Uchiha's opinion

Chapter 552 Rule and War

"This is……"

After arriving at Rogge Town, he found out that Rogge Town was already under the control of the Dynasty Ninja Army, and Hatake Sakumo even handed over a set of uniforms and documents with a smile. he.

"About seven days ago, the decadent navy had voluntarily abandoned Rogge Town, and now our fleet is besieging the Shampoo Islands..."

Hatake Sakumo explained.

"But the Lord doesn't mean..."

Yisheng said with some hesitation.

He didn't know and shouldn't have accepted the uniform and appointment certificate handed over by Hatake Sakumo.

Since Uchiha Tokumitsu's order was to let him participate in the battle of Rogge Town, it would be used as a 'voucher of name' to show the loyalty of the dynasty. But now that Rogge Town has been captured, he just followed the fleet and came by boat. 'Tested'?

Isn't this a bit hasty?
Life feels a little unreal.

Moreover, the uniform that Hatake Sakumo handed over looked quite gorgeous, so it shouldn't be as simple as an ordinary officer...

But having said that, I was quite moved by this all my life.

"Our principle has always been to follow the heart rather than the deeds, so Mr. Yisheng is willing to accept the position of Chief Sergeant of the East China Sea and do something for your Majesty's dynasty and the citizens of the Alliance of Republics of the East China Sea?"

Hatake Sakumo asked seriously.

"I will swear allegiance to His Majesty!"

No longer hesitating, Yisheng took over the uniform and letter of appointment with a solemn expression.

In his opinion, although this mysterious force that he actively participated in has not yet figured out its details, judging from the reception and observation of people in the past few days, there is no doubt that these groups who call themselves 'ninjas' He still has a unique and effective way of governing the country.

All slogans must withstand the torture of bread - even the poorest quality black bread is a precious life-saving thing for the real bottom.

Although the Draco world government controls the entire world and maintains a semblance of order, this order is maintained at the cost of oppression and injustice.

In the eyes of ninjas, the oppression suffered by the common people in the pirate world is even higher than that of the ninja world, especially the Kingdom of Goa, which was once regarded as the pinnacle. With such an innate endowment of rich resources, there are actually The "untouchables" living in the garbage mountain area rely on picking up leftovers to survive. This kind of thing has never happened even in the Kingdom of Thunder, which has the most brutal rule among the five major ninja countries.

Therefore, relying on the simple method of "equalizing wealth and dividing land", after distributing the fields, fish ponds and other assets of the royal family and great nobles that were worthless in the eyes of ninjas to all the people of the Republic, Uchiha Tokumitsu established The dual political system order of dynasty + republic was established in a very short period of time and won the hearts of the people.

Although in the eyes of ninjas, these are just commonplace operations, after all, as early as the shogunate period, Uchiha Tokumitsu's forces had figured out a systematic method of eradicating nobles and developing productivity. Nowadays, it is just a slight It feels like the customs and customs of the Pirate World have been slightly adjusted and applied, so there is really nothing to be surprised about.

But in the eyes of a strong man like him who comes from the common people and is used to the sufferings of life but has great power without leaving any trace, although the ninjas have little contact with civilians, the lives of civilians are visible to the naked eye. Strong, in daily life, the 'dynasty' of ninjas and the 'republic' of civilians can be said to be completely separate and non-interfering with each other. The ninjas as a whole seem to have no interest in civilians at all except fishing and mining.

And it is this kind of almost complete free-range rule that makes Donghai glow with extremely vigorous vitality - this is also the fundamental reason why Yisheng took the initiative to apply.

After all, based on his knowledge, it is impossible to understand that a ruler with a strong armed force and a mature political system would not be interested in the common people who can extract countless oil and water!They even tolerated their autonomy and even set their own tax rates - the Uchiha dynasty only took a quarter of the total taxes collected by the republics. In addition to the anti-corruption department intuitively led by the 'Father of the Republic' Asura, All other matters are left to the republics to take care of themselves!
This is really incredible!
How is this a ruler? This is simply a kind god who saves the suffering!

"What is the Chief Master Sergeant responsible for?"

He had never been in a hurry to change into uniform in his life. After he solemnly put away the letter of appointment, he asked Hatake Sakumo.

"His Majesty plans to establish a training force in the East China Sea, which will serve as the training base for the Royal Army and Navy stationed in the East China Sea, as well as the National Guard and the National Guard of the Republic Alliance, and the Chief Sergeant will be responsible for the training chief of the training base..."

