Uchiha's opinion

Chapter 555 Only rivers of blood are the true meaning of war

"I have faced the choice between life and death countless times..."

After wielding the sharp sword 'Cong Yunqi' to block the fist of the golden giant Buddha, Whitebeard used a shock wave to repel Kizaru who was about to attack behind him, and said breathlessly: "But! No matter when, the final victory will be It will always be me!"

"I admit……"

Sengoku, who had been silently punching hard, then said: "You are worthy of being the strongest man in the world if you can withstand the siege of the three of us!"


Whitebeard first stamped his feet and stirred up a huge wave through the shock wave. After forcing Sakaski, who was seriously injured but still reluctant to kill him, back, he made a sword-raising move towards Sengoku who stopped attacking. Stance: "...also in the endless wandering between life and death, I understand that life cannot be measured by money, status or honor. It is the foundation of our existence and the source of all our efforts and pursuits..."

"So are you planning to run away?"

The golden giant Buddha of the Warring States period still didn't make a move.

And Sakaski squatted on a small iceberg, panting like an old donkey regardless of the conflicting attributes; Kizaru had disappeared without a trace.

Even Kuzan at the rear needs some time to repair the pitted and broken sea ice.

The temporary stop was not because they had any heroes to pity each other, but more because they were all a little tired.

Of course, the one who was most tired and injured was Sakaski, who was responsible for the attack and received a severe beating.

"If you run away, you might actually be able to survive..."

The golden giant Buddha of the Sengoku period raised his big hand, pointed at the Whitebeard pirate members who were making progress with the Admiral's death squad, and said: "But, they all have to die!"


Whitebeard couldn't help laughing, and the blood from the wound on his left arm couldn't stop flowing down: "We have been dealing with each other for so many years, and you still look down on me so much..."

"By the way, where is that old guy Garp? Don't you want him to come and meet me?"

Sengoku in the golden giant Buddha did not speak, and still maintained his gesture of pointing his big finger at the members of the Whitebeard Pirates.

"That's right. After all, those helpless survivors are besieging the Chambord Islands, and you are all gathered here. He may not be able to leave..."

Whitebeard chuckled. The tip of the sharp knife 'Congyunqie' condensed an extremely subtle but sharp force that even caused the occurrence of space fluctuation shock waves. He raised it slightly and pointed at the lurking tall golden giant Buddha.

After a brief respite, Whitebeard once again expressed his attitude through his actions.

"Ming dog!"

Sakaski, who was still the most stubborn and iron-headed, took the lead in launching the attack, and his lava-turned arm slammed towards Whitebeard's head!


Whitebeard, who originally pointed at the Warring States Period with a sword, immediately twisted his waist and turned around, and used the shock wave and armed domineering sword energy condensed on the tip of the sword to hit Sakaski with a slashing force!

With a loud noise, Sakaski's armed domineering force was broken open by the long-range attack of the shockwave sword energy, and a bone-deep wound was opened on his right shoulder! In addition, the shock wave of the Shock Fruit directly acted on the human body. While Sakaski was knocked away, his internal organs, which had not been fully elementalized in time, were also severely damaged. He vomited blood and was vibrated like a broken toy. Fly out!

But the golden giant Buddha of the Warring States period also hit Whitebeard's back with a heavy punch, knocking him into the ice!

Under the effect of the earthquake fruit, all the water under the sea surface was shaken away, and Whitebeard's body was not contaminated by any water droplets.

At the same time, he also took advantage of the opportunity of falling under the ice to use the shock wave that enveloped him to create a waterless space under the sea. At the same time, he also used the naval agitation to set off a stormy sea that capsized on all sides!

With a gloomy face, Warring States urged the golden giant Buddha to punch the waves into water droplets all over the sky, so that they would not affect other people.

But in this way, Whitebeard was injured in exchange for a chance to escape the siege!


Sure enough, there was a muffled sound of the sea water surging under the ice, and a frost path exploded after the ice surface was shaken, pointing directly in the direction of the G1 branch port!

Whitebeard actually forced himself under the seabed to use the power of the Shock Fruit to separate the ocean, open up a waterless channel, and rush towards the land!

The Warring States Period could no longer maintain its gloomy and calm attitude!

"The Yellow Ape!"

Warring States roared angrily, and then countless rays of light appeared out of thin air, shooting towards the white-bearded man who was dragging his knife.

"Children's stuff for playing house!"

Sengoku swung his sword repeatedly, blasting out countless shockwaves of sword energy, and continued to attack against Kizaru's 'Eight-foot Magatama'.

