D. Teach hang Ace on the Navy's mast with his own hands!


When he saw another navy warship slowly approaching and about to dock, Ace knew that he could no longer escape.

The person standing on the bow of the naval battleship is none other than Admiral Akainu Sakaski of the Navy Headquarters!
But he couldn't figure it out. Although he was somewhat famous, there was no need for the two navy admirals to get up and chase him!

And even if the arrest is fine, why go to such trouble?

"Yan Shanggang!"

After waving a flame barrier to push back Marshall and others, Ace stopped and stood on the spot, looking at Sakaski who jumped onto the deck.

"Fire Fist Ace is well-deserved..."

Sakaski looked at the flame barrier that was gradually dissipating in front of Ace, and couldn't help but nodded in appreciation: "Actually, if you had accepted the government's invitation to become the King's Shichibukai, you wouldn't have fallen into the situation at this moment. situation."

"Ha ha……"

Ace smiled inexplicably, feeling deeply funny inside.

Before joining the Whitebeard Pirates, the 'Spade Pirates' founded by Ace was a team well-known in the New World. The World Government also offered an olive branch to try to recruit him to become the King of the Shichibukai, but was rejected by Ace. Si just refused.

Moreover, in Ace's view, the World Government's invitation was originally malicious.

Not to mention that King Shichibukai is widely considered by pirates to be a 'lackey of the navy', and Ace's identity is also very special - he is the son of Gol D. Roger, the former 'Pirate King' who was executed by the navy. Posthumous child!

Although Ace doesn't like his biological father, whom he has never met, his identity and bloodline are facts that are firmly established here. Sometimes he cannot help but think more about it, and the invitation from the World Government is naturally regarded as ' Sweet poison bait'.

"Akainu Sakaski, who possesses the power of rock berries..."

Ace looked at the miserable situation of his subordinates on the ship and decided to put down all scruples and go all out.

"I don't know, compared to my Shao Shao Fruit, where does your ability go~"

Balls of flames surged up and down Ace's limbs, and the extremely high temperature even made the air seem to begin to distort. However, the deck beneath him was only a little browned but not burned or damaged. This also shows the extent of Ace's ability control. high.

"It's indeed a good ability..."

Sakaski nodded appreciatively: "No wonder this loser Heipi can't take you down!"

"...Black man?"

The aggressive Ace was a little confused. "That's right!"

exclaimed the unashamed Marshall D. Teach immediately.

"you are not……"

Ashton was stunned for a moment, then laughed and said: "Hahaha! That's it! It's you who became the Navy's dog!"


Marshall D. Teach blushed and said some difficult words such as 'abandon the dark and turn to the bright', 'a clean slate is the navy', and 'there is no future as a pirate', but even though he was a The navy commanders couldn't help but cover their mouths to avoid laughing.

The air was suddenly filled with joy and joy.

"Your ability exploration and application are very good, but it's a pity that you met me..."

Sakaski slowly raised his hand and pointed at the semi-elemental Ace, and said slowly: "Did you know? The burning fruit is actually just the lower part of the rockberry fruit. This also means that no matter how you dig the fruit, The potential is nothing worth mentioning in front of me..."

"As expected of the admiral of the Navy Headquarters, his tone of voice is more arrogant than ordinary people!"

Ace chuckled, the fighting spirit on his face becoming even stronger.

"Well... it should be almost time. After all, it's not far from Whitebeard's anchorage, so you have to go to where you should go..."

The smile on Sakaski's face grew stronger, but the killing intent in his eyes could no longer be suppressed.

"fire punch!"

Ace took the lead in attacking, extending his arm and turning it into a flaming fist to hit Sakaski!
"Ming dog!"

Sakaski immediately retaliated with a close-range move, extending his lava-shaped arm and blasting it towards Ace's fire fist!
"Boom boom boom!"

With the passionate collision of the two fire devil fruit abilities, countless flaming magma sputtered in all directions.

After the two men started taking action, the admirals immediately jumped to the battleship behind them to avoid harming themselves. Marshall D. Teach was also carried away.