Hatake Sakumo explained.

There is another important reason why such a special force was created, and that is that with the joint efforts of Vegapunk, Orochimaru, Uzumaki Ashina and others, the research on artificial devil fruits and blood factors is now A major breakthrough was achieved.

For the Uchiha dynasty, the man-made Devil Fruit, which has weak abilities and has a huge negative impact, is actually not that important, but it is different from the supporting blood factor.

Although in the eyes of the great scientist Vegapunk, the recent progress in research on 'blood factors' is still far from reaching the divine realm of 'editing life' that he envisioned; the current technology is only for artificial demons. It's just a pre-research that was done when the fruit and the human body were enlarged. But for ninjas, this special technology, also known as the 'life design diagram', is more important to make up for the ninja's inability to practice domineering!

If ninjas can possess Haki that is comparable to the natives of the pirate world - even the most common armed Haki, then the navy will no longer be a problem!

The teaching force was established to train domineering practitioners in the future ninja army under such a premise that they could break through. As for the National Guard and the garrison of the Republic Alliance, it was just an addition to provide a basis for legitimacy. That’s all.

"So, where is the training base planned to be located?"

Yisheng asked again.

"right here……"

Hatake Sakumo pointed to his feet.


"Rogue Town!"

In the G1 branch of the New World Navy, Sengoku and Kuzan are having a video conference with the Five Old Stars of the Holy Land Mariejoia.

Among them, the god of scientific defense, Jaygo Lucia Satan, spoke loudly on the other side of the screen: "Rogg Town must be recovered within five days!"

"The World Conference is about to be held. If this delay continues, the World Government will lose face!"

The God of Science and Defense Jaygolusia Sartan then said.

"If you are really not capable, then simply abdicate and make way for someone more talented!"

The financial god of war, Izanbalon V. Nashoulangsheng, then continued to put pressure.

"First the four emperors, then the East China Sea, this is the combat strategy determined from the beginning..."

Warring States showed no sign of being irritated or frightened, and said slowly: "Furthermore, if you have a suitable candidate, then I wouldn't mind retiring and returning to the East China Sea to retire..."

"What the hell do you mean!"

The faces of the five old stars suddenly changed, and they stared at the calm Sengoku through the screen.

"What I mean is, you don't have to suspect anyone..."

Sengoku said calmly: "The dice have been cast and the main course is about to be served. Now there is no other way except to defeat the visiting Four Emperors Alliance."

"Then you mean to give up the East China Sea?"

The God of Science and Defense, Jaygo Lucia Satan, angrily said: "As the marshal of the Navy Headquarters, don't you feel ashamed to act like this!"

"I just feel ashamed that I can't control the navy or provide the best warship equipment for the sailors and generals!"

The Warring States Period was tit for tat without mercy.

"...What do you mean? Do you know what you are talking about?"

Wulaoxing was really shocked.

These words are no less than a declaration that the lackeys are no longer loyal!

As for the World Government, the Celestial Dragons, and the Five Old Stars, if loyalty is not absolute, it means absolutely disloyalty!
"I think... you don't think that I still don't know that Zefa has led his troops to the South China Sea, right?"

Warring States laughed.

"...What on earth do you mean!"

Saint Markas Maz, the God of Environmental Martial Arts, stroked his long beard and asked in a calm voice.

"The Navy is still the Navy of the World Government, but it is also the Navy of the Navy..."

At this time, the phone in Sengoku's arms began to ring loudly.

After taking out the phone and taking a look at it, Warring States was not in a hurry to answer the call or hang up. Instead, he calmly added: "As the largest military organization in the world, it is reasonable for the Navy to have its own will, right? ?”

Later, Warring States made a shocking move - he hung up the ongoing video conference with Wulaoxing!
"Missy Missy!"

Under Kuzan's shocked gaze, Warring States calmly answered the call. "Caught a small fish."

Sakaski's voice came from the other end of the phone: "The big fish is coming..."

"Excellent! Perfect!"

Sengoku, who had already heard about this through summons from other admirals, was still full of joy, as if he had just heard the good news.

"Take them to the fishing ground..."

Warring States stood up and greeted Kuzan, then walked out of the conference room, "The bait is already in place and the fishing net is ready!"