His target is the person who mobilized the entire Whitebeard Pirates this time and even promoted the decisive battle between the Yonko and the Navy - Portcas D. Ace!

Or: Gol D. Ace!

No matter how fierce the competition between the Whitebeard Pirates and the Roger Pirates was, Ace has finally joined Whitebeard's command. With his belief in protecting, it is impossible to give up any of his 'family members'.

But Warring States, who was urging the golden giant Buddha to chase hard, not only did not panic at all, but actually felt a lot more relaxed.

The reason why Ace was placed on the high platform was to 'invite you into the urn'. Whitebeard's move actually saved him a lot of effort.


After smashing the naval warships blocking the road with one strike, Whitebeard landed on land at the G1 branch port!
And his subordinates and the 43 vassal pirate groups were all blocked behind him.

In other words, Whitebeard Edward Newgate single-handedly killed the center of the elite gathering of the navy!
"Bloody pheasant mouth!"

Kuzan, who was sitting on the execution platform, immediately jumped down, punched Whitebeard and blasted out an ice crystal phoenix, freezing everything he touched!
At the same time, he blew out another blast of cold air, freezing the camera bug into ice and cutting off the live broadcast signal.


Whitebeard still waved the 'Cong Yunqi' and blasted out a sword energy, killing the ice crystal phoenix with one blow!
"Guild line up!"

But it was only delayed for a short while, and groups of sailors armed with spears appeared from all directions, raising their spears and aiming at the majestic white beard.


Lieutenant General Flying Squirrel, the base commander of the G1 branch, gave an order, and thousands of marines pulled the triggers at once, blasting a barrage of seastones at Whitebeard!
"It's actually Hailou Stone!"

Whitebeard, who didn't realize what he was doing, was shocked. He immediately waved his 'Cong Yunqi' and rolled it up into an airtight knife curtain to protect his whole body. At the same time, he desperately stirred up his armed domineering energy to form an outer layer of protection to resist the damage caused by Hailoushi bullets. harm.

"Get in the second row!"

Following Lieutenant General Flying Squirrel's order, countless more sailors stepped forward and unleashed another barrage.

This was also the 'multi-stage shooting' tactic devised by Lieutenant General Flying Squirrel based on the heavy artillery salvo tactics of the 'Remnant Fleet', for which he was complacent for a long time.

But for the Four Emperors who have reached the top of the world, although the Hailou Stone is a big threat, it is just that. As long as they are not really plotted, it will not have much impact.

After all, the abilities they rely on are not just Devil Fruits, but their armed and domineering skills are also at their peak!

However, the Warring States Period design did not expect these sailors equipped with sea tower stone spears to be of much use. As long as they could trap Whitebeard with uninterrupted barrage, it was enough.

"I finally blocked you!"

Sakaski, who was still coughing up blood, was the first to fall in front of Lieutenant General Flying Squirrel. Sengoku, Kizaru, and Kuzan surrounded Whitebeard's left, right and rear.

Vice Admiral Flying Squirrel waved his arm back, and the gun-wielding marines immediately retreated. A group of capable naval vice admirals came out with their elite subordinates.

"It's really difficult for you..."

This battle was almost inaccessible, and the single-handed Whitebeard was completely surrounded.

"After all, it's you, I can't be too serious..."

Warring States said in a deep voice.

It takes all the strength for a lion to fight a rabbit, let alone Whitebeard, one of the Four Emperors. Therefore, Sengoku felt that there were still too few manpower to attack Whitebeard. If possible, he even hoped to bring back the two general candidates who were sniping at the vassal pirates and Garp who was stationed at the Shampoo Islands. , that way it can be guaranteed to be foolproof.

"Then let's see who dies first!"

Whitebeard laughed loudly, and then waved the 'Cong Yunqi' towards Sakaski in front of him!

"Sir Garp, islands 60 to 69 have all been destroyed..."

A naval colonel reported to Lieutenant General Garp, who was watching the remnant fleet bombarding the islands indiscriminately.


Lieutenant General Garp nodded, but gave no more instructions.

After all, there was nothing he could do.

As an old navy man, this was the first time he felt so powerless - even when he was forced to evacuate Rogge Town, he was not as painful as at this moment!


the Marine Captain asked hesitantly.


Lieutenant General Garp replied coldly. His fists hidden in his coat were already shaking because they were clenched too tightly.

"As ordered..."

The naval captain responded helplessly.

Although I had already guessed that this would be the reply, it felt different after hearing it with my own ears.

