Uchiha's opinion

Chapter 556: Living with the ambition of being trapped in battle

With the arrival of the Fifth Army, the destruction of the navy stationed in the Chambord Islands is certain, and the G1 branch on the other side of the sea has also entered a period of fierce battle.

With full firepower, Whitebeard just used his domineering energy to protect the vital points of his body, and rushed into the crowd of admirals like crazy!
The most direct consequence of this strategy of exchanging injuries for lives is that the menacing navy elites suddenly bleed all over the ground and their corpses were scattered - scattered in the true sense, because they were shaken by Whitebeard's shock fruit. Anyone attacked by the wave, as long as it is not the elemental form of a user with natural devil fruit abilities, will basically be blasted to pieces with one strike!

But even so, the naval admirals, led by General Sakaski and the lieutenant generals, rushed forward one after another, relying on their own lives to delay Whitebeard's advance.

Kuzan, Kizaru, and the marshal Sengoku who surrounded Whitebeard on the left and right sides and behind also all hit Whitebeard who was trying to 'open the unparalleled'!

Whitebeard barely shattered the ice wrapped around his body, but was then blasted by Kizaru's light wave, leaving blood all over his body. Especially, the wound on his injured left arm burst open again, causing his movements to deform, and the golden color that followed The shock wave from the Giant Buddha's heavy punch even punched it into the ground!

If Sengoku and the two generals hadn't really lacked the experience to join forces to fight against the enemy in this situation, causing each other's attacks to cancel each other out, Whitebeard would have died on the spot under the combined attack of the three.

But he was by no means having an easy time at this time.


Whitebeard is ready to make a comeback again.


The golden giant Buddha of the Warring States period also struck hard again, interrupting Whitebeard's assault.

Trapped underground and unable to continue fighting flexibly, there is only one way to die!
Whitebeard naturally understands this very well.

But it is unrealistic to break out of the siege. After all, the three generals of the Warring States Period and the Navy are not ordinary people, not to mention there are a lot of famous lieutenant generals who are eyeing them, and there are countless naval admirals who act as obstacles.

Therefore, even though the distance to the execution platform was only a few hundred meters at this time, Whitebeard could only continue to fight desperately to protect himself, unable to make any further progress.

"Ming dog!"

When Whitebeard's right half was once again sealed by Kuzan's ice, Sakaski immediately took action, gathering his strength to hit Whitebeard's head with a lava punch!

Even though Whitebeard tilted his head and tried to dodge, half of his cheek was shaved off by the extremely hot lava punch after breaking through the armor-colored domineering body.

"A flash—"

The furious Whitebeard no longer ignored Kizaru and Sengoku's attacks. He first shattered the ice on his body, and then quickly relied on the power of the shock wave to thrust forward. While his back was hit hard again, he used this wave to The force went straight towards Sakaski, and he raised the knife and cut off Sakaski's right arm!

——If the thrust of the golden giant Buddha's punch from the Warring States Period was not a bit biased, Sakaski, who had not yet had time to fully transform into elements, would have been completely split into two with one strike!


Then, Whitebeard reluctantly swung his knife to avoid Kuzan, who was trying to save him. He shouted angrily and spat out a shock wave that completely shook Sakaski's right hand into a bloody mist!
"my hand!"

Even someone as cold and cruel as Sakaski can't help but cry out in pain!
For a strong man, losing an arm means that his strength is greatly reduced. Although the increasingly mature semi-mechanized limb modification surgery can make up for certain defects, it is not as useful as his own body - and starting a war Kizaru, who has been fighting hard but has never made much achievements, is a living example!
Kizaru also lost his left hand, and after being equipped with a mechanized arm, both his attack power and speed were not as good as before!

Warring States' expression did not change, and he continued to send shock waves towards the injured Whitebeard!
For him, as long as he kills Whitebeard, all the sacrifices will be worth it!
What's more, this 'sacrifice' is Akainu Sakaski, who has always been overly self-aware!
As for Whitebeard...

Warring States looked behind him at the offshore harbor battle that was gradually gaining the upper hand and at the equally divided sniper fleet in the fierce battle at sea level. He couldn't help but exhale and relax his tense nerves, and prepared to hammer Whitebeard into pulp again!

"Where's the Giant Troops?"

On the Shampoo Islands, looking at the landing craft and elite ninja troops gathering at sea, Garp couldn't help but ask around.

"...The giant troops were the first to be destroyed because they were too conspicuous in size."

said a Navy lieutenant commander.

"Really...what a pity..."

Lieutenant General Karp felt a little pity.

After all, those giants who use domineering as their main means of combat can be regarded as one of the powerful forces of the navy, and they are the only trump card in their hands. They were killed collectively under the intensive bombardment without any sound. For the losses that were already suffered in the bombing It was really a big loss for the heavily garrisoned navy.

"They transferred the fleet to..."

Another rear admiral looked at the direction Uchiha Fugaku's fleet was leaving and asked cautiously.


Lieutenant General Garp said calmly.

As for this, all the naval officers present were well aware of this, and they were just asking for some psychological comfort - they even hoped to hear something like 'internal strife' and 'disagreement' from Lieutenant General Garp. class words.

Lieutenant General Karp naturally knew this.


The admirals were a little lost.

"As long as the Navy is here, any place where we can come together and raise the flag high is headquarters!"

Lieutenant General Garp immediately encouraged.

But now facing this kind of desperate crisis, it is really inappropriate to dream about it anymore. Therefore, he had to expose the dreams of his subordinates and then provide appropriate encouragement.

"I'm sorry, I didn't fulfill the role and function of a commander..."

Lieutenant General Garp turned around and bowed deeply to all the naval officers: "This is my incompetence, I'm sorry everyone!"

This move also made the admirals at a loss and panicked.

"It is our honor to fight alongside you, Mr. Garp!"

The admirals quickly stepped aside and bowed in return.

"Found them!"

Just as the admirals were performing a drama about the deep love between officers and soldiers, Hinata Araki, the lurking agency in the Shampoo Islands, finally found their hiding place after looking for a long time with blank eyes, and he made a shadow clone and stepped forward. A flare was fired over their heads!

"Boom boom boom!!!"

Just when Lieutenant General Garp saw the signal flare above his head, his face changed drastically and he realized something was wrong, countless chakra cannonballs immediately hit him!
The newly arrived General-in-Chief of the Fifth Army, Hatake Sakumo, is also a veteran during the Great Ninja War. He also likes to defeat the enemy with the "Millennium Kill". Naturally, he will not let go of this opportunity to implement the tactic of concentrated fire and decapitation!


Hatake Sakumo, who was looking at the active bombing zone with a telescope, looked at the thick smoke and felt deeply regretful.

Although this round of sudden volleys achieved good results, judging from the way the enemy chief was still alive and kicking, it seemed that it did not cause much damage to him.

"According to intelligence, this person is Vice Admiral of the Navy Headquarters, Monkey D. Garp, an old navy man who is deeply loved by the sailors..." Ichiraku Uzumaki, a former staff ninja, read out the intelligence sent back by the latent agency. , promptly solving problems for Hatake Sakumo.

"Is it possible to recruit him?"

Hatake Sakumo asked: "If we have the power, even if it is just a superficial attachment, it will help us in our subsequent actions to dismantle the navy and the world government."


The chief sergeant major standing behind him shook his head and said with great certainty.

"You know him?"

Hatake Sakumo was a little surprised.

"I don't know him, but as far as I know, Garp is also from the East China Sea..."

Yisheng replied in a deep voice.

"Really... I didn't expect that there are so many strong men from the East China Sea."

Hatake Sakumo nodded, and then said: "In that case, let's go out together to meet this famous figure in the East China Sea."

"Right on my mind!"

Life immediately responded.

Although he understood that words were not enough to make the famous Garp surrender, it did not mean that he was willing to see this "fellow countryman" hero fall, so he also planned to defeat Garp with swords and fists. Talk to him about the 'reason' again.

But people always talk with their 'butts', and butts often determine their heads; even though they both came from the East China Sea, they have never had any contact with Garp in their lives, and naturally there is no friendship at all, just a trace of heroes cherishing heroes. It's just sympathy, and if Garp joins his own forces, the natives of the East China Sea will naturally have more say in the alliance between the Dynasty and the Republic.

If that doesn't work, then locking him up after defeating him and claiming that Garp has surrendered is also a good option!

After silently making up his mind, Issei followed Hatake Sakumo's order and jumped onto the first landing speedboat and launched an attack on the Shampoo Islands in the smoke.