Sakaski's strange laughter came from the other end of the phone: "What a perfect fishing game!"

The next main course is to use braised small fish to catch big fish!

Holy Land Marie Joa, the room of power in Pangu City.

After being hung up on the video connection by Warring States, who was brazenly overpowering, the five old stars fell into unspeakable silence.

After a long time, the God of Scientific Defense Jaygo Lucia Satan broke the silence and said faintly: "Be prepared to use secret weapons..."



The other four immediately agreed.

After all, as the loyal dog of the Tianlong people, the naval marshal made such a move, in the eyes of the Five Old Stars, it was already "this child must not be kept"!

Although pirates are hateful, and although the mysterious enemies in the East China Sea are terrifying, in comparison, slaves with ulterior motives need to be dealt with more urgently!
"Let's go to the Flower Center to meet Lord Im..."

Financial Martial God Izanbalon V. Nasthurang Saint stood up and said: "The current situation seems a bit abnormal..."

"Go together..."

The other four people immediately stood up.



Margao said to Whitebeard quite uneasily: "How about... we should go back and assemble the fleet to launch a full-scale attack. It is too risky now..."

"You mean to leave Ace alone?"

Whitebeard's death stare makes Margao Alexander.

After swallowing, Margao said bravely: "We are chasing too far now, and we are far away from the anchorage. If the navy's pups..."

He didn't say any more.

Moreover, in the process of chasing the naval fleet, due to the different performance of the ships of the Whitebeard Pirates, the pirate ships they brought out could not catch up with his flagship Moby Dick and fell behind. At this time, they could keep up with the pace. There were only a few cadre ships still trying to pursue the naval fleet.

Whitebeard also understood what he meant.

Later, Whitebeard took out his phone and tried to call his subordinates, but found that there was no signal again!
"The navy bastards have used this trick several times. If they sneak attack the anchorage while we are away..."

Margao persuaded tactfully: "After all, the Totland incident has happened before, and we have to guard against it!"

In fact, Margao was more worried about falling into the navy's encirclement, but he couldn't say this directly to the proud Whitebeard, so he could only use the safety of his headquarters as the reason.

Whitebeard reacted immediately.

Although he was arrogant and arrogant, he was definitely not a reckless and stupid person who could stand out among countless pirates. Therefore, although Margao's persuasion was tactful, he also understood its true intention.

Especially since the phone bug in my hand is already in a state of interference...

"Return immediately!"

Whitebeard immediately ordered: "Go back and assemble the fleet of the Three Emperors to launch an attack immediately!"

"As ordered!"

Margao breathed a sigh of relief and responded loudly.

And just after Whitebeard's ship turned around and left the sea area not far from the port of the G1 branch base, a murloc wrapped in bubbles was slowly released from the bottom of the sea.

It was very disappointed and took out the phone to call and report: "Your Excellency, the big fish did not enter the net..."

"Is it……"

The one who was answering the phone report from the Navy Murloc spy was General Kizaru, "It's okay~ He will be back soon."

After hanging up the phone bug, Kizaru immediately ordered: "Immediately cancel the communication signal blocking of the horned phone bug deployed offshore!"

"As ordered!"

The naval commander who had been waiting aside immediately took the order and left.

"Your Excellency, General Sakaski is ready..."

Another admiral came forward and said.

"Then get ready to start the live broadcast!"

Kizaru stretched, stood up and walked towards the door: "It's really troublesome, I have to work hard soon..."

"I don't know if the fire rack can burn Fire Fist Ace to death..."

The admiral laughed in a very wicked way.

"It should be possible~ After all, the Hailou stone torture instrument has wrapped him tightly."

Another admiral said.

"...How is the construction of the execution platform going? Are you ready to broadcast the live broadcast of the public execution?"

Kizaru asked himself.

Since the scientific force was under his direct command, he was also responsible for the subsequent public executions.

"Already prepared……"

The naval commander immediately responded: "And the execution platform has been specially reinforced and should not be easily destroyed."

"It is said that the black one will become a Shichibukai before he is executed, right?"

Another admiral asked curiously: "It seems that the Holy Land Marie Gioia has not yet issued a formal document to recognize it, so is it too late?"

“Why is the recognition of the Holy Land of Mary Gioia needed?”

Kizaru Youyou said: "We are the Navy, do we need to get their approval for what we want to do?"

All the naval officers were immediately silent.

This is no joke... (End of chapter)

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