During the exchange of blows between the two, Ace was obviously at a disadvantage and was sent flying by Sakaski's lava fist.

But it's not over yet—

Sakaski has never planned to give guidance to his juniors, and in his view of justice, he has always regarded pirates as maggots who want to kill quickly, so after gaining power, he immediately launched a more violent offensive: "Big Fire Breathing" !”

The lava fist, like a volcano erupting, hit Ace who stumbled to the ground!
"Mirror Fire!"

Ace waved a wall of flames to try to stop him.


However, the wall of flames was easily shattered, and the lava fist continued to blast towards Ace without losing its power!

"Yan Shanggang!"

In desperation, Ace once again waved a flame barrier, and then jumped into the sky.

There was no way, if he continued to retreat, he would fall into the sea.

But Sakaski has been waiting for this moment!
When Ace jumped up to avoid it, Sakaski immediately muttered silently: "Explode!"

The lava fist immediately exploded and turned into countless volcanic bombs.

Then, Sakaski turned his arm into lava and swung it towards Ace who was struggling to resist the volcanic bomb in mid-air——

"The dog bites the red lotus!"

The molten arm turned into the shape of a dog's head and rushed towards Ace, biting Ace's waist!


Even his elemental body could not withstand such a violent attack, and Ace screamed when he was bitten.

Immediately afterwards, he was pulled down by the lava dog head. Sakaski hit his head hard with his other hand, and at the same time, his body was completely wrapped in lava!

Then, Sakaski jumped up and at the same time fired a small lava bomb at the pirate ship beneath him, blasting the pirate ship to pieces!

"Use the Sea Tower Stone to lock this guy up!"

After returning to his flagship, Sakaski put away the lava surrounding Ace and gave instructions at the same time.

"As ordered!"

The wolf-like admiral immediately pounced on him and picked up the already cooked Ace Suo with all his hands.
"Blackie, you disappoint me!"

Not surprisingly, the first person to be scolded was Marshall D. Teach.

But at this time, pieces of sails began to appear on the sea level. Judging from the logo on the sails, they were ships of the Whitebeard Pirates.

"It seems the fish is hooked..."

Sakaski suddenly beamed.

The Kizaru squadron, which was playing a chasing game with Margao and Bista, also began to retreat. At the same time, Sakaski's fleet increased its bombardment, making it impossible for the two to tangle with the Kizaru fleet any longer. .

This is not a suitable place for a decisive battle, and the heat is not enough.

"You! Hang this guy on the mast!"

Sakaski pointed at Marshall D. Teach and said, "Then you stand on the mast and don't come down! Got it!"

"...As ordered!"

Marshall D. Teach quickly nodded and bowed, picked up the unconscious Ace, and quickly climbed up the mast.

"White beard!"

After the admiral under his command brought the loudspeaker equipment in front of Sakaski, he began to shout towards the Whitebeard pirate ship in the distance: "Your subordinates are in my hands!"

"His fate will be like his Devil Fruit ability, which will be reduced to ashes in the flames!"

"This is a little punishment for you!"

"Don't think that a mere pirate can threaten the righteous navy!"

"Your end must be destruction!"

After reading the manuscript in his hand, Sakaski turned off the loudspeaker with satisfaction, and regardless of whether Whitebeard heard it, he ordered: "All troops evacuate!"

At this point, after completing the action of "adding fuel to the fire", the next step is to return to the preset position and wait for the big fish to take the bait!


On the white-bearded pirate ship that hurried over, Edward Newgate, the white-bearded man, stood on the bow of the ship holding the big sharp knife "Cong Yunqi", Sakaski's arrogant shouting was constantly being recalled in his mind.

His subordinates were all uneasy.

"Can the boat go any faster?"

Whitebeard's tone was unexpectedly calm.

"...We are already pushing with all our strength."

And this extremely abnormal calmness made his subordinates even more uneasy.

"It seems that in the future we will have to buy ships from the remnants of the huge kingdom. The iron-hulled ships they built are really fast and hard..."

Whitebeard said very coldly.

The subordinates were sweating profusely and did not dare to take a breath. (End of chapter)

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