After suffering another heavy blow from the Warring States Period and the two generals, Whitebeard, who was seriously injured, finally reached the execution platform with difficulty.

The ice arrows, light spots, lava burns and other injuries on his body looked extremely terrifying. His originally tall body was also a little rickety. If it weren't for half of his cheeks that were intact, Ace would hardly believe that the person in front of him was the most beautiful person in the world. Strong!
But this is just trauma.

For Whitebeard at this time, the most troublesome thing was not the seemingly horrific trauma. What was even more fatal was the ruptured internal organs bombarded by the shock wave of the Golden Buddha of the Warring States Period.


Whitebeard didn't have time to jump onto the high platform. While breathing rapidly to regain his strength, he twisted his waist, turned around, and swung his knife back. He smashed the ice arrows shot by Kuzan with one blow. At the same time, he barely waved his left hand and blasted out a shock. The wave blocked Kizaru's 'Yatata Mirror' beam of light.

But it doesn't stop there.

The golden giant Buddha of the Warring States period once again punched Whitebeard into the ground!

Ace, who was on the execution platform, was already in tears and sobbing.



Among the cadres of the Whitebeard Pirates, Margo, who possesses the bird fruit, phantom beast species, and phoenix form, relied on his super regeneration ability to finally break through the navy's sniper attacks, and turned into a phoenix and flew into the sky. Flying like lightning over the G1 branch!

Likewise, encouraged by his shouts, the trapped members of the Whitebeard Pirates howled and charged again, even shaking the navy's formation to the point of collapse.

But the momentum failed again and again. After the navy reacted, it immediately mobilized battlefield personnel to withstand the impact of the members of the Whitebeard Pirates, and stabilized the situation again!
Even though they were in danger, these pirates still ignored life and death and continued to use their Devil Fruit abilities and armed Haki to fight to the death with the endless navy.

But as the siege of the G1 branch on land gradually stabilized the situation, countless sailors poured out from the island, marching on the thick ice and shouting towards the Whitebeard Pirates.

For this battle, the Warring States Period mobilized nearly [-] naval elites, with the purpose of relying on their absolute numerical superiority to 'drown' the invading Four Emperors coalition forces!

"Pineapple gravel!"

Just as Whitebeard was repelling the sneak attack of Kizaru again, Malgao in mid-air blasted out a blue flame with strong regenerative power and covered his father's scarred body, barely stopping his bleeding. Wound.

And Whitebeard, who had been isolated and helpless, finally got some help.

"Shoot him down!"

Lieutenant General Flying Squirrel's face changed drastically when he witnessed this scene, and he immediately summoned the spearmen and marines who had retreated to the second line to fire continuously in the air to force Margao, who was healing Whitebeard, back.

"Phoenix Seal!"

Margao flapped his wings quickly, whipping up a fierce hurricane to deflect the seastone bullets. At the same time, he kept spitting flames from his mouth to interfere with Kuzan's attack.

After Whitebeard breathed a sigh of relief, he immediately swung his sword to block the shock wave of Sengoku's heavy punch, then jumped up from the ground and barely jumped onto the execution platform.

With a casual slash of his sword, the sea tower stone cage on Ace's body shattered!

However, with the continuous mobilization of the vice admirals, Margao in mid-air had to perform tactical evasion, and Whitebeard once again fell into an isolated and helpless situation.

As for Ace, he hasn't fully recovered from the side effects of the sea floor stone.


Looking at the Warring States Marshal and the three generals who were once again surrounding him, he looked at Whitebeard's originally tall body of five proportions standing in front of him. Although he tried to straighten his waist, he still couldn't help but tremble slightly. The tears couldn't stop anymore.

"terribly sorry……"

Whitebeard gasped and said without looking back: "Ace, I'm sorry, I may not be able to take you out..."

Even with Margao's off-site assistance, the exhaustion with Sengoku and the three generals was the first time in Whitebeard's life, so at this time his strength also dropped a lot as his physical strength disappeared.

Ace was about to say something, but suddenly another loud voice came from high in the sky——

"Double emperors in the blade!"

Countless flaming bullets were fired down from above, causing confusion among the spearmen and sailors who were shooting in the sky.

The leader of the Beast Pirates’ big board—‘Fire Calamity’ Jhin was the first to arrive on the battlefield! (End of chapter)

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