Uchiha's opinion

Chapter 553: Meeting at the top

On Whitebeard's flagship Mobydick, a group of pirate officers held their breath, quietly waiting for the next order from Whitebeard Edward Newgate.

On the way back to the docking station, the phone bug on the Moby Dick received a live broadcast. It was also a live broadcast of 'Black-skinned' Marshall D. Teach's accession to the Shichibukai and Ace's public torture!
Now, even Margao, who strongly advocated returning to the anchorage to gather the power of the Four Emperors fleet to launch an all-out attack, was extremely embarrassed and felt that his face was burning!

In the past, captured pirates would often be sent to Judiciary Island to go through the process, and then taken to the Impel Castle to be imprisoned. As for this simple and crude direct public execution, that was only done by the former Pirate King Roger. What a treat!

To put it bluntly, even the Yonko's deputy or the Shichibukai who were deprived of their identities may not be qualified!

But this is exactly what happened to Ace!

Moreover, not only Ace, but also Marshall D. Teach, who committed the most taboo crime of the Whitebeard Pirates, was actually recognized as the King of the Shichibukai!
This is equivalent to hitting Whitebeard in the face with a bow from left to right!

A small leak will sink a great ship?
The more you think about it, the more you get angry, the more you take a step back, the more you lose!
It's strange that Whitebeard's character can tolerate it!

and so--

"Turn the sails!"

Whitebeard's voice was as loud as ever, and he didn't seem to be affected in the slightest.

But this time Margao didn't say anything more, because this was also a sign of the extreme anger of the white-bearded father.

"You notify the 43 affiliated pirate groups and ask them all to dispatch!"

Whitebeard ordered: "We will launch a full-scale attack today! Try to have morning tea in the Holy Land Mariejoia within three days, and have barbecue in Marineford within five days!"

"As ordered!"

Margao immediately bowed and left.

Then, Whitebeard took out the phone bug and called Kaido of the Beast Pirates.

"Missy Missy!"

Kaido quickly answered the phone bug.

"Listen! I know Charlotte Lingling is right next to you, tell her to answer the phone bug!"

Whitebeard said.

"I'm not, I'm not, don't talk nonsense..."

Kaido immediately reflexively denied it.

"Put Charlotte Lingling on the line!"

Whitebeard's voice became louder.

"I'm afraid there's something wrong with you..."

Kaido had no choice but to hand the phone bug to Charlotte Lingling, muttering: "I don't know what's wrong with this guy, he actually called my phone bug to find you... "

"it's me!"

Charlotte Lingling glanced at him, holding the phone bug, which was extremely small to her, to her ear.

"My fleet will launch an attack today!"

Whitebeard's tone was as calm as if he was saying that the weather today is really nice: "The operational goal is to capture the holy land of Mariejoia in three days, and to capture the naval headquarters Marineford within five days!"

"...What about the G1 branch?"

Charlotte Lingling's face also became serious.

"Today! Tomorrow at most!"

Whitebeard's tone remained calm.

"Are you being a little reckless?"

Charlotte Lingling is also a rare soft-spoken person.

"The attack on the Kingdom of Totland came first, and Ace was trapped and executed later."

Whitebeard Youyou said: "Don't you understand yet? The Navy has always wanted us dead!"

"Don't you think I can't see that this is the navy's plan? The reason why they go to such great lengths is just for me, or us."

"Only if we are dead can they sleep peacefully, especially now that we have united..."

"but you……"

Charlotte Lingling finally got in to say something.

"No buts."

Whitebeard interrupted Charlotte Lingling: "If you know your shame, you will be brave. If you don't recognize your shame, where is the courage?"

"Have you really forgotten the Kingdom of Totland?"

"Never forget!"

Charlotte Lingling no longer hesitated and made a decision immediately: "My fleet will participate in the battle before tonight!"

"Okay! Hang up!"

Whitebeard immediately hung up the phone bug communication.

Kaido, who was next to Charlotte Lingling, looked unhappy. He tried to call Whitebeard, but he repeatedly refused to answer.

"You can do it yourself!"

Charlotte Lingling said nothing more, simply wiped her mouth with a napkin, then stood up and summoned her subordinates to prepare for battle.

"Damn... I was tricked by Whitebeard!"

Kaido cursed and called to his henchman Jhin: "Get ready to fight! Everyone, go!"


"It's only about half a day..."

In the G1 branch of the Navy, Sengoku and three generals sat in the work hall of the Special Monitoring Section of the Criminal Investigation Bureau and listened to Whitebeard's call in full.