The indiscriminate bombing by the remnant fleet also caused huge harm to the aborigines of the Shampoo Islands.

The most direct manifestation is that the sea is full of floating corpses.

In particular, Islands No. 60-69 are where the Navy and the World Government are stationed. Most of the people living in these areas are people who have close ties with the Navy and other vested interests. As a result, the garrisoned Navy is even more vulnerable to physical damage. This kind of thing makes me feel deeply sad and inexplicable.


"This is war..."

Sanshouyu Hanzo looked at the tragic situation on the sea and said calmly.

But Uchiha Fugaku standing next to him was not so calm.

"Would you like to log in now..."

Uchiha Fugaku asked softly.

"Let's fire another base number of shells..."

Sansho Hanzo declined Uchiha Fugaku's proposal.

In his opinion, this so-called tragedy is actually nothing. Compared with it, the battlefield during the Great Ninja World War, especially in the Kingdom of Rain, was much more tragic. Moreover, his approach since joining the expeditionary force has been more cautious and would rather Delaying the opportunity to fight will never put the Ninja army into danger.

Although Uchiha Fugaku was also a strong three-magatama member of the Uchiha clan and had led the ninja army out of town, the intensity of the war he experienced was still far behind that of the Ninja World War, so he was somewhat worried. Discomfort.

"There is no point in killing civilians!"

Uchiha Fugaku took a deep breath and expressed his thoughts.

"But their fighting spirit has not been completely defeated..."

Sanshouyu Hanzo pointed to the smoke-filled Shampoo Islands in front and said: "Since the bombardment, the navy stationed on the island land is at a time when the public is furious. Landing at this time has no meaning other than letting them exchange their lives for their lives. !”

"...Then I will lead people to attack Marineford, the navy headquarters!"

Uchiha Fugaku licked his lips, looked at the Shampoo Islands in the fire again, and then lowered his head slightly to avoid his sight.

'Indecisiveness, womanly kindness...'

Sanshouyu Hanzo was shielded by a gas mask, so he frowned and curled his lips in disdain without scruples inside the mask.

He also didn't quite understand why Uchiha Fugaku, a royal ninja who usually seemed tough and well-organized, had such a funny side.

"Forget it, since you don't want to, then take your direct troops to the sea off Marineford first..."

Sansho Hanzo was too lazy to continue arguing with Uchiha Fugaku, but he also made his request.

At least the Second Legion must retain the troops of Uchiha Shiina and Uzumaki Ichiraku, otherwise there will still be some shortage of combat personnel.

After all, the expeditionary force has no advantage compared to the navy in terms of total numbers, but it has always relied on the advantage of ships to attack points.

"it is good!"

Uchiha Fugaku didn't say anything and left immediately.

After the bombardment continued for nearly an hour, the Fifth Army fleet commanded by Hatake Sakumo began to appear above the sea level.

Lieutenant General Garp, who was helpless in the Shampoo Islands, simply closed his eyes.

In his mind, scenes from the past began to reappear.

'It seems that Shampooland is the final destination...'

Lieutenant General Garp sighed slightly.

But fortunately, his son had already 'smuggled' those revolutionary army cadres to the new world through the arrangements of the Warring States Period and Kizaru, so the matter of the paradise had nothing to do with him for the time being.

"Your Mightiness……"

Several naval officers came to Lieutenant General Garp's back and bowed silently, but said nothing.

"How is the situation of the grassroots marines?"

Garp asked directly without looking back.

"It's completely messed up..."

A naval lieutenant commander said: "Moreover, we also found that there should be many spies of the survivors lurking on the islands. They are constantly directing bombardments or launching assassinations. Now the command of the grassroots troops has completely collapsed."

"Really... It seems that the survivors have a long-term plan..."

Lieutenant General Garp also sighed.

He had already thought of the current predicament of the garrison navy, but he just asked casually without giving up.

After all, under this desperate bombardment, coupled with the cooperation inside and outside, the garrison navy had no ability to fight back.

Even gathering troops cannot be done, because once gathered, it will only lead to more violent bombardment, resulting in more heavy casualties...

"Looks like it's time..."

As the sound of gunfire gradually subsided, the survivor fleet at sea began to put down speedboats one after another, and countless 'remnant soldiers' boarded the speedboats to prepare for battle. Lieutenant General Garp also understood that this would be the final meat grinder stage.

"It seems that the survivors are still unwilling to destroy the entire Chambord Islands..."

A naval lieutenant colonel laughed at himself: "I'm really lucky..." (End of Chapter)

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