Uchiha's opinion

Chapter 554 The beginning of the fiercest conflict!


Standing on the bow of the flagship Moby Dick, Whitebeard observed the busy Navy G1 branch port through a telescope, his face looking very indifferent.

Regarding this battle, he did not take any chances.

Whether it is the 43 vassal pirate groups or the fleets of Kaido and Big Mom, including the fleet of survivors on the other side of the Red Continent, they are just an additional supplement to him. What really determines the trend of the war is what happens next with the navy. The first battle!
If he can defeat the elite G1 branch by himself, then the world will surely be dominated by wolves and tigers. If he doesn't do it himself, heroes from all walks of life will gather together to eat the remains of the world government and navy!No matter how much losses they suffered in the battle, the Whitebeard Pirates could cheer up after the war and then the heroes gathered together to become the Pirate King of the new era.

But if I get a draw with the Navy next, I will have to continue to be on an equal footing with Kaido of the Beast Pirates and Charlotte Lingling of the Big Mom Pirates who will join the battle tomorrow. To be honest, it would be better to go directly to the survivors. Our kingdom can become a vassal for peace or directly join the Republic Alliance to feel more comfortable.

If you lose the battle... that's meaningless. Anyway, defeat means death, and there's nothing else!

"This battle—"

As the speed of the ship got faster and faster, the G1 branch of the Navy got closer and closer. Whitebeard raised the "Cong Yunqi" of Wushang's sharp sword in his hand, and pointed diagonally at the naval fleet that was swarming out in front of him. He said loudly: "Only forward, no retreat! Only victory, no defeat! You must live to enjoy the glory after the war!"

"Wan Sheng!"

The Whitebeard Pirates cheered loudly in the clouds!
At this moment, sparse pirate ship sails appeared on the sea level behind - Whitebeard's vassal pirate group has arrived!

"Really, how can these pirates be so efficient!"

On the naval battleship, Sakaski looked at the formation of the Whitebeard Pirates and their vassal pirates with a telescope, cursing and chattering: "Why don't those fish-men spies not even think about such a big thing?" Do you know how to report it? Could it be that you are in a state of confusion after eating the feed!"

"Maybe they were wiped out before there was time to report them. After all, Whitebeard's subordinates are not just ordinary people."

Kizaru, who was standing next to him, said calmly: "And the horned phone bugs that can block signals may not be just ours..."


Sakaski snorted coldly, looked at Sengoku and Kuzan on the other battleship, and said nothing.

To be honest, his mood is quite complicated.

From the current point of view, the Warring States Period, which led the navy to develop in the direction of "independence", obviously listed Kuzan as the heir to the position of marshal.

As for myself...

Sakaski looked at Kizaru, the 'Marshal's lackey' standing next to him.

How unpleasant!


"Gion, Kake, Tsuru!"

Warring States named three people in one breath.

The three people standing behind him all came out.

"Each of you will bring fifteen headquarters warships, bypass Whitebeard's direct ships, and attack those rabble!"

Sengoku pointed at the 43 vassal pirate groups in the distance and said.

The so-called headquarters warships refer to warships that are more or less equipped with several captured heavy artillery pieces or improved naval guns. The deployment of 45 warships at one go is equivalent to removing one-third of the main force of the navy.

But this is necessary, even if this fleet must suffer heavy losses in the war.

Otherwise, if nearly [-] pirates rush over to land and fight, the losses suffered by the navy will be even more severe.

"Next, it's our time..."

The Warring States Period waved his hand and ordered the battle!

"Ice Age!"

Kuzan took a deep breath and suddenly launched the widest range of moves——

The extremely surging cold air rushed towards the Whitebeard Pirates in front, and the sea water was frozen and solidified wherever it went, stopping the Whitebeard Pirates' offensive almost instantly!
At the same time, under his superb control, a waterway was reserved at the port for Gion and others to lead their troops around to intercept those vassal pirate groups!
The reason why there is no battleship battle with Whitebeard is because the earthquake fruit he possesses is enough to split the sea, cause earthquakes and even tsunamis. In the traditional sense, the ship bombardment is purely a gift!

At the moment when the sea surface froze, Warring States was the first to jump into battle, followed closely by Sakaski and Kizaru, and a group of lieutenants from the headquarters also dispatched to head towards the enemy who had been shaken by the sudden change. Kill the helpless Whitebeard Pirates!
As for Kuzan, who has frozen the entire sea area, he is responsible for stationing the branch on land and conducting "battlefield maintenance."

"Let's see me defeat the enemy myself!"

After the advancing sea area was blocked by ice, Whitebeard jumped up and took the lead in the charge without much hesitation.

Anyway, with only over 600 subordinates under his direct command, he would not be able to gain an advantage in an artillery battle.

and so--


Whitebeard jumped into the air and roared angrily. He wildly used the power of the shaking fruit to hit the void and crack the atmosphere. Then he swung his sword and slashed forward, blasting out a terrifying force that shattered the ice. At the same time, it The sea water rolled back to form a tsunami, capsized towards the Sengoku and others who were killing them!

"...He is indeed the man with the most powerful superhuman fruit!"

Sakaski stepped forward and punched countless lava fire fists——

"Meteor Volcano!"

"Boom boom boom!!!"

As the power of ice and fire merged and annihilated, the world seemed to be filled with deafening explosions!
But the ice that had just been shattered was filled again with freezing air controlled by Kuzan from behind. The naval vice-admirals who joined Warring States and others led a group of generals around from both wings and headed towards the frozen white beard. Kill the pirate group ships.

"Kill them all!"

The captain of the first division, Malgao, shouted angrily and led his men to kill first. In addition to the second division, which was temporarily disbanded after captain Ace's accident, the other fourteen divisions of the Whitebeard Pirates Under the leadership of their respective captains, they charged toward the admirals from both wings without fear.

Even though they are at an absolute disadvantage in terms of numbers, and even though the navy has a lot of power, they are still sea warriors from the Whitebeard Pirates!So there is nothing to be afraid of!

As for the battlefield in the middle area, it is exclusive to Whitebeard, Sengoku, Sakaski, and Kizaru!

Behind them, 43 vassal pirate groups began to engage in heavy artillery fire with 45 warships led by three lieutenant generals. The battle scene was also extremely fierce!

The Shampoo Islands on the other side of the Red Continent were also shrouded in thick smoke.

After receiving Minato Namikaze's request for assistance, the combined forces of the First and Second Legions led by Sansho Hanzo and Uchiha Fugaku quickly launched a violent bombardment, including the entire archipelago within the scope of the attack.

And due to the special nature of the Champagne Islands, its 79 islands are entirely made up of Yarkman mangroves. Therefore, they are particularly vulnerable to the chakra incendiary bombs of ship-borne heavy artillery. After several rounds of shelling, the Champagne Islands were completely destroyed. The archipelago was in flames everywhere.

The intelligence ninjas who have been operating on various islands have also frequently launched assassination operations under the leadership of Uchiha Nobutora, either sniping at the middle and lower-level backbone personnel stationed in the navy, or conducting bombardment guidance. There was no peace in the islands.

Even the experienced Lieutenant General Garp felt overwhelmed and at a loss.

In less than an hour, the garrison navy, which had been fighting back and forth with the fleet surrounding the island, was completely in trouble.

Because of this, Lieutenant General Garp also realized that the 'resident fleet' besieging the islands was planning to take action.

But even so, the nearby Navy Headquarters can only protect itself and has no way to provide support - because almost all the main forces of the headquarters have been transferred to the G1 branch to fight against the Yonko.

..."Really plan to bomb the entire island until it sinks to the ground?"

On the battleship outside the Shampoo Islands, Uchiha Fugaku asked Sanho Hanzo.

"Does Fugaku-kun plan to let his men seize the beach and land now?"

Sanshouyu Hanzo continued to observe the Shampoo Islands shrouded in smoke and flames through the telescope, and said without raising his head: "If a general attack is launched rashly without sufficient prelude of firepower, the casualties will be extremely heavy, which cannot be compensated by the number of people." .”

"I just think that instead of wasting time here, it would be better to divide our forces and attack the Navy Headquarters..."

Uchiha Fugaku licked his lips and expressed his thoughts.

"I have no opinion……"

Sanshouyu Hanzo said: "As long as there is His Majesty's will."

Uchiha Fugaku was speechless.

Because the current Uchiha Tokumitsu is not in a hurry to expand his sphere of influence, and seems to be content with occupying the East China Sea. Moreover, he has been engaged in construction in full swing recently, and his recent enthusiasm for war is not as high as that of the East China Sea Laboratory.

But Uchiha Fugaku wants to make progress too much!
But even as the head of the legion now, he will still be restrained by Uchiha Shiina and Uzumaki Ichiraku and others, and will not be able to obtain military merit as he wishes - and the mechanism of the Uchiha dynasty does not allow this, even if he is a There is nothing the royal family can do.

"Two generals!"

Just when Uchiha Fugaku was thinking about everything, a staff ninja flashed behind him and reported: "I have received a telegram from the East China Sea Base Camp!"


Sanshouyu Hanzo's voice immediately became urgent.

"Telegram [-]: Order the first and second armies to immediately launch a general attack on the Shampoo Islands notified by the enemy. They must disintegrate the enemy's combat capabilities on the islands within today. It is really difficult. We can order Gouju Yagura in After the latent intelligence agency evacuates, it will directly destroy the giant tree!"

"Telegram [-]: The fifth legion commanded by House Speaker Hatake Sakumo has also left the port and is expected to arrive at the battle waters tonight. The three legions will go straight to the naval headquarters after destroying the defenders of the Shampoo Islands. There must be no mistake! "

"Telegram Three: This battle is only about the results! Casualties are not counted!"

"Also: The Fourth Army of the East China Sea Base Camp, the Third Army of the Demon Triangle, and the National Guards of the participating countries have now begun to assemble, and will be led by the Supreme Majesty Tokguang to go into battle!"

"I respectfully submit to your Majesty's will!"

Sansho Hanzo and Uchiha Fugaku saluted in the direction of the East China Sea, and then personally drafted a message to return.

However, Uchiha Tokumitsu's attitude changed so quickly that he didn't seem to care at first, leaving the two of them a little confused.


New World - the outskirts of the navy G1 branch port.

Whitebeard, who became more and more courageous as he fought, wielded the famous sword 'Cong Yunqi' and completely suppressed the two generals of Sakaski and Kizaru - after all, Kizaru had lost his left arm in the battle of Don Island in the East China Sea, and his strength was It was still affected to a certain extent.

The fifteen divisions under Whitebeard's command were also fighting endlessly with the generals' suicide squads led by the navy's vice-admirals. Although it was difficult to determine the outcome for a while, the navy's generals' suicide squads were gradually regaining their advantage by virtue of their numerical advantage. .

The 43 vassal pirate groups that are currently in a bombardment duel with Lieutenant General He and others are in a stalemate, and it is difficult to see a difference for a while.

In general, although the navy withstood the direct offensive of the Whitebeard Pirates, the elite forces that went into battle were also entangled.

"We can't be entangled any longer..."

Whitebeard took a deep breath and swung a sword energy with concussive force towards the airspace where Kizaru was to avoid it. Then he jumped up and briefly escaped from the melee with the two generals.

Although he was having a great time fighting with the two lieutenant generals, Whitebeard still paid nearly half of his attention to the movements in every corner of the battlefield - because as the marshal, Sengoku was never seen!
But he could see very clearly that it was Warring States who had clearly led the charge!

Because of this, he couldn't be careless at all!

Whitebeard thrust the 'Cong Yunqie' forward and began to wildly use the power of the shaking fruit!

But this is the moment that thoughtful people are waiting for!
"Big Buddha form!"

Just as Whitebeard was gathering momentum to hold back his ultimate move, a huge golden giant Buddha suddenly appeared behind him and punched it in the back!


Whitebeard, who sensed the punching wind at the back of his head, had no choice but to give up his ultimate move, and quickly increased the protection of the armed haki. At the same time, he swung his sword with his backhand to strike out the concussive sword energy that had not been fully charged, and withstood Sengoku's sudden attack in front of him.

"As a marshal of the navy, don't you feel ashamed to act like this?"

Faced with such a shameless sneak attack by his old rival who had been dealing with him for decades, Whitebeard couldn't help but curse.

However, Warring States, who looked neither happy nor sad, said nothing and continued to activate the giant Buddha to bombard him endlessly, beating the passive Whitebeard to retreat.

"The Eight Tatar Mirrors!"

A ray of light hit Whitebeard's back, but it failed to break through his armored and domineering protection.

But then Kizaru's figure flickered along the light path of the Yata mirror like a ghost and appeared behind him——

"Tiancong Cloud Sword!"

The sudden appearance of Kizaru condensed the photons into a long sword and stabbed Whitebeard in the back!

And this attack directly broke through Whitebeard's armed domineering force, so severely that a large piece of muscle in Whitebeard's left arm was shaved off!


Kizaru sighed slightly, then turned into light and fled.

He originally planned to stab Whitebeard directly from the back through the heart, but he was dodged in the end.

As for this kind of injury, for a strong man like Whitebeard, it is not fatal at all.

Just after Kizaru fled, Whitebeard suddenly turned around and struck with his sword, but it failed.

"The dog bites the red lotus!"

Just when Whitebeard's attack failed and the old power was exhausted and the new power was not regenerated, Sakaski followed up and killed him.

Warring States is responsible for containment, Kizaru is responsible for attacking, and Sakaski, who has rock berries, resists damage head-on. This is how the three of them surrounded and killed Whitebeard.

At this moment, pieces of sail suddenly appeared behind the 43 vassal pirate groups that were fighting fiercely with the naval fleet——

"Don Quixote's fleet!"

The vassal pirate group made a slight commotion for a while, but then separated some ships to meet them.

Donquixote Doflamingo of the Shichibukai - leads his troops to the battlefield! (End of chapter)

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