"No matter what happens, we can kill all the vassal pirates under Whitebeard's command. By then, he will not be able to make any troubles alone!"

Sakaski said viciously.

Even the arrogant Akainu was not sure he could defeat and kill Whitebeard within half a day.

"What are you talking about..."

Warring States glared at Sakaski, who was speaking unabashedly, and said angrily: "Isn't this what our plan is?"

Sakaski curled his lips and said nothing more.

The Warring States Period directly resisted the pressure of the Five Old Stars and launched this war code-named "The Battle of the Top". The courage shown was still impressive. Even Sakaski, who always boasted of being radical, was I feel that the 'wise general' Warring States Period went to an extreme.

But it doesn’t matter, Sakaski likes this tune the best!
"By the way, I have ordered Boya Hancock and Donquixote Doflamingo to be recruited to join the battle, and they are required to arrive before noon tomorrow!"

Sengoku said to the admiral in charge of communications.


The naval officer was stunned.

Theoretically speaking, as the Shichibukai, one of the three major powers of the Grand Line along with the Navy and the Four Emperors, only the World Government has the authority to order forced recruitment to participate in the war.

"Go ahead and don't ask so many questions!"

Kuzan took the initiative to speak out.

Warring States' mood seems to be unstable recently. If he is disobeyed, Kuzan doesn't know what he will do.

"Where are the others?" After the communications general left, Sakaski asked, "Why not recruit them all?"

"The weaknesses of these two people are easy to control..."

Warring States said slowly: "The other few people either have various connections with the Four Emperors, or they don't take Shichibukai's identity seriously, and they will ignore the recruitment order."

"Boya Hancock must contribute her power if she wants to keep her daughter country, not to mention that her Hydra Island is located in the windless zone of the paradise, not far from the completely silent Impel Down City, even if she cannot Crossing the blockade of the Remnant fleet to come for reinforcements can also contain the power of the Remnants, allowing Garp to breathe a sigh of relief..."

"As for Donquixote Doflamingo..."

Mentioning this former Tianlong man, Warring States snorted with disdain: "Whether it is stealing the country or his underground arms business, they are all done under the eyes of the navy. If he dares to refuse, let him be destroyed immediately!"

"It is said that Donquixote Doflamingo sold a lot of his artificial animal Devil Fruit to Kaido of the Beast Pirates. If he is recruited..."

Kuzan was still a little apprehensive.

"He can sell it because we allow him to sell it! Otherwise, he will die, and his identity as a former Tianlong cannot protect him!"

Warring States still looked disdainful: "The power of the navy has not been visually demonstrated in front of the world for too long!"

And this is one of the reasons for the live broadcast and public execution of Ace, an inconspicuous pirate.

In addition, there is also the purpose of preventing the Five Old Stars from brazenly using their "secret weapons" to launch indiscriminate attacks on the navy and pirates in the midst of a fierce battle.

"Do you want Senior Garp to come and help?"

Kuzan shrugged and said casually.

"...It won't be necessary for the time being. After all, the pressure on the remnant fleet is still very high. It would be nice if we don't need to deploy any more troops to support the Chambord Islands."

Warring States said helplessly.

And this is why the Warring States Period was eager to break the situation.

Otherwise, the holy land of Mariejoia and the naval headquarters Marineford, which are located at the junction of the paradise and the new world, have inherent shortcomings due to geographical restrictions. In addition, the navigation restrictions on pirates in the windless zone have basically disappeared. However, the original advantage of guarding the pass has turned it into a dead place that is easily besieged, and it is impossible to exert its full strength; as for the reinforcements from branches and secret agencies in various places, although they are also actively rushing to help, they are not in the Four Emperors Allied Forces. Under the pursuit and interception of the remaining fleet, it could only be destroyed like a moth to a flame.


"Mr. Minato..."

While turning the ship around and heading towards the Navy G1 branch, Whitebeard also contacted Namikaze Minato who was hanging out with Shanks.

"My fleet will launch an attack on the Navy within today, and is expected to capture the G1 branch of the Navy tomorrow."

"……so what?"

Although Namikaze Minato is currently stationed at the Yonko mooring, judging from the sudden noise of the Beast Pirates and the Big Mom Pirates who were resting, we can estimate what will happen next.

"Can the Kingdom fleet in the direction of Paradise launch a coordinated offensive?"

Whitebeard said in a deep voice.

"This is so sudden and difficult!"

Namikaze Minato was blunt.

“It’s precisely because it’s difficult that we need to fight for it.”

Whitebeard still refused to give up.

Warlikeness and brainlessness are two completely different things. Although Whitebeard has always been proud of his strength, after traveling across the ocean for so many years, he still understands the principle of "the right way has more help and the wrong way has less help".

In particular, the 'remnants of the huge kingdom' who control the first half of the great route can play an important role in the war, whether it is their powerful military power or advanced ship heavy artillery.

What's more, every time the remnant fleet fires one more cannonball, the Whitebeard Pirates can shed one less drop of blood. So why not do it?

"All I can promise is that the fleet that is besieging the Shampoo Islands will launch an offensive, but other than that, it is beyond the scope of my capabilities."

Namikaze Minato hesitated again and again and decided to agree to some of Whitebeard's requests.

"After the completion of the matter, the waters under the jurisdiction of the Whitebeard Pirates will pay tribute to His Majesty the Kingdom..."

Whitebeard also followed suit, and at the same time, empty promises for free began to come to him.

"We'll talk about this later..."

Namikaze Minato just laughed at this and didn't really take it seriously.

After all, Charlotte Lingling once made a similar promise, but now she has changed her words even before the Holy Land Mariejoia was captured.

"Then I look forward to meeting your esteemed Majesty at the top of the Holy Land, Mariejoia!"

After saying the beautiful words, Whitebeard directly hung up the phone bug communication.


Namikaze Minato shook his head and asked Yahiko to send a telegram to notify the First and Second Corps, which were confronting the navy on the outskirts of the Shampoo Islands, to launch a coordinated offensive.


In the base square of the Navy's G1 branch, on a newly built high platform, Ace was locked with a heavy seastone instrument and tied tightly to a copper pillar.

Under his feet were piles of specially made fire starters and extremely high-temperature fuel, all necessary means to ensure that a Devil Fruit user would be burned to death.

The cheerful Marshall D. Teach also put on a navy uniform without epaulets, knelt on one knee in front of the Navy Headquarters Marshal Sengoku, accepted the title of 'Shichibukai' and the certification documents, thereby completing the process of identity. change!

Of course, in terms of power, Marshall D. Teach, the newly minted black man of the Shichibukai, is undoubtedly the weakest one. After all, his henchmen still don’t know where they are, and they haven’t had time to fight with him yet. Convergence, and there is not even a sampan to his name!

But this did not prevent Marshall D. Teach from his flushed face, trembling hands, and overflowing excitement!
After all, after such ups and downs, he once again brought out all the acting skills of pretending to be deaf and mute and pretending to be harmless when he was with the Whitebeard Pirates.

It's a pity that these are almost flattering to a blind man. Warring States and the three generals did not accept this trick at all.

After completing the assignment of numbers, Sengoku waved Marshall D. Teach to step down and stood alone on the high platform, while the live broadcast screen circulated back and forth in the base square, unabashedly broadcasting the on-site naval battle. .

So far, both the navy and the pirates have been completely put on fire, and there is no room for retreat.

And this is exactly the 'general trend' that the Warring States Period worked hard to promote, the general trend that determines the future direction of the entire world!
"Your Excellency Marshal!"

A naval captain hurried to the high platform and reported in a low voice: "Boya Hancock's fleet has engaged the remaining fleet outside the Shampoo Islands, but has been repulsed after a round of artillery battle..."

"Tell her that only by entering the Chambord Islands can her forces be successfully reinforced, otherwise she will not be spared afterwards!"

Sengoku said expressionlessly: "And where is Donquixote Doflamingo?"

"The unit has arrived at the G3 branch port for supplies, but it claimed that in order to avoid the Whitebeard fleet, it decided to directly attack the Yonko's anchorage..."

whispered the Marine Captain.

"Not allowed!"

As expected, Sengoku refused: "Directly notify the G3 branch to drive him away, requiring Donquixote Doflamingo to arrive in the headquarters waters within three hours!"

"As ordered!"

The naval captain left immediately after reporting.

Coincidentally, at this time, looking from the high platform to the distant sea, more than ten sails with the logo of the Whitebeard Pirates appeared above the sea level!
"A ship directly under the Whitebeard Pirates!"

Warring States was relieved.


As for the 43 vassal pirate groups under his command and the fleets of Kaido and Charlotte Lingling, they have not arrived yet!
"All ministries assemble immediately!"

Warring States issued the order without hesitation: "Go to battle!"


The 1 marines gathered in the G[-] branch shouted loudly! (End of chapter